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Cpu Usage Is Brutal


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Ever since DE decided to add threaded character lighting, my CPU usage has been pathetically insane. It uses 80-90% of my CPU. For comparison, this is more than an unmodded Minecraft. Crysis 2 and 3 don't even use this much of my CPU.

Please DE for the love of all that is holy, let me disable threaded character lighting before my house melts.

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Ever since DE decided to add threaded character lighting, my CPU usage has been pathetically insane. It uses 80-90% of my CPU. For comparison, this is more than an unmodded Minecraft. Crysis 2 and 3 don't even use this much of my CPU.

Please DE for the love of all that is holy, let me disable threaded character lighting before my house melts.



My pc crashed multiple times today in warframe thanks to too heavy cpu usage


Is there any chance that either of you are running overclocked systems? If so, then you may want to try downclocking your cores and see if that alleviates the issue at all. You may also want to take a look at this thread (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/64026-diagnosing-system-crashes/) and see if any of those suggestions are of any use to you.


Additionally, can both of you please submit a support ticket with an EE log and a copy of your dxdiag? This could help us narrow down what exactly is going on with the engine when the issue occurs, as well as give us a detailed look at your system specs.
Tickets can be submitted here: http://support.warframe.com/
Ideally it would be best if you used an EE log that was retrieved immediately after you have had this issue occur.
Your EE.log can be found at the following location:
To retrieve your dxdiag simply follow these steps:
1. Hold down Win + R
2. Type "dxdiag" and click "OK" 
3. Click "Save all Information..." and save the text file to a location of your choice 
In the meantime we are going to try to reproduce this on our end and see if we have any luck. I'll be sure to let you know if we find anything.
Thanks a lot.
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Hi there, I have added a support ticket with my ee.log, hopefully you can find out what the problem is.
I don't have my pc overclocked but the last couple of days my pc did become hotter because of extreme warm weather conditions in my country. Warframe never crashed before like this, when warframe crashed previously I would be redirected to windows. Now my whole system crashes.


edit: my warframe still crashes, I hear my computer become a lot more active and after a few minutes of playing I get a weird zipped colored screen and my pc crashes. It's less warm now.

Edited by TheFlyingKnight
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Still nothing, I got a mail back from support and lowered my video settings, warframe still crashes just like in the last week/two weeks. Any one else having this problem?


edit: I will wait for the next update or stop playing, this is unplayable :(

Edited by TheFlyingKnight
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Still nothing, I got a mail back from support and lowered my video settings, warframe still crashes just like in the last week/two weeks. Any one else having this problem?


edit: I will wait for the next update or stop playing, this is unplayable :(


In my experience this is a heat exchange issue. A lot of flang built up inside my machine at one point and after a few minutes of pretty much anything it had to render in 3D, failsafe would kick in and it would shut down to prevent the GPU from cooking.


I blasted some compressed air through it, cleaned the fan assembly and thoroughly dusted the whole thing. In very hot weather I run a standing fan by my machine, pointed at the vent.


In a nutshell, I recommend giving it a bit of a dusting and buying a fan, if possible.

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Multiplayer is very laggy for me. singleplayer is fine.

I'm running on a AMD Phenom 955 Black edition and an ati 6950. this is good enough for bf3 multiplayer with plenty of people in it. I have no lag issues there.

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Disabling threaded lighting would reduce performance unless lighting quality was also reduced.


Update: The severe memory and CPU usage is now causing me to blue-screen.


Your system isn't stable if you are experiencing BSOD from simple processor, memory, and/or GPU utilization.


If it can't run all out 24/7, 365, something is wrong.

Edited by Saenol
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U9.3 killed the blue-screening but now my CPU overheats when I'm browsing the marketplace so I'm going to stop playing until these issues are resolved.




Disabling threaded lighting would reduce performance unless lighting quality was also reduced.



Your system isn't stable if you are experiencing BSOD from simple processor, memory, and/or GPU utilization.


If it can't run all out 24/7, 365, something is wrong.

It's only Warframe that does this. No other game does this. I can play hundreds of other, vastly more demanding games without insane CPU usage, so what's wrong with Warframe?

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U9.3 killed the blue-screening but now my CPU overheats when I'm browsing the marketplace so I'm going to stop playing until these issues are resolved.




It's only Warframe that does this. No other game does this. I can play hundreds of other, vastly more demanding games without insane CPU usage, so what's wrong with Warframe?


If Warframe is putting a greater load on your system than your other games, it's more demanding than your other games.


With regard to this issue, nothing is wrong with Warframe; your system simply is not stable.

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If Warframe is putting a greater load on your system than your other games, it's more demanding than your other games.


With regard to this issue, nothing is wrong with Warframe; your system simply is not stable.

I don't really see how it can be more demanding than Far Cry 3. Asides, Warframe wasn't this demanding pre-U8. My system is completely fine.

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If Warframe is putting a greater load on your system than your other games, it's more demanding than your other games.


With regard to this issue, nothing is wrong with Warframe; your system simply is not stable.

Only you're wrong. These issues started appearing when they added threaded character lighting. His system is stable. Prime95 with furmark on runs without a hitch. Yet he has issues with warframe.

I really don't see warframe being more CPU demanding than Prime95.

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It's not more demanding than Prime95, at least not overall (power consumption/heat generation), but no single test will stress all aspects of any component, much less an entire system; just because Prim95 doesn't find a problem with the hardware doesn't mean there isn't one. Obviously Warframe is doing something that Prime95 isn't, but that doesn't mean the crash this system is experiencing is due to an inherent instability in Warframe.


I do not have such issues with Warframe. Except for the issues that everyone had with the previous hotfix crashing if you were not the host, I have never seen Warframe crash in ~300 hours of game time. No BSOD, no crashing to desktop, nothing of the sort. Warframe will happily run all day, without any sort of limiter (meaning hundreds or thousands of FPS in the menus), while loading one of my CPU cores to 100% the entire time, and not crash.


There are many other people who do not experience these problems you have reported, which suggests that the issue has something to do with the configuration of that particular system.

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