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"OMG a prime came out for a weapon I have and forma'd QQ"


"OMG it's too hard!!!"


"OMG I fail at parkour"


the list goes on and on and on.


1. Prime weapons give s sense of lore to the game. Since they are the original versions of the weapons the Tenno use now it only makes sense that they are stronger in some aspect. This crappy complaint about the primes being better would only stand ground if you believe that all weapons that EVER come out in this game are NEVER stronger than the ones currently implimented, which as I see it is just $&*&*#(%&. If they simply created another rifle with the same funtionality as the Braton or another staff weapon and made them stronger in ANY aspect than the currect Braton and Orthos would you still be crying? Would you be happy if Orthos Prime was actually called "Who cares" that way it wouldn't be another version of the weapon you have simply another weapon of the same type? Do you want DE to generalize the stats of EVERY sinlge weapon in the game so the only point in having an Orthos over a Bo-staff or having a "whatever the nextrifle is" over a Braton is the difference in skin?


Example: The Hikou (shuriken) that just came out. If it was better than kunai/despair we would have the same complaints as we now do with the primes. So if you are going to complain about the primes being better than the original it means you are saying no weapon should be better than the one you have now.


2. WE asked for more difficulty and now people are crying that Pluto or whatever high level mission is too hard? Or that the new boss/vor is too hard. THEN DON'T GO TO PLUTO ALONE. I'f you can't do it solo get a group. Problem solved....next


3. Parkour.....we are @(*()$ ninjas (yes it's debatable whatever) but the point is the theme of the game aligns with there being parlour/wall jumping/hard too reach places that take some effort to get to. They have been trying to make this a more prominent concept for Warframe for awhile now so get over it. I'm sure in a few weeks/months after facing that treacherous room that makes you cry over and over it will eventually become easier and easier. Just like when I started Warframe it was haaaard (for me at least) but now not so much. Mods and all that aside even if I reset my account I would have a much easier time because I have gotten used to the game. Lastly.....grappling hook?????? They have already stated that they are working on a grappling hook so when that comes out you can just skip the o so hard parkour with the touch of a button. The only issue I have with those rooms is that it's kind of hard to know where im supposed to go because the beacon (whatever it is that guides you on the mini) changes BUT again over time I will just know, plus how many games don't even give you a beacon but make you figure out where to go on your own.


EDIT: I would like to say that the difficulty complaint for new-comers is an legitimate issue ONLY but can be fixed with small changes such as taking the new NM mode or whatever you wan't to call it off the starting planets or simply make it so it doesn't activate till you have a level 30 warframe.

Edited by Asanogawa
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Just the "too hard" made me feel the stupidity flow from the computer to my room. If you ask for difficult levels, which people did ask for all before U9, then the devs will give something called a challenge. If you can't deal with it being to hard people, then get out of your comfort zone or think about why you want harder levels, but now you complain about it. 


Bottom line, people should stop complaining about what they get as it is what they wanted.

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God forbid people have a different opinion. Anyway, difficulty complaints are valid, since they are about difficulty for new players.

Yes they are valid but may I suggest he is stating Pluto as an example which is an endgame planet? It's supposed to be difficult especially alone.

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1. Prime weapons give s sense of lore to the game. Since they are the original versions of the weapons the Tenno use now it only makes sense that they are stronger in some aspect. This crappy complaint about the primes being better would only stand ground if you believe that all weapons that EVER come out in this game are NEVER stronger than the ones currently implimented, which as I see it is just $&*&*#(%&. If they simply created another rifle with the same funtionality as the Braton or another staff weapon and made them stronger in ANY aspect than the currect Braton and Orthos would you still be crying? Would you be happy if Orthos Prime was actually called "Who cares" that way it wouldn't be another version of the weapon you have simply another weapon of the same type? Do you want DE to generalize the stats of EVERY sinlge weapon in the game so the only point in having an Orthos over a Bo-staff or having a "whatever the nextrifle is" over a Braton is the difference in skin?


Example: The Hikou (shuriken) that just came out. If it was better than kunai/despair we would have the same complaints as we now do with the primes. So if you are going to complain about the primes being better than the original it means you are saying no weapon should be better than the one you have now.


I actually do disagree with the bolded part. I think weapons should be sidegrades to one another, so that they have differences between each other and all of them are usable, with none being outclasses. However, I do make an exception to Prime weapons. Primes are essentially the same weapon, just with slightly higher stats without changing how the weapon plays. With Prime weapons you know in advance if you will like using them or not, because you can get ahold of the regular version (Reaper prime is an obvious exception here). However, none of that is the point of the complaints.


The point is that the Prime weapons should feel like a reward for your hard work, but because they're slightly better versions of weapons you may already have, they instead feel like a punishment for investing in the inferior weapon. Let's say that DE do intend on having upgrade weaponry, and let's say the Acrid is intended to be the best pistol in the game. If you ever want to upgrade any other pistol with a Forma or Potato you are essentially wasting it because you will eventually have to throw it away because the Acrid is the best one. Now apply that to Primes, except they are definitely upgrades. Eventually every weapon will have a Prime version and all of those Forma and Potatoes will be going to them. Then you have to wonder, why can you use those on non-Prime weapons at all? That's why the current system needs to change.

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I actually do disagree with the bolded part. I think weapons should be sidegrades to one another, so that they have differences between each other and all of them are usable, with none being outclasses. However, I do make an exception to Prime weapons. Primes are essentially the same weapon, just with slightly higher stats without changing how the weapon plays. With Prime weapons you know in advance if you will like using them or not, because you can get ahold of the regular version (Reaper prime is an obvious exception here). However, none of that is the point of the complaints.


The point is that the Prime weapons should feel like a reward for your hard work, but because they're slightly better versions of weapons you may already have, they instead feel like a punishment for investing in the inferior weapon. Let's say that DE do intend on having upgrade weaponry, and let's say the Acrid is intended to be the best pistol in the game. If you ever want to upgrade any other pistol with a Forma or Potato you are essentially wasting it because you will eventually have to throw it away because the Acrid is the best one. Now apply that to Primes, except they are definitely upgrades. Eventually every weapon will have a Prime version and all of those Forma and Potatoes will be going to them. Then you have to wonder, why can you use those on non-Prime weapons at all? That's why the current system needs to change.

1. the Differences are miniscule. People act as if the primes completely outclass the original weapon sinply because it has 5 more dmage or 5% more crit etc etc.....REDICULOUS.


2. If the primes were as good as your weapon that you put your time into off the bat then ok thats a legit complaint. You all act as if just because a prime came out your weapon all of a sudden became complete S#&$. The orthos is a @(*()$ amazing weapon and if you forma'd it multiple times and have a potato on it it's even MORE amazing. Just because it has a prime now doesn't mean you wasted your time...you still have a beast weapon and the only people that will have a better one are the ones that have a prime version that they forma'd 5 @(*()$ times too and even then they are only killing things .3 seconds faster than you.


Just because something isn't the best doesn't mean it's useless and should be thrown away. Just like if someone isn't the best it doesn't mean they should quit whatever it is....theres always someone/something better thats life.

Edited by Asanogawa
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Just the "too hard" made me feel the stupidity flow from the computer to my room. If you ask for difficult levels, which people did ask for all before U9, then the devs will give something called a challenge. If you can't deal with it being to hard people, then get out of your comfort zone or think about why you want harder levels, but now you complain about it. 


Bottom line, people should stop complaining about what they get as it is what they wanted.


_I_ didn't ask for things to be more difficult.


See, that's the problem. Nobody has any CHOICE in the matter. Nightmare Modes are "What Could Have Been".


They could have left the planets' levels alone, the way they were at U8.


Nightmare Mode could have been a Button in the UI that lets anybody select "Nightmare Mode" (maybe you need Mastery Rank 3 to do this) which brings planets up to what they are in U9 + all the things U9 Nightmare does.


Highly Geared Players get their challenge, Newbies aren't finding roadblocks in their progression.


Everybody is Happy.


Other than the Elitists who think everybody should slog through hard crap for the most miniscule of rewards. But we can safely just ignore them; I don't care what they think.




1. the Differences are miniscule. People act as if the primes completely outclass the original weapon sinply because it has 5 more dmage or 5% more crit etc etc.....REDICULOUS.


5 Damage on a Full Auto Weapon is A PRETTY BIG DEAL. Consider Serration, for example. A weapon that does 45 base damage will do 49.5 base damage with a +10% Serration mod. What's the most important mod for a rifle? Serration. The Braton Prime comes with a +10% Serration built-in, for free, with zero mod capacity or slots used. IT STACKS with the Serration Mod (which means you'll have 55 damage when you stick that same Serration mod on).


Now, the Orthos Prime....yeah, that's a good example of a "meh" Prime weapon.


The Braton Prime, however... *whistle* yeah. I could understand people who have 5, 6 Star+  Bratons who are unhappy with having to throw away something they leveled 5 times once they get the new Braton Prime up and done.


EDIT: Okay Serration is 15%, but still. You get a Free Rank0 Serration (Almost) with the Braton Prime. Or, you could consider that you have basically an extra rank of serration over an existing Braton.

Edited by Xylia
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We asked for more difficulty. We didn't ask for the game to be near impossible for new players. As for Primes being better, while I don't get the complaints as the differences are miniscule, making Primes skins that change stats to Prime version can't be too hard. Anyone with potato'd Primes would be given a potato'd non-Prime variant + Prime skin.

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"You have a different opinion than me? Well it's invalid because I think it's just $&*&*#(%&. Therefore my logic > your logic and I win I win I win."


"I cannot understand why people can die in a game. Why are you complaining about the game being too difficult? Just don't take any damage! It's so simple! Your arguments are invalid."


"How can you play a game about ninjas and not be a ninja IRL? Well if you're not you just need to stop playing this game so that only people like me play it. And then the devs can only do what we like and we'll be happy and F*** everyone else. Deal with it yoloswag! Logic."

Edited by krisp
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All those commenting saying "new players new players" thats why the OP says "I would like to say that the difficulty complaint for new-comers is an legitimate issue"


It isn't JUST new players either.


The serial unlucky players get this problem too.


I still have not found a Focus mod in my 150 hours of gameplay. I just today maxed out my first Split Chamber. My Best Serration is Rank4. My best Redirection is Rank4. Many "Important" mods such as Continuity, Stretch, Elemental Damages (except Armor Pierce) are all Rank 0-2.


I need Mid-Level planets, and I also need to get materials to make more frames and weapons so that I can raise my Mastery (I'm like 80% towards Rank6).


Problem: There are only 4-5 planets I can solo now. There were, like what, 7-8 planets I could solo in?  Well ok... I could maybe handle Europa. I'd have to bring my best and pray I don't get Cryo.


EDIT: Now that I think about it, Eris and Pluto were the only things I Couldn't solo in U8. In fact, I was JUST about to try filling Eris's map in. Then WHAM, Update 9. Nope, not doing that anytime soon.


This reduces a lot of options for me. I used to have a lot of options on where to go and who to fight for what I needed. I find that now, most of the planets are too hard, Nightmare Modes are blocking missions I need (I ain't soloing Defense, Mobile Defense, or Rescue. I'd rather log off than to try that), etc etc etc.


So, trust me, Intermediate Players and unlucky players are feeling this pain too.

Edited by Xylia
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would i be a newcomer??

started about 2.5 weeks before U9 and this is near impossible for me to solo IF my internet is crappy which is it!/ or maybe not, am seeing my team mates flying around the map and unresponsive AI.

but less likely during U8


i tried to solo vor (45) with my rhino redirection+health+fast redirection + iron skin

that's about 1.2k + 900 worth of shield and 500ish health.

and this yellow beam of unknown range is able to destroy my iron skin with ease even when i'm behind cover.

normally i would be able to re-cast my iron skin but unable to since DE nerd almost all Tenno ability to spam so it's space-marine mode now.


from my point of view, there's no point in playing ability-less warframe and where the enemies receive a huge buff in hp/shield/dmg

*am currently taking a break from warframe till DE fix this*

Edited by KaoKill123
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would i be a newcomer??

started about 2.5 weeks before U9 and this is near impossible for me to solo IF my internet is crappy which is it!/ or maybe not, am seeing my team mates flying around the map and unresponsive AI.

but less likely during U8


i tried to solo vor (45) with my rhino redirection+health+fast redirection + iron skin

that's about 1.2k + 900 worth of shield and 500ish health.

and this yellow beam of unknown range is able to destroy my iron skin with ease even when i'm behind cover.

normally i would be able to re-cast my iron skin but unable to since DE nerd almost all Tenno ability to spam so it's space-marine mode now.


from my point of view, there's no point in playing ability-less warframe and where the enemies receive a huge buff in hp/shield/dmg

*am currently taking a break from warframe till DE fix this*

lol learn to counter him instead of letting those orbs hitting you

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lol learn to counter him instead of letting those orbs hitting you

yes yes always learn from mistakes except those yellow beam arent directly touching me, i'm BEHIND cover. for some unknown reason i'm receiving damage from that.


by visual side, that beam is hitting the cover, but my shield keep decreasing. got that? unless you'r telling me to run away from Vor? and off the platform?

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yes yes always learn from mistakes except those yellow beam arent directly touching me, i'm BEHIND cover. for some unknown reason i'm receiving damage from that.


by visual side, that beam is hitting the cover, but my shield keep decreasing. got that? unless you'r telling me to run away from Vor? and off the platform?

You can try diffent methods . Like ? Get the *beep* out of their range by sprinting to Vor ( you get out of the orbs's range while maintain enough range to hit the boss , damn , i'm a genius ) , Vor can only make 2 orbs at a time if i'm not wrong , so it's not like he is gonna flood the whole level with orbs .

And his laser can be dodged by sliding just like the ones in Void , just in case you don't know 

Edited by Frostmire
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I don't want a smelly grappling hook, we're space ninjas, i demand space flight and orokin jet wings   >:|


Regarding the difficulty it was the best part of the update, i just wish nightmre could be disabled at will to help newbies who are stuck in a system waiting for NM to cycle out on the next planet.


Regarding primes weapons needed to justify the lore, i disagree. There is no lore. (i'm ok with primes thou, they're pretty and shiny)

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"You have a different opinion than me? Well it's invalid because I think it's just $&*&*#(%&. Therefore my logic > your logic and I win I win I win."


"I cannot understand why people can die in a game. Why are you complaining about the game being too difficult? Just don't take any damage! It's so simple! Your arguments are invalid."


"How can you play a game about ninjas and not be a ninja IRL? Well if you're not you just need to stop playing this game so that only people like me play it. And then the devs can only do what we like and we'll be happy and F*** everyone else. Deal with it yoloswag! Logic."

"I cannot understand why people can die in a game. Why are you complaining about the game being too difficult? Just don't take any damage! It's so simple! Your arguments are invalid."


1. You should die in a game....in what game ever should it be so easy that you never die?

2. This game is a multiplayer game.....cant do it alone? ask someone





"How can you play a game about ninjas and not be a ninja IRL? Well if you're not you just need to stop playing this game so that only people like me play it. And then the devs can only do what we like and we'll be happy and F*** everyone else. Deal with it yoloswag! Logic."


1. where the F*** did you come up with the whle "ninja irl" crap

2. DE wanted parkour to be a big part not just players

3. grappling hook

4. "omg i have to tap the space bar like 3 times now omg its sooo hard to run on a wall by pressing shift AND space at the same time"

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You can try diffent methods . Like ? Get the *beep* out of their range by sprinting to Vor ( you get out of the orbs's range while maintain enough range to hit the boss , damn , i'm a genius ) , Vor can only make 2 orbs at a time if i'm not wrong , so it's not like he is gonna flood the whole level with orbs .

And his laser can be dodged by sliding just like the ones in Void , just in case you don't know 

oh dear those laser are like the door' laser?! how the hell would i know that?! oh and btw from what i recall i might have seen Vor throwing more then 2 of those spike balls.

that or somehow those spike ball can teleport into range to continue zipping u even behind cover~

as the flooded with balls? i think he did that to me, have tried running around that small platform while trying to avoid that beam.

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would i be a newcomer??

started about 2.5 weeks before U9 and this is near impossible for me to solo IF my internet is crappy which is it!/ or maybe not, am seeing my team mates flying around the map and unresponsive AI.

but less likely during U8


i tried to solo vor (45) with my rhino redirection+health+fast redirection + iron skin

that's about 1.2k + 900 worth of shield and 500ish health.

and this yellow beam of unknown range is able to destroy my iron skin with ease even when i'm behind cover.

normally i would be able to re-cast my iron skin but unable to since DE nerd almost all Tenno ability to spam so it's space-marine mode now.


from my point of view, there's no point in playing ability-less warframe and where the enemies receive a huge buff in hp/shield/dmg

*am currently taking a break from warframe till DE fix this*

Yup new Vor nearly kicked my &#! the first time because I was on my lower level Ash but a little los can go a looong way with that yellow beam thing.


About the lag and teammates flying thats just your comp/net which is a completely seperate issue from game difficulty. Unless you are saying the game should be easy enough that you can beat it even though you have 1k ping and 3 fps.

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Yup new Vor nearly kicked my &#! the first time because I was on my lower level Ash but a little los can go a looong way with that yellow beam thing.


About the lag and teammates flying thats just your comp/net which is a completely seperate issue from game difficulty. Unless you are saying the game should be easy enough that you can beat it even though you have 1k ping and 3 fps.

i have completely no problem playing online until U9 come out~

so you'r saying my comp/net have downgrade becuz of U9?? and whats more it's completely fine on those maps before U9 (teammates every moments can be seem in real-time, no lag)

about the killing of enemies with those lag/fps u claimed it to be. i can kill them easily since they cant attack me~ yes... my rhino was at the moment playing charge attack, soo 1 charge = 1 hit kill those enemies, and there are EXP coming out from their bodies after i killed them.


everything is fine until raptor with it's teleporting skill/lag.

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i was seriously questioning the difficulty of this game last night, until i decided to start leveling my frost prime. what i was greeted with was a very refreshing sense of panic and exhilaration at having to fight to survive again.


however, this, to veteran players is fine, whereas new players (without a firm grasp of the knowledge base, skills, tactics, how the game works) will be greeted by the metaphorical brick wall.


i spent 3 hours last night, just teaching new players the ropes while leveling my frost. christ sakes it took some folks 20 minutes to learn how to run up a wall and flip off. even longer to teach them maneuvers that are not only useful in combat, but with the updated difficulty, needed to just make it out alive.


the point im driving at, is that you aren't going to be able to fully understand new players issue with the difficulty, because A: you know what you're doing. you know what maneuvers to execute in a tight spot to hopefully avoid losing a life. they dont. they dont know the short cuts, when they barely have a grasp of the basics, and B: aside from the knowledge base vet players have, is the equipment. unless you are running through a map with stock everything, fresh out the box un-ranked weapons and frame, no sentinel, and original unmodded weapon set, you cant really step into their shoes and experience it the way they do, which is this; hard enemies that they have trouble killing, have no trouble being killed by, lack of knowledge on how to counteract enemy defenses and tactics, lack of basic game control mastery (this game was awkward for me when i started) and when they seek help on the forums, getting put on blast.


all in all some REALLY good scaling ideas have been put out there, just hope DE takes a gander and likes what they see.

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It isn't JUST new players either.


The serial unlucky players get this problem too.


I still have not found a Focus mod in my 150 hours of gameplay. I just today maxed out my first Split Chamber. My Best Serration is Rank4. My best Redirection is Rank4. Many "Important" mods such as Continuity, Stretch, Elemental Damages (except Armor Pierce) are all Rank 0-2.


I need Mid-Level planets, and I also need to get materials to make more frames and weapons so that I can raise my Mastery (I'm like 80% towards Rank6).


Problem: There are only 4-5 planets I can solo now. There were, like what, 7-8 planets I could solo in?  Well ok... I could maybe handle Europa. I'd have to bring my best and pray I don't get Cryo.


EDIT: Now that I think about it, Eris and Pluto were the only things I Couldn't solo in U8. In fact, I was JUST about to try filling Eris's map in. Then WHAM, Update 9. Nope, not doing that anytime soon.


This reduces a lot of options for me. I used to have a lot of options on where to go and who to fight for what I needed. I find that now, most of the planets are too hard, Nightmare Modes are blocking missions I need (I ain't soloing Defense, Mobile Defense, or Rescue. I'd rather log off than to try that), etc etc etc.


So, trust me, Intermediate Players and unlucky players are feeling this pain too.

1. Your whole mod spiel...what does that have anything to do with U9 or what I said?


2. If you're half way to mastery 6 you should be able to solo ALL the planets still.....honestly just fail gameplay on your part.


3. 150 Hours and your serration is only rank 4???? Honestly I think you just don't know how to play?? I really just don't get why serration is only level 4.


4.. "I can't solo this or that or anything" Get a group.....

Edited by Asanogawa
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