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Make operator faces not tied to gender.


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Hi! I just finished The Second Dream, which was amazing! Great job on that quest, once I started I just HAD to finish. Some awesome revelations there :) I'm really excited to start The War Within!

Anyways, I noticed that in the Operator customization menu, there are male and female faces which also have male/female body shapes that are automatically associated with the faces. I just wanted to request that the dichotomy be removed - especially in the case of first/second face - it's kind of annoying that the more Asian-featured faces are all female, so I can't mix those with the male faces, plus I can't use a male body with a female face. Preferably, the face and body shapes would have completely separate customization options, and female/male faces would have no distinction.


Edited by D20
Changed title for clarity.
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2 minutes ago, ShadowStalker said:

iam 100% sure there isnt an option to select body types its the same for all 

Yeah, that's half correct - you can't select body types. However, there is definitely a male body type and a female body type - play around with it. Female faces have curvier bodies with breasts and thinner waists than male bodies.

6 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

I was expecting a much different thread from the title.


I agree that it's a dichotomy.  +1


Also, Welcome to the Forums!  XD


Edited by mrtouchngo
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8 minutes ago, mrtouchngo said:

Yeah, that's half correct - you can't select body types. However, there is definitely a male body type and a female body type - play around with it. Female faces have curvier bodies with breasts and thinner waists than male bodies.

well guess your right though i use my tenno as a female with the 5th face so i never really noticed it

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1 hour ago, Exlodian_Akitora said:

Would be nice to have them re do the operator customization...not to be rude..but kinda feels lazily done. As well talk about lack of voice's. I understand getting voice actors, and coding to customize a character is..well beyond me for coding. But cmon...could of done a bit better.

I think we can all agree that most would love to have an operator with DE Megan's voice. :D 

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1 hour ago, Exlodian_Akitora said:

I understand getting voice actors, and coding to customize a character is..well beyond me for coding. But cmon...could of done a bit better.

I feel like calling someone's efforts lazy without having much comprehension on what goes into doing such a thing is rather ignorant, not to be rude or anything.

It's like looking at a building with 299 floors and saying "What, they couldn't just make 300 floors? Sounds pretty lazy to me!"

Not to mention they have been developing this game for about 3 years without worrying about faces or voices for their protagonists.  Could it have been done better?  Sure!  There are dozens of games with amazing customization techniques and possibilities for their characters, so yeah the capabilities exist.

Did they want to spend an extra <insert long time delay here> to do so for operators that (at that time) wouldn't even been see for longer than 10 seconds every few minutes at best?  Guess not.  That was their choice.  Operators effectively make up around 3% of the game, I understand the desire for more customization and I'm sure they are working on it, but you can't really fault them for not wasting a whole lot of effort on a new system that they weren't even sure would be well received.  Or whatever reasoning they had.

Sorry for going off on a tangent but comments like that bother me.  You want better features?  That's fine, ask for them, but do so in a positive manner rather than making it so degrading, whether that's your intention or not, that's how it sounds, surely you realize that.  

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Yes, please. I also want to use the more Asian looking faces that are female only. I've so far settled on using the female faces but using a male voice. It actually kind of works if you use the armor that makes the body look flat chested, but I'd love for my operator to have an actual male body.

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8 hours ago, MrDaylight said:

The Operators are ugly potato children. No matter what combination you pick your character is still Oblivion-tier and clipping hairlines. Fix that first... then maybe we can work on what OP is talking about.

Some of the hair doesn't clip, which hair are you talking about? 

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On 4/17/2017 at 4:12 AM, Xekrin said:

I feel like calling someone's efforts lazy without having much comprehension on what goes into doing such a thing is rather ignorant, not to be rude or anything.

It's like looking at a building with 299 floors and saying "What, they couldn't just make 300 floors? Sounds pretty lazy to me!"

Not to mention they have been developing this game for about 3 years without worrying about faces or voices for their protagonists.  Could it have been done better?  Sure!  There are dozens of games with amazing customization techniques and possibilities for their characters, so yeah the capabilities exist.

Did they want to spend an extra <insert long time delay here> to do so for operators that (at that time) wouldn't even been see for longer than 10 seconds every few minutes at best?  Guess not.  That was their choice.  Operators effectively make up around 3% of the game, I understand the desire for more customization and I'm sure they are working on it, but you can't really fault them for not wasting a whole lot of effort on a new system that they weren't even sure would be well received.  Or whatever reasoning they had.

Sorry for going off on a tangent but comments like that bother me.  You want better features?  That's fine, ask for them, but do so in a positive manner rather than making it so degrading, whether that's your intention or not, that's how it sounds, surely you realize that.  

Well my comment wasn't aimed to hate on, or to look down upon the customisation. I mean on a standing point its pretty basic and kinda was done with effort, but more is needed. I understand working as a coder, art designer, and so on is hard. Trust me I've experienced it, but stuff like this is not lazy, it just feels like they could of done more.

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On 4/20/2017 at 4:42 AM, Exlodian_Akitora said:

Well my comment wasn't aimed to hate on, or to look down upon the customisation. I mean on a standing point its pretty basic and kinda was done with effort, but more is needed. I understand working as a coder, art designer, and so on is hard. Trust me I've experienced it, but stuff like this is not lazy, it just feels like they could of done more.

It's one of the best customization I've ever seen in all the games I've played though. But agree, there's still some things that I wish would happen (like separate color channels for syandana and armor). And of course, this topic. Still crossing my fingers for operator head to be separate from body choice. 

Edited by eksby
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