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We should have an all time leaderbords. Don't know why we only have weekly, maybe cause of the constant change in everything. But we did 110 waves on akkad this week and I just found out that someone already did 200 a long time ago. And it doesn't matter cause next week someone's gonna do 50 and is gonna be in top 1. So please. Give us and overall leaderbords. 

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)RobertoRodri said:

We should have an all time leaderbords. Don't know why we only have weekly, maybe cause of the constant change in everything. But we did 110 waves on akkad this week and I just found out that someone already did 200 a long time ago. And it doesn't matter cause next week someone's gonna do 50 and is gonna be in top 1. So please. Give us and overall leaderbords. 

Trials have an unofficial leader board. people find glitchs and methods to get really low times. when the methods are patch out you pretty much lock in those times to never reached ever again immortalizing anyone that did the runs with glitching.


you see the problem now?



Edited by Wevi
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I see the problem. But even so, we should have it. Is not that hard to do records without exploiting glitches. My crew and I did those 110 legit and we could stay longer, we didn't cause we thought 105 it was the world record. Now we need to do another one cause turns out it wasn't. 

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25 minutes ago, (PS4)RobertoRodri said:

I see the problem. But even so, we should have it. Is not that hard to do records without exploiting glitches. My crew and I did those 110 legit and we could stay longer, we didn't cause we thought 105 it was the world record. Now we need to do another one cause turns out it wasn't. 

whats stopping others from using exploits?

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On 4/2/2017 at 4:25 AM, (PS4)RobertoRodri said:

I see the problem. But even so, we should have it. Is not that hard to do records without exploiting glitches. My crew and I did those 110 legit and we could stay longer, we didn't cause we thought 105 it was the world record. Now we need to do another one cause turns out it wasn't. 

lets say you did a mission with a broken combo of weapon or frame and did the the mission legit in a record time.

then a nerf came.

your time cannot be beaten again also it is useless because it cones from a tine where things are much easier.

basically it is there for bragging rights but no one is amused hence waste of space.

a real record are those who can be  on top again and again.

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On 4/1/2017 at 3:44 PM, (PS4)RobertoRodri said:

We should have an all time leaderbords. Don't know why we only have weekly, maybe cause of the constant change in everything. But we did 110 waves on akkad this week and I just found out that someone already did 200 a long time ago. And it doesn't matter cause next week someone's gonna do 50 and is gonna be in top 1. So please. Give us and overall leaderbords. 

it should be by era of nerfs. but if they did that people would get very salty.

after having done 90 at sechura... yeah i can kinda see the pain of it.

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Yes another change I truly hope is just around the corner. 

Warframe needs more glory boards. I really want a Hall of Fame stat board. 

I need to see whose title of longest run in survival I can aim for, it is my goal to dethrone someone. 

DE give us long term leaderboards. 

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