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Which Two Frames For T3 Void Defense?


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A friend and I are determined to duo at least one T3 Defense by ourselves. Why? Because we are masochistic and have no regard for the preservation of our own sanity.

What two frames do you recommend and why?

He has: Trinity, Mag, and Banshee

I have: Loki, Saryn, Frost, Nyx, Banshee, Volt, and Vauban
(With 1 Reactor on standby for any suggestions)

We've gotten our furthest when I played Nyx! I don't have a reactor on her, but then, I don't think she really needs one. Stretch/Chaos/Streamline and she's good to go. I'd like to save the one I have on standby for Frost Prime or Nova if I end up liking her. >.>


Edited by Rudest
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Which weapons do you guys have?


If you have Ogris, go Banshee and Frost. Sonic boom them away and shoot them dead. You also get sonar wich is a great utility skill. Banshee really rocks when it comes to insanely high level things.

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I'd definitely say that Frost is a must, bullets hurt, and bullets shot from a distance at the defense point hurt a lot, and add up fast. A good Frost will keep up a Snowglobe to keep both the point, and yourselves, in good cover, and slow anything that rushes in to melee so you can kill it quick. Today I did the 15 wave Corpus defense alert mission for the Mag Gauss helmet, solo, with just my Frost. Keep up a Snowglobe and you should be fine. Past him I'd say the Banshee would be the most helpful, Soundquake to chain-stumble everything and give your buddy time to shoot down prime targets, Sonar to make killing enemies go faster, and take less ammo. I'd say the only other alternative would be using Nyx, and spamming Chaos to make everything shoot at each other instead of you.


signed with a decent stretch mod Nyx's Chaos goes far.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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The frost and trinity. One to keep the objective alive, the other to keep y'all alive,


And of those 2 who would be the damage dealer??


I suggest frost and banshee. Frost for snowglobe and banshee for sonar.

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As everyone else said, Frost is a must (god I love my Frost Prime :p). For the second frame, though, depending on how you're running your Frost, you'll need damage. If the damage output is high enough, Saryn is very nice to have. Venom is underrated, but I've seen quite a few of them simply melt waves and waves of enemies on various defense missions. Molt is also good for clustering enemies, but you HAVE to do it right. Don't place it in the middle of the freakin field, you gotta put it somewhere that will draw enemy attention, not be killed to fast, and allows for large clustering, making venom and Miasma look so much better.


I've never played Nova (need the dam helm to drop), but the AoE from her would also suffice, imo. I'm not sure about it, but I've seen it do a lot of upfront damage, and that ult+Globe+Avalanche+bloom= lol. Seriously, think about it. A Trinity would also go well, as long as you're link+energy vampire is constant. This is just theory crafting, but I'd imagine that if you can just keep those two up indefinitely, while in the midst of a huge wave, I don't see why stuff wouldn't drop from the linked damage. Just stand in the middle of the waves (careful for the lasers if you use them) and enjoy lol. 

I also have never played with the Ember or Nyx, but I'd imagine they can do pretty well, burning everything down, providing pseudo tanking, and making mobs fight each other enough. 

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Frost Vauban should have 0 issues, Snow globe prevents ranged damage, Bastille prevents anything from getting into melee..



now its just time...  zzzzzzz  time....



but since he only has trinity, Mag, Banshee....  Banshee is the best, Aoe knockback to remove melee from the core, Aoe shockwave to stun and kill trash, and Sonar for 650% damage to kill bit things.


Frost is pretty much a .. must have.



a well played Nxy who uses chaos early can work, but you could end up with 1 left over 150 commando that refuses to do anything apart from hose the core

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