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We Shouldn't Have Gotten The Snipetron


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If in a few months DE decide to put the Snipetron Vandal on the market or make it drop I DON'T CARE. Why does it matter who should have access to what? Its an awesome weapon, why would I NOT want others to have a go with it?


I really don't get this "exclusive" crap, or is it more about exclusion?


If the content exists and it works, I have no issues with everybody getting it at any time, on the flip side I have no issues with people having access to weapons I do not, it just doesn't matter, this is not PVE, it does not effect my experience, more weapons & choice is always nice & one way or another we'll get it, But all this butt hurtery over what is an obvious non-issue?


I just don't get it, I must be getting old!?

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Also, people like me who used the reset had the Snipetron before resetting and lost it, only to also have it being removed from the market without any notice at all. I'm happy I got the chance to get it back since it was a huge kick in the "ahem" when they removed it without notice.

All of my this. In the exact same boat. Reset like THE DAY they removed the snipetron and was very frustrated as it was one of the more fun weapons i played with at the time.

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it's a free gun bp, what's the problem, just because a few people had it before doesn't mean the people that don't have it give a F***, besides, i doubt anyone will use it aside from mastery, the vandal version is obviously better

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Apologies for having an opinion apparently. I guess I'm not allowed to think my own thoughts?


I'll keep it in mind and stop expressing myself I guess, thanks for letting me know internet.


signed I appreciate it, really.

Zylo the Wolfbane



signed my opinion though, anyone else's thoughts?

Zylo the Wolfbane


Nuff said!!

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I didn't start playing this game till about 2 weeks ago, but I completely love this game. I'm also a bit of a completionist so in a game like this, I won't be finished playing until I've collected all warframes, guns, and melee weapons and have them at their best. I was actually really happy they gave both for 2 reasons. One being I now have a discontinued (or rather unattainable gun as far as ingame farming and alert rewards go) weapon, and a special weapon for contributing in the event. The second reason is to help get my mastery rank go up. Though I think many veterans would be a little mad, I'd be extremely happy if they had events to get the braton and lato vandels I missed because I didn't know the game existed.

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Correct me if I remember wrong, but everybody's accounts will be reseted when game comes out of beta. Everybody will lose everything, including Snipetron bought from market, except those event/closed beta rewards. So now players have access to Snipetron after game comes out of beta.

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Correct me if I remember wrong, but everybody's accounts will be reseted when game comes out of beta. Everybody will lose everything, including Snipetron bought from market, except those event/closed beta rewards. So now players have access to Snipetron after game comes out of beta.


Very wrong, the reset was and i will be always opcional

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I hear ya zylo, they took out the snipetron because it shot bullets and was a corpus weapon so it went against the lore. I have a snipetron and put 4 forma in it then they give out the vandal which compared side by side, makes my snipetron junk. so i think whelp...i guess it will just be a show item. Untill i see that everyone and their grandma got one now for free and when i see both of them are still shooting bullets it makes me just want to alt f4 and eat they keys off my keyboard.

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Elitism makes me sick.



Elitism, I appreciate your everlasting presence, but please, screw off.

At least this Elitism isn't as horrible as several other games... At least hearing rumors about WoT and LoL makes me think so...




Anyway, what is with the goddamn hate on the Snipetron?


Who even gives so many fucks about it?


Let the devs do whatever they want, as long as they don't screw you over. At least they didn't remove your 50,000 credits, and credits were freaking difficult to earn with the old economy.


The people who reset really should have kept it, though.




Now, what I really wanted to say is: Just deal with it, unless they seriously F*** up.



Oh, and maybe you could stop whining about elitism. OP did not say: "THE SNIPETRON IS A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE FOR ME, A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE. ALL YOU $&*#^%S DO NOT DESERVE TO HAVE ONE.". He simply wanted to know what everyone thought about the Snipetron's removal and 'reintroduction'. In other words he wanted to know everyone's opinion on it...


...Unless OP does not even know what's he typing in the first place, judging by how he lamented about opinions instead of clarifying.

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The original Snipetron was given for several reasons.


A: Because people who are collectors, but didn't want to spend their credits on a sniper rifle JUST YET, didn't have time to buy the snipetron before it was removed from the market. DE simply took it away without warning. This is their way of making up for that.


B: It fit the Lore. We killed the drones, we found a weapon stash. In it were Snipetrons. Including the originals.




I get what you are saying: 'make the weapon exclusive again.' However, it never was exclusive, it was simply owned by people who liked being different and using new weapons, or had put so much time into the game they said 'welp, done everything else. let's go snipe!'


I see your logic, and I understand it, but it's origin is flawed.



Nice opinion though.

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I was playing before they took the Snipetron off the market, but once U8 came along i reset my account. What about those like me? Either way, OP just sounds like an Elitist. Im glad everyone got a Snipetron BP.

I feel you. I used the reset too on the very first time it got released during the Vauban patch and I had the Snipetron BP before that. But due to me not thinking it would ever disappear from the market I post-poned buying the BP in favour of choosing the weapons I hate the most to rank first since I actually liked the Snipetron and then... after U8 happened they took it away from me without even a single warning. I felt so stabbed in the back lol so this makes me feel like DE has made up for it.

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I had a normal Snipetron before I reset and support was brickwalling me trying to get it back, so I'm glad this event came around.

Also glad that it pissed off so many elitists. It's always fun to see people crying about their perceived exclusivity flying out the window. As if someone else having their gun makes their gun worse.

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Note that I'm talking about the normal Snipetron, not the Vandal version. I think the Vandal version as a reward for this event was a GREAT idea. Gives those who want that last shot at the weapon that chance, and puts another Vandal up, so players can show others once the game is out of Beta "Yeah, I was there, it was awesome." However, the old Snipetron was just like this, just like the Braton Vandal, just like the Lato Vandal, it was something that was limited time, and those who were playing the game back then got it, then it was gone. It was their reward for being with the game during that time.


Then it was immediately tossed out, along with its better version, for this event. This seems like a kick in the teeth for the people who got the original Snipetron. First, the Vandal version is BETTER? This seems a bit off, but whatever, I can accept it, so long as the original Snipetron keeps its uniqueness, so long as it stays only in the hands of those who earned it....oh....wait....what's that in my foundry? Snipetron Blueprint. Why? You gave out the Vandal, the Vandal is BETTER even, WHY do you need to give out the Snipetron as well? What's the point of having limited edition if you just un-limit and re-limit it again later?


For anyone wondering, I actually never got the original Snipetron, I think it should have stayed only in the hands of those who got it originally.


signed my opinion though, anyone else's thoughts?

Zylo the Wolfbane


I bought the original snipetron. I don't feel like I got "kicked in the teeth" because other people can use it. Why would I feel that way? DE suddenly took it off the market out of nowhere. There was no warning, so anyone that may have been waiting to get an extra weapon slot, or max rank a particular weapon before buying this one, or something else to that affect couldn't obtain it from  no fault of their own.


The Vandals are supposed to be beta exclusive. Those are our "exclusive" weapons. But the original Snipetron was NOT supposed to be an exclusive weapon. There's absolutely no reason to make it as such (even though, unless they add it to Alerts or drops or whatever, it ends up still being an exclusive weapon like the Vandals because it was an event reward....So....your argument's kind of moot.)


Also, only those that got 20+ kills got the Vandal. Everyone who participated got the Snipetron as well. I don't see what's there to be angry about at all.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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I don't mind it when it's a legit reward for going above and beyond, like the new mod for the top 100 or the Braton Vandal (neither of which I have btw).

This is silly because it was already available to everyone in the past. It took no effort beyond obtaining credits, so why shouldn't everyone get a second chance at it?

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How is it a kick to the teeth? The regular snipetron was never intended to be a event weapon. You didn't buy the weapon back then thinking "I better buy this weapon cause it's not gonna be there forever!" I'm sure you bought it just cause you wanted a sniper rifle to use. I don't think DE ever said the snipetron was going to be a event weapon.

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Can someone explain to me why people like it when other people can't get certain weapons?

Exclusivity feels good. Video games naturally bring out one's competitive side, and aside from PvP, gear is the only way to "beat" others. I'm not saying it's right or whatever, but that's the gist of it. It's how to "win" warframe, lol

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I completely understand what you mean.

I don't know how I feel about it though. I had the original Snipetron from way back in the day (lol couple months) and I lost it when I took advantage of the account reset to get my ridiculously misused plat back. I was sad to learn that you could no longer obtain the Snipetron AFTER I already reset my account.

I am pretty happy I have it again and I don't really mind that all these other newcomers have it, AS LONG AS IT NEVER COMES BACK AGAIN EVER.


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Exclusivity feels good. Video games naturally bring out one's competitive side, and aside from PvP, gear is the only way to "beat" others. I'm not saying it's right or whatever, but that's the gist of it. It's how to "win" warframe, lol


That's the problem though, it feels good when you have it. It feels terrible when you don't. Especially for people who are completionists, it can ruin the entire game for them. I'm a completionist myself and I'll forever have this twitch in the back of my head that upsets me for being unable to truly collect everything now. No matter what I do. Never, just done with. Sad thought.


Honestly, weapons like these should probably never be exclusive and always available to people, even if they're incredibly hard to get. The whole Vandal thing is a bit silly. Vandals should be a exclusive skin, not an actual better variant or weapon. Winning by presence is an awkward concept and punishes both normal players and completionists for no legitimate reason.


A little closed beta player badge or something fancy would've been enough for boasting purposes. Something that doesn't actually affect gameplay. And something that can actually be seen by others. People don't really run up to other players and zoom onto their weapon just to see how fancy it is. So it goes by rather unnoticed anyway.


Guess as a completionist myself I'll just never understand on why developers insist to add gameplay affecting exclusive content. I don't like it, sad to see another one of my favourite games do this. Even more upsetting that I was there during the event and was so naive to believe DE wouldn't take this route and I could just pick it up later.... :(


Hope they change their mind at some point, probably not...


Oh well, just my two cents.

Edited by Lunia
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