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Why Doesn't Buying Platinum Make Me A Founder?


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I chose to take part in being a founder. I chose the disciple option and have since purchase enough platinum to become at least a master. Does spending my money outside of the founder program make me less of one? I don't feel it should.

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Buying platinum and buying founders are two completely different things. When you buy platinum you are paying to buy platinum. When you buy a founders package you are purchasing the founder's package and anything that comes with that. It doesn't make sense to do it the way you are suggesting. They are two completely different products.


Here's an example. You buy stuff from a local store a lot, lets say you've spent a total of 1000 dollars (or whatever currency). Do you then go into the store and say that because you've spent a total of 1000 dollars at their store they should give you "x" product that costs 1000 dollars? No, it doesn't work that way.

Edited by Seraphyx
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That's why you should upgrade your founders package bit by bit instead of buying regular plat. Plus your get more plat for nearly exactly the same price or less than certain plat packages here.

Edited by Palkora
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I chose to take part in being a founder. I chose the disciple option and have since purchase enough platinum to become at least a master. Does spending my money outside of the founder program make me less of one? I don't feel it should.

No. But how you spend does. And still it doesn't make you less of a contributing factor or less of a player or less of a valuable member of the community.


But if you want the Founder status and perks then you need to spend accordingly. I had to ask myself same Q when I went from Disciple to Master. Spend incrementally and just get Plat, or save to become a higher level Founder.

Edited by RawGritz
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i dont think they thought people would do what you did. i would have assumed you would continue to buy into the founders for discounted plat, seeing as that was the smart thing to do.


and no it doesn't make you "less of a founder" it just means you've contributed extra to the great game that is warframe.



it is bizarre that you wouldn't continue to buy into the founders

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part of the deal with the founders pack is dumping a large amount of money all at once. its kinda the idea.

its separate and carries its own rewards because its a larger amount of cash you are putting down, all at once. rather than 10 bucks here and there. or whatever it is your are spending.

if you know you want it, and you are willing to save up the amount. why DONT you just buy the founders pack? you clearly want to spend that kind of money, but not all at once?

i feel like people just let their impulse buying get the best of them, realized they could of upgrade or bought a founders pack with that amount and want to retroactively get something they never bought, but put down enough money for if they were patient.

Edited by MetalGerbil
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I did what the other person did and upgraded my founders level over time.

I also bet a cheesecake that Founders isn't going to be around forever so it more of a preorder and showing faith in DE.

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part of the deal with the founders pack is dumping a large amount of money all at once. its kinda the idea.

its separate and carries its own rewards because its a larger amount of cash you are putting down, all at once. rather than 10 bucks here and there. or whatever it is your are spending.

if you know you want it, and you are willing to save up the amount. why DONT you just buy the founders pack? you clearly want to spend that kind of money, but not all at once?

i feel like people just let their impulse buying get the best of them, realized they could of upgrade or bought a founders pack with that amount and want to retroactively get something they never bought, but put down enough money for if they were patient.


Unfortunately I realized that too late. I had already put close to $80 in by the time I decided to just get a founder's pack.  And half of that was from a buy when I got a discount from login. I would have just gotten the basic Founder Pack to start with when I first bought plat, but at the time I wasn't planning to ever put so much into the game.

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I did what the other person did and upgraded my founders level over time.

I also bet a cheesecake that Founders isn't going to be around forever so it more of a preorder and showing faith in DE.


I believe that! Wonder if beta players will get something when it hits full launch, like closed beta got the Lato Vandal (totally don't expect that. It's a free to play open beta...most PC players will have already joined by the time it exits beta status)

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I chose to take part in being a founder. I chose the disciple option and have since purchase enough platinum to become at least a master. Does spending my money outside of the founder program make me less of one? I don't feel it should.

You knew what you are buying so please, dont try to make these two things look like the same. Founders and plat are 2 seperated products...

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But yes like beating a dead horse, they are different transactions.


One could argue that if by buying plat outside the founder's program then it should auto upgrade you, but the solution will always be patience and saving.


It would also not benefit those who bought the Grand Master package and can't be upgraded any higher, since buying plat wouldn't benefit them anymore, unless it was at the same discounted rate, which would open the flood gates of unfairness and lesser income players.

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I don't see how they are different. I appreciate the opposing views but please keep the condescending tones to yourselves. I don't see why they need to be separate products. I'm not asking for a cow when buying milk. I'm not asking for ANOTHER item that costs the same amount as what I have spent. If I have spent the same amount of money why is it so different? Different product how? Because of where I did the transaction. That just seems silly to me. Do I really need to commit all of the money at once. Must it be a requirement? I just don't think it should. I also don't see how any of my opinions make me stupid. That sort of bullying behavior is childish and beneath adults.

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I don't see how they are different. I appreciate the opposing views but please keep the condescending tones to yourselves. I don't see why they need to be separate products. I'm not asking for a cow when buying milk. I'm not asking for ANOTHER item that costs the same amount as what I have spent. If I have spent the same amount of money why is it so different? Different product how? Because of where I did the transaction. That just seems silly to me. Do I really need to commit all of the money at once. Must it be a requirement? I just don't think it should. I also don't see how any of my opinions make me stupid. That sort of bullying behavior is childish and beneath adults.

But you are asking for another item, the founders pack. Platinum and founder's packs are two completely different "items"


It is the equivalent of my example of buying stuff from a store and asking them to give you "x" related item because you've spent enough money on other things (platinum) to buy that item.


The founders packs are not platinum, they include platinum in the pack but they are not the same as platinum.

Edited by Seraphyx
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Do I really need to commit all of the money at once. Must it be a requirement?

Lets say, you pay rent for your flat. After 20 years, you payed lets say 200k. And now tell your renter that you should actually own that flat, because well, you paid the same money. Thats just not how things work. You either have it at once or you dont. These are two different products. If you like it or not.

Edited by Venarge
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But you are asking for another item, the founders pack. Platinum and founder's packs are two completely different "items"


It is the equivalent of my example of buying stuff from a store and asking them to give you "x" related item because you've spent enough money on other things (platinum) to buy that item.


The founders packs are not platinum, they include platinum in the pack but they are not the same as platinum.


They actually do that, don't they ? You can get a card at most shops and for each amount of x you buy, you save up for a discount after your card is full/half-full. I don't care about founder-stuff at all, but just think that reply doesn't really fly.


And I have no clue why some want to insult the op for asking a valid question.

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They actually do that, don't they ? You can get a card at most shops and for each amount of x you buy, you save up for a discount after your card is full/half-full. I don't care about founder-stuff at all, but just think that reply doesn't really fly.


And I have no clue why some want to insult the op for asking a valid question.

I answered his question and never insulted him. Some stores do offer a rewards program. The closest thing DE offers in regards to that is the bonus platinum you get for higher prices.


The OP is asking to get more than what he is paying for and at 1:1 exchange ratio. I spent 100 dollars on platinum therefore I should be a master founder and get everything from that package because of it. NO stores do that. They don't say okay over the course of your time shopping with us you've spent thousands of dollars on electronic products so now you get to choose thousands of dollars worth of electronics you'd like as a bonus.

Edited by Seraphyx
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I answered his question and never insulted him. Some stores do offer a rewards program. The closest thing DE offers in regards to that is the bonus platinum you get for higher prices.


The OP is asking to get more than what he is paying for and at 1:1 exchange ratio. I spent 100 dollars on platinum therefore I should be a master founder and get everything from that package because of it. NO stores do that. They don't say okay over the course of your time shopping with us you've spent thousands of dollars on electronic products so now you get to choose thousands of dollars worth of electronics you'd like as a bonus.


Yeah, 1:1 is too much afcourse, I agree. Oh, and that remark about insult was not directed at you.


edit : typo

Edited by Sammy001
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I just don't understand what people are trying to prove with their metaphors here. I don't think what I'm asking for is really all that extreme. Look I can go without the platinum included in the packs. In my mind, humbly, I feel like I have paid my dues. Regardless on the preference of where the money is spent. I'm not personally asking for 8000 credits or whatever for being a grandmaster. But if I have spent that much elsewhere is it really not fair to have that badge? To be involved in the design council? Is it really? I just don't think so. I wish someone from DE would show up here and just address this with some form of finality. Honestly, I won't really be satisfied by a member's response because in the end it means nothing whether I agree with you or not.  

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The metaphors are relevant to the situation, that's it. It does not make sense to spend money on one specific thing and expect to get something else in return just because you happened to spend as much or more than that something else costs.


Send in a support ticket if you really want a response from an official staff member (or I guess just wait and hope one responds here), I'm just trying to explain to you why it doesn't work the way you want it to.

Edited by Seraphyx
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I just don't understand what people are trying to prove with their metaphors here. I don't think what I'm asking for is really all that extreme. Look I can go without the platinum included in the packs. In my mind, humbly, I feel like I have paid my dues. Regardless on the preference of where the money is spent. I'm not personally asking for 8000 credits or whatever for being a grandmaster. But if I have spent that much elsewhere is it really not fair to have that badge? To be involved in the design council? Is it really? I just don't think so. I wish someone from DE would show up here and just address this with some form of finality. Honestly, I won't really be satisfied by a member's response because in the end it means nothing whether I agree with you or not.  


The "discussion" that you have spawned here is full of metaphors because the reality is that DE has offered you two different products and you think that by spending the same amount on one as the other, you are somehow entitled to "trade in" the first for the other.  I find it highly amusing that you think that these message boards are the equivalent of a dedicated customer support system.

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I just don't understand what people are trying to prove with their metaphors here. I don't think what I'm asking for is really all that extreme. Look I can go without the platinum included in the packs. In my mind, humbly, I feel like I have paid my dues. Regardless on the preference of where the money is spent. I'm not personally asking for 8000 credits or whatever for being a grandmaster. But if I have spent that much elsewhere is it really not fair to have that badge? To be involved in the design council? Is it really? I just don't think so. I wish someone from DE would show up here and just address this with some form of finality. Honestly, I won't really be satisfied by a member's response because in the end it means nothing whether I agree with you or not.  

If you didnt want any other respond, why not make a support ticket in the first place. Why make a thread everybody can see. Make a support ticket. Wait, close thread. Everyone is happy...

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