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Warframe Tier List U9 Thread Merger


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Why hello there!


It's been a while but DE has finally started to adapt and balance some things. Once again Old-Timers and experienced players took votes to present you this brand new (not really lol) Tier List of Overall Usefulness!




I'll start from the bottom.


Mag - I must say... I was really excited when I've heard that Scott is going to buff/change Mag after our gigantic feedback. We all hoped that our poor and useless Waifu-Based Frame will be at least in the Mid Tier.

Sadly... she was only tweaked. Just a little. So her useless skills became useless AoE skills. Her metagame is still THE worst of all Frames. Maybe we didn't stated clearly what we really want.

You can't fix Mag, she's too broken. But you can scrap her 3 useless skills and create 3 new one. With some awesome mechanic, useful and versatile. It doesn't matter how much you buff these useless crap skills, they'll stay useless because their mechanic is useless. For example: you can make Shield Polarize with Global range and with 100% Shield Reduction on all enemy targets - it's still useless because their shields have insignificant ammounts to start with. Therefore the entire idea of shield EMP is a failure in the game like that.


Final Verdict: Useless AoE Tier

Final Feedback: She can't be tweaked in her current form. I'd think about creating new skills for her. Magnetism as a power is a gold mine of ideas... but somehow you've menaged to make it boring as hell.



Volt - With this Frame problem was always the same: Scaling System. Enemies are very resistant against his type of damage after level ~25. DE has nerfed Ancients Lightning Resistances but Volt's Ulti still hits them for ~30 damage at higher levels (higher, not high). Shock is still not worth of its Energy Cost. Speed is nice but it's not that easy to stay close to eachother so maybe a little Radius buff would help here. It would be nice if he had some special "paralyze" debuff with his skills. Semi-Crowd_Control of some kind. But the main problem is still the same, resists.


Final Verdict: Low Tier

Final Feedback: You don't have to "buff" him too much... but resists and scaling could use some serious changes. Shock needs either reducted cost, increased damage or "Paralyze" the targets for some time. I always liked the idea of Energy Shield changed into Energy Dome (similar to Frost)... that would instantly put him higher on the list.



Rhino - Only his crappy Iron Skin is keeping him away from the High Tier. Cheap mobility skill with nice damage. AoE Damage Buff, Crowd Control Ulti with a blast... if only his Iron Skin wasn't so weak...

But overall nice change. He's almost the Rhino we all loved once... almost...


Final Verdict: Mid Tier (Would-Be High Tier if not his Useless Skin)

Final Feedback: Change the Iron Skin hurr durr. It's not scaling, it's not that strong. And later on it's a deathwish, enemies will rip you into little pieces after one second if you use that. 1200 "Shield" is nothing with this damage scaling. Again... Mob scaling is the problem... it's almost like in the early days of Diablo 3...



Nova - Two words: Desing Council. You can't expect that so many people will create something that is good or even logical. She was supposed to be "Antimatter-Based Frame" but screw this, Wormhole! It's like with cooking, DE allowed eveyone to pick their favourite thing and then they've mixed it together into something disgusting (Translation note: Disgusting means "Useless"). Her damage is WEAK, she doesn't scale above level 25 (Ember Syndromre hrhr) and her Ulti is one of the worst in the game mechanic-wise. You have to cast it... then you have to kill the target... and then finally goes the chain explosion. Way too weak and not satysfying. But that's probably because of the... YUP... armor scaling.


Final Verdict: Low Tier (But of course. Desing Council are not Game Developers. How could they desing something better than this...generic Damage Dealer that doesn't scale.)

Final Feedback: She's like Ember. Nice to some point (so is any other Frame), but alter on she's starting to fall behind... fast. I don't even know what needs to be done to change that. Armor Ignore? Some utility? I got nothing. I can only hope that's the last the when developers allowed the Community to create their own Frame.



This concludes the changes. All other Frames are in the same Tier as before. Tho Frost and Nyx are in the High Tier it doesn't mean they are "perfect". Nyx Ulti is still terrible and Frost skills are also useless after a certain level is reached (Only Globe is always awesome).


As always I'll gladly read and respond to any constructive feedback. This means I will not respond if you'll just type "I disagree, X should be X Tier and X should be X Tier". That's not constructive. Explain us why you think so, not only what you think!


PS. Ash once again almost ended up in the Low Tier. He could really use some theam_usefulness-based changes.

PS2. Vauban can't hear you over the sound of how awesome he is.

PS3. To all people who will soon say "Trinity is God Tier because she can be immortal": This game is not about immortality. It's about fast killing large ammount of enemies, defending the Cryopod and Speedrunning. Energy Vampire is nice - that's right. But that's it, she can't offer anything else. Healing? If you need HP Heal it means you've screwed something up in the first place. And there are regenerating Shields so it's not that great.

PS4. Please be polite and respect opinion of the others. If you disagree - use the power of logic and feedback and prove them wrong. If you agree - thumbs up.


TL;DR: New "Usefulness" Tier List is finally here. Mag still sucks. Volt still sucks. Nova is generic and weak. Rhino is almost High Tier! Please be constructive about your feedback, it's important.

Edited by Sideway
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i cant trust the opinion of nova. not for a frame that has been out for HOURS.

edit: not to imply that she isnt bad, just that no one could have possibly worked out a legitimate opinion of anything over such a short time.

Edited by MetalGerbil
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The problem with Nova's skills was that it was based on a voting system in the Design Council. And the majority of the Design Council members are casual players, which is fine. But, due to the lack of experience with end-game or high level enemies, the majority of the Design Council members just went with the skills that catered to squashing low level to mid level trash mobs. Wormhole was voted for probably because they liked the ideas of playing with portals over having something that scales such as a doppelganger skill.

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Rhino is god tier..

He has good shields

His 1 - slash dash with a knockdown, one of the higher damage 25 energy buttons, and its aoe + cc


His 2 - Rhino's iron skin is amazing... I just don't understand how you can't see this, I assume its simply because you had stupidly overpowered Comically stupid IMMORTALITY...  and now you will settle for nothing less, It makes you Immune to knockdowns/Drains, It Taunts making most defense missions Casual, it absorbs a bucket load of damage, it lasts forever...   I mean if it drops, Cast it again, with focus thats 1560 damage x2 .....  3120 damage!!  you just killed most other frames 5 times over and Rhino is still standing there....   This is Overpowered.. I can't understand how your not seeing this.


His 3 - His Roar is the second best team utility in the game, after banshee sonar, adding MASSIVE damage to everyone, Acrid doing 2000 dmg a shot gets buffed to 3000.... on 4 players, thats an extra 4000-5000 dps, for 20 seconds(and yes resistance reduces that a bit)


His 4 - This Ultimate is the best in game, because of the range, armor ignore, and 9 second cc




Vauban is really bad at anything apart from Xini with Bastille, he has nothing to offer vs a boss, and limited options in a t3/general play.  why is he god?


Mag pull spam can make Corpus defense Casual (easier than Vauban can on infested) letting you do wave 40+ Narc in under 20 seconds..... so.. she is now god in your list, because defense is all that matters?

all she needs is Bullet attractor removed from the game, and a slight buff/change to Polarize

Edited by Tatersail
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Nova can 2-shot Xini waves up to 20. How is that crap? A fully built molecular prime has the range of Banshee's ult btw. Seriously, wait 30 seconds for the infested to start grouping up, prime, and then kill a charger or runner. The whole wave dies.

Her antimatter drop is also very good. It's fly-by-wire so you can launch it directly in the air, have your squad-mates lay into it with their weapons for a sec, and then drop it on the enemies heads for stupid AoE damage. 5000-15,000 damage (rough range that I saw last night) AoE attacks with nearly Saryn's miasma's range are nothing to laugh about.

She's definitely not a solo or pug frame, but she's very, very good in a squad with even a semblance of teamwork.

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I feel like evaluating Nova so soon was a bit hasty.

Regarding Volt, his skills aren't so bad now.

It's just damage resistance and the fact that he tries to cater to four different playstyles without excelling at any.

Personally, I feel like Volt ought to be ripped apart into a caster and a steroid frame.

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I agree with most of these tier placements. However I don't understand why people place Vauban in a God tier to himself. Vauban is a great frame but to me it seems that outside of defense mission he isn't THAT amazing. He's still great, but I wouldn't put him in his own tier. I would put the top tier at Frost, Rhino, Vauban, Banshee, and Saryn.

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I agree. The rework on his skills made him an all around warframe. You have an AOE damage skill with a few seconds of disable(this really saved my butt lots of times), A party buff skill, and a semi-tank skill. Semi-tank skill because it's frigin useless with high level enemies. They strip it from you in seconds, along with your shield. I think the other version of Iron skin, the one with the 80% damage reduction, is better because in my experience I survive longer with it, again this is with high level enemies. My problem with that version is the lack of knockback/knockdown immunity, you get hit with the disruptor attacks, and posion still deals full damage.

Edited by tantananan
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Nova can 2-shot Xini waves up to 20. How is that crap?


Because almost anyone can. If something is a standard then it's not "amazing". I feel like her skills are lacking... the purpose of using them. Normally when you use some skill it's because you want to do something, damage while you're reloading or crowd control. If damage is not worth of its energy cost or it's simply beter to shoot once after reload then we could say that this certain power lacks something. And all of her powers lack something... and it's a lot of it. She's weak. Desing Council has basicly created Ember 2.0 (And that's so very very sad. So many people and the best they can do is some generic early game damage dealer without anything new and fresh.) with weaker/less versatile/more pain in the &#! skills. That's why we think she's Low Tier Frame (That and her Duck-Face and Pony-Hoofs).


Personally I really wanted to put Rhino in the High Tier... but I couldn't do this. He's my #1 Favourite Male Frame and I'd love to see him more useful/stronger. Some day... maybe some day...

Edited by Sideway
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This list is only focused at which warframes can clear the most mobs and who is best in a defense mission. I don't agree with Rhino and Trinity's placement. Both should be moved up a tier do to overall effectiveness.

Bash Trinity however much you want, but the team will never run out of energy or health.

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...who exactly voted for this?


Elitist (Read: "Autistic") people who play too much. Metagamers if you prefer. The opposite of an army of Casuals and Weekend Gamers ruining Warframe's metagame with their stupid ideas right now. I'd PM you with a list of lots of nicknames but that's too troublesome and I guess you couldn't care less. A.K.A. People better than anyone else because they know the stuff to the core.

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Elitist (Read: "Autistic") people who play too much. Metagamers if you prefer. The opposite of an army of Casuals and Weekend Gamers ruining Warframe's metagame with their stupid ideas right now. I'd PM you with a list of lots of nicknames but that's too troublesome and I guess you couldn't care less. A.K.A. People better than anyone else because they know the stuff to the core.

I'm not interested in a list of names, I just want to know where the poll was posted and who got to vote, because I can't take a claim that there was some sort of secret club of exclusivist supergamers and warframe scholars seriously.

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This list is extremely bias to 


1: End game players

2: Infested players


Vauban is all but useless in anything but Infested, in fact Nyx does a better job that Vauban on the other 2 factions and better on higher level Infested.

Rhino now does a better job than Saryn but no one seems to even care about that.

The only God Tier frame there is, is Frost because at a certain point on ANY defense mission, Snow Globe is a must (Infested in debatable).

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well it was prety obvious that nova was going to suck mega balls to anyone with a brain. how could a mess of 1000 randoms who have no idea what their doing design something good? the devs even quoted "if it sucks, its the design councils fault". imo the devs knew it would suck and have only let it into the game to make the design council realise how much of a useless dead weight they are......

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This list is only focused at which warframes can clear the most mobs and who is best in a defense mission. I don't agree with Rhino and Trinity's placement. Both should be moved up a tier do to overall effectiveness.

Bash Trinity however much you want, but the team will never run out of energy or health.

problem is. your team sucks if they lose health, aka well of life is useless, better to let them die then res them while some other usefull frame has CC'd everything than cast it. your team WILL run out of energy, because at high level everyone always needs energy. so as soon as you cast energy vamp on a target it gets focused by the whole team. causing it to die realy realy realy quick(wich means its only realy usefull on bosses).


trinity(along with rhino) is by far the best boss soloing frame. but soloing bosses is so so so far from endgame its not even relevent.....

Edited by cocodog13
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I'm not interested in a list of names, I just want to know where the poll was posted and who got to vote, because I can't take a claim that there was some sort of secret club of exclusivist supergamers and warframe scholars seriously.


This. Without a source, any claim that this was voted on by people who are in a better position than the rest of us to know where a Warframe should be is worthless.

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A more realistic list would move Vauban down to High Tier, eliminating god tier all together, and move Rhino up to high tier.


Anyone with a brain could have seen that Nova was going to suck. Go check the DC forums for those who can, find my post where I literally say before her release that she will be less useful than pre-buffs ember.


On moving vauban down and Rhino up. Vauban trivializes Infested, there's no doubt there. However, once you start dealing with enemies that don't mindlessly rush, his effectiveness drops down dramatically. I'd say Frost and Nyx are far more valuable against the Grineer/Corpus.


Rhino is fantastic now. You (Yes you OP, and everyone else who complains about him) have to get over the fact that he doesn't have godmode anymore. Just pretend he never did. Stop trying to use him in a clueless manner. Having never used him when he had godmode, I recently built him when they buffed him and gave him Roar. My god, talk about easymode. Iron Skin is the best defensive ability in the game. You can't flinch, you can recast it as soon as it's down, and with mods to affect it you can easily get tons of damage soaked up out of it. Now add to that a bigger AOE Bastille, a 50% damage amp, and a mobility skill that knocks stuff out of your way to clear a path for you. He's better than Banshee in every way except Sonar. If you don't have him in high tier, you're being ignorant, and should probably concede this thread to someone who isn't so close minded as yourself.


Dear OP, you yourself said the following  "This game is not about immortality. It's about fast killing large amount of enemies, defending the Cryopod and Speedrunning. Rhino brings powerful CC, THE BEST survivability (2nd to link in certain situations) and mobility. Giving him back godmode will put him in god tier. 

Edited by biggians
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I'm not interested in a list of names, I just want to know where the poll was posted and who got to vote, because I can't take a claim that there was some sort of secret club of exclusivist supergamers and warframe scholars seriously.


Design council. For those who paid for the $50 founder's package or higher.

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Design council. For those who paid for the $50 founder's package or higher.


The only part of krisp's criteria the DC fits is the exclusivity. The Design Council is certainly not full of supergamers and Warframe scholars. It's mostly full of people who can't see past the end of their own vote [read: Wormhole, Molecular Prime].



Rhino is fantastic now. You (Yes you OP, and everyone else who complains about him) have to get over the fact that he doesn't have godmode anymore. Just pretend he never did. Stop trying to use him in a clueless manner. Having never used him when he had godmode, I recently built him when they buffed him and gave him Roar. My god, talk about easymode. Iron Skin is the best defensive ability in the game. You can't flinch, you can recast it as soon as it's down, and with mods to affect it you can easily get tons of damage soaked up out of it. Now add to that a bigger AOE Bastille, a 50% damage amp, and a mobility skill that knocks stuff out of your way to clear a path for you. He's better than Banshee in every way except Sonar. If you don't have him in high tier, you're being ignorant, and should probably concede this thread to someone who isn't so close minded as yourself.


I am in the same position as you, in so far as the fact I never played him before the nerf.


Iron Skin is a crap defensive ability. It's sh!te compared to Snow Globe and is only better than it against Infested, and you don't need a defensive ability against them because you can just jump on a crate. Snow Globe doesn't draw aggro, and it doesn't deplete after a few seconds of fire from mid-high level enemies. You can re-cast Snow Globe before Snow Globe goes down, whereas you have to leave yourself vulnerable for a crucial few seconds with Iron Skin which can mean death against high-level enemies.


By all accounts, IS is not a defensive ability, but an offensive one [due in large part to its aggro drawing], and a sh!te offensive one at that.


His ultimate is... Okay. It has a wider range than Bastille, but doesn't catch enemies that move into its range after it has been cast, which Bastille does do. It does less damage than other ultimates, but I'd rather have this version of his previous 3rd and 4th with the addition of Roar than what we had before, because Roar is just so good.

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Why hello there!


It's been a while but DE has finally started to adapt and balance some things. Once again Old-Timers and experienced players took votes to present you this brand new (not really lol) Tier List of Overall Usefulness!


What does usefulness mean?

Vauban is only on top cause all his attack CCs, so does usefulness mean whose has the most CC attacks?


Well, let's look at the tier below.

Banshee has 1 AOE CC, 1 wide arc CC, and a bonus dmg attack. Ok.

Nyx has 2 CCs Ok. I hardly see anyone using anything else so the rest is pretty much ignored.

Saryn has her armor ignore feature and 1 CC, her Miasma stun isn't that long but i guess the combination with armor ignore is good enough.

Frost has one CC...... huh? He suffers from the Scaling problem with the rest of his abilities, right? So that one CC just covers enough to send him to just below the top. It's strong, no question, but he is up there because of one attack.


So tell me again why was Rhino Low Tier before when he had THREE CCs and now he is Mid Tier with 2 CC, one that is armor ignore, and a damage boost? Oh right...............................Iron Skin..........................................................


Frost has ONE thing that sent him to the top and Rhino was on the bottom and now the middle just because ONE of his 3 abilities isnt useful at high levels. He has ALWAYS had 3 useful abilities but that doesn't matter because Iron Skin sucks......... right. Ember was above Rhino at one point because of her Overheat, just Overheat. Cause we all know about her and resistances on all her other abilities. This whole thing just seem like highly constructed, "I want original Iron Skin back," argument. 


Why isnt Ex in High Tier? He has one CC and one Armor Ignore ability.

Why Isnt Loki God Tier? All his abilities work on all level mobs.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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