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What we need to see more of.

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Warframe for me so far has been one of the best experiences of gaming I've ever had the joy of participating in and I am proud to call myself a Tenno among millions. However, I do find this game to be quite lacking in certain areas. For this topic, I'll discuss two weapons that haven't seen nearly enough love as others.


First is the significant lack of Rapiers in the game. if you look on the melee weapon section in your codex, you'll only see 1 Rapier, the Destreza. Although some may not see this as any significance, please take into account that DE also put in the time and effort to create a unique stance mod for the rapier. It just seems like a wasted effort to go through all that programming just for a singular weapon.


Secondly, Gunblades. Sorry but my Final Fantasy 8 childhood memories scream internally that gunblades do not receive NEARLY enough diversity than they deserve. There's thousands of choices DE can come up with. From the style of the weapon itself to the style of combat. Also think of the possibilities if gunblades could also be used as heavy weapons. Such as the Guillotine gun from Assassins Creed Unity: Dead Kings.


Those are my two main weapons that I feel need more attention than they have right now. If there's any more weapon types that you guys think need to be more of in the future, comment the type and the reason, the more weapons that DE sees that need to be worked on, the better. Thank you for listening to this Tenno's words.

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