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The Aegis - Corpus Elite 'tenno Hunter' Units + New Boss: Aegis Commander Minnow Borealis


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The Corpus are nothing if not inventive. After several crushing defeats by the Tenno at their outer dig sites and facilities, the Corpus began to develop in secret a special division of equipment, one designed to take the arms, agility, and power of their enemies, and put it against the best technology the Corpus had created yet.

The result of this technological breakthrough has come in the form of the Aegis Combat Armor. Simply refereed to as 'Aegis', the pilots of these suits are augmented with a secondary AI unit to help surpass the limits of the Crewman's own strength, and these suits, which come in various designs and models, are all heavily armed and armored. After the inception of the Aegis, Corpus profit margins were shown to raise a total of 5% in outer rim factories.


Rarely deployed in bulk, the Aegis are elite-level enemies that will randomly spawn in Corpus enemy pools levels 20 and up. Each of the six Aegis 'brands' have their own attack style, weapons, pros, and cons connected to them, and are designed as the ultimate Corpus response to the Tenno assault.

The typical Aethergrip Elimination Group Interlink Suit is a combination of Crewman and a armature system. Originating on the Crewman's back is the bulk of the suit's systems, among them being a unit holding a Orokin Catalyst, part of what gives the suits such power. From the back mount springs the rest of the suit's limbs: Four arms, with the lower two may or may not be equipped to the pilot's own, and two legs, which connect to the pilot's own and end in wide, stabilizing feet, making the unit stand several heads taller then even the Technicians. These armatures are then either reinforced or given more bulk, depending on the role the final Aegis suit is to fill.

--- Aegis Berserker ---

Equipped with adrenal boosts and light armor, the Aegis Berserker is a melee powerhouse, equipped with a quad of powerful beam blades on it's armatures. Rapidly fast and armed with powerful strikes, a Tenno that locks into melee with them will be hard-pressed to survive against them.

Chassis: Light

Pilot Suit: Light

Armaments: Beam Blades (Slashing/Fire)

Maneuvers: Walljump, Slide-Slash, Forward Lunge, Area Combos, Spin-Slash

Behavior-wise, the Berserker is highly aggressive, constantly attacking in melee and hounding enemies as fast as they can. The main combat maneuvers they will do are wide-angle melee attacks, sweeping in area of effect attacks, but will occasionally do focused forward dashes and pounces upon closing to the enemy.

--- Aegis Bulwark ---

A heavily defensive Aegis, this unit is armed with a pair of large energy shields, capable of blocking high-velocity rounds of most compositions. While it's shields are forward on it's lower armatures, this Aegis is also equipped with powerful Starburst-pattern pulse shotguns on the upper unit limbs, allowing powerful CQC capabilities.

Chassis: Heavy

Pilot Suit: Heavy

Armaments: Energy Shield Emitters (Lower Arms, Impact), Starburst (Upper, Magnetic)

Maneuvers: Shield Bash, Defensive Stance, Assault Spam, Primed Shots

Bulwarks are essentially the Shield Lancer of the Aegis, using thier bulk and shields to take the brunt of Tenno fire and blocking it from their fellows. The Starburst pulse shotguns, however, are an entirely new asset to the Corpus, firing two different types of pulses depending how long the shot is 'primed'. When the shot is fully primed, it will release as a focused energy starburst, flying fast and strait like a missile before detonating upon contact. If unprimed however, the shot fires the unfocused energy into multiple starbursts, mimicking standard shotgun technology with several energy bursts at once, minus the explosion effect and naturally smaller particles. It may be possible for the Tenno to acquire the Starburst via energy research.

--- Aegis Cannoneer ---

The bulkiest of the Aegis units, the Cannoneer makes up for it's lower agility with an armament selection to be feared- It's primary weapons come in the form of twin Surpas, able to chew out thousands of plasma projectiles a minute, though costly to operate as a result. For closer engagements, the unit also features two Fusion Beams based off the design of the Fusion Moa.

Chassis: Heavy

Pilot Suit: Heavy

Armaments: Surpa (Lower), Fusion Beam (Upper)

Maneuvers: Suppressing Fire, Fusion Fire

Heavily armed and armored, the Cannoneer is not the type to get under fire of. At longer ranges, it will use the twin Gatling Lasers to release tons of pulse shots to suppress the enemies of the corpus. If the enemy closes in, they will unleash the Fusion Beams, burninating the enemy. They also will attempt melee attacks, smacking with their weapon arms.

--- Aegis Mantis ---

Silent, deadly, and specialists at stealth, the Mantis is the threat the Tenno won't see coming. Like the Berserker, the Mantis frame is designed for close-range, equipped with powerful cleaving blades on it's four armatures. However, this unit is also armed with Orokin cloaking technology, making it invisible to the naked human eye. As well as this, the Mantis system is able to supercharge the energy of it's blades, resulting into a powerful projectile slash attack. This has been refereed to by Mantis pilots as the 'Mantis Strike'.

Chassis: Light

Pilot Suit: Light

Armaments: Mantis Blades (Slash/Blast), Mantis Strike (Magnetic)

Maneuvers: Mantis Strike, Wall Jump, Blade Combo, Cloak, Spiral Cleave

The Mantis has on-board cloaking technology- not quite of the same power of the Grineer Informers, but still effective- which allows them to hide from sight until they attack. Tenno may be able to see the slight bending of light they cause in order to attack them early. When a Mantis is discovered, it will attempt mostly lunging attacks and leap attacks, often backing up quite a distance before once again pouncing into the fray. If kept at longer distance, they will use their Mantis Strike attack to try and wear an enemy down.

--- Aegis Sniper ---

Forgoing the usual close-range of other Aegis, the Sniper unit stays in the shadows, able to utilize it's light build to position itself in out of the way areas and locations of a installation. When in position, it will use it's combinations of high-grade Railguns and Lankas to eliminate intruders with precision and power. The Tenno won't know what hit them.

Chassis: Light

Pilot Suit: Light

Armaments: Lanka (Lower), Moa Railgun (Upper)

Maneuvers: Combo Fire, Chain Fire, Defensive Kick

Snipers prefer to fight at a distance, and will often be at the back of a group of enemies, or often by themselves on a piece of terrain in an open room. Rarely moving, they will often attempt combined volleys of Moa Railgun and Lanka fire to pin down and eliminate Tenno, but it leaves long gaps between firing volleys for counterattacks. When caught in melee, the Sniper will attempt fleeing into friendlies before attempting any counterattacks.

--- Aegis Suppressor ---

The 'training' frame of the Aegis, the Suppressor is much more free of movement then the other ranged Aegis, focused on high agility. Equipped with burst-fire rifles on all four armatures, the Aegis Suppressor makes up for strength in sheer amount of projectile spam.

Chassis: Light

Pilot Suit: Light

Armaments: Dera

Maneuvers: Fire Spam, Walljump, Spiral Laser Spam, Jump Slam, Defensive Kick

Supressors are relatively jumpy little buggers, constantly dodging and jumping around when in combat. Supressors use the high fire rate of their weapons to keep the heat onto enemies while they move into better positions to remove them, and if caught in close combat will attempt leg sweeps and kicks to knock the enemy away.


"The leader and creator of the Aegis combat suit, Minnow Borealis is a talented scientist and combat trainer for the Aethergrip guild of the Corpus. Her dogged hunting of operatives has drastically reduced the effectiveness of several cells in the sector. As long as she still lives, the Aegis will continue to harass the Tenno and your attempts to regain your past legacy. Remove this thorn in your side."

- The Lotus

Armed with a customized suit of Aegis armor, Minnow Borealis is the boss of the [REDACTED] system. Assassinating her will grant you parts of the [REDACTED] Warframe.

Specializing in a mix of combat styles, Minnow's fight will constantly swap from closeranged engagements to longranged combat. Her arena will require wallrunning, blocking, and cover use to survive the barrage of attacks.

Her arena will feature a large, central area, with several platforms built into the walls, which can only be reached by wallrunning or climbing. These platforms will act as sniping locations when Minnow retreats into her longranged combat phase, and can also be used by Tenno for sniping positions, if they don't mind being attacked back with a barrage of laser fire.


Minnow's suit is unique in regards to other Aegis, featuring completely separated limbs instead of the common connection of legs to lower armatures, allowing her to swap seamlessly from walking normally to the robotic legs. In addition, there are a total of six weapon-bearing limbs on her Aegis suit- two lower limbs featuring a pair of large energy cleavers, two limbs featuring defensive shields, and two armed with railguns similar to the Sniper units. Minnow has also been known for bringing weapons attached to her person, and has been seen using a Lanka, Dera, or a Flux Rifle simultaneously with her Suit's actions. Be wary, visible observations of Minnow's suit reveals that all of the built-in weapons of her suit has been boosted with Orokin Catalysts and a Orokin Reactor is built into the suit's core.

In battle, Minnow will swich between two behaviors- close-ranged behavior and long-ranged behavior.

In her close-range behavior, Minnow will aggressively charge the Tenno, her cleaver blades swinging in large arcs as she strikes in melee, occasionally blocking with her shields if the Tenno are firing back. Occasionally, she will accompany these charges with assault fire from the Dera or Flux Rifle. She may also use her robotic legs (if not currently using them to stand on) as a tail and attempt a spin attack to swipe the Tenno away with it.

In her long-range behavior, Minnow will leap to one of the arena's outer platforms, and begin focusing the railguns armed on her suit. If the railguns manage to connect to a non-blocking foe, it results in the Tenno being violently flung back (blocking will simply cause the shot to be reflected, but the force of the blow will cause the melee weapon to superheat, disabling it for a short time.) Minnow will also attack with her Dera or Lanka during this time, showering projectiles randomly, or following up the railshot with a primed sniper attack for a devastating one-two punch. If a Tenno reaches the platform she's on, her mech legs will send her flying skyward, then slam back onto the platform into a devastating radial shockwave, the force of which is much greater (and thus, the hit area is much larger off the ground) then a normal shockwave. If the target didn't dislodge from the smaller platform, then she will leap back to the main platform and pepper them with laser shots until they return to the main platform, returning to Close-Range behaviors.

When defeated, Minnow will collapse, her equipment sparking and scattering energy from it as it overloads. As the device starts to glow, Minnow takes herself upwards a little, only to produce a plasma grenade from her side and prime the device. With one last destructive blast, she and her equipment are vaporized.


Lotus Transcripts

'The leader and creator of the Aegis combat suit, Minnow Borealis is a talented scientist and combat trainer for the Aethergrip guild of the Corpus. Her dogged hunting of operatives has drastically reduced the effectiveness of several cells in the sector. As long as she still lives, the Aegis will continue to harass the Tenno and your attempts to regain your past legacy. Remove this thorn in your side.'

'Minnow has been known to install Orokin technology into her customized equipment. It is believed that she is trying to overcharge herself to defeat any Tenno threat. Prove her hypothesis wrong.'

'Minnow Borealis has spent much time preparing for such a confrontation. It may come to pass that she tries to dissuade you from your mission before you get there. Don't believe her lies.'

'Her personal Aegis suit is believed to be the first prototype, and has only been customized by Minnow over the years. This weapon and crewman are by far the biggest threat you have faced yet.'

'Attempt to get close to Minnow when she tries to attack at longrange. Pushing the assault will force her to go back on the offensive, leaving her more powerful weapons useless.'

Pre-Battle Quotes

'Saved by the Lotus? Don't make me laugh. You nowhere know the truth.'

'You expect me and my compatriots to lie our weapons down as you slaughter us? You must take the entire galaxy for fools.'

'Think carefully. When are you ever sure the Lotus are really on your side?'

'The fact I can tell you are here speaks volumes. Leave now, and perhaps I will hunt you another day.'

'Pathetic. Is this what I am to expect from [Clan]?'

'Another [Frame Type]? Very well. I've eliminated countless of you before.'

'Yet another dog blindly following it's Master. Very well. Come.'

'Bah. What is a Tenno but a miserable pile of cyrogenic flesh?'

Battle Quotes

'Still you stand. Perhaps you have trained better then I expected.'

'The Lotus's lapdog still breathes? You clearly don't understand the gravity of the situation.'

'You've slaughtered hundreds of thousands of my brothers. It's about time that we returned the favor.'

'Is that the fastest you can make a [Weapon] fire? Please.'

'Your skill in combat is pathetic. You sure you've bothered to strengthen your equipment?'

'Keep trying, you'll hit me eventually.'

'Enough talk. Have at you.'

Loss Quotes

'No... I-I can't do it like this... I-I'll take you with me!"

"Nnngh... Fools... I can't let you get away..."

"Idiots! You've doomed the Origin system! I won't die this way!"

"Heh... You've doomed yourselves... the Aegis will forever hunt you with my death!"


Concept Art

(To Come)


Logs of Conflict



Lotus Messanger

Edited by GratuitousLurking
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i really like those units, but i think that we should first add some variety to the infested


I agree with the Infested needing more life breathed into them, but you know how it is when you got an idea just itching somewhere and you need to get it written down before you forget it entirely. ;-;

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I agree with the Infested needing more life breathed into them, but you know how it is when you got an idea just itching somewhere and you need to get it written down before you forget it entirely. ;-;

oh yeah, i understand, and it´s good that you share the idea. im just saying that in case DE sees this topic, they know that before they even think of adding these units, they should add some more to the infested.

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oh yeah, i understand, and it´s good that you share the idea. im just saying that in case DE sees this topic, they know that before they even think of adding these units, they should add some more to the infested.


I'm pretty sure that DE has more than enough they're adding and working on with the content of Update 9 and the boss revamps then to suddenly take interest in a random idea thread that just got posted ten minutes ago >_>


With that said, there's a couple of awesome infested concept threads somewhere in the depths that probably could deserve some bumps I'm sure.

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Updated the descriptions of the standard Aegis unit behavior. Drawing these guys are tricky, especially as I'm trying to work out how I want to make the armetures to look visibly without breaking the themes of the Corpus already. Pilots I have a pretty good idea how I want to design however.

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  • 1 month later...

They should have some sort of power generator on them that when destroyed, will impair them in some way!


Give them individually destructible limbs!


Give them layers of armor that when destroyed, will gib awesomely!


The Mantis will be equipped with Stealth Armor (Destructible) and should have an ECM effect on Tenno!


Snipers should be Tetrapods that need to deploy to fire! When deployed, they get a big-&#! shield! They'll also be EXTREMELY loud!


Allow Clans to research their weapons!





...And that's most of my ideas presented with an abuse of Exclamation Marks.

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They should have some sort of power generator on them that when destroyed, will impair them in some way!


Give them individually destructible limbs!


Give them layers of armor that when destroyed, will gib awesomely!


The Mantis will be equipped with Stealth Armor (Destructible) and should have an ECM effect on Tenno!


Snipers should be Tetrapods that need to deploy to fire! When deployed, they get a big-&#! shield! They'll also be EXTREMELY loud!


Allow Clans to research their weapons!





...And that's most of my ideas presented with an abuse of Exclamation Marks.

Hmm I don't think such dynamic enemies are feasible or even warranted. No other generic enemy in the game behaves in the way you are describing and I personally don't want these enemies to be hindered by such weak points. They should just die. I do like your idea for an ECM effect from Mantis hunters as an extra heads up alert to Tenno.

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Ohey, this thread lives ',';


Following for art updates. I'm really not sure how I feel about the 4 arms. However, I'm positive that sticking a gun on each of those arms (that isn't a pistol) is incredibly overpowered.

Again, these guys/gals won't be standard Moa rare. Think rarity of Stalker or Fusion Moa, and you won't be too far off. Perhaps on Minnow's stage they'll be more along the rarity of Technicians but still they won't be flooding your missions.


They should have some sort of power generator on them that when destroyed, will impair them in some way!


Give them individually destructible limbs!


Give them layers of armor that when destroyed, will gib awesomely!


The Mantis will be equipped with Stealth Armor (Destructible) and should have an ECM effect on Tenno!


Snipers should be Tetrapods that need to deploy to fire! When deployed, they get a big-&#! shield! They'll also be EXTREMELY loud!


Allow Clans to research their weapons!





...And that's most of my ideas presented with an abuse of Exclamation Marks.


Abuse of exclamation marks aside... :P


On regards to the generator/armor gibs/sniper multileg/destructable stealth - The problem with all of these, is that for the most part the point is to try and make the idea simplistic enough to be plausable. My idea for the Aegis is that whatever strength that comes from these guys comes from the armaments, as well as the use of the unique rigtype (considering a total of around ten limbs to animate, just that part is a nightmare for the designwork to come.) That's not saying that super-dynamic situations like you suggested don't work in theory, but the plan is to try for basic before supercomplex :P

If anything, the breaking arms and armor gibs might be something to keep in mind for the fight with Minnow though, considering such dynamics would work better with a boss.


On regards to clan research - partly covered already. The Bulwark's weapons were already mentioned as a concept'd research item, whereas most the other weapons are either minor reskins of existing Corpus research (Lankas, the burst rifles being Deras or similar,) or weapons that thus far are Corpus AI only (Fusion Laser, Moa Railguns). The only exceptions are the laser miniguns (which I'm debating changing to Surpas, or refining to a plasma weapon concept) and the Starburst shotgun.


Hmm I don't think such dynamic enemies are feasible or even warranted. No other generic enemy in the game behaves in the way you are describing and I personally don't want these enemies to be hindered by such weak points. They should just die. I do like your idea for an ECM effect from Mantis hunters as an extra heads up alert to Tenno.


Originally, my idea for intro for Aegis mimicked that of the Stalker, with the portrait popping up on the side and a small blurb. Some sort of subtle screen effect or other special effect though could work better to help differentiate them from him though. (For example, a Sniper's first identified by Tenno by some form of laser sight from the Lankas upon encountering)

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Borealis? Why does that sound familiar...?

Yeah... and suddenly Aegis reminds me of the deployable wall used by the Cadians... Were you playing Warhammer 40k before posting this?


Nah. Aegis sounded interesting and worked well for acronyming, whereas Borealis was fragmented from a term for ze northern lights (Corpus Ice Worlds, makes sense!). Any terms relating anything were jus silly coincidences and were totally not inflicted by the Dark Gods. Maybe.

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Don't forget! Those Corpus are only Merchants! Yet they mostly only use the MOA series as their real protection. AMBULAS REVAMP.

But would Borealis be considered as a Crusader in a Corpus themed Medieval time? 

Personally I can't see Corpus having crusaders... Maybe inquisitors, but they don't seem strong enough to stand against the Grineer army alone. If they could, and didn't need us to help them with the formorians maybe I could see crusaders.

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Don't forget! Those Corpus are only Merchants! Yet they mostly only use the MOA series as their real protection. AMBULAS REVAMP.

But would Borealis be considered as a Crusader in a Corpus themed Medieval time? 


And the Grineer are only soldiers? We already know the Grineer also are dabbling in R&D (Tyl Regor), and the new Lotus voicelog seems to indicate they also are seeking research weapons of their own (new Sabotage lines for Grineer Asteroids). Believing a single faction does only one stick is just silly, in a way.


In a way, the Armstech branch (and the Aegis as a result) are a simple context for a military research branch for the Corpus: Exploiting Orokin technology for the good of the Corpus, taking the learning that other Corpus have, ahem, 'extracted' from the tech they discover in digsites or trading.




As for if Borealis being a 'Crusader', I'm not quite sure of the context, but I'll do my best to discuss how I picture Minnow as a character.


See, to be blunt, Minnow's combat skills are entirely based off the Aegis - she was the main designer - but part of me pictures a darker sort of connection in the back. It's been theorized that Lotus is a rouge AI that originated from the Corpus, among other theories on the Corpus having been 'slighted' by either the Tenno or Lotus in the past. (Alad V's comments, nuff said). Thus, Minnow would more then likely be a survivor of that 'situation', and would turn her research into the exploitation of the Orokin power tech, thus the incorperation of Orokin Reactors and Catalysts into the systems of the Aegis, giving them the advanced power.


Crusader, not really. Out for blood and revenge? Probably.

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