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Aura = Poor Dev Move. [Screenshot Added]


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For enemy radar to be even remotely useful it needs lvl 3. That's still a shorter range than it was under the artifact system.

So why is there even the option to use enemy radar that detect enemies only when they are standing right next to you?

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Ok this is how open beta works. This is simple most of you cry when you are to over powered and the game is to easy and boring. They put in a balancing mechanic and add more challenge to the game and you all cry. Where are the hard core gamers at? Gees peeps.... They finally make the game challenging and us a bit less powered to force people to group for end game and you all cry like babies.

No, this thread is how beta works, devs change and test things, people give their feedback, then devs keep it or change it again accordingly. There's absolutely no reason for you to go around and post opinionated condescending nonsense.

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I think the problem is that: frames cost twice as much XP to level compared to weapons, but are still forced to stay in line with the 30/60 mod point limit, WHEN we have so many frame mods now.  I believe we really need a different max limit value on frames that match the effort required to rank them up, because obviously there's already too much to choose from and not enough to match preferences.  (And no, I'm not asking for an all-in-one cookie-cutter build, but atleast some breathing room so we can keep the core mods, while having enough space to swap out to other of the NEW frame ones).


Yes, we can forma, but that isn't going to stop DE from making new mods that we want to use later on (even as an option for certain missions), combined with the current alpha aura system, well, we're basically stretched far too thin to properly be able to min/max according to our preference. 


The other issue is: that the artifact system we had was interchangeable between frames and we could see what our team-mates were using and swap to another one accordingly; the aura system, however, dictates that we must forma each different frame we use in order to use said "artifact" + we have no idea what others are using, unless you ask them before-hand (and there's no reason to ask if people join when the game is in session, due to obvious reasons).  Another caveat to this is: that if you want to use a different "artifact" of a varying polarity, well, that'll require a forma too in most cases, so a bit of a cringe-worthy thought to ponder, depending on the situation.


I mean a 45% amp sounds amazing, but between that and an Energy Siphon; in most cases I'll go with ES, especially during high end missions, such as the new T3's, or nightmare mode.  The current aura system has great potential, but the current implementation as everyone's already stated: is a big enough con, that the pro's are literally nullified of value and become a hassle, rather than an opportunity.


I'm not sure what you can do to make the new system work, but there's always the option of reverting things back to the original artifacts, until you can sort something out; you can even nerf them a bit to compensate for how OP they were.

Edited by AcewingX
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No, this thread is how beta works, devs change and test things, people give their feedback, then devs keep it or change it again accordingly. There's absolutely no reason for you to go around and post opinionated condescending nonsense.

Yeh, you are right we should dumb down the game so its back on easy mode. That is the point! I obviously strongly disagree that being to powerful in the game creates nothing but boredom.

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Absolutely HATE this.


Not because of the formas, have 12 bp of the dam things sitting in my inv.

Not because of yet ANOTHER mod that needs upgrading ( you get it to lv 5 and then what? maybe you have another frame with only 4 points left, or 2. or maybe you change the build and have ONE less point to spend on aura and you're f'ed)

Not because of the card system being better due being able to see what teammates have and picking your artifact as a consequence

Not because its a giant middle finger to those who don't have potatos on everything


But because takes away part of the building and planning your mods that made WF unique. Why do they even have polarity? Sure, i could change it, but what if i wanna run a different aura or build then? Am i supposed to have 4 copies of each frame with different polarities on their aura slots or what?


You basically killed mod planning, building, flexibility, picking an artifact thats is better suited for the current mission/team, WHILE nerfing us all . Good job.

ehh, yeah i have the same problem. im SURE from all this feedback they'll change this up real quick.

i feel for the poor fella in the office who made the idea up that aggrivated 3 million people lol

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Remove Aura and give us back our Deck system


if DE wants to make player to choose their MOD usage even more, why not keep BOTH Deck and Aura system in warframe??


re-scale the mob levels please~ this put players with extremely bad internet a huge nerd while playing SOLO.


agreed with the smart AI than the numerous high level amount of dumb AI mob running around killing u with 1 shot.

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Yeah, just want to throw in here, rejuvenation on my loki was kina required for the playstyle I came to adopt and enjoy.  Now, until I've farmed the crap out of artifacts to level it back up, forma (probably 2x forma) my loki, I'm regenerating 1 health point every 4 seconds. 


I'm running low health mode already, but at 200 health points lost after getting one-shot by a rank 60 shield grennier, I'm stuck in cripple mode for over 10 minutes?  Are you serious?


So, just to be clear, vitality, fast deflection and redirection are rapidly becoming not-optional mods for rank 40+ content, solo, loki.  Thats really unfortunate.


Oh, and god help you if you random an ice level... literally one-shot by a shield bash.  OMG.

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At first I really disliked the new system.  Then I had several hours to sleep and then think about it.  I think the Aura system should stay as is with one change.  All Warframes should get a no polarity Aura slot.  That way you can choose to forma it and have limited choices in auras but more capacity for other things, or leave it alone and free up a few more mod points to equip the aura you want but maybe at a lower level.


If you really want that Aura then re-tune your frame.  Do you really need that maxed out Rush mod on there just so you save 1 min or do you just like to feel superior to everyone else and get to the extraction point first?  Hey these in game things like boxes, cargo containers and door frames block enemy fire like my shield if I get behind them with no cost to my shields, wow maybe I should use them and I could drop my shield some.  Hell, if you play it really smart you dont need any aura.  Well look it here I picked up thise blue ball after I opened up this container and it gave me 25 energy, wow if I open more I can get more.  Wow what a concept, free energy without having a Aura, I just had my mind blown.  Its a challenge that DE has brought forth to us and I think most, ok few of us seem able or willing to take up and handle.


Edit:  Also God for bid we use these things in game called COMMUNICATIONS!!!  Talk to or type to your team mates, tell them what you have and maybe they will try to tune their warframe to help you out you could oh I do not know do the same for them.  Wow another new concept, cooperation in game.  Just wow.

Edited by alphaslider
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Yeh, you are right we should dumb down the game so its back on easy mode. That is the point! I obviously strongly disagree that being to powerful in the game creates nothing but boredom.

Where exactly did I say that? I'm only suggesting that you should be more respectful and present your own thoughts on the matter -whether its positive or negative- rather than attacking everyone else in here.

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At first I really disliked the new system.  Then I had several hours to sleep and then think about it.  I think the Aura system should stay as is with one change.  All Warframes should get a no polarity Aura slot.  That way you can choose to forma it and have limited choices in auras but more capacity for other things, or leave it alone and free up a few more mod points to equip the aura you want but maybe at a lower level.


If you really want that Aura then re-tune your frame.  Do you really need that maxed out Rush mod on there just so you save 1 min or do you just like to feel superior to everyone else and get to the extraction point first?  Hey these in game things like boxes, cargo containers and door frames block enemy fire like my shield if I get behind them with no cost to my shields, wow maybe I should use them and I could drop my shield some.  Hell, if you play it really smart you dont need any aura.  Well look it here I picked up thise blue ball after I opened up this container and it gave me 25 energy, wow if I open more I can get more.  Wow what a concept, free energy without having a Aura, I just had my mind blown.  Its a challenge that DE has brought forth to us and I think most, ok few of us seem able or willing to take up and handle.


That rush mod has saved many lives, when they get into unsavory situations (it happens).  And that last sentence looks more like a "spin" to a alpha system that's being TESTED, where Rebecca herself said that feedback would be appreciated and that the dev's would be looking over this thread to see how the public feels about it.


But to each their own.  I'm not even looking at the aura system the way it is right now, because the forma cost is unnecessary in my eyes and it would require atleast 3+ forma's just to fit that ES on, on a frame I'm not too committed to right now, either.

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I am really really really not digging the fact that every warframe comes with a polarity slot already. It really limits the aura options of the warframe especially when you are near maxed out on points (or worse, already maxed out)


I mean with both my rhino and my volt I get this attack slot polarity. That limits me exactly to using just rifle amp and steel charge, cause everything else has a different polarity and I don't have more points to spare on my frames. It's dumb.

Edited by KingSpork
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Yeh, you are right we should dumb down the game so its back on easy mode. That is the point! I obviously strongly disagree that being to powerful in the game creates nothing but boredom.

Ez mode is a choice.  It still is.  Players that refuse to play "fragile" frames with un-maxed weapons on challenging content are bored... I can't even get to lt. kril with a rank 30 paris and rank 60 kunai without getting rofl stomped by the current stable of enemies thrown in my way.  My rhino buddy can AFK for minutes at a time and not take serious damage.


The AURA system is frustrating and forces players into less flexible forms of play (defensive aura until I need utility aaaaaannnndddd... I cant because I don't have the points to reconfigure my frame for it... so its defensive auras FOREVER after I make that choice.)


In fact, the major crime here is that all the interesting aura's out there to play with, including the new ones they just released 2 weeks ago, just became fusion fodder for the 2 auras I will choose to specialize, because there is no way I'm going to forma my frame again after I choose an aura path for it.

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In fact, the major crime here is that all the interesting aura's out there to play with, including the new ones they just released 2 weeks ago, just became fusion fodder for the 2 auras I will choose to specialize, because there is no way I'm going to forma my frame again after I choose an aura path for it.

Play an Excalibur; they don't have any affinity for their aura slot, so they can use them all equally well.

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One final thought on this...


If you want to fix this, remove polarity by default... if people want to polarize their arua slot, make THAT the decision.


As it stands, you are defaulting players away from a whole dimension of customization and FUN, you've made the game LESS fun with this decision... major fail!


Give players explore the auras before they choose (or choose not to) polarize.

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No, this thread is how beta works, devs change and test things, people give their feedback...


...and have the option to spend real money to work around 'features' that will likely be undone later.

Maybe spending real money on a game that's in beta is for suckers only, but DE has no qualms catering to those suckers.

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oh cmon.. wtf... i cant use the artifact i needed most now since i have WRONG mod polarity and not enough points to use.

I have already capped at 60 and loki got the --- polarity  - i dont want enemy radar  or pointless scavanger mods.

i want to use the Rifle amp or steel charge again.

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