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Aura System Discussion 9.1.4 Thread Merger


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Min/maxing should be hard since we are only in beta, and unless some of the mechanics change dramatically, players will have min/max guides ready on release, and may even cause some elitism among players, if min/max players are ever grouped with non-min/maxers in pugs.

Both of your points are self contradictory in themselves. By definition, a beta game is an early release that is meant to be "playtested" by randoms. It would therefore be logical for more parts of the game to be easily accessible, making it less difficult for players to access these parts and provide feedback on it. As min maxing in this game doesn't really take skill, but time, making it quicker would follow in lieu of providing easy access to more of the game (The harder planets/missions).


Also, making min maxing more difficult/take more time would actually increase the gap between min maxers and non min maxers. Although one might say that the inverse is true (the "easier to min max=one must min max" mentality), the former is extremely apparent in games where "min maxing" is equivocal to skill (Such as Starcraft), as in many of these games, there tends to be quite a chasm between the "greenhorns" and the "veterans". For a Warframe example, look at the "casuals" and "hardcores", those rather new and fresh players, compared to those with heavily modded Ogris, Acrids, etc.


Your post was funny, just had to type this up.

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Then stop playing with twinked out frames. Sell your potatoed+forma'd+etc frame and start anew.

Or here's an even better idea.


Use the optional reset. Or a new account. It'll be difficult again!

It was never difficult to start with.  And Nightmare mode is a joke, a complete and utter joke.

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I love the change. The way forma was introduced very nearly drove me to quit. Not simply b/c of forma in and of itself and all of its implications, but also b/c it worried me about what future blunders might be in store. With the introduction of the aura system I was furious. I couldn't believe I was being expected to use another 2 forma (one for the aura polarity and one so that I had enough points to even equip it). Not to mention that we lost the convenience and speed of quickly swapping them before a mission to tailor the bonus to the needs of the group and mission. To call it counterintuitive would be an enormous understatement.


However, with this latest change I think DE has redeemed themselves (mostly). That having been said, I do think that compensation is in order for those that effectively wasted a lot of time and forma on a single frame. Let them extract the forma somehow at the very least.

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Do you want a challenge or do you just want your time back lets sort this out. You may have used 5+ forma on your gear to make it the strongest thing ever which in turn REDUCED the difficulty curve. This change is meant to help people who dont have time to forma their warframe 5+ times to still enjoy the same content as you. Also note that this doesn't add capacity to your guns so you can continue to forma those until your eyes bleed to make the single strongest gun ever of all time, but for everyone else this is a benefit and especially to the new players who dont have a potatoe or forma or anything to help them out. What is easy for you may be difficult for someone else and saying that they have to deal with it is the wrong way to go about it.

Psh, I've only  used one forma on any given frame.  But now I have nothing to do, and no goals to shoot for.  See, progression was the whole point of the game.  And now there is no progression, thus no point to the game.  Their new "Nightmare" mode is a joke.  This game is a sad and pathetic joke when it comes to difficulty.  They had a game where newer players could partner with more experienced players to overcome obstacles, and now they've abandoned any notion of balance and just gone with the "let's make everything super easy all the time" track, where we barely have to work for anything.

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Previously I felt punished when aura mods were implemented, since I had to use specific aura mods or reduce my total amount of points to spend. My favorite is energy siphon, and unless I forma the slot on a frost prime, it was very costly due to a defense polarity.

With this new idea it encourages players to upgrade their aura mods, and it doesn't punish players much for having different polarities in their slots. I honestly love the idea.

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So many mods, so little space.

I can build a nearly maxed out Caster off 60 mod energy, the most Mod intensive build currently in the game. In most cases I am running out of physical places to put Mods rather then power. That's without Forma. Make a topic in Warframe Feedback about the state of current Build Meta and link it here if you really want to get into that discussion.

Edited by Brasten
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Psh, I've only  used one forma on any given frame.  But now I have nothing to do, and no goals to shoot for.  See, progression was the whole point of the game.  And now there is no progression, thus no point to the game.  Their new "Nightmare" mode is a joke.  This game is a sad and pathetic joke when it comes to difficulty.  They had a game where newer players could partner with more experienced players to overcome obstacles, and now they've abandoned any notion of balance and just gone with the "let's make everything super easy all the time" track, where we barely have to work for anything.

Dude, what? I thought I understand your motive, but I'm not so sure anymore. Please explain what you would have done originally, and how these extra 10~ mod slots has so suddenly removed all goals?

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could somebody please justify the balance behind this?


Please notice:

- no forma

- no potato

- all but 1 maxed mod pertinent to his role

- with one more player with maxed energy syphon, he can sustain this indefinitely. 

- EDIT: oh yeah, AND HE'S RANK 0


Welp, that was a fun run...


http://puu.sh/3EEym - starting at wave 9 (I did bring this vaub in as lvl 0, but forgot to take a picture at wave 0, so oh well >.>)

http://puu.sh/3EFvU - wave 23 and the lvl 101 ancients

http://puu.sh/3EFIo - wave 25 we ran away

http://puu.sh/3EFIW - and got lots of exp :D

http://puu.sh/3EFJR - yeah...


Rank 0 Vauban... how is that balanced. 


Posting this for a 3rd time... every thread I post it in seems to die T.T

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Maybe they're going to add more mods that can be ranked up 10 times like serration, hornet strike, redirection, vitality, and steel fiber? Kinda like how corrosive projection, infested impedence, and the shield artifacts were crap before the aura change, because they were planning to make them fusionable.


So sit back kiddies?

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It's way more than 1%. The only reason it isn't half is because there are more greedy children than intelligent adults.


Counter-intuitive and toxic systems are only beneficial in the short term. But this system will quickly lead to stagnation and I surmise that this system was only enacted as a patchwork fix from the equally broken(and more anger inducing) previous incarnation...basically just done to quell the masses while they work on the actual rework.

^^^Listen to the smart person talk, please.

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Considering the increase in costly mods, the introduction of possible new combinations and mods in gameplay, I welcome the Aura buff. The fact that there are a lot of players that never initially used Forma on their frames, this opens up a lot of doors for both players that have used forma and those who haven't with their warframes. I mean its damned if you do damned if you don't for DE.


Auras hindered us....people hated it.

Auras now benefit us...people hate it.


At this point, the idea that most players are trying to argue the point of the changes strictly for their perspective is starting to rule a lot of what the game means to some player.s

If we listen to the people that want harder games it will be just as dead as vindictus or another game that only has the hardcore crazy people still playing and the company unable to breakeven. That game will have the plug pulled from the server sooner or later because people got what they wanted.

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DE just wants this failure of a system to work really badly. So the only way they can implement it without everybody complaining is to give a huge incentive to use it. Its completely broken though. There's no point in having an aura equipped that's not maxed. Its basically the same system we had before, but all the artifacts are buffed and you get up to 14 extra mod capacity. I'm not saying I don't like it, because who wouldn't want a free aura mod and 14 extra mod capacity. I'm just saying that its counter intuitive to what DE wanted to do. DE might as well just give all frames an extra 14 mod capacity at level 0 and revert back to the old system with max rank artifacts. There's literally 0 reason not to put on an aura and max it. 


I'm sorry if im ruining it for some greedy people who want everything easy and handed to them, but in order to make the game more diverse and challenging, this aura change cannot stay.

Edited by Duelshock
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Well, listen to that specific post I quoted, and do it objectively, then. I just think he made a very valid point.

Today's fix is indeed counter-intuitive (rewarding too much) and people are indeed over-liking this change. I agree with my previously quoted guy in that we should take this very quickly done change with a grain of salt.

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Dude, what? I thought I understand your motive, but I'm not so sure anymore. Please explain what you would have done originally, and how these extra 10~ mod slots has so suddenly removed all goals?

My motive was to go through and re-level my frames to make them even more powerful.  Now they've taken away any need for warframe progression.  It's not rocket science, people need something to aspire to, to get better and to progress their stuff, and now the game took that away and made it so easy that there's no point in playing.

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