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So chat ingame


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I am writing this post as both a query and a warning to others.

I have been alot more active of late and while I am usually exceedingly helpful have come across several to remain nameless players who exhibt quite exceedingly toxic behaviour on a continual basis. Today I log in to find I have been restricted from all chat channels outside of clan and wonder why when I go out of my way to help others and do so willingly. Yes I admit I have reacted to the negative but at worst its a 1 line snap and moving on. 

My query about this restriction is I didnt even have so much as a warning and the 3 DE SighBorg bot kicks were when I said the words recruiting or anything related to items and that the trade channel was there for trading. I am not sure why I didnt even get an email to my registered email as I have on the rare occasion I have broken rules stating what I did wrong. I am ok with being muted IF I know why. The only 2 situations I could forsee being relevant was 1 response with a single swear in reaction to an aforementioned toxic player who was a constant thorn when I was helping others and a really poor reaction to an abusive player after a run they tried to glitch out a mobile defense because i politely asked him to help at the defense target and not wanter off like he had.


I expect to be downvoted but I hope the future of this game isnt a continued flood of negativity that gets veterans chat banned when they make a minor slip up.

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1 minute ago, Gorila_Azul said:

There are no downvotes

Eh only toxic replies. Thought they had a downvote here been forever since I last posted >_> used to bnet lmao

EDIT The toxic bit refers to some rather obvious trolling on an old thread not you btw sir my apologies.

Edited by Hyroncore
Clarifying what I said
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9 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

If you've been kicked by kickbot, it wouldn't last a day of a ban, maybe not even a second. Just relog and check. If you're still banned, it's because you used an obscene word that has ever right to get you banned. That's all I can say 

1 obscene word while alot of the toxic players intentionally do alot worse and keep playing and chatting? Not logical to me? Also it wasn't the usual SighBorg ban which fixes if you go to a relay etc I was offline for hours then get back and find "Your access to this channel has been suspended" again without so much as a word of warning which to me defeats the whole purpose of chat locks etc as I can not learn if I am not told even a "you swore your banned" Like I said I would wear it if thats what it was IF I was told


17 minutes ago, Xirka said:

Contact support, or maybe a mod. Other than that, we can not offer much help here.

I wouldnt even know where to begin to try the mod option. I have little faith in support given the lack of a "You have been temporarily banned" email.

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