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do "speed runs" become less common at later levels?


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my Story starts out solo, i was working on my snipetron trying to be as sneaky as possible. next thing i know 2 other pop into my game (yes i forgot to put solo on) and just start zipping through the level. I basically had to pull out my pistols because i couldn't line up shots fast enough before the enemy was blitzed by these two.

I understand we are supposed to be space ninjas but why even put guns like snipetron in the game when the whole point of the game is to act like a teenage mutant super space robo ninja?

I know this will never have the Mass effect style combat but you guys have to do something about the whole speed runs nonsense.

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I'm usually one of those running as fast as possible, but that one time when a random Loki glitched through every door and was invisible most of the time.. it was impossible to keep up with him.

I don't know why he was playing co-op.

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I completely agree with the OP's sentiment, that's why I try to play only with people I know. Most of the time when I'm in a PUG {pickup group} I'm often given the choice to either explore the place with that poor lone dude trying to gather crafting material and fight the remaining enemies or to join that other 2 guys who seem to be in a hurry to get things done as soon as possible and move on to the next mission so they can rush some more :P

Usually I just join the latter -the majority that rushes through- so I can complete the mission and leave the group as soon as possible. Good riddance.

Sadly the teamwork in public games is only encouraged when someone is in need of a revive, if he/she is lucky to have people that care enough that is. At least it seemed that way to me. I think this might be because I rarely see anyone playing any warframes other than Loki, Excalibur and of course the Volt. Two of which are offensive types, and Loki is just.. Loki.

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People will still do speed runs or atleast try to at any level or location. It's simply a matter of how risky it is doing it if you get far ahead of everyone. Example every mission so far that I have done in 2 new areas they just added in this update have come out difficulty 5 and spawn a ton of enemys everywhere so you feel like you're mobbed most of the time. (and getting 2 grineer commanders, 2 heavy grineer with gorgons, 1 napalm guy, and 1 bombardier in the same room with 2 shield lancers and a bunch of normal troopers wasn't fun at all...) lol

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People still do it, the only solution is to group up privatly with people you know and that share your playstyle or go solo.

yeah unfortunately going solo is probably the only option, as the game at my level becomes way to easy when you throw more than 1 person into the mix.

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People will do it until the game doesn't reward greedy gameplay so heavily. The biggest factor seems to be that the faster you move forward the faster you can kill stuff so the faster you can upgrade your frame or weapons. There is no reason to take your time and lots of reasons to go faster.

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What you call speedrunning is just a different playstyle. It just so happens to be the most effective one at the moment. If I'm a badass space ninja, why wouldn't I strike as hard and fast as I can? It gives enemies less time to regroup and flank me, makes me less susceptible to grenades (died to a grenade for the first time yesterday because I stood around and shot dudes for too long) and I never have enemies spawn and sneak up behind me because I'm always moving forward. I do this with the snipetron, too by the way. You just have to be quick lining up headshots and don't dally too long.

If they created a mission type where you had to maintain stealth or get and absolutely overwhelming amount of enemies decend on you then a slower, more cautious playstyle would be more viable.

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Watching two Volts and a Mag switch off clearing every room with Overload and Crush is not a different playstyle. It's 3 people each pressing 1 button and then walking to the end of the map. .

Chaining ultimates is most definitely lame. The room clearing ultimates don't do much for me in general to be honest. Nothing terribly engaging about pressing a button and killing everything in sight.

any other games out there like warframe but without the space ninja nonsense? this game is definitely not for me.

Not that I'm aware of. The fast pace of this game is a huge part of it's appeal to me. It makes it stand out from console style cover shooters like Mass Effect. That said, it would be cool if different mission types required different approaches, and I think strengthening the stealth system would help with this. It's already something the devs have said is in the pipeline.

For the time being, it would probably help if you can find some friends who like to play the same way you do. I should point out that I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting a more deliberate style of play, and like I said I hope it becomes an viable option in some missions so we have more gameplay variety.

Edited by Sealgaire
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or just up the damage of mobs to the extreme where 3-4 shots and you are dead. instead of the way it stands now i could have a whole platoon shoot at me and i can super robot ninja flip out and chop all of them in half with little worry.

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What you call speedrunning is just a different playstyle. It just so happens to be the most effective one at the moment. If I'm a badass space ninja, why wouldn't I strike as hard and fast as I can? It gives enemies less time to regroup and flank me, makes me less susceptible to grenades (died to a grenade for the first time yesterday because I stood around and shot dudes for too long) and I never have enemies spawn and sneak up behind me because I'm always moving forward. I do this with the snipetron, too by the way. You just have to be quick lining up headshots and don't dally too long.

If they created a mission type where you had to maintain stealth or get and absolutely overwhelming amount of enemies decend on you then a slower, more cautious playstyle would be more viable.

This is the truth at the moment. The most effective play style is quickly adopted as the most popular one. With the changes that they are going to make, we may see changes that make rushing not as worthwhile, maybe something like making the task-missions worth more, and getting a new task-mission when you complete the one you started with. People would quickly get the stealth missions, and actually want the bonuses from them, and would try more to complete them (also tone them down a bit, 10 stealth kills is a bit much, even for a stealthy playstyle.)

Also, OP, In most groups that I'm in that I use the snipetron, with 3 others, I do about 60-70% of damage. The snipetron is a bit OP at the moment (overkill headshot crits still add the full damage to my total, not just the amount of hp the enemy has), and is probably the BEST weapon for rushing. If you are fast at lining up shots, the snipetron has a huge, gigantic usefulness bonus. I think that other weapons might need a slight buff in order to keep up (especially against bosses, where snipetron is by far the most effecient damage dealer, both per time and per ammo/ammo max.) You're already using 'the best' weapon in the game. You might as well get good with it, and keep up with others.

Edited by BL4CKL1STED
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The thing about speed running is that you can't possibly help it and you will eventually start doing it yourself in the long run. They've finally bumped the alloy drop rate a bit (at least in the new areas) but farming 500 for a HEK could take you anywhere between 25-40 runs at Jackal, depending on your luck. That's a hell of a lot of time if you're not trying to blitz through the level and even then a Jackal run with speed running probably takes up 5 minutes or so, depending on where Jackal spawns and how many laser doors you must go through. 5x40 minutes is a loooooooong time to be repeating the same thing over and over again but it's what you have to do to craft some stuff in the game. When you start adding BP runs, rubedo runs, boss item runs (neural sensors etc.) and what else you can think of to the mix, you'll soon realise how many times people are playing the same levels.

That's simply the nature of a farming game and the speed tools can help us get through it in a reasonable amount of time. Imagine if you had to farm a boss 50+ times to get all the BPs (which isn't unrealistic in some cases): Would you still slug through it at 15-20 minutes per level to kill stuff or would you finish it in 5 by running, jumping, exploiting powers and such? I'm not saying it to be mean or anything, because speed runners suck when you're trying to level some things or doing a little bit of farming but it's just the reality of the game.

Speed running also happens to be fun with sprint/stamina mods, wall running and such but like I said, you'll find that out eventually.

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My snipetron is up to level 28 and I find it useless against bosses still. I just end up running out of ammo. Admittedly I need better mods in it,.

before i had mine supercharged at 30 i only used a 46% lv13 multishot mod, a 50% reload speed mod and a 24.5% armor pen mod ( armor pen being the BnB for snipetron ) thing is u havta shoot weakpoints ( head, knee etc) for it to have the best of damage.

For me i like the snipe better than most guns.

PS : if u played cod before there is a term called quickscoping...most of the time i am quickscoping or scope cancelling...sometimes i even go melee a mob and cancel to snipe like a combo ( better done with a shotgun but hey...snipes r cooler ). So yeah..

On topic : i think im kinda at the later levels stage? nt sure. anyways...depends on the people u play with if its pug....if u see an excal/ash/mag/volt...50% chance they gonna speed run/spam ults/skills....u can alwiz try to "communicate" and ask why they are doing this run.

If they answered "farm mats" or "level new WF" then u can suggest to them to take it slow. Some people i know wanna farm mats but speedrun and i facepalm cz i c mats drop all over and i waypoint only for them to RUSH back for it ==.

If they answered "your momma!" or "herp" or "dunno" then u can just ignore them LOL..let thm rush...let them die...let them leave ==

Edited by Kokurai
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When stealth becomes more relevant/fun to play, I'm sure the snipetron will shine as something other than a boss-slayer.

But to answer the question in the title: no. In fact, I'd say it increases.

I use the snipetron to run thru maps all the time. As a matter of fact, I am able to keep the ship from being alerted through the first half of the map most times because of the fact that i one-shot anything before it can react.

It's fun to see how long I can go before raising ship alarms.

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It's simple. I'm a lvl 30 Volt, and today I've done a lot of missions on Eris because I wanted Nyx BP. I need 2-3 Overload now to kill those normal infected, the shield is useless against them and so is my first ability. Why shouldn't I use sprint? I don't know if on Ceres the situation is different, but on Eris Volt is kinda useless, even with decent mods. The rooms are always full of ancients that are chasing me, so I really need to run through the level, because it simply ain't worth fighting all those mobs. At the moment there is no real reason to complete the map without speedrun.

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Had a game where I was going for melee exp over anything else with a team mate using a Snipetron. After the map was done they had almost no kills or damage done. They commented on my mastery of bullet interception... lol

yea tht rly sucks when i lined up my shot perfectly then my squadmate goes to block my shot == and i havta strafe or reposition and try to snipe down the mobs tht is gonna kill my leeroy jenkins squadmates

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It's simple. I'm a lvl 30 Volt, and today I've done a lot of missions on Eris because I wanted Nyx BP. I need 2-3 Overload now to kill those normal infected, the shield is useless against them and so is my first ability. Why shouldn't I use sprint? I don't know if on Ceres the situation is different, but on Eris Volt is kinda useless, even with decent mods. The rooms are always full of ancients that are chasing me, so I really need to run through the level, because it simply ain't worth fighting all those mobs. At the moment there is no real reason to complete the map without speedrun.

i need nyx bp too haha...been speedrunning only that mission. with an occasional "we have to kill these distractions at least" when i see them...since they dont drop useful materials only mods or "some xp" i do agree with speedrun.

nt rly sure OP is talking about specific missions or all missions...if its all then i still stand my point from my first post

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Chaining ultimates is most definitely lame. The room clearing ultimates don't do much for me in general to be honest. Nothing terribly engaging about pressing a button and killing everything in sight.

i play a mag (lv29 now with 275 energy). Most of the time i have my 275 energy up when i meet a mass horde of enemies. If im solo il play anyhow i want but if im with a team i actually SAVE my ultimate for us to kill normally with other skills or whatnot. Because eventhough doing crush is fun, it isnt so much for the rest...

i teamed with a mag that spams the ult even when theres...5 enemies? LOL? thts js $&*&*#(%&. I ONLY use my skills in situational times, like suddenly seeing two disruptor or toxic ancients or 2 grineer heavies besides the mass horde of 15-30 regular mobs. If i do not ult at that moment...a squadmate will die...or at least get their energy down or poisoned or whatever. So i js do it to "ease" the mobs.

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i need nyx bp too haha...been speedrunning only that mission. with an occasional "we have to kill these distractions at least" when i see them...since they dont drop useful materials only mods or "some xp" i do agree with speedrun.

nt rly sure OP is talking about specific missions or all missions...if its all then i still stand my point from my first post

I don't know if you have Volt too, but it's kinda impossible to do those levels before Naeglar without speedrunning them. I'm also using the Snipetron, and it's hard to aim for the headshot if there are a lots of infected dogs that are keep hitting you :/ I mean, I can't use 200 energy to clear a room from normal mobs. With the last Volt nerf, it's so frustating to do missions with the Infected. The number of Ancients is increased too, so the easy way to do the level is keep pressing 2... I'm not enjoying it obviously, but it's the only way for me right now. In other levels, where I can use my powers, I love to clear the entire map before going to the extraction point :)

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