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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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On 3/4/2017 at 8:39 PM, zharrhen said:


  • Name: Suijin
  • Type: Rapier
  • Faction: Tenno
  • Description: An energized rapier made with the same materials and techniques as the Nami Solo that is capable of dealing high slash damage and puncture damage

Ours are similar in design. Yours looks really cool!

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Name: T'arvak

Faction: Grineer

Grip type: Hammer (Does not use Whip stances)

Flavor text: "An unsightly weapon forged from the husk of long dead Galleon ships. What it lacks in finesse and safety it more than makes up for in power and efficiency."

Brief Description: A weapon made from the scraps of Sabotage 1.0 a fallen Grineer Galleon, it has found a surprising use when they tested this weapon to clear out an Infested ship. The handle also houses a crude but effective cooling system to keep the core stable during use.

This weapon mainly deals Blast damage. (May have Impact/Puncture) Normal swings still function like a normal hammer, however charge attacks and slide attacks will double its range and will have a guaranteed Blast proc on hit. It also has a very large slam attack radius and substantial status chance.



Edited by PlantsaMan
Wanted to clarify that this weapon is not a Hammer/Whip hybrid
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On 4.3.2017 at 11:44 AM, (Xbox One)XXX REBIRTH said:

  •  Chakkar
  • Faction - Corpus
  • Grip Type - blade and whip

Description - The Chakkar is a Modified chakram with a blade whip wound in the disc. The Chakkar uses a modified energy field generator from the Nullifier crewman at its core, which allows it to be morphed into a blade when channeling your attacks or form a shield when blocking.


This made me instantly think of that it could be 2 weapons, either a glaive or a whip, depending on used stance !! It's a shame their stances don't have the same polarity,

I still wonder if only the "grip-style" is important and DE will be making new stances for great ideas... or if it was meant as, "just weapons that can use already existing stances"

it seems DE made no explizite statement to this, so it can be understand the first way, what is absolutely nice-because of all the great ideas :), ( I really hope that DE just meant the grip style, but am a little afraid that "stances" were meant)

but either way, I love the weapons with more possibilities, so I just want to quote some more of my personal favs and try to influence the  DESIGN COUNCIL :awkward: 


On 4.3.2017 at 3:39 PM, sonofvader2000 said:

my plan for the serpentine is to have it as a double function weapon that would have as its default dual scythes that individually proc heat and toxin and when combined (probably through an alternative to a charge attack) it could switch do a dual sided scythe that would use radiation damage (the elemental mixture between heat and toxin). in the dual sided form it would do more damage per hit but would have a lower attack speed. also the weapon will belong to the grineer/tenno faction.2hhf052.jpg

here again, great ! And with the potential of a new glorious stance for each polearm and dual scythes, to swap between both DRUING MISSION, that would be sooo awesome indeed !


On 4.3.2017 at 4:27 PM, JackofKnives said:



Dual Dagger / Glaive Hybrid

  • Weapon type depends on equipped Stance;
  • Tenno origin;
  • Dual Dagger: Charge attack causes player to perform a whirlwind strike, causing Slash damage in AoE;
  • Glaive: Charge attack throws as per usual; left-clicking while the glaive is flying causes it to proc a Slash wave instead of exploding;


I wish i could give more than just one thumb up :D, but then again, the decision is up to the DESIGN COUNCIL

On 4.3.2017 at 11:05 PM, kodemaster said:


heck yeah!

On 5.3.2017 at 1:49 AM, Manta8 said:

Dragon's Tooth Rope Dart


Name : Ryu-Ha

Faction : Tenno

Brief description :  This weapon attached to the wrist has a long rope and has a tip or blade at its end with a flag (sail) that serves to disorient the opponent, with this weapon you can attack several enemies, That it steers with lightning strokes or quirky movements.

Normal attacks

Puncture : 50

Impact : 35

Attack speed : 1.25

Critical chance : 20%

Critical multiplier : 2.0x

Status chance : 15%

^now this woulb be a total new  "grip style", or at least a whole new weapon category, but one that HAS TO BEcome a real thing , please DE !

21 hours ago, AliasMilPorCento said:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnd we have a winner :v

Aaaaaaaaaaaannd , wouldn't it be great if one of the winning designs would somewhen in the future be elected by the community? Once in a year a weapon will be seriously concidered by the Design Council, that was voted most for in the steamworkshop , or maybe this is already a thing somehow (?) and I don't know yet ? :blush:

Anyway..great thread, great idea by the staff making this creation contest, "melee thanks" !

Anyone complaining about how they make us do their work doesn't get this, period ! 

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On 03/03/2017 at 0:14 PM, Elofree said:

But the Silva and aegis was conceptualized before the existence of shield and sword type wasn't it?

Was hoping for more weapon types given by the community.

As soon as I saw this contest I drew up a wicked tenno atlatl. I was saddened when I saw we couldn't add new types


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4 minutes ago, Oomatu said:

As soon as I saw this contest I drew up a wicked tenno atlatl. I was saddened when I saw we couldn't add new types


Exactly...I just feel that i can't fully express my creation to the Council unless it is original. Because all I'm seeing is Gun-Blade this, Blade-Whip that.

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A tenno made weapon of an old schematic, the Kalatane shares a far-in-the-past common ancestor with the Jat Kittag. Instead of impact, the Kalatane deals slashing damage, cleaving through air no matter the pressure with feather-like propulsion blasts. 

Its grip is Two Handed, using mods such as Royal Tempo (maybe). High status, low crit, low speed.
The text on the base spells - Strength


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5 minutes ago, Oomatu said:



I'm not sure if we are supp. to keep conversations to a minimum in this thread (if so, my apologies DE), but you should see if DE or the Design Council can make an exception, because javlok is already a thrown primary, so thrown melees shouldn't be too hard....

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Preview attachment IMAG0177.jpg?ui=2&ik=5bf8ec42af&view=fimg&th=15aa1c89a7bba627&attid=0.1&disp=thd&realattid=1561091546456909658-local0&attbid=ANGjdJ_7MAouiGi38MwoKTZ1d_DBo5g_5niynI7qsuEOrlBSmrpaWA1VOgHKHWCInpWoBQKbpjutc3zd_3tghIwkpMZcL4Yl-k5gFqBT77xAchUvrZF5eMYURiYvHU0&sz=w180-h120-df-p-nu&ats=1488773122709&rm=15aa1c89a7bba627&zw

  • I like you to meet my first weapon design. This would be called the Sino Flames, This weapon is a duel wield that brings a small dagger with the same design style. This design is a mixture of a sword and scythe mixed together this weapons is a sword grip (as the galatine) and uses dual sword stances. This weapon has median speed and powerful with flames around the blades that  can give double damage impact and can also light the enemies on fire.
  • Tenno
  • Slamming down with this weapon will make the ground into flames that can last for 25 seconds and heat damage becomes more stronger impact to the enemies.
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Name: Rotting Bane

Faction: Infested

Grip/Stance: Scythe(Primary)/Whip(Secondary)

Description: The Rotting Bane is an infested scythe made of metal and bone. With the handle made from a spine it has the ability to become a whip with the stance mod equipped.

It has high viral and slash damage. If an enemy is killed while viral status is inflicted upon them it explodes to nearby enemies.



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Good evening. 

Fair warning, I went for the weapon category that players use for MR fodder (mostly). I also ask for kindness, as I'm legally blind and color blind. So, these are just pen drawings and I can vaguely see what I drew ... XD

Weapon Submission : Verx And Vulm (Viral based, Sword and Shield)
Faction : Infested
Grip : Sword And Shield (Final Harbinger, Eleventh Storm, Last Herald)

Description : With its origins lost to time, the "Lost Creator" designed these weapons to defeat anyone/thing which stood in the bearer's way. Molded in infested flesh and submerged into diseased backwater, who can withstand such a plague? What armor can withstand the weight of the, Verx? What weapon can pierce the flesh and carapace of the, Vulm?

(For the shield, I took cues from the back piece of the Ancients. I love their crusty shell look. As for the sword, I wanted a heavy-looking choppy instrument. No fancy stuff here.)




Edited by GrazewoundZero
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Faction: Infested
Brief Description: Infested Claw Weapons. Two long infested bone claws complete with energy effects, infested tendrils, and layered flesh on the top with more tender and lighter flesh in the middle. Yummy!
Original Artwork: 


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this is my drawing it is a curved great sword that is on fire the after effect is that it catches enemy's on fire I got the idea from embers helmet and I haven't seen many weapons like the galatine so hope you enjoy the picture it was fun to draw


Edited by (PS4)iFlashStep
to put my picture in
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11 minutes ago, Tacgnomancer said:

two-handed Ripkas(dual chain saw melee thing), that is all, if someone could draw one that would be kool.

                                                                                                                                                                       ^------- > cool


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Name: Nergal

Handle/Stance: Gunblade

Faction: Tenno

Type: Crit

A weapon designed by a secret society of Tenno Assassins to bring order or chaos to the system.

  • A Gunblade that uses a powerful single round with punch through capabilities.
  • Slower speed but high critical chance.
  • Channeling a charged shot will cause "Reckoning" a slash proc with a higher expense to energy.



Edited by FetalFreak
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Name: Gengetsu
Faction: Tenno

  • A war fan that follows a design principle similar to the ether weapons (ether sword, ether dagger, etc.) that can be handled and thrown like a glaive-type weapon, for melee attacks it's opened semi-circularly and when thrown its fully extended to form a full disk. Slam attack ragdolls enemies with radiactive-proc chance. Exploding it mid-flight through channelling also has radioactive-proc chance.
  • Unlike other glaives this weapon should count with a faster flight and attack speeds, at the expense of base damage.
  • When no stance is equipped, idle animation shows the player's warframe waving the fan towards themselves as with a normal fan.
  • Dancing petal stance mod allows fast and even-paced strikes, for added efectiveness of combat the player must find and follow the stance's hidden rythm.



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15 hours ago, -ArGicon- said:

> IngSaber <

Faction: Tenno
Weapon Grip: Sword / Dagger

> Statistics <

Attack Speed: 1.07 / 1.47

Elemental Type: Electricity b Electricity
Elemental Dmg: 100.0 / 70.0
Crit Chance: 30.0% / 10.0%
Crit Multiplier: 3.0x / 1.5x
Status Chance: 10% / 40%

Special charge attack: It will trigger an energy-bullet that can explode in 7m. and deals knockdown ,Electricity b Electricity proc ,200% damage.

Special slide attack: slide attack will shoot 5 energy-bullet that has 20% damage for each bullet in-front of you.in 90 degree

Special block: IngSaber let the temporary energy-shield to block any damage in 60 degree, but no-reflecting back to enemies/ [Blocking damage  will make the shield breaking, but channeling will stop it]


Rare Finisher: you will shoot their legs first to make it broken,hit them with Ingsaber.

Holster: While inactive the light's energy is off (similar to Silva & Aegis) and when active it's energy glows as selected energy color.


> Description <

 A  melee with the unique ability to change forms depending on the stance.Its handle can analyzes the unique fingerprint,Is used by the gun & sword master. 


I want this plz ,De :C

Edited by kiatipoom
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Name: Aavesh

Faction: Tenno

Description: The Aavesh is a Katar designed to be used as a pair, it makes use of the fist grips. The weapon is highly offensive dealing primarily in puncture damage through high intensity lunging strikes, although it could pack large chunks of slash damage through spinning strikes and diagonal cuts. It was designed to be noticeably larger and heavier then a traditional Katar, to allow the Tenno to emphasise their strength capabilities to wield larger weapons. As denoted under the name, this Katar was inspired by the tenno blade Gazal.

Special thanks to OurDarkCloud for help concepting

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18 hours ago, Ravenbx9 said:

Faction: Tenno
Brief Description: A Nikana made of Compressed Oxium with a Tellurium core. It has no sheath; instead the user holds on to the chain. The weapon is heavy than the Nikana by about double, due to this it does a lot more damage in each strike at the cost of speed


I think capcom woulnt like that, its a monster hunter design , devil jo

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On 3/4/2017 at 3:11 PM, tentacleface762 said:



An mix of the rotation/centrifuge rail from a Kohm and motor from a Miter, attached on top of a long stick with a big knob at the end for good measure. Between the Kohm rotation rail, a free floating cutter disk, like the ones that Grineer Scrappers use, spins(by the mighty powers of electromagnets).

Named after Kohm and Miter...Yes very unimaginative name. but a fitting name. 

Animation : Pole-arm 

The size and proportions are drawn upon Sydon so the hitboxe should be similar. Has an alternative fire where the cutter disk between the rails is launched like a catapult or a slingshot by swinging the weapon real hard. Kind of like how hammer throws are done. Disk throw is on a cool down/costs energy. Otherwise, if that mechanic is kinda flimsy, its still usable as a melee only weapon. 


Notes: Tried to make it as visually fitting with the current Grineer aesthetics as possible. So its not anything mindblowing or too outlandish. Originally contemplated a Jat Kittag. but on your FISTS. but instead decided to have Ripkas on a STICK. And the result was a giant Grineer pizza cutter. that you can throw. Not the whole thing though, like the Javlok. Just the cutter disk. Because that is nice and cheap.

...thats about it

Edit: Oh look. Someone DID make a Jat Kittag on FISTS. Lucky I didnt go with the idea. Good to see I wasnt the only person thinking that putting rockets on your fists is an awesome idea.

Well ding ding ding, you've struck gold. Tastemaker Geoff has some serious competition.

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On 03/03/2017 at 8:59 PM, Shufly said:

The weapon: Spahd (Spade)

Stance/Weapon-style: Axe

Faction: Grineer

Background: Created to honor Grineer of high standing. This shovel (or spade) has been reproduced in remembrance that even the lowliest of Grineer are capable of incredible feats and to commemorate the first known victory over the Sentients by Grineer "forces". This enhanced workers tool comes with Plasma blade tips that cut through ore and rock just as well as it does the wielders foes.

Edit=(I'll be posting some more refined stuff once I can find a scanner. Sorry but the S#&amp;&#036; drawings will have to do for now till I can get my tablet going). Gotta use that two picture limit!
Edit 2: here's something more fancy... I'll probably edit one more time after this to show a complete concept (after I erase one of the two pics)

This idea  has us marine stamped all over it..... Bravo


My idea is on the way... Once I get a new pad and pen.

Edited by Cosmic_Mistress
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