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Cernos Prime Alt Fire


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4 minutes ago, (PS4)vamp6x6x6x said:

Actually a riven mod can make it single fire by giving it neg multishot.

Yea but that would reduce a lot it's damage potential.

I agree with OP, giving it an alternate fire would be nice

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Yeah, I saw that and was like "Cernos P Alt fire incoming?"

I'm kinda gumpy about the Cernos P atm, they "fixed" it so that Heavy Caliber now messes with it's grouping, even though Artemis Bow is still immune to Heavy Caliber hurting grouping, it was great in that both bows reacted the same to Heavy Caliber, and I multi-forma'ed my Cernos P because of this, now that it's "fixed" I need to change my polarities again. 

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