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Orokin Catalysts/Reactors NEED to Change: A letter to the Game Devs


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Excuse me while I laugh myself to death.

Warframe forces you to buy anything BUT cosmetic upgrades?

Everything can be got in game, except for cosmetics, and items that makes things more convenient.

I'm personally fine with only 2 Warframe Slots and the 8 weapon slots.

Oh, you want more slots you say?

How about you pay the developers some money (10 dollars would get you about 6 warframe slots) instead of just asking for handouts when you're not even paying to play a thus far, great game. Entilted F2P'er mentality.

I havn't even paid any money in to this game, and I support it's model.

That's not what I said. I don't have a problem with only have 2 warframe slots or having so few weapon slots without paying for them. Those are thing I would be perfectly okay with paying for. What I have a problem with (and what this thread is talking about, ironically, the point you missed) is that in the last week there has been exactly one chance to get 1 catalyst without paying any money. That chance took place at around 2pm, a time on the west coast US when most people are either at school or working. What I have a problem with is that I have one warframe that is level 30 and 8 weapons that are all 20+ that can't be upgraded.

You may be fine with how the system works but that doesn't change the fact that it's broken as evidenced by the fact that there was a dev post in another thread saying they are working on the issue.

If the only way to reliably upgrade weapons and warframes to their max potential is to spend money then people are going to lose interest more quickly than they are going to reach for their wallet to spend money.

Edited by f3llyn
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Excuse me while I laugh myself to death.

Warframe forces you to buy anything BUT cosmetic upgrades?

Everything can be got in game, except for cosmetics, and items that makes things more convenient.

I'm personally fine with only 2 Warframe Slots and the 8 weapon slots.

Oh, you want more slots you say?

How about you pay the developers some money (10 dollars would get you about 6 warframe slots) instead of just asking for handouts when you're not even paying to play a thus far, great game. Entilted F2P'er mentality.

I havn't even paid any money in to this game, and I support it's model.

You have poor reading comprehension. None of his post says any of that.

He said only that Path of Exile and League of Legends manage to be ridiculously successful without needing to monetize anything directly effecting gameplay. All of their focus is on cosmetics in regards to monetization.

Either that or you are a poor quality troll.

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You have poor reading comprehension. None of his post says any of that.

He said only that Path of Exile and League of Legends manage to be ridiculously successful without needing to monetize anything directly effecting gameplay. All of their focus is on cosmetics in regards to monetization.

Either that or you are a poor quality troll.

Exactly. I didn't think I could have worded my post any clearer but that guy missed the point entirely.

On a side note in Path of Exile you buy stash tabs with money. The difference in that game is that people will not have any issues with paying for storage space with real money if they do not feel like their progress in the games content is being intentionally limited to get people to spend money.

I prefer Warframe to Path of Exile and I think it has a huge potential. But that potential will never be realized if the ? alert system and reactor/catalyst systems are not changed drastically.

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I have thought of something similiar to the "If this is an early closed Beta, why is everything so restrive?"

The Devs should, at least, make a few weekends where everything is unlocked so that we could actually test things.

This doesnt so much feel like a beta as a half released product with a kickstarter.

Also, Beta - Beta also means acquiring metrics from the cash shop, so giving stuff away for free or giving people more Plat would change on what's bought.

A Beta is a way to test things, while the cash shop is definitely one of those things...........i think balance should be first.

Balance is CLEARLY still an issue in Warframe, and without people actually being able to test things it will not be fixed.

Additionally, the devs should keep in mind that if they burn out their beta testers, how much hope are they going to have in keeping people that werent interested enough in the game to acuire a beta key in the first place?

I understand that they want to make money, and dont really mind the system as is for a full release or a beta phase 3 or 4 (though it can be a little on the grindy side), but this current beta phase needs to be rethought.

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I firmly believe that even after nerfing the base Warframes the entire thing can be solved without actually changing the Reactors/Catalysts.

I feel like the entire problem is rooted in how players have to obtain them without paying. It is the Alerts and NOT the Orokin items.

The Alert system is currently very poor and the Reactor/Catalyst system feels worse because of it. The only reason people always bring up the Orokin items instead of other valuable BP's from Alerts is because Orokin items bear the curse of also being part of the monetization plan. They'll always be the first thing to come under fire because of that.

Edited by Blatantfool
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Oh, you want more slots you say?

How about you pay the developers some money (10 dollars would get you about 6 warframe slots) instead of just asking for handouts when you're not even paying to play a thus far, great game. Entilted F2P'er mentality.

Exactly how are we "entitled"? It's supposed to be FREE TO PLAY. If they want to get compensated for their game, put a @(*()$ price tag on it. There's a reason why they don't. The only purpose behind the system they use is to lure you in, get you attached to the game, and then drop a wall in front of you that requires you to pay to get past. They are completely free to use this strategy, because it is their game. The only thing I am saying is that people will catch on very quickly, and stop playing. There are better ways to treat your players in a F2P game that still get you paid.

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That's not what I said. I don't have a problem with only have 2 warframe slots or having so few weapon slots without paying for them. Those are thing I would be perfectly okay with paying for. What I have a problem with (and what this thread is talking about, ironically, the point you missed) is that in the last week there has been exactly one chance to get 1 catalyst without paying any money. That chance took place at around 2pm, a time on the west coast US when most people are either at school or working. What I have a problem with is that I have one warframe that is level 30 and 8 weapons that are all 20+ that can't be upgraded.

You may be fine with how the system works but that doesn't change the fact that it's broken as evidenced by the fact that there was a dev post in another thread saying they are working on the issue.

If the only way to reliably upgrade weapons and warframes to their max potential is to spend money then people are going to lose interest more quickly than they are going to reach for their wallet to spend money.

You start out with 50 credits. If you upgrade your base suit and a ranged main weapon, you're basically competitive for most of the content. Grab the relevant weapon scavenger artifact and you're set. You just need one more orokin upgrade for melee.

Sure the game doesn't communicate this to you early on, but the current system isn't quite as limiting as what you're saying.

Edit: That's not to say that the current model can't be improved.

Edited by capttezzv22
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I agree with OP. I've already thrown a bit of cash at the game, so I don't have those problems yet, but the alert system in general isn't very good. The ? alerts are very rare, occurs at random, and are only available for 20-50 minutes. To get a good recent example of how much this system can frustrate people, go back and look at the recent update problems for Europe (support forum is full of those topics). Just after the update, when half a continent couldn't access the game, a potato alert showed up: Everyone could read about it on the forum and people who couldn't update could just suck it up while everyone else enjoyed a free upgrade item that required no effort (completing most of those missions is extremely easy).

The problem isn't that there's a very cheap option to aquire 3 upgrade items (paying 5 bucks), it's that it is currently impossible to earn those things in the game. People claiming "entitlement" don't have any idea what they're talking about because it's about establishing an end goal to the game, considering how very limited most weapons and frames are at level 15. You can only bother farming Pluto so many times before you start to get mods you have no real way of improving upon (or straight up won't have to because you one-shot everything short of a boss) and this won't change no matter how a drop rate is balanced: A player puts in X amount of effort and receives Y in return. At some point, Y will be "good enough" and then the player doesn't have much else to do than wait for week in the hope of not only getting a ? alert that drops a potato but also one that drops the right kind.

Basically, a player is going to hit level 30 on all the items they want at some point (even if they're still specced as level 15) and obtain the mods they are interested in. Now they face an insurmountable obstacle in terms of a lottery, where the prize will appear for 30 minutes at some random point in time: Day or night, work day or weekend. For those whose only concerns are 30 minutes of homework and dinner, that's not a big problem because they can just leave it tabbed and listen for the sound of an alert appearing. However, most gamers are actually adults with jobs these days, and it's virtually impossible for a regular grown up to get one of these items without paying for them. I think I've seen two or three catalyst alerts (the most useful ones) reported in the time I've played and only one of them was available to actually get (the other two were in the middle or the night and during the failed EU update, where I could watch everyone else get them).

People aren't asking for a magical potato farm where it takes less than two hours to obtain 10 of each, they're asking for some way to earn upgrades through playing the game - even if it takes a 0.1% boss drop, 5000 rubedo and 2000 alloys to get.

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You start out with 50 credits. If you upgrade your base suit and a ranged main weapon, you're basically competitive for most of the content. Grab the relevant weapon scavenger artifact and you're set. You just need one more orokin upgrade for melee.

Sure the game doesn't communicate this to you early on, but the current system isn't quite as limiting as what you're saying.

Edit: That's not to say that the current model can't be improved.

I understand that. But when I started playing I didn't even know about the upgrade system or that the reactors and catalysts existed. I saw I had 50 platinum and saw that you could buy stuff with credits so I immediately clicked the button to get a credit booster. Little did I know that is the most useless choice I could have made. As others have said, it's not an issue with the orokin items, those are fine. It's an issue with the ? alert system being completely unreliable. At this time (9am) there hasn't been a ? alert reported since about 5pm yesterday that's 16 hours without a ? alert. Also as I said, in the week and a half I've been playing this there has been exactly 1 ? alert that gave a catalyst and it was in a time of the day where I couldn't be playing.

If their goal is to have a system that makes it so you only want to play at certain random times that have no fore warning and can happen at any time of the day and often not for 15+ hours at a time then they have done a fantastic job. But I don't think that is their intent.

And this is also a beta, it's entirely likely once the game is "released" that you won't get 50 free platinum.

Here's another thing. They just revamped the upgrade system for warframes barely more than a day ago and they probably want feedback on it. But without paying money we can't. It seems totally and completely counter productive and kind of pointless to even give feedback on the game when so much revovles around 2 items.

This is coming from the perspective of a person who didn't know about the game before 2 weeks ago and has only seen the chance to get a catalyst (when I knew about them) once in that time. Though I understand it's beta, that fact is not lost on me. But people defending the current system get us nowhere, we're supposed to be giving feedback not "it's fine as is" as some people have said. That's the most useless thing a person can say (I realize the person I quoted didn't) and doesn't help the players or devs.

As the system currently sits I couldn't recommend the game to anyone despite how much I like it.

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it's funny because now "?" alerts seem to rarely even come up now and when they do they're at a really weird time or they have same reward over and over (doesn't seem random to me) though i should of spent my 50 plat for frame slots since now new warframes came out and i wanna get 1 of them but yet i don't feel like selling either the 2 i have now because they both have recators on them.

i did make a thread about being able to detach these things for a credit base which would really help me out but i doubt it'll ever happen.

which i'll eventually just quit because "?" never popping or have the same reward it did in the earlier one.

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New Warframes are optional - a "nice to have" if you will.

Increasing your level cap from 15 to 30 is a pretty big deal, arguably mandatory for Pluto (and Eris/Ceres, now).

Being stuck at level 15 from the F2P wall because of a lucky grind is a much bigger problem than not getting to play another class because of a lucky grind. Having one Warframe at 30 is generally enough to complete most of the content in the game. Starter warframes are solid, especially Excal and Volt. Loki maybe not as great as those two, but still viable.

A luck-based grind is okay if it's for something you want but don't need (unlock another class) that isn't holding you back from completing content.

A luck-base grind is not okay if it's for something you need in order to progress.

Personally I hate the entire alert system.

Not sure about Pluto, as I've cleared all nodes in it but have rarely gone back to re-do, except in case of ?Alerts. But I just finished Eris and am strategizing to try farming Phorid efficiently for Nyx parts, and I have a super-charged Ember30 for the job, as well as a super-charged HEK24 (one that I purposedly kept at 15 skill-point wise). And although I did die a bit here and there, it seems highly doable soloing.

IMO we're making too much of a big deal between what we NEED and what we WANT. Technically you don't NEED anything. It feels difficult to do high level missions without super-charging. Is it impossible? Look, if a crappy player like me, with a crappy rig that gives me at best 15 fps when playing, can kinda sorta do it, I'm sure there are plenty of actual F2P players out there who can do it with little effort.

And guess what? Over there at the slots thread, people are raising the exact opposite argument as over here. They want a way, however difficult, to get extra slots through grinding levels or luck. They consider having xtra warframe and weapon slots an essential part of progression!!! So now what? DE can't charge platinum for those who don't want to wait for RNG for reactors/catalysts AND they can't charge platinum for those who want more slots. Game has a bleak future indeed.

A luck-based grind is okay if it's for something you want but don't need (unlock another class) that isn't holding you back from completing content.

Let me just re-highlight this idea. Different classes ARE CONTENT. Different weapons, warframes, levels/missions ARE ALL CONTENT. Just because you don't have an urgent need to play the non-starter classes doesn't mean they are magically not content: just content you aren't really into. With that same attitude, I can say this: like I said, before update 6.0 I rarely did Pluto, since I don't need anything from it. I prefer Earth and Neptune mostly. By your logic then Pluto missions are content I don't really want and CERTAINLY don't need. Hence not content. Sounds wrong eh?

Let's just agree that this game is full of content, and when the specific content that we really want is behind a pay-wall, or really really hard to get without platinum, we're not happy.

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What really bothers me is the possibility to have just 2 warframes if you spent your starting platinum on else.

Having more is most likely seen as a luxury than a necessity, you wont need more than 2 in terms of amount of content accessible. You could essentially complete the game with just one Warframe. Hehe...

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Not sure about Pluto, as I've cleared all nodes in it but have rarely gone back to re-do, except in case of ?Alerts. But I just finished Eris and am strategizing to try farming Phorid efficiently for Nyx parts, and I have a super-charged Ember30 for the job, as well as a super-charged HEK24 (one that I purposedly kept at 15 skill-point wise). And although I did die a bit here and there, it seems highly doable soloing.

IMO we're making too much of a big deal between what we NEED and what we WANT. Technically you don't NEED anything. It feels difficult to do high level missions without super-charging. Is it impossible? Look, if a crappy player like me, with a crappy rig that gives me at best 15 fps when playing, can kinda sorta do it, I'm sure there are plenty of actual F2P players out there who can do it with little effort.

And guess what? Over there at the slots thread, people are raising the exact opposite argument as over here. They want a way, however difficult, to get extra slots through grinding levels or luck. They consider having xtra warframe and weapon slots an essential part of progression!!! So now what? DE can't charge platinum for those who don't want to wait for RNG for reactors/catalysts AND they can't charge platinum for those who want more slots. Game has a bleak future indeed.

Let me just re-highlight this idea. Different classes ARE CONTENT. Different weapons, warframes, levels/missions ARE ALL CONTENT. Just because you don't have an urgent need to play the non-starter classes doesn't mean they are magically not content: just content you aren't really into. With that same attitude, I can say this: like I said, before update 6.0 I rarely did Pluto, since I don't need anything from it. I prefer Earth and Neptune mostly. By your logic then Pluto missions are content I don't really want and CERTAINLY don't need. Hence not content. Sounds wrong eh?

Let's just agree that this game is full of content, and when the specific content that we really want is behind a pay-wall, or really really hard to get without platinum, we're not happy.

Of course it's a matter of want. If we're talking need vs. want then we don't need to play this game at all. We play games to have fun. Waiting for hours on end for ? alerts is not fun. 17 hours and counting since the last ? alert.

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I think what people really want here is a not-so-broken "?" rewards system.

I personally want to see an end to the sporadic timing. I have no real need for catas or reactors, but the system is pretty boners right now. It'd be nice if there was some rhyme and reason to all of this, because right now, this S#&$ is all over the place.

That's not much to ask for, we're not harming the cash flow at all, there's still a rarity to getting the equipment, it would just allow everyone a truely fair shot.

For example, lets say TF2 changed it's item dropping system. Hats and miscs will only have a chance to drop at random thirty minute intervals once every day or two. Any time, any point in the day, you could be on the toilet, at work, in school, at the library, getting groceries, and you wouldn't be able to do a thing.

That hardly seems fair.

I wouldn't mind a random drop system, once every week we get two or three chances for "drops" which reset on a certain day, and are purely based on completing missions, no time constraints other than the reset. That way, people would have incentives to complete missions to get these items, rather than wait all night and day for the alert to come.

Since you all love comparing F2P games with eachother, why not borrow a good example of one of their systems that works?

Edited by Karagera
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A little off topic, but I'd like to see a system where how well you actually do on a mission impacts what you get at the end.

Died 3 times? Get 500 credits. Died zero times? Same thing. Got a million headshots? Still 500 credits. Took almost no damage? Sorry, you get the same.

The game already tracks a bunch of your stats, why not make them actually mean something? Specific rewards for accomplishing specific achievements in specific missions could add a lot replayability (not to mention some much needed uniqueness) to missions. For example, say 10% chance of X reward when you get more than 50 headshots (but only in Tethys. Doing the same thing in another area gives you something else). Or say, 20% chance of Y reward for 100 melee kills.

Of course, the better the reward, the lower the chances of getting it and the harder it is to achieve it's conditions. But at least it would gave players something to strive for which, while still involving some element of luck, also involves an element of skill and perserverance.

More on the subject at hand, however, I agree that the ability to progress your weapons and warframes is so essential to the game that reactors and catalysts become just as essential. For my own part, I immeditedly lose interest in a game the moment it becomes apparent I can no longer improve in it, so such limits on these (as far as I see it) required items would certainly cause me to lose interest in the game. The fact that the level cap is 30 is also kind of a bummer as my Excalibur is rank 22 and I have only been playing for 2 days and not even all that much. The minute I get to lvl 30 I'm probably going to lose all interest in the game (in it's current form) since there is no way I'm anywhere near to being able to make another warframe, and if I do get any platinum it will be for catalysts.

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Of course it's a matter of want. If we're talking need vs. want then we don't need to play this game at all. We play games to have fun. Waiting for hours on end for ? alerts is not fun. 17 hours and counting since the last ? alert.

Truth spoken.

The argument that 'You don't need X you just want it' is stupid. All things in games are a clash of want and need. You WANT to progress because that is the point of the damn game so you NEED the things that allow this or you get only a part of the sense of accomplishment.

Funny thing is, if a game like Diablo or Torchlight or Guild Wars had an identical implement it would lead to enormous backlash and even boycotts.

Part of me it torn wondering if some people are defending it purely because the game isn't a huge release with a big following.

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A little off topic, but I'd like to see a system where how well you actually do on a mission impacts what you get at the end.

The fact that the level cap is 30 is also kind of a bummer as my Excalibur is rank 22 and I have only been playing for 2 days and not even all that much. The minute I get to lvl 30 I'm probably going to lose all interest in the game (in it's current form) since there is no way I'm anywhere near to being able to make another warframe, and if I do get any platinum it will be for catalysts.

I've been thinking this for a few days myself. There is very little content in this game if you specialize/favourite one Waframe, becomes even less if you simply want the strongest/effective weapon(s). Collecting Warframes and weapons is the only thing keeping anyone playing and that's probably why there's such an uproar about slots. At level 30 you're pretty much end-game content already farming for Mods, or materials for perhaps another Warframe that you don't need really. You just maxed out a Warframe why bother start over with another?

Ranking up your MASTERY is about the best goal one can go for, and doing it is quite worth it, especially if you want the HEK shotgun. After that you're done. But amount of content is a completely different topic so I'll stop for now.

But yeah... a new system to obtain Orokin Reactors/Catalysts needs to be implemented, at the moment it's far too based on luck. Random ? Alert misisons are fine but I really don't see the point of 90% of them. Tthe money reward? Far too small!

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everyone wants it everyone needs it because without it you're basically stuck at lvl 15 unlocked nodes.

compared to new helmets and cosmetics you can want it but you don't need it or plat only weapons that they don't put a blue print for in the shop when ever they come around to do that.

Edited by Kyuzo
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Without getting too entrenched in the debate, here is my drive by opinion:

Yes, its beta. That doesn't mean you should get everything for free instantly - you wouldn't know how the grinding feels, how it keeps up under repetition, or how rewarding it is (or isn't) to build up those powers and equipment. Nor would you know how well scaled the low levels are. Otherwise known as, you dont know how the game is meant to be played vis a vis a gradual leveling/farming system.

However, I agree it should not be purely luck based. For a game to be actually F2P, you should be able to progress through the game without spending a dime. Having to rely on a random chance is not progressing through the game. Every level you play should be able to move you closer to what you want to achieve. If you can't do that, you hit a wall, and that is when gamers stop playing. Not to mention it breeds hostility when one friend gets their reactor on the 2nd drop and the other guy has played through twenty times and is still searching.

Progress, even if its slow, should be based on time invested and/or skill in the game, not through random chance alone.

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Without getting too entrenched in the debate, here is my drive by opinion:

Yes, its beta. That doesn't mean you should get everything for free instantly - you wouldn't know how the grinding feels, how it keeps up under repetition, or how rewarding it is (or isn't) to build up those powers and equipment. Nor would you know how well scaled the low levels are. Otherwise known as, you dont know how the game is meant to be played vis a vis a gradual leveling/farming system.

However, I agree it should not be purely luck based. For a game to be actually F2P, you should be able to progress through the game without spending a dime. Having to rely on a random chance is not progressing through the game. Every level you play should be able to move you closer to what you want to achieve. If you can't do that, you hit a wall, and that is when gamers stop playing. Not to mention it breeds hostility when one friend gets their reactor on the 2nd drop and the other guy has played through twenty times and is still searching.

Progress, even if its slow, should be based on time invested and/or skill in the game, not through random chance alone.

I like your post. Legitimately.

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At first I checked out this topic because today I missed one Orokin Catalyst, or Reactor, cant remember, in the login reward "mini game".

After reading a few -very- good points I decided to throw in my two cents.

1. F2P Beta...really guys, give the devs a break, they're creating a game from recycled resources of another game they made, for free, for everyone.

I bet the development process consists mostly of "Guys I found this in the archives, looks useful." and then they brainstorm if its even still appealing to them as developers.

On the other hand I agree that as participants of closed beta tests we need access to content to point out its flaws or too strong sides. But it doesnt mean free access, perhaps -easier- access instead.

2. Gaining items/materials for blueprints. No argument here from me, I already got tons of scrap and I have to say, the drop rate is in my opinion perfect right now. You need to play to get them, all good there.

3. Gaining platinum. Ok this needs to change because I will speak for those actually believe in the possibility of F2P being actually FREE.

Buying stronger and more badass stuff with real life money is bad mkay?

Especially that not all people have pay pal or simply use internet payments or have an affordable currency exchange. I for one see huge prices to buy small amounts of platinum using mobile payments. And dollars are out of my reach because I do give more money than your average US citizen.

So why not introduce a Platinum exchange program? 10k credits for 5 Platinum? Maybe 20k for 10 Platinum.

Because I foresee that soon players will have too much credits and nothing to spend them on.

4. And....add more stuff to market? Like more rare materials for platinum? Of course ridiculous prices so its not too easy.

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So why not introduce a Platinum exchange program? 10k credits for 5 Platinum? Maybe 20k for 10 Platinum.

Because I foresee that soon players will have too much credits and nothing to spend them on.

This is a good idea, I think, especially with the ridiculousness that is spending plat for slots to put stuff into later.

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At first I checked out this topic because today I missed one Orokin Catalyst, or Reactor, cant remember, in the login reward "mini game".

After reading a few -very- good points I decided to throw in my two cents.

1. F2P Beta...really guys, give the devs a break, they're creating a game from recycled resources of another game they made, for free, for everyone.

I bet the development process consists mostly of "Guys I found this in the archives, looks useful." and then they brainstorm if its even still appealing to them as developers.

On the other hand I agree that as participants of closed beta tests we need access to content to point out its flaws or too strong sides. But it doesnt mean free access, perhaps -easier- access instead.

2. Gaining items/materials for blueprints. No argument here from me, I already got tons of scrap and I have to say, the drop rate is in my opinion perfect right now. You need to play to get them, all good there.

3. Gaining platinum. Ok this needs to change because I will speak for those actually believe in the possibility of F2P being actually FREE.

Buying stronger and more badass stuff with real life money is bad mkay?

Especially that not all people have pay pal or simply use internet payments or have an affordable currency exchange. I for one see huge prices to buy small amounts of platinum using mobile payments. And dollars are out of my reach because I do give more money than your average US citizen.

So why not introduce a Platinum exchange program? 10k credits for 5 Platinum? Maybe 20k for 10 Platinum.

Because I foresee that soon players will have too much credits and nothing to spend them on.

4. And....add more stuff to market? Like more rare materials for platinum? Of course ridiculous prices so its not too easy.

I understand that. And that's why this thread exists although it is probably mistitled. The issue as we've said isn't with the orokin items, it's with the "?" alert system. We try to have a discussion going but people come in here white knighting saying it's fine as is which helps literally no one.

I would absolutely love to give feedback on the new warframe upgrade paths but I can't because there hasn't been a way for me to get a single reactor since I started playing the game about a week and a half ago that I knew of. I wasn't aware how the upgrade items were obtained the first few days I played.

My fault? Perhaps? Doesn't change the fact that the alert system is flawed. No one likes RNG piled on top of RNG.

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This is a good idea, I think, especially with the ridiculousness that is spending plat for slots to put stuff into later.

Pegging an ingame currency to a real life currency worked in EVE because it has something resembling an economy. Warframe really doesn't.

It also creates huge market distortions, in that because you can get "cash items" with no use of cash, you'll almost certainly have to keep prices high. This is bad for everyone.

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