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[Mechanic Concept] Awakening Mode {Channeling and Focus System Combined into One} THANKS FOR MY 4TH PRIME TIME RECOGNIZED FAN CONCEPT


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Warframe Mechanic Concept: Awakening Mode



“...there is a hidden power within you, Tenno. Unleash it. Let it explode.”



This concept was made when I posted questions concerning player reviews of the Melee Channeling System and the Focus System. After reviewing both systems, I thought up a way to combine both of these systems to forge a new simple mechanic.




The Awakening Mode (AM) is a mode that allows the Tenno to unleash their Warframe’s full combat potential; a hidden power if you think of it. This mode will be limited but the Warframes will have access to special upgrades and other features.


  • To reinforce the feeling of Warframes and the Tenno being the feared entity they were.
  • To mechanically give players a temporary edge when taking on stronger opponents
  • To create a simpler power up mechanic that would work in conjunction to the Focus System
  • To inspire purposes for using Channeling Mods (which could be renamed to Awakening Mods)
  • To free a new option for Melee 2.0 improving the controls of Melee Combat
  • To open a fresh opportunity to a better Focus System
  • To create a new possibility of “channeling into Primary/Secondary Weapons”


Since this Awakening Mode is going to be a mechanic that would combine Channeling and the Focus System as one, entering the Awakening Mode will require simply to use the current method to entering Focus.

The Focus Meter can be reworded as the Awakening Meter.Halffocus

For the Awakening Mode, players do NOT need to fully charge the meter to enter the Awakening Mode.

However, there could be a cooldown drawback to it based on the amount of time spent in the Awakening Mode. The amount of energy in the Awakening Meter will determine how long a player can maintain the Awakening Mode. Gaining energy for the Awakening Meter can be overtime or by other special means.


Channel Melee



Initially, newer players will not know how the Awakening Mode can be upgraded through unlocking the Focus System. However, once a player unlocks the Focus System, they will start to see that the Focus System will act as a way to upgrade the Awakening Mode. However, players will need to reach a certain threshold in the Awakening Meter to activate the Focus Power.




For now, a player entering Awakening Mode can gain the following buffs while under this state:

  • High Increase in Melee Weapon Damage
  • Moderate-Low increase in Primary and Secondary Weapon Damage
  • Moderate increase in Shields/Health/Armor
  • Extended Combo Count Duration
  • Low Melee Life Steal

As for how much would increase in these parameters will be up to interpretation. The current Channeling Mods can be adjusted to improve the performances of the Awakening Mode and in this concept, Melee Channeling will not have Energy Efficiency stats.

There would be a cooldown after the duration of Awakening is finished that is based on the amount of time spent on the Awakening Mode. Players would be able to cancel out the Awakening state to mitigate the length of the duration.



Once Focus System is unlocked, players will be able to place their Focus Affinity in one of the Focus Schools which will directly affect the bonuses the player gains once in the Awakening Mode.

To have the Awakening Mode to gain access to the Focus System Buffs and Focus Attack, they will need to charge their Awakening Mode further until it reaches a threshold. This means players can either chose to activate their Awakening Mode quicker to not gain the Focus System Buffs, or will have to wait out and see their Awakening Meter gain enough to meet the threshold required for the Focus Buffs.

A sample list of these additional bonuses can include the following:





List of all possible bonuses the Madurai Awakening Mode can give:

  • Holster Speed Bonus
  • Buff to IPS Damage & Status Effects
  • Increased Damage to Ground Finishers
  • Status Duration and Damage Buffs
  • Buffs to Warframe Damage-Type Powers
  • High Decrease in Melee Charge Attacks & Increased Damage from Melee Charge Attacks
  • Allows each Melee Attack to cause a "Finisher Heat DoT" at a chance
  • Allows an enemy to kill to grant a Damage Buff temporarily which will reset the timer but stacks the damage buff







List of all possible bonuses the Vazarin Awakening Mode can give:

  • Increases Bleedout Timer after activation
  • Increased Shield Recharge
  • Adds special "Shield Armor" buff
  • Can allow Shields to reflect Damage based on Current Shield Value
  • Reviving Ally Time Buff
  • Melee Block Bonuses
  • Knockdown Recovery Bonuses
  • Instant Shield Blast when Knocked Down
  • Health Recovered when Shield is Damaged by chance








List of all possible bonuses the Naramon Awakening Mode can give:

  • Critical Chance/Damage Bonuses
  • Dodge/Roll/Backflip Bonuses
  • Stealth upon certain actions occurring (ducking, receiving damage, Finisher Attack)
  • Charges that grant a player the ability to instantly open enemies to a FInisher Attack while Mode is active
  • Bullet Jumping Bonuses
  • Hacking Bonuses









List of all possible bonuses the Unairu Awakening Mode can give:

  • Ground Slam Bonuses
  • Blocking Bonuses
  • Receiving Health Heal Boosts at a chance when damaged
  • Armor/Damage Reduction gains per nearby enemy bonuses
  • Rage-Mod-Type Bonuses (gaining offensive buffs when receiving Health Damage, Gaining Armor when Shields Damaged)
  • Nullifying Damage while standing still accumulating into an explosive attack once the Awakening Mode ends
  • Decreasing nearby enemy damage each time a nearby enemy is killed
  • Barrier while aiming with Primary/Secondary Weapon







List of all the possible bonuses the Zenurik Awakening Mode can give:

  • Large and uninterrupted Energy Regeneration buff while the Awakening Mode is active
  • Increased Total Damage on Damage-Type Warframe Powers (will not increase Power Strength)
  • Power Efficiency Buff that is consumed each time a Warframe Power is activated
  • Increase Energy Orb drops from enemies killed
  • Melee Attacks while Awakened causes enemies to explode in Blast damage to nearby enemies
  • Primary/Secondary attacks causes forced knockback and/or can disarm enemy weaponry
  • Damage/Debuff Aura that increases in power based on Total Energy while Awakened
  • Casting Speed buff





Channeling Mods can be renamed toAwakening Mods which function as special utility mods when a player is under the Awakening Mode. Many of the Channeling Mods we have now have a special Channeling Cost drawback that could be changed to a cooldown drawback for activating the Awakening Mode.


This Awakening Mode can also the opportunity for Primary and Secondary Awakening Mods. There is a possibility for Awakening Mods to be made for Warframe Mods, but that will be thought out in another time.


Since this concept is suggesting that the original Melee Channeling is removed and combined into this new mode, the Left Mouse Button (The L2 Button for Console) is free to be included as an input for Melee 2.0 combos.

There is also the bonus of this new system being less reliant on the Energy Stat of Warframes unlike the current Melee Channeling System.



Some cosmetics from the Prime Access have special visual features that occur when a Warframe is Melee Channeling. Since this concept of the Awakening Mode is going to replace Melee Channeling, the aesthetics of cosmetics under the Awakening Mode will display a more appealing appearance of a player’s Warframe. There could also be additional new cosmetics that can trigger new visual effects while under the Awakening Mode.

Awakening Mode with Focus could also visually show unique auras.



This concept is derived on the idea that the Tenno can pour in their entire power into their Warframe to enter this mode and slaughter as many foes as possible temporarily. Since this concept introduces a jump in power, this jump in power could be the key to counteract enemy scaling in higher levels. In a sense, the Awakening Mode will be the edge a player would need to take on higher levels but the drawback is the temporary length in time and the cooldown given based on how long the player stayed in the mode.



Several problems for this Awakening Mode System could include the following:

  • While the system is based on how it would feel better in PC Warframe Player, it is unsure how this would feel for a Console Warframe Player.
  • Would require a lot of time to implement and design
  • Requires a second look in balancing out Awakening Mods and the bonus the Awakening Mode would give based off enemy scaling
  • How the Awakening Mode would react against Corpus Nullifiers is uncertain
  • Additional work required to conjoin the Awakening Mode with Focus System
  • There might be a higher demand in cosmetic visuals due to the special effects some of them give when under Channeling/Awakening Mode





In regards to the Focus System, while the Awakening Mode and its cooldown/meter requirements might likely be higher, the Convergence Orbs could be a way to compensate this. Convergence Orbs could act as a way to cut off cooldown-time for Awakening Mode activation or increase the gain rate of the Awakening Meter.





Researching many threads discussing the mechanic that is Melee Channeling:

Several points addressed about player discomforts in Melee Channeling includes the Energy requirements being costly offering low reward outside of Life Strike tactics. Life Strike is at this point the ONLY mod considered a meta in most Melee Builds. Players have found there to be a better incentive to use their Warframe powers to deal with a vast majority of situations; they feel that Warframe Power requirements output a better reward than Melee Channeling. A vast majority of Melee Channeling Mods do not increase the attributes of offenses/defenses enough to warrant any use.

One key issue I have seen is the player's dissatisfaction with Melee Channeling requiring Energy. Thus, I have thought up a way for Melee Channeling to evolve into something else which would require a new energy source.




Relatively Long Read




A word a lot of players desire to hear whenever a new feature or mechanic is offered in the game. In the case of the Focus System however, it has been a controversial claim by all players alike how rewarding the Focus System is in today's Warframe gameplay. There has been exceptions to this such as the Zenurik's Energy Regenration and Naramon's Invisibility perks, but this proves that the player base is mostly interested in passive buffs as opposed to a new active buff they would need to use.

Warframe has so many options and tools that players can utilize to overcome a mission, but I feel that sometimes too many tools can create chaos. In many game design articles such as in GAMASUTRA, there comes a mindset of "simpler is better." It points that a strong but simple idea for a game's feature are usually the most defining feature in game.

I made the Awakening Mode concept for Warframe to attempt a simpler way to better the Focus System itself and to redefine the mechanic that is Channeling. I thought to myself of a scenario where Warframes can gain a instant surge of power they can call forth temporarily to take out powerful opponents. This concept has been done in many notable action games where players can press a button to transform/power up to create a feeling of being powerful. This has been done in Devil May Cry series with the popular series mechanic known as Devil Trigger. Players can take out hordes of enemies in their base form, but when things get too rough in battle or if they so desire, they can transform or power up creating a new feeling of letting the enemies know: "Hey buddy, you done #@$% up now!" In the latest Doom game, a player picks up this special item that allows the Doomguy to power up into this powerful state where he does not need the guns to defeat the enemies but his bare hands. In Kingdom Hearts 2 the main character has the ability to transform into his based state into a more powerful form for a short amount of time, but the results would pay off well taking out powerful enemies. In God of War, the main character has a meter that can build up to enter a state of high power. Many characters in Overwatch simulate this mindset of having a Powered-Up state that requires some time to build up.

I added this mindset of seeing how Warframes would feel to players if they all can enter some "hidden powerful state" and added that into the Focus System. This would mean to sacrifice the feature that is the Melee Channeling mechanic, but you have some new and simpler feature that combines both into something new and simpler for players to use and understand.






Let us see the list of all the known Channeling Mods we have currently in the game:


  • True Punishment: +40% Critical Chance, -60% Efficiency
  • Focused Defense: +20% Armor, -140% Efficiency
  • Killing Blow: +120% Channeling Damage
  • Life Strike: 20% Life Steal, -140% Efficiency
  • Quickening: +20% Attack Speed, -80% Efficiency
  • Focus Energy (Albeit not a real Channeling Mod): +60% Electric, +40% Efficiency
  • Corrupted Charge: +100% Channeling Damage, -40% Efficiency
  • Enduring Affliction: +120% Status Duration
  • Enduring Strike +60% Status Chance, -40% Efficiency
  • Reflex Coil: +60% Efficiency
  • Parry: +96% Counter

There tends to be a major inefficiency for the bonuses Channeling Mods offer now in the current gameplay of Warframe. Taking aside Life Strike's current usefulness, the efficiency requirement has become a peeve for many players when using them.


In the Awakening Mode, these Channeling Mods will turn into "Awakening Mods." The affects these Awakening Mods would offer would benefit better in the Awakening Mode since they will no longer require Energy to use their effect. However, there is a rule for using these Awakening Mod.


In the Awakening Mode, the effect of the Awakening Mods trigger if the accumulated Awakening Meter bypasses the Awakening Mod's meter threshold. This means that players will need to make sure they reach the minimum Awakening Meter level to have these Awakening Mods "awaken." In this way, some of the effects of the Awakening Mods would differ (especially in the case of Finishing Blow being better than Corrupted Charge).


The case of giving weapons a new "Awakening Slot" in builds is possible, however that is something I should leave you the reader to determine if such a thing is possible.


Example of an Awakening Mod:


Quickening: +20~40% Attack Speed, 80 Awakening Threshold

In this example, if a player accumulates 80 points or more of the Awakening Meter overtime, once they activate the Awakening Mode, the effect of Quickening will be applied to the Awakening Mode.





I see some potential and engaging potential to have the Awakening Mode be a special way to remove the protective debuffs of Sentient/Stalker or be the key power that can knock down Kuva Guardian's immortality. The feeling the Awakening Mode can create, the feeling that your Warframe has some tapped in hidden power that the Operator can unleash to defeat these powerful foes, creates a new perspective and feeling into the game. The question is, what would such an idea leave for the Operator Mode?

Personally, I feel that the Operator Mode will start to annoy a lot of players due to how the mechanic itself holds no rewarding factor nor does the livability of the Operator Mode stack up to the strength the enemy the players will encounter. There could be a way to make the Operator Mode be some sort of mini-game within Warframe where the Operator can enter some "Void Realm." Only time can tell if this idea and the concept itself is viable enough for consideration.





The Operator Mode is indeed a very fragile mechanic for players to use in combat. The Operator Mode is the only thing needed to defeat Kuva Guardians and destroy Kuva Siphons, and that I feel is a problem. The gating of the Operator Mode and the Kuva numbs down the presence of the Warframes which are suppose to be the main tools of combat in this game. Creating some sort of irrelevant mechanic as the Kuva Guardians creates further frustration and draws players closer to the argument about enemy scaling and how the role of the Warframes is starting to drift away.

While the Operator Mode can still retain its current mechanic with the Kuva and the Kuva Guardians if need be, let the Awakening Mode be that combat edge the Warframes could use to disarm Kuva Guardians and remove the Protective Buffs of Stalker/Sentient. Let the mechanic of the Awakening Mode highlight why the game is called Warframe.

In the meantime, let the Operator Mode have the interaction with the Awakening Mode with this:

In Operator Mode, players can pour Void Power into any teammate's Warframe to increase the recover of the Awakening Mode Meter. Let the interaction between the Warframe and the Operator reflect that of a very powerful relationship.



On the topic of how the Awakening Mode gives the Warframe a temporary boost in stats and strength, there is the situation with certain Companions. Companions such as the Kubrows and Kavats have Mods that affect their stats based o the stats of the Warframe. The main question is if the Awakening Mode could have some effect on these Companions and in some possibility the Sentinels.

I feel there is some room for a future work to have Kubrows and Kavats  to show that "void surge" state. The presence of their cosmetic armor and their general appearances leave some potential to show some "awakening state" to be in sync with the Awakening Mode.

I feel that there is some room for the Sentinels to have some visual effects as well. But to differentiate the potential of the Sentinels with the Kavats/Kubrows, I feel that the Sentinel's sustainable stats should not jump while the Warframe is in Awakening. Instead, they can have lets say a cooldown cut from their installed Mod abilities and in some regard a jump in their weapon's fire power. Kavats/Kurbows would have a jump in their Health/Shield/Armor in sync with the stats jump the Warframe has while in the Awakening Mode.

So in laymen terms, why not have glowing kitties and doggies?



The time is going to come when we the players will have the option of doing battle against the Sentient via Archwing Combat. It is important to note that Archwing as it is does not allow the usage of Operator Mode, and in some situations (though rarely) there has to be some additional way to handle the Sentient Damage Reduction gimmick. With the Awakening Mode as the combination of Channeling and Focus, it would be a great opportunity to make the Awakening Mode mechanic be a way to handle such situations.

As it is now, Channeling in Archwing has little to no purpose gameplay-wise. The Awakening Mode can be the difference maker, or there could be other alternatives to consider.






Edited by FoxFX
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5 hours ago, Excalabro said:

Hmmm, so you will still be able to do the transference thing and walk around as the operator but the floating operator will be removed for buffs....YES, you have my support. 

It was a challenge, but I have tried to keep as much as the usual gameplay in Warframe with this concept.


As for the Focus System summons, I do have a new alternative to work into them.

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Researching many threads discussing the mechanic that is Melee Channeling:

Several points addressed about player discomforts in Melee Channeling includes the Energy requirements being costly offering low reward outside of Life Strike tactics. Life Strike is at this point the ONLY mod considered a meta in most Melee Builds. Players have found there to be a better incentive to use their Warframe powers to deal with a vast majority of situations; they feel that Warframe Power requirements output a better reward than Melee Channeling. A vast majority of Melee Channeling Mods do not increase the attributes of offenses/defenses enough to warrant any use.

One key issue I have seen is the player's dissatisfaction with Melee Channeling requiring Energy. Thus, I have thought up a way for Melee Channeling to evolve into something else which would require a new energy source.

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A word a lot of players desire to hear whenever a new feature or mechanic is offered in the game. In the case of the Focus System however, it has been a controversial claim by all players alike how rewarding the Focus System is in today's Warframe gameplay. There has been exceptions to this such as the Zenurik's Energy Regenration and Naramon's Invisibility perks, but this proves that the player base is mostly interested in passive buffs as opposed to a new active buff they would need to use.

Warframe has so many options and tools that players can utilize to overcome a mission, but I feel that sometimes too many tools can create chaos. In many game design articles such as in GAMASUTRA, there comes a mindset of "simpler is better." It points that a strong but simple idea for a game's feature are usually the most defining feature in game.

I made the Awakening Mode concept for Warframe to attempt a simpler way to better the Focus System itself and to redefine the mechanic that is Channeling. I thought to myself of a scenario where Warframes can gain a instant surge of power they can call forth temporarily to take out powerful opponents. This concept has been done in many notable action games where players can press a button to transform/power up to create a feeling of being powerful. This has been done in Devil May Cry series with the popular series mechanic known as Devil Trigger. Players can take out hordes of enemies in their base form, but when things get too rough in battle or if they so desire, they can transform or power up creating a new feeling of letting the enemies know: "Hey buddy, you done #@$% up now!" In the latest Doom game, a player picks up this special item that allows the Doomguy to power up into this powerful state where he does not need the guns to defeat the enemies but his bare hands. In Kingdom Hearts 2 the main character has the ability to transform into his based state into a more powerful form for a short amount of time, but the results would pay off well taking out powerful enemies. In God of War, the main character has a meter that can build up to enter a state of high power. Many characters in Overwatch simulate this mindset of having a Powered-Up state that requires some time to build up.

I added this mindset of seeing how Warframes would feel to players if they all can enter some "hidden powerful state" and added that into the Focus System. This would mean to sacrifice the feature that is the Melee Channeling mechanic, but you have some new and simpler feature that combines both into something new and simpler for players to use and understand.

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I'll see to it if I can shorten the recent update to the OP about the Focus System.


In the meantime, I would like to give an exampled detail on what the Awakening Mode would offer to players pre-Second Dream.

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While I wish not to create details of what the bonuses of the Awakening Mode would offer to players before the Second Dream, I would like to emphasize some concerns from other players.

With the recent weapon balancing changes, a player has come to me concerning the idea that Warframes will be able to "channel energy into guns with this concept." He feared that Melee Weapons are already too underpowered as opposed to the Primary/Secondary weapons and that such a system would further distant the meta gap between them.

I assure you that the intention of this Awakening Mode is to make a much better version of the Melee Channeling by turning it into a Tenno/Warframe power up technique. With that in mind, I see the Awakening Mode to have a stronger effect on Melee Combat as opposed to Primary/Secondary weapon attacks. This would also be coupled in making the Awakening Mode a way to jump up a Warframe's livability a bit more.


An example for what the Awakening Mode would give to pre-Second Dream player would include:

  • Low Increase in Primary/Secondary Weapon Damage [~30-50%]
  • High Increase in Melee Weapon Damage [~300%] (This is just to show some level of scale)
  • Moderate to High Increase in Warframe's Vital Stats {Health/Shield} [~60-80%]


For what the Awakening Mode would offer is a feeling that the player's Warframe has jumped up on power immensely physically but would also have some special but relatively lower increase in their guns firing power.

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Working more into the next chapter. Since this would show what the Awakening Mode would grant to players that have done the Second Dream, this would require a bit more thought. I wanted the bonuses the Awakening Mode gives to differ based on the Focus Tree the players choose. There is also a question of the amount of Awakening Meter threshold required to unlock the Focus System perks in combat.

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There was a suggestion to have special passive abilities that are given to Warframes that are under the Awakening Mode. Such ideas included an Awakening Mode Ember allowing Fireball to have longer fire duration and a Awakening Mode Loki allowing Decoys to use a Primary Weapon. These ideas will be taken into consideration, but I fear such additions would prove more work to be implemented.

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I support this idea wholeheartedly.

While Channeling in itself is a nice mechanic similar to the "dramatic surge of power" in many tales of heroism (films, series, books, anything really), its limited applicability (melee only) and use (most channeling mods go into damage of some form) make it feel far less 'powerful' than it might be, and thus less rewarding. 

Focus on the other hand provides lots of utilities besides damage, and has largely been accepted - but doesn't carry the "boost on demand" role as much as channeling does. 

Combining these two into one singular "Not today!"-Mechanic was a very smart idea, and I think you presented in a very good fashion, focusing on the design, with enough possibilities to expand on, and leaving balance-details out of the picture for now. 

A possibility you didn't specifically named in your post was that the AM could not only boost all types of weapons (modified by their mods) and a warframe's stats - but also a warframe's abilities. Which would/could give each ability an "awakened"-effect that might range from simple things like "increased damage/range/duration" to completely new aspects of an ability. For Nezha's Firewalker for example: "While awakened, Allies within X meters range also leave a trail of fire."

Edited by ArrexDrandko
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On 3/28/2017 at 11:33 PM, Elvangreen said:

+100% this... remember how lotus surged our systems at the start of the game?...

I hope this survives the forums and gets to DE.

Thanks, I hope this thread would survive as well.


On 3/29/2017 at 7:12 AM, ArrexDrandko said:

I support this idea wholeheartedly.

While Channeling in itself is a nice mechanic similar to the "dramatic surge of power" in many tales of heroism (films, series, books, anything really), its limited applicability (melee only) and use (most channeling mods go into damage of some form) make it feel far less 'powerful' than it might be, and thus less rewarding. 

Focus on the other hand provides lots of utilities besides damage, and has largely been accepted - but doesn't carry the "boost on demand" role as much as channeling does. 

Combining these two into one singular "Not today!"-Mechanic was a very smart idea, and I think you presented in a very good fashion, focusing on the design, with enough possibilities to expand on, and leaving balance-details out of the picture for now. 

A possibility you didn't specifically named in your post was that the AM could not only boost all types of weapons (modified by their mods) and a warframe's stats - but also a warframe's abilities. Which would/could give each ability an "awakened"-effect that might range from simple things like "increased damage/range/duration" to completely new aspects of an ability. For Nezha's Firewalker for example: "While awakened, Allies within X meters range also leave a trail of fire."


Thanks for this. I am trying to make sure I do not go too overboard with this concept and just state out all the possibilities it would hold.



In the meantime, I will like to look into the Channeling Mods we have now and will work out a new chapter to talk about how through the Awakening Mode they can gain more appeal.

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While the chapter for Channeling Mods will come, I would like to address that I am working on a special event fan concept for the Kuva Fortress. Lately,  there has been hints that DE wanted to create new incentive for the area, so I will take on the challenge of creating an idea that would work to make Kuva Fortress more of an endgame area.

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Let us see the list of all the known Channeling Mods we have currently in the game:


  • True Punishment: +40% Critical Chance, -60% Efficiency
  • Focused Defense: +20% Armor, -140% Efficiency
  • Killing Blow: +120% Channeling Damage
  • Life Strike: 20% Life Steal, -140% Efficiency
  • Quickening: +20% Attack Speed, -80% Efficiency
  • Focus Energy (Albeit not a real Channeling Mod): +60% Electric, +40% Efficiency
  • Corrupted Charge: +100% Channeling Damage, -40% Efficiency
  • Enduring Affliction: +120% Status Duration
  • Enduring Strike +60% Status Chance, -40% Efficiency
  • Reflex Coil: +60% Efficiency
  • Parry: +96% Counter

There tends to be a major inefficiency for the bonuses Channeling Mods offer now in the current gameplay of Warframe. Taking aside Life Strike's current usefulness, the efficiency requirement has become a peeve for many players when using them.


In the Awakening Mode, these Channeling Mods will turn into "Awakening Mods." The affects these Awakening Mods would offer would benefit better in the Awakening Mode since they will no longer require Energy to use their effect. However, there is a rule for using these Awakening Mod.


In the Awakening Mode, the effect of the Awakening Mods trigger if the accumulated Awakening Meter bypasses the Awakening Mod's meter threshold. This means that players will need to make sure they reach the minimum Awakening Meter level to have these Awakening Mods "awaken." In this way, some of the effects of the Awakening Mods would differ (especially in the case of Finishing Blow being better than Corrupted Charge).


The case of giving weapons a new "Awakening Slot" in builds is possible, however that is something I should leave you the reader to determine if such a thing is possible.


Example of an Awakening Mod:


Quickening: +20~40% Attack Speed, 80 Awakening Threshold

In this example, if a player accumulates 80 points or more of the Awakening Meter overtime, once they activate the Awakening Mode, the effect of Quickening will be applied to the Awakening Mode.


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A new breakthrough has risen for the next Fan Concept to involve the Kuva Fortress and creating an incentive for it. I am working thoroughly on details as to how this can be brought about and how it would fit best lorewise and gameplay wise.

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I like the idea of giving the Tenno the ability to pour more power into the Warframe, forcing it to perform even better, like some form of a Warframe Overclock. I think it would be good if it came with something of a drawback, like a drop in Power Efficiency.

Would be cool if the Warframe had a smoke effect and some small energy arcs coming off of it while it is active.

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1 hour ago, EmptyDevil said:

I like the idea of giving the Tenno the ability to pour more power into the Warframe, forcing it to perform even better, like some form of a Warframe Overclock. I think it would be good if it came with something of a drawback, like a drop in Power Efficiency.

Would be cool if the Warframe had a smoke effect and some small energy arcs coming off of it while it is active.


Aye, the idea of  "overclocking" their Warframes has been shown hints in many scenes in Warframe especially in trailers/quests pre-Second Dream. @Elvangreen has mentioned one scene where the Lotus overclocks the Warframe at the beginning of Vor's Prize. If that type of power could be a universal technique, it could make for a better and more simpler mechanic that the Melee Channeling as well as be evolved through the Focus System.

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