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if people too lazy to read and inform their self it's not a problem of the Devs !!

but still next time there should be more information ingame for those lazy people.





1.There was a link to the event page in the main menu, It would have told you everything you  need to know about the event


If they are lazy by god, its no one's problem to cater to them.


The information was readily available. to everybody in game.





#1 it is not a requirement for people to read the forums, and any just play the game without being connected to the game socially. Steam players would have no clue about this until they log in if they do not follow Warframe in some other manner. Also it only takes a moment to inform players of the answer they were asking. If you are anti-social or maybe have a problem with helping others than keep chat closed and don't complain.



we got a misenderstood about the 1 Mistake! i made an edit to this one. i meant that people dont care to help community, but need to do only the minimum to get the reward. they dont ask how to do more kills, where is the best map for drones, how to find them or something like this... they just say : "how many drones we need to kill to get Snipetron ? 20 ? cool easy, after that i go T2.." 

so annoucing the minimum to kill, push people to contribute less... when they dont know or the amount is average/high, they play like they never did before!! hope you understand me now : )

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we got a misenderstood about the 1 Mistake! i made an edit to this one. i meant that people dont care to help community, but need to do only the minimum to get the reward. they dont ask how to do more kills, where is the best map for drones, how to find them or something like this... they just say : "how many drones we need to kill to get Snipetron ? 20 ? cool easy, after that i go T2.." 

so annoucing the minimum to kill, push people to contribute less... when they dont know or the amount is average/high, they play like they never did before!! hope you understand me now : )




The Minimun kill count was for a reward...


To get said reward, The community goal had to be reached, ergo that's what encourages participation.  If the Community goal is not reached. Nobody wins.


It's why its called a community event.



So No your idea of withholding information cause you seem to have a very pessimistic view of the player base is Not alright since said tactics are rather deplorable when used as all it is a fear based tactics to get as much work out of players as possible.


They were plenty of people that participated in the event... so the event will succeed, not them making it into the top 100.




Also stop emoting at the end of all your sentences, quickest way to make people not take your points seriously.

Edited by FrostWolf
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#1 it is not a requirement for people to read the forums, and any just play the game without being connected to the game socially. Steam players would have no clue about this until they log in if they do not follow Warframe in some other manner. Also it only takes a moment to inform players of the answer they were asking. If you are anti-social or maybe have a problem with helping others than keep chat closed and don't complain.


#2 The timezone affects everyone, I live in North America and do you see me complaining that I had to work on Friday and lost all those hours to be competitive in the top 100? No I am not. Do you see people who have lives outside of this game complaining about not being able to get the top 100? I do not really see it. Yeah in a perfect world I would love to have had 72 hrs of non stop gaming to try and compete. Would love to have had that MOD but hey I was in it for the fun.


#3 The reward level was set low enough that the majority of the community, with limited time, could actually get the reward. It is a F2P game and if you set the challenge to where it could be impossible for many to achieve the backlash could bring a game down quick. Good for you for having so much time on your hands to achieve over 100+ kills. Happy to see you bragging about it by trying to hide it in your statements.


I made my totals and more, but I also made sure my active clan mates were able to achieve theirs as well, it comes down to teamwork as a clan.


#4 To some extent you are very right here the operation did encourage solo gameplay to make the achievement or run for top player award, but if you had a good clan which works/worked together than you could clear maps and make sure everyone as a team was able to achieve the base goal set.  +1 for DE giving out the Snipetron BP to everyone to participated even if they did not make the minimum required kills for the vandal.



In closing this event was very much a team exercise and I think we should take out of this how much sometimes being in random multiplayer missions turned out to have a lack of team work. It is not new as you always have players running and gunning and not waiting for others.


This guy nails it. I was ready to post something not too far from this, but he stated what I wanted to say far better than I would've.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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What about NO. This event was boring as hell and doing 20 kills is boring enough.

Stop complaining, if you're doing the 1K kill and more, take it as a contribution to your clan or to the Warframe community.

Grinding only for one kind of mob is too boring for most of us.

Agree with this post even though its a bit angry.


I did not have a lot of time this weekend at all, and was very pleased with my 20 kills only, to get item slot + potato!! in my SV. <3 devs

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im just glad they do events like this.  so many games release content every once and a while and i guess just hope you play.  events add flavor to the game and i hope they keep coming.  GJ de and ty for my new weap.

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this is a topic is a message specialy for devs team, and for the comunity in second hand.


I considere the hard work you got to make this event, thank you so much BUT you did many mistakes:


1 - THE ANNOUCEMENT : Announce the amount of kills to get Snipetron Vandal pushed players to get the minimum and stop playing. if you check the historic of Region Chat, you will find many lazy or "carefree" guys who came for asking what the minimum kills they must do for getting the reward. As you can see, we was close to lose if you didnt help us a bit ; ) 


2 - THE TIMEZONE :  it was a surprise for all. for me it was 12am, for others 4am. you think people should wake up at 4am to play the event from begining ? we was unfairly advanced by people who were there earlier and who didnt have night yet. i understand you live on Canada/USA, but most players if i m not wrong are European/African/Asian. take care of us please : )


3 - THE REWARD : Reward those who killed 20 like those who killed +1000. i will not speak about the amount so much he is ridiculous (20), must be something like 100 or 200 (and they had 3 days for that..). it would be nice if you gave for "lazy" killers only the snipetron bp, for 100-500 the snipetron (+slot) and for 1k and more snipetron with catalyst (+ regular bp). and for me every member with +1k kills should be rewarded even if the event succeeded or not, cause its a really hard work, spending time and energy for a carefree community. 


4 - CONTRADCTIONS : you want to rank the clans too ? no problem! but why you encourage SOLO game? it was imbalanced cause you find the same amount of drones to share for all team!! Its insense!! and you push players to play SOLO for two reason:

    - think about the clan: get more kills to raise the clan rank

    - think about myself: get more kills to be on top 100 and win THE "mod". then you push players to "STEAL" kills and having problems with others who want too to be on the top, or they prefer to play solo to avoid troubles and steal..

I hope this 4 mistakes will be fixed on the next events, and if you want you devs and the community can find a fair way to do this events where every "active" player will find his happiness. 


my best regards

the event was so everyone got a chance and if you knew whats good for yourself you would've solo'd anyways instead of complaining about it.

in some ways the event encouraged Clans working together so that everyone got their kills. you just need to sit down and just let it slide. another point is its Beta (technically) so it wants everyone to enjoy. please don't complain about a game thats trying a good deal hard to make everyone enjoy it. 


Damm right!!! 

But pointless 2 tell those little kidis.......hahahah if the next event is the same like this i will not play!!!

great event-..-great price great weekend.........doing the same S#&$ like always but just faster is no event!!

this event was fine please go sit down somewhere else to rage about it.

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2 - THE TIMEZONE :  it was a surprise for all. for me it was 12am, for others 4am. you think people should wake up at 4am to play the event from begining ? we was unfairly advanced by people who were there earlier and who didnt have night yet. i understand you live on Canada/USA, but most players if i m not wrong are European/African/Asian. take care of us please : )


3 - THE REWARD : Reward those who killed 20 like those who killed +1000. i will not speak about the amount so much he is ridiculous (20), must be something like 100 or 200 (and they had 3 days for that..). it would be nice if you gave for "lazy" killers only the snipetron bp, for 100-500 the snipetron (+slot) and for 1k and more snipetron with catalyst (+ regular bp). and for me every member with +1k kills should be rewarded even if the event succeeded or not, cause its a really hard work, spending time and energy for a carefree community. 




my best regards

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I slaved my &amp;#&#33; off farming 1700 of the drones, and i get no more rewards than a lazy bum who killed 20 and left. Yeah, makes sense to me.

I agree with all of your above points EXCEPT the timezones one. DE can't really do that much with timezones, and it would make sense that they would start the event during their office hours, which could be an awkward time for players in other parts of the world. Plus, you have 3 days, the "start early" advantage would only really come into effect if it's a hardcore farmer who gives up sleep to grind. What DE SHOULD do is change the "Top 100" to "Top 5%", which would be a much more reasonable goal for players to shoot for no matter what the game's playerbase population is. The top 100 can be put on the leaderboards for all to see, but the Top 5% will all get the deluxe reward.

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Im from Japan. And i dont see any problem with the timezones at all.


So yea, maybe the event starts when we are sleeping over here. But so what? 

Then we start when we wake up. No big deal.

And we can keep playing while you guys over there have to sleep.


All in all, we all have the same total playtime dont we? 

We might log in at different times, but that's hardly relevant in a full weekend event as long as everyone gets to play? 


Anyway, i liked the event. It was fun even if i didnt get all that many kills as i didnt play too much over the weekend. 

But it was great fun none the less and keep the events coming ^_^ 


As for it being a solo event. it totally wasnt. far from it.


You needed to kill 20 on your own. The other race to 100% was all teamwork with the whole community!


And if you tried your best to get the 100%. Meaning a lot of missions, even with 4 people teams, you would get your personal 20 kills no problem. 


So, you didnt have to do anything solo for this event. only if you wanted to do it the lazy way, get 20 and wait.

Edited by Elizu
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I live on the Pacific side of the US and even I thought the start/end time for the event was odd.

12PM EDT? That's 9AM for me. On a Monday. That comes off as just a...weird time for it to end.


Stuff that ends at Midnight in the US Pacfic (PST) tends to work for most other timezones seeing as we're somewhat close to the international dateline, so it's almost like giving other time zones extra time. I never hear complaints from international players in other games I play that end their events/challenges/etc at 12AM or 2AM PST

Edited by NukaKV
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You bring up some valid points, and not to say that there aren't a significant amount of players from EU and such but... the overwhelming bulk of their playerbase, from what I've seen, is from North America.

Honestly you can't argue about Time-zones. They should be allowed to run it based of THEIRS so that they're actually up to be monitoring anything that needs to be done. Why should they cater to other Time-zones and have to be up at ridiculous times just for them? And when you start catering for one Time-zone than the others are going to complain. 

You can't ever try to control this with a game that's played globally. I live in Japan and personally didn't feel like they needed to cater to us. They're based in Canada/USA let them run with their own Time-zone. If you want a game that cares about yours than you should play a game from your country. You can't expect Asian/European developers to cater to those in the Canada/USA Time-zones can you?

Edit: This wasn't directed towards Bakim0n0 but to the OP. Quotes, I do not know how.

Edited by Mogar
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I believe the real problem is that there is not as much incentive to farm grineer. Orokin cells, morphics, rubedo, control module, etc.. all are non grineer. also since crafting takes forever people will wanna start their craft right away so they can get it by morning or evening, so thst takes priority over killing drones for no reason. Also higher level grineer, including what i said about the lack of incentive, also have the problem that their bosses are harder and people that solo would be less inclined to play them.

Another thing is in me3 the community and personal rewards were independent ofbeach other. Then again this feels more earned even tho i only killed like 50 drones

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this is a topic is a message specialy for devs team, and for the comunity in second hand.


I considere the hard work you got to make this event, thank you so much BUT you did many mistakes:


1 - THE ANNOUCEMENT : Announce the amount of kills to get Snipetron Vandal pushed players to get the minimum and stop playing. if you check the historic of Region Chat, you will find many lazy or "carefree" guys who came for asking what the minimum kills they must do for getting the reward. As you can see, we was close to lose if you didnt help us a bit ; ) 


2 - THE TIMEZONE :  it was a surprise for all. for me it was 12am, for others 4am. you think people should wake up at 4am to play the event from begining ? we was unfairly advanced by people who were there earlier and who didnt have night yet. i understand you live on Canada/USA, but most players if i m not wrong are European/African/Asian. take care of us please : )


3 - THE REWARD : Reward those who killed 20 like those who killed +1000. i will not speak about the amount so much he is ridiculous (20), must be something like 100 or 200 (and they had 3 days for that..). it would be nice if you gave for "lazy" killers only the snipetron bp, for 100-500 the snipetron (+slot) and for 1k and more snipetron with catalyst (+ regular bp). and for me every member with +1k kills should be rewarded even if the event succeeded or not, cause its a really hard work, spending time and energy for a carefree community. 


4 - CONTRADCTIONS : you want to rank the clans too ? no problem! but why you encourage SOLO game? it was imbalanced cause you find the same amount of drones to share for all team!! Its insense!! and you push players to play SOLO for two reason:

    - think about the clan: get more kills to raise the clan rank

    - think about myself: get more kills to be on top 100 and win THE "mod". then you push players to "STEAL" kills and having problems with others who want too to be on the top, or they prefer to play solo to avoid troubles and steal..

I hope this 4 mistakes will be fixed on the next events, and if you want you devs and the community can find a fair way to do this events where every "active" player will find his happiness. 


my best regards

1. The minimum kills will never make a difference. In the MOA event the minimum was a single kill. There is no reason to make it harder for a casual player to hop on and get the reward. Some people will want to contribute and some will ride their coattails.


2. I will say they confused everyone in my clan a bit after we watched the live stream. Everyone was sitting around waiting for the event to start at 5pm on Friday and then it was actually launched 3 hours later.


3. The reward for this event was handled much better than the MOA event. I'm happy DE announced the rewards beforehand and made the rewards and tiers very clear. I was a little distraught about the reward tiers but with the changes coming to clans It'll be interesting to see how future events turn out. I do think reward tiers would be beneficial but they are in no way a replacement for top 100 leaderboards.


4. This I agree with fully. I hope future events will give every cell member equal credit so we can run in groups. Spending all of Sunday running solo runs while everyone else is doing the same is not how you keep people interested.

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This thread has been done multiple times before with much more grace than this OP has given.


1. Announcement was fine, you are attacking the "number of kills = lazy player" point in this bullet.


2. The leaderboard has a few different Japanese players and clans. Bullet nullified.


3. Everyone got more than they deserved. A free slot, weapon, and potato is worth killing for, plus a blueprint for an unobtainable weapon. Just because casuals got it has zero impact on you.


4. You're the one contradicting yourself. Solo kills also count towards your clan goal.

Edited by Archistopheles
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#1 it is not a requirement for people to read the forums, and any just play the game without being connected to the game socially. Steam players would have no clue about this until they log in if they do not follow Warframe in some other manner. Also it only takes a moment to inform players of the answer they were asking. If you are anti-social or maybe have a problem with helping others than keep chat closed and don't complain.


#2 The timezone affects everyone, I live in North America and do you see me complaining that I had to work on Friday and lost all those hours to be competitive in the top 100? No I am not. Do you see people who have lives outside of this game complaining about not being able to get the top 100? I do not really see it. Yeah in a perfect world I would love to have had 72 hrs of non stop gaming to try and compete. Would love to have had that MOD but hey I was in it for the fun.


#3 The reward level was set low enough that the majority of the community, with limited time, could actually get the reward. It is a F2P game and if you set the challenge to where it could be impossible for many to achieve the backlash could bring a game down quick. Good for you for having so much time on your hands to achieve over 100+ kills. Happy to see you bragging about it by trying to hide it in your statements.


I made my totals and more, but I also made sure my active clan mates were able to achieve theirs as well, it comes down to teamwork as a clan.


#4 To some extent you are very right here the operation did encourage solo gameplay to make the achievement or run for top player award, but if you had a good clan which works/worked together than you could clear maps and make sure everyone as a team was able to achieve the base goal set.  +1 for DE giving out the Snipetron BP to everyone to participated even if they did not make the minimum required kills for the vandal.



In closing this event was very much a team exercise and I think we should take out of this how much sometimes being in random multiplayer missions turned out to have a lack of team work. It is not new as you always have players running and gunning and not waiting for others. 


I got 250 kills by the end of the event, that is roughly 62.5 kills for friday,saturday,sunday, and monday. I see no reason why 100 kills is out of the realm of easily attainable in a weekend. when depending on the map you could get upto 25 kills within 2-3 runs. I was extremely busy this last weekend, with forth of july,work, spending time with my brother who was on leave, yet I still managed 250 kills.

Edited by Orthusaku
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I got 250 kills by the end of the event, that is roughly 62.5 kills for friday,saturday,sunday, and monday. I see no reason why 100 kills is out of the realm of easily attainable in a weekend. when depending on the map you could get upto 25 kills within 2-3 runs. I was extremely busy this last weekend, with forth of july,work, spending time with my brother who was on leave, yet I still managed 250 kills.

The fact remains that there is no reason to raise the minimum. The whole idea of these things is people contribute what they can so everyone can feel like they did their part. Asking people to farm 100 kills over the weekend is unrealistic for a great many players. This would have guaranteed the event fails because people who don't have the time or patience to get 100 kills wouldn't contribute.

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Where to even begin replying to this horrible original post. I see where he is coming from but the spelling is horrible and the arguments are so not well thought out and seem to revolve around himself.


1. First of all, why are you complaining about communication? If you followed the community, you would know the players were asking for more transprency in communication. People wanted to know the goal and rewards and requirements of events. I think this is a good step in that direction. You are saying DE should not tell us how many we should kill and just leave it a mystery. Did you even think about what you just said? Your whole first point seem to revolve around the fact that you had a lot of time to kill drones and you wanted a better reward than the rest of the people who killed less than you. No that's selfish. I think DE tried to find a nice balance for people who are busier and who are hardcore.


2. The timezone. You are saying it is not fair for you because the North Americans had an early start at the event while you were sleeping. Once again, this point is about yourself and how you had less time than others. You also randomly assume the bulk of the players are from asia africa europe. So if US had an early start, then what about the end of the event. The north americans would be sleeping and you would be playing right? 


3. Rewards. You want a better reward than the rest because you spent so much time killing drones. You are calling people lazy and deciding that they should only get the snipetron blueprint. What the hell? DE is encouraging everyone to participate in a community event, not forcing people to kill 300 drones each. For hardcore people who want to kill 1 million drones, they are offering the incentive of the rare mod. You cannot force a reduced reward for the others just because you wanna mindlessly do an activity.


4. I agree with the last point because the event went against the teamwork concept of warframe. It forced people to go solo. I guess the problem

was not as serious as I thought it would be since only a minority of people actually tried going for the rare mod. Once people got their individual 20, I see most of them just running with clanmates to get drones for the clan.

Edited by SAYO
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1. First of all, why are you complaining about communication? If you followed the community, you would know the players were asking for more transprency in communication. People wanted to know the goal and rewards and requirements of events. I think this is a good step in that direction. You are saying DE should not tell us how many we should kill and just leave it a mystery. Did you even think about what you just said? Your whole first point seem to revolve around the fact that you had a lot of time to kill drones and you wanted a better reward than the rest of the people who killed less than you. No that's selfish. I think DE tried to find a nice balance for people who are busier and who are hardcore.


2. The timezone. You are saying it is not fair for you because the North Americans had an early start at the event while you were sleeping. Once again, this point is about yourself and how you had less time than others. You also randomly assume the bulk of the players are from asia africa europe. So if US had an early start, then what about the end of the event. The north americans would be sleeping and you would be playing right? 


3. Rewards. You want a better reward than the rest because you spent so much time killing drones. You are calling people lazy and deciding that they should only get the snipetron blueprint. What the hell? DE is encouraging everyone to participate in a community event, not forcing people to kill 300 drones each. For hardcore people who want to kill 1 million drones, they are offering the incentive of the rare mod. You cannot force a reduced reward for the others just because you wanna mindlessly do an activity.



1- remember Moa Event. the minimum of kills was not announced until monday, when they give additional time for carefree people! the event was finished earlier than limit time, cause all comunity worked for without knowing how many Moa's they should kill for get rewarded. IMAGINE if they told them kill 1 Moa is enough to get the reward.. we will fall on a lost event for sure!!

For the amount, dont use again this argument : "Busy" "Less time" "hardcore" cause it's useless words, and as people said rather, everyone can kill 100 easly in 1h on THE WHOLE 3 DAYS, give 1h to warframe is not so much, so please stop using this insense arguments. you can say in this place: " i was bored by killing drones, i wanted to change, and i dont diserve the reward cause i dont worked enough for it.." thats fair 


2- Timezone, its about hardcore gamers maybe, and also about people who CAN play for example friday and can't play during the week end. so it's unfair cause it's push them to cancel some activities to participate to the event later..


3- Rewards like in real life, dont tell me people who studied, worked hard for going to univercity and made a take a diplome are same as people who did what they want, didn't made any effort, stopped before univercity, and at last you find them Applying for the same job as the 1st one. WORK HARD, GET REWARDED FOR YOUR WORK.



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