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Event That Requires Skill Instead Of Mindless Grinding


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 Alright Tenno, how about suggestions?


 Would you rather have an event that requires you to get specific types of kill? Kills while sliding? Kills in a wallrun? Multikills?


 What would they have to do in an event to make it 'Take skill'?

Something that does not primarily require time over talent? ;D

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Like the enemies in Mass Effect MP

Okay, I gotta kinda stop you there. The Mass Effect enemies really didn't have any depth to them and used a lot of BS tricks to control player movement. The only game mode that got 'skillful' was Platinum because it totally messed with the normal learnable patterns of the different factions by mixing units from different factions. But even that got predictable once people started learning the new combo-patterns, as there were only 4 different mixes. Even Cerberus Phantoms had predictable flanking behavior. Also Bioware's AI cheated like habitual card shark. It was constantly 'peaking' at the player's position to the point that you could find basic trooper type running backwards up stair cases while looking up at the ceiling (this was very obvious in Firebase White).

Chaos is to an extent is where "skill" can really be measured. How well can you handle changing and unpredictable conditions given the tools at your disposal. Its one reason why the Stalker was so fun at first, and why I'd like to see stuff like a Pack of Hyenas, more cross faction missions that don't just permanently transition from one to another.

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Mass effect enemies are way more interesting and require way more skill than Warframe. I'm not saying they are revolutionary or even great when it comes to how you approach them/ defeat them, but the enemies in Warframe are very mindless, and the only way I could ever possibly die is because of lvl difference, not because my wits or abilities are unmatched. 


Warframe's enemies need huge improvements... like... HUGE. 


Here's an example of a fun killing event (at least more fun than previous events):


First, you kill not one, but multiple types of enemies; whatever the Lotus asks for during a time period. The change would solve the grind for 1 specific enemy. 


Second, the enemies are new just like they have been doing, EXCEPT that they're more interesting than something that floats there or something that just has more hp and does more dmg with a beam. Also, the previous enemies were too familiar. The Fusion MOA is a re-skin with added details. The drone is... well another drone. They really required no skill at all to kill, just damage. The drones' ability to mess with your radar actually made finding and killing them EASIER. "Oh there is a drone here! There it is... doing nothing, 1 down, 19 to go! (or 2000, depending on your goal)."


These new enemies could be something special. Perhaps the Corpus introduce something new and powerful and interesting. Somewhat of a mini-boss within any Corpus mission at any lvl (so new players can encounter them). In response to this threat the Grineer have also made something special. To make matters worse for us Tenno during this dark time, a new ancient arises (ex: perhaps a mix of an ancient and a charger, somewhat of a spawn of the new Golem?) and battles all factions. During this event, rarely you will find infested New Corpus Enemy and infested New Grineer enemy. So DE would prepare multiple enemies for this event. It would be big in comparison, but I don't think its too much to ask, considering these enemies will stay in the game afterwards. 


Ideas: There are so many but here's some (if they are lore-breaking ignore them):


New ancient: Stalker uses infested to boost his goals, somehow involved in process and new ancient has shadow abilites (could walk on walls and leap through dark portals. Sounds @(*()$ scary. Can fire shadow projectiles or spit something. OR... New ancient is thorn/ spike based, but they remain inside, however, has a defense mechanism it gets down in ball like position and SPIKES like a blowflish. It can also spike burst, an AoE attack, but it has to charge so you can identify what it's doing and stop it. It can put down spike barriers (similar to volt's shield) to protect itself while charging a spike burst! Wow, that's interesting! Spikes can elongate from its firsts and it can charge you. You can imagine how scary this infested could look.


New Corpus: Bot soldier. If it's not too similar to the new faction, robot soldiers! Or cyborgs (so they can be infected) Laser beam eyes, physical shields (project out of its arms, not bubble based shield, and jet packs. If they had jet packs they could also have a charge power where they charge their jet pack and blast up, creating an AoE effect. The jet pack would be more like a super jump but they could hover down in any direction. They would be able to block and fire in the air. Speaking of their shields. This physical shield could have a ricochet effect that bounces bullets and even some abilities back to the general direction of the attacking Tenno. It will block towards you if you shoot in its general area, meaning you would not have to necessarily  take damage in order to grab its attention. Other Tenno would be required to flank this enemy as one distracts. Wow, how interesting!


New Grineer: Rather than pure offense, you could have a crowd control/ support based Grineer with interesting abilites, perhaps with multiple arms (2 being it's original arms, 2 being built and added) including special gadgets such as web traps, caltrops, blinding grenades, acidic spray that decreases armor, charged AoE healing, etc, and a force like power that doesn't knock you down, but pushes you back (perhaps technology created in an attempt to match Banshee, but they could only achieve this). It can have tanks, holsters, containers, etc on its body that can be destroyed which eliminates these abilities. It can have some sort of body shaped barrier that increases armor (to itself and its specific parts) to bullets, but has a weakness to melee, so you melee lovers can truly get a feeling of, "I'M GOING IN!" And considering he can push you back, you have to sneak up on him somehow rather than just charge. His field of view will matter. This guy would be tough to take down, and other Grineers would be smart enough to stay near him. You would definitely want this guy down first.


New Infested Corpus and Grineer: This wouldn't have to be added but it'd be soooo coooool and interesting. To make this section short, basically the examples of the new Corpus and Grineer enemy would combine or clash with the ideas of the new Ancient or general infested. Their appearances could be based on their defeat to the new ancient. You can imagine the new 4 armed grineer with nasty spikes around its body... or a Corpus cyborg with a faulty jetpack (to add character and unpredictability) whilst using shadow abilities (or something else) in a chaotic way. Perhaps the infected corpus cyborg would charge energy and a focused Tenno would have to take it down before it spirals out of control and fires its (whatever it is). Or perhaps the infected corpus isn't a cyborg, it's actually a robot covered in infested flesh which is controlled by a nearby (new) Ancient, sort of like a local hive mind... Wow, that's interesting!


I'd stop playing outside a bit for this event.

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That did not take skill.


Having Nyx, Frost, and Saryn meant a victory.


i was in my frost with an ash and 2 lokis in a corpus 20 wave defense, sure we beat it, but i was pretty much carrying the last 5 or so waves via icewave/snow globe/avalanche spam. It took great skill for me to not pull my hair out at how much i was doing. i even have a picture of the results to show for it (pic), but would i ever want to do that again? Oh Hell No!

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i was in my frost with an ash and 2 lokis in a corpus 20 wave defense, sure we beat it, but i was pretty much carrying the last 5 or so waves via icewave/snow globe/avalanche spam. It took great skill for me to not pull my hair out at how much i was doing. i even have a picture of the results to show for it (pic), but would i ever want to do that again? Oh Hell No!

Looks more like you carried it all the way trough ._.

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how a bout a superboss that works also like a puzzle


like in the shadow of the colossus


giant supercomputer with guns everywhere


infested "gravemind" sort of thing


super grineer clone "failed" cloning experiment turned weapon

long have i waited for a shadow of the colossus-type boss fight in an mmo or really ANY game that isn't shadow of the colossus itself


if any developer ever does that i would praise them to no end

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skill is hard to measure.

we also wouldn't want to turn the game into a different kind of no-lifing. those guys that spend countless hours wall-walking perfectly across a map for the best time. or some such.

not to mention that this game is so easy there is no real need to excel in any skillful way. while this game has skillful elements it certainly doesn't require them of you in any meaningful way.

defence doesn't cut it in my book. nothing skillful about hiding in a snow glove and shooting things.

or  behind Bastille/Chaos(kinda).

Edited by zorinho20
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  • 2 weeks later...
How about a survival where you don't have to defend a pod or anything but there will be some really hard to kill enemy's within the constant stream of mobs so your team has to change positions since they cant just burst these mobs down. They should be slow moving and there should always be one of these mobs on the map chasing the team however the longer the mob is on the map the faster it gets so you will have to kill them regularly before they get to strong.
Another thing for the defense would be if every race would get a mob that nullify ability's like an area around them that makes them immune to ability's however these mobs should all have a week point that is always at the same spot not to easy to reach but doable. Greener and Corpus should get the ability to shoot through Frosts Snow globe with 50% damage or so else you would die to fast in high lvl Waves (above 30).
Mobs could be 
Infested: infested Greener shield guy Huge shield that protects him from frontal attacks (more or less). 
Greener: Heavy units that carry a device on the back that makes every unit in its vicinity immune to ability's and the unit carrying it could melt the globe with here bullets weakening it so that  others can should through. 
Corpus: A small walker that got a buff beam like the shield drone and can use a beam to weaken Frosts Snow globe.  
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how a bout a superboss that works also like a puzzle


like in the shadow of the colossus


giant supercomputer with guns everywhere


infested "gravemind" sort of thing


super grineer clone "failed" cloning experiment turned weapon

massive autonomous grineer deathmurderstabkill satellite which you have to infiltrate and destroy from the inside combining capture (get intel on the thing), spy (to get even more intel), then rescue (to show how Tenno negotiate with abominations) and then as  grand finale Raid, sabotage or deception with a nice time limit rush to exit.

How to make it competitive? high scores based on time with best times getting additional rewards while all participants get a shiny killing doo-dad.

Too bad DE will never read nor implement this but a man can dream

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Hey I would like to see a weekend event where its not about grinding serten mobs but skilfull playing, teamwork like max wave in defence or managing a special jumping puzzle in the fastest time, well you can see its not about how mutsh time you can speend doing the same thing but more like how good as a player you are.

Shh, keep it down; otherwise you will break the code about how much fun grinding really is in WF!

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 Alright Tenno, how about suggestions?


 Would you rather have an event that requires you to get specific types of kill? Kills while sliding? Kills in a wallrun? Multikills?


 What would they have to do in an event to make it 'Take skill'?


Having enemies with AI worth a damn.


While we're at it, apply that to the whole game.

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 Alright Tenno, how about suggestions?


 Would you rather have an event that requires you to get specific types of kill? Kills while sliding? Kills in a wallrun? Multikills?


 What would they have to do in an event to make it 'Take skill'?

Here's a thought.  How about 15 waves of mid level combined grineer and infested defense where the ship's hull has ruptured and so the hack panel is useless as far as stopping shield loss to decompression?

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An invasion of brainslugs to latch armored skulls of various things in the solar system, and Tenno would have a contest on who could headshot the most of them. The number present in each wave of mobs increases by 1.25 for each other player in the group, and each player gets an even cut of each headshot. Also, the affected mobs are running around like crazy chickens and can't be CCed (but don't attack either)


I like headshotting. It's a strangly silly feeling. 


Alternatively, a huge parkour course like the the more perverse jump puzzles in Guild Wars 2 :) 

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A limited SF Map.


- You start the mission on a timer, it can be anyone but mobile defense or defense. The timer will be reset when you reach the "halfway" point of a mission. Example: When you rescue the hostage, or capture an enemy, you will get a new timer. Any "stealth kills" will also give you 5 seconds.

- You start with: Full Energy, and 50% of your ammunition for all weapons.

- Enemies will not drop ammunition packs or health/energy orbs. Only affinity, credits, resources, and mods.

- However, resource boxes/lockers will have a small chance of containing supplies. Maybe 1 ammo pack or orb with other loot.

- When you trigger the alarm. Huge amounts of enemies will come pouring out, making it difficult to actually complete the mission in time. Stalker will show up as well, repeatedly.

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There could be an event where the Corpus are developing a prototype device using Orokin technology they've found. It could be a device that prevents Tenno from using their powers. The Lotus now sends you on a mission to invade the research sites before they fully complete the technology or mass produce them.

The missions have your powers disabled since you're in the vicinity of the device. So you will need to only use weapons. It will start off as a mobile defense with the Tenno squad uploading Lotus into the device. Instead of searching for intel, she will activate the self-destruct sequence of the device. Since it's covered by new metal or shielding so the Tenno weapons won't be able to destroy it before enemy reinforcements will arrive. After the defense is done it turns into a reactor core sabotage where it is timed. You only have X amount of time to get to the extraction point before the core blows up.

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Jokes aside - I had a cool thought.



 They ought to give the Infested an enemy type that doesn't follow the 'Meat wall' style they have currently.



 Imagine a Spidermorph creature.


 First - it'd have an ability not unlike Grineer Scorpion - only Spidermorph would have a longer range and a long cooldown on using it.

 Second - It'd be an enemy capable of moving on walls and ceilings. It'd actively try to hide itself whenever it isn't attacking or when it doesn't see a player.



 Make an event out of THAT monster - but better yet - do it by making them show up in Defense missions. Can you last 20 waves against level 50+ Infested with these new guys yanking you out from Vauban's safe zones?

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