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Karm-o-meter and its secrets


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Not sure if this topic was ever brought up to wide public attention, but I hope it would not be much of a transgression to post my today observations.

There seemed to be a dynamic factor that changes the karm-o-meters (the golden border of it) of different players

Case A: leafs

Case B: sprigs

Case C: sprouts

Case D: sprouts on leaning "moon" side

Case E: leafs on leaning "sun" side

Case F: sprigs on far "moon" side

Your thoughts?

EDIT: false alarm. It is but an additional visualization that depicts the overall karma side.

EDIT2: seems like DE has implemented the extended version of karm-o-meter. The type of elements shows the overall affiliate, and the number of elements most likely depicts the depths of alignment. For example, people who would choose the "sun" side persistently, might end up with the whole karm-o-meter covered with leafs, when persistent "neutrals" will have all the gauge covered with that flowery things. 

Edited by Teloch
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