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To The People Who Complain


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About lag off another host.

I get no lag what so ever when I host. Also a lot of other people who join on me or vise versa experience no lag.

So if this happens to you while I'm hosting or someone else is hosting, leave, instead of being an f'n $&*^ and making fun of the person because you are having issues on your end.

To the jag offs that poked fun at me today. Insert your fist in Uranus. Cheers!

Also is there a way to turn the chat off so I don't run into idiots who think they're tough sheet on the Internet?

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I get no lag what so ever when I host.


Well duh. A host always has a ping of 0. Hosts never lag because they are the point that all other players connect to. Just because you, as a host, don't lag doesn't mean that others won't lag when connected to you.


So of course if your upload bandwidth sucks, then you're a terrible host. If I joined your game and lagged like hell, I'll make a mention of it.

Edited by Letter13
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Low self esteem. No. None at all.

Just sick of dealing with random idiots in the community. But it's everywhere so I have to suck it up I guess.

Just saying instead of being a knob to people you don't know. Just leave.

You know there is a thing called "not giving a damn"?, try it sometime instead of posting rant threads.


Just saying you wouldn't be taken seriously by making a thread about how angry you are at people its better to just not care what they think.

Edited by Palkora
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Well sure you could mention it. I don't care. What the hell am I going to be able to do about it? Where i am i have good internet. Did my tests and im fine. So you mention it. You going to be a $&*^ about it? If you had any manners at all you probably wouldn't.

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Just saying instead of being a knob to people you don't know. Just leave.


Chances are that if there are a lot of people "being a knob" to you about how you suck as a host, then it probably means..


wait for it...




you're not a good host. Check your Up/Down bandwidth at speedtest.net and make sure you have more than 2Mb (MegaBITs, not bytes), as well as a good ping to cities like NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, etc.


If your upload bandwidth sucks, then you shouldn't be a host. This will spare you from all sorts of grief.


Edit: Also stop downloading porn. ffs.

Edited by Letter13
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Well sure you could mention it. I don't care. What the hell am I going to be able to do about it? Where i am i have good internet. Did my tests and im fine. So you mention it. You going to be a $&*^ about it? If you had any manners at all you probably wouldn't.

You know what would be nice if you used the quote button.


Look i'm just saying it isn't ideal to rant in a thread because not everyone will take you seriously about it and just think you are raging. Just man up and don't care what others think. By making an angry thread you are doing the opposite.

Edited by Palkora
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Your not ever going to lag as the host.... lol.


Also I have great internet but when I host things get random when people join sometimes the game will go on just fine than all sudden 3 people get dced from my game.


So I just don't host ever its not fun for people to get randomly dced.

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Chances are that if there are a lot of people "being a knob" to you about how you suck as a host, then it probably means..


wait for it...




you're not a good host. Check your Up/Down bandwidth at speedtest.net and make sure you have more than 2Mb (MegaBITs, not bytes), as well as a good ping to cities like NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, etc.


If your upload bandwidth sucks, then you shouldn't be a host. This will spare you from all sorts of grief.


Edit: Also stop downloading porn. ffs.

Simply telling me to check the bandwidth at the site (that I know about already but thanks anyway) would be a reasonable and polite thing to tell me.

I would appreciate those kinds of suggestions. Instead of being bashed for something I have no control over.

Instead of being a $&*^ about it then staying in the game and continue belittling the person. LEAVE!

Also there's no need for me to "download porn" I am happily married to a woman that satisfies my every sexual need. So. Yeah.

Anyway. Try being a kind person for once instead of being a child to other people.


Maybe adjust the ping match maker to.

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