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Aura System Discussion 9.1.4 Thread Merger


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Even after forma'ing it required you to possibly give up a certain mod in your 'frame. But forma'ing is all this game is about nowadays, isn't it?


Edit: Typo.

Edited by Vovolov
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You don't seem to know the difference between fact an opinion. You seem to want to turn everything you don't like into an opinion. Maybe you're dumber than I thought. Let's end this discussion. I've made my point - you've... well. You've acted like a dumbass.


You've acted like a childish immature ill mannered prick.

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You don't seem to know the difference between fact an opinion. You seem to want to turn everything you don't like into an opinion. Maybe you're dumber than I thought. Let's end this discussion. I've made my point - you've... well. You've acted like a dumbass.



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No, because you gain mod points now, you big beaver.

We gain mod points now, but it doesn't change the fact that we are still using energy points from our pools by putting on a mod.Your previous statement is like shooting yourself in the leg, that logic leads up to nothing.

You always gained mod points, you always had to sacrifice those points as well for mods. Honestly speaking, you, me and other people like us can do what many have suggested. Game feels to easy? Who ever forced you to equip all mod slot points and max out gear? You have polarized them? So what, I like to mix up my own rules to enchant my difficulty at times.No tanking mods, or no guns, only melee.

Nightmare system is something to this direction as well but is not yet perfected and how could it be?

The current system only means the majority of fanbase now has more fun playing, new players, maxed out veterans and players in between that. Not everyone will enjoy the decisions, it is the same in life. You have to accept that not everyone will be liking you no matter how nice you try to be, same goes here.

The reason why people who like challenge at the cost of everything else is being shutdown simply because, those players are minority and majority always beats minority, players and developers know that.

EDIT: And if this really bothers you so much, you could always quit. One or few players leaving won't cost DE or the community even nearly as much as screwing over all the fanbase. The post-hotfix system has more positives than negatives and will draw in more players than it will disgust out.


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It's too bad the most vocal of the community are not capable of this level of thought and we get  changes to make this game cater to the mentally challenged crowd.


Things are the way I like them - everything is perfectly fine.


Things are the way someone else likes them - they must be the mentally challenged, vocal minority.


Ah, the joys of democracy.

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Final version of aura system for now on quite perfect.

Now game motivates you for farming Aura mods, + it will give Non-donate players(cuz orokin reactors\catalysts as alert reward, are same rare as living unicorn in real life) light bonus in their builds of WF.

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Before the Aura buff, the only thing that could keep someone like me interested was spending time and effort to acquire forma and level my warframes and weapons into uber killing machines.  Now you have taken away any reason for me to want to forma my warframe.  I have no reason to even continue playing.  There is no endgame content, and what you have released is more of the same crap that was around before.  Nightmare mode was a total joke, and is an even bigger joke after that buff.


I realize a lot of people out there don't want to work for things, and would rather just be handed everything off the bat and have uber powerful warframes from the start, but that's just flat out boring.



There are harder things coming by dev promise and this game is leaving beta in a couple of months, and your maxed out serration and multishot will no longer exist, and no-longer-placeholder bosses will no longer simply let you spank them like a HPbuffed regular enemy.


Be careful what you wish for.

Edited by -Kittens-
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I have seen many stupid people over the course of my life, but this guy is a whole new kind of stupid.

Hey I have a suggestion, that worked for me. Don't use Auras, don't use mods, limit yourself or don't upgrade them if the game is too easy. Who said you need to do it? No one is forcing it other than your own mind subconsciously thinking you need to compete with others when you really don't have to do that at all. So who should or what you really blame? Yourself and your brain or the system?

I will give you a hint, the first one.

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Before the Aura buff, the only thing that could keep someone like me interested was spending time and effort to acquire forma and level my warframes and weapons into uber killing machines.  Now you have taken away any reason for me to want to forma my warframe.  I have no reason to even continue playing.  There is no endgame content, and what you have released is more of the same crap that was around before.  Nightmare mode was a total joke, and is an even bigger joke after that buff.


I realize a lot of people out there don't want to work for things, and would rather just be handed everything off the bat and have uber powerful warframes from the start, but that's just flat out boring.


The point was not the energy cost in my honest opinion, the point was the polarity... having different polarities removed the freedom to choose which aura to bring... the cost was easly "bypassable" with a couple of formas as you said...


Anyway it would just have longered your grind, in the end you would have made this topic no matter what, just time.

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I was at work when the patched came in and was quite shocked at the rather heavy handed change to the Aura system, but decided to wait till I got home and played some before judging it.


That said, my initial impression hasn't changed at all, this change is just as bad as the initial aura system, except in the opposite direction. It effectively negates the need for any Forma invested into a Potatoed frame. I have 2 Forma on my Frost Prime, and at level 27 I have 12 Additional Mod slots with absolutely nothing to spend it on.


I do like the idea of the Aura granting additional Mod Capacity, but it just gives way too much when you have a matching Polarity Slot.


This is a bad move in the long run unless we are getting some VERY expensive Mods in the near future, as it discourages the use of Forma on Warframes at all, and wastes the effort many players have invested in their favorite Warframes.


I'd suggest making it so the Aura itself costs and gives nothing, but grants the additional Mod Capacity when it is in the proper Polarity.


This would allow it to replicate how it was originally (no cost Artifacts), while granting some of the benefits it grants with the new system.


All that said, if this massive buff to Mod Capacity is a precursor to more high-cost Elite mods, ignore everything I just typed. :D

Edited by lZerul
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No. If they want to add mod points beyond the reactor, they need to do it via raising the level cap for the sake of balance. I should not be able to throw an aura mod on an unranked warframe and have access to mod points. Not even reactors do that. It breaks the game and the balance.

If this current change sticks, then they will have to rebalance the entire game around it. 

Edit: read this.



Completely wrong and lacking in forethought. Splitting levels further makes leveling watered down and irritating and even grindier than it is now, and raising the level cap with additional growth based on the current radial model means an even further chasmic disparity between damage frames and utility frames.


You clearly haven't given this much forethought other than "I don't like being able to max out high level ridiculous cost mods easily".


A very easy solution is to never use forma, reactors or catalysts when you play. Problem solved.


Veteran players can still use utility frames solo on endgame content if they want and actualy stand a fighting chance against rooms full of 200 damge-per-pulse straight through your defenses Toxic Ancients and Fusion Osprey, and you can proudly crow how you mastered the entire metagame with your purposefully gimped skinner-box proof warframe, thus earning the admiration and sexually charged lust of millions.

Edited by -Kittens-
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That said, my initial impression hasn't changed at all, this change is just as bad as the initial aura system, except in the opposite direction. It effectively negates the need for any Forma invested into a Potatoed frame. I have 2 Forma on my Frost Prime, and at level 27 I have 12 Additional Mod slots with absolutely nothing to spend it on.


Have you maxed Vitality, Redirection, and/or Steel Fiber?

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i didnt read all the post in this topic(280++) but i actually agree. this is to extreme, first it was a bit unfair A BIT(you could fix that issue with a simple forma[not for the aura, for a high mod like shild, focus etc.]) but now one aura is like 3 formas, i mean WTF...


a bit bad vs freaking OP

pls devs find a medium(let the aura cost half(4 for max aura) and/or change the modslot into a no polarity slot)

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My god...


Cryers everywhere


"DE now the auras drain mod capacity? WTF you did?"


"DE now the auras give mod capacity? WTF you did?"


Seriously guys, make up your mind. Now the system encourages to use auras. 14 more points are not that gamebreaking and help new players to leave mercury-venus-earth a little faster.

Edited by Eversor
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I have seen many stupid people over the course of my life, but this guy is a whole new kind of stupid.

Hey I have a suggestion, that worked for me. Don't use Auras, don't use mods, limit yourself or don't upgrade them if the game is too easy. Who said you need to do it? No one is forcing it other than your own mind subconsciously thinking you need to compete with others when you really don't have to do that at all. So who should or what you really blame? Yourself and your brain or the system?

I will give you a hint, the first one.

Yeah. Exactly. What you have here are folks that spent a few hours more adding a component(s) that is available to anyone/everyone else that makes their own warframe stronger and essentially nearing GOD MODE complaining that the game is too easy.

I dunno but it SEEMS LEGIT!!!

Sure let's balance because these folks did something to their frames just because they could and want to maintain that exclusivity, simply because others thought that it made little sense to? (Multiple forma'ing). C'mon...


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Na disagree, this allows for the introduction of new more powerful and expensive Mods in future (im looking at you constitution) without hampering those who do not have a potatoe or formas in every frame.

I think people complaining that they have wasted forma are just being selfish and are more annoyed that other people are benefitting from this new system than the fact that their own frames can now be completely maxed.

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Both Vitality and Redirection are 1 point short of max, the rest of my mods are all maxed. I am using Redirection, Vitality, Constitution, Contuinity, Stretch, Streamline and my 4 Ability mods.


And how are people complaining they wasted Forma being selfish? DE encouraged us to use our Forma to empowered out Frames, and we went through the effort to acquire them and re-level our frames multiple times.


I think people who are just looking at the benefit and none of the downsides are the ones being selfish here.They want all the gain for none of the work other players put.


As I said though, if more high-cost Elite mods are on the way, it is somewhat justifiable.

Edited by lZerul
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That said, my initial impression hasn't changed at all, this change is just as bad as the initial aura system, except in the opposite direction. It effectively negates the need for any Forma invested into a Potatoed frame. I have 2 Forma on my Frost Prime, and at level 27 I have 12 Additional Mod slots with absolutely nothing to spend it on.

And at level 30 you would have 18 additional mod slots... Which is 4 more than what the new aura system could ever give you.



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You hate how Auras give you additional points? Then don't use it.

Auras make the game insanely easy? Again don't use it.

Hate that you can equip many other MODs because of the excess points that Aura gives? Don't equip anything!

Want to make the game harder? Play the game without MODs! Problem solved!

Close this topic.

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