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  1. I say NO to Infested liches, but is probably inevitable
  2. Thats the problem, DE dont want that either, so they are stuck between half-dead CC and dominant nukes which gets nerfed anyway
  3. Kinda weird it didnt trigger 2FA protection if that was login from unknown device https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us
  4. They probably implement DirectSR, since is part of DirectX libraries and not rely on GPU manufacturer
  5. Also, small thing, DE change lighting but yet again they forgot about actual light sources. Shadows in Orbiter are casted from left to right even Sun as source is on right side
  6. Would be close to 1999, according to Wiki - Mobile phone throwing is an international sport that started in Finland in the year 2000
  7. I have RTX 3070 and no problems, no increased usage, only fps went down in Orbiter
  8. Ehm, DE, we need our shelves from Orbiter back
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