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New Anchients Aren't Very "anchient"


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In my opinion the new anchients have several things wrong with them mechanically and artistically.



Mechanically, its so hard to shoot the weak spots now. The forearm and the shin are flailing around so fast as the anchient walks/runs making shooting the shin an impossible task without missing more than 50% of your ammo. Also the shin is as thin as a toothpick and if there is any amount of lagg and the creature stutter walks, you might as well just shoot the body. If there is slightly any amount of lagg i have to shoot the center of mass which really hurts my non armorpen weapon.


Artistically, the creature does not look "anchient" at all. It looks like it just hatched 20 minutes ago in an alien vs predator movie. Additionally its tanky super duper high armor status does not reflect it's visual design. It looks more like a slick ranged hunter. Perhaps more of an ambush high damage class with multiple ranged weapon choices; perhaps an acid cloud spitter. It visually looks so thin that it breaks the illusion of immersion when you have to unload 5 clips into it at level 100. 


I highly urge you to bring back old ancients and just make these new things a ranged "hunter" class. To recap the old anchient's had much more fluid animations that allowed the shins and forearms to easily be shot. They were visually much larger and animated much slower to reflect their ingame tanky status and anchient lore. Whenever an enemy class that is super tanky but also super thin, it breaks the gaming immersion and comes off as a cheap 2005 korean mmo.

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I really liked their design when they said in an older livestream this design was just for the void corrupted ancients... 


I do think they need new ancient looks, going back to the old ones isnt the fix they need...

I feel like ancients should look like older more evolved chargers or such, not an entirely new species...

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I think you're right; they look cool but they dont look old.


Also i'm pretty sure the 3d model doesnt match the hitbox for the leg, you can be shooting right at the calf and not do anything, even with a weapon that goes where you point it.

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but, Squidwards look cool!

anyways, the original ancients were not a good idea, it was just a scaled up Corpus soldier. but corpus soldiers were also used as runners and leapers, too. so then, since when does corpus have these giant 8ft tall soldiers? i haven't seen any of those. 


my major complaint, i hadn't the slightest clue if the weakpoints had stayed the same, and if they have, they make no sense anymore. both legs are identical, so both should have the bonus the one boot had before. their faces appear to be facing forwards, so presuming they act like how ancient heads did before, then shooting it is a great way to maximize damage output, provided you can combat the armor on the face. 


but, then the actual complaint, the polygons of the legs and arms get really screwy sometimes, like bad boning and modeling work from kids in Garrys' Mod. textures will be stretched out to cover a single poly point that broke out of the normal location for some reason, and the limbs will fold in on themselves, making very sharp corners, etc. it makes them look bad at times when that happens.



all in all though, Squidwards look cool!

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but, Squidwards look cool!

anyways, the original ancients were not a good idea, it was just a scaled up Corpus soldier. but corpus soldiers were also used as runners and leapers, too. so then, since when does corpus have these giant 8ft tall soldiers? i haven't seen any of those. 


my major complaint, i hadn't the slightest clue if the weakpoints had stayed the same, and if they have, they make no sense anymore. both legs are identical, so both should have the bonus the one boot had before. their faces appear to be facing forwards, so presuming they act like how ancient heads did before, then shooting it is a great way to maximize damage output, provided you can combat the armor on the face. 


but, then the actual complaint, the polygons of the legs and arms get really screwy sometimes, like bad boning and modeling work from kids in Garrys' Mod. textures will be stretched out to cover a single poly point that broke out of the normal location for some reason, and the limbs will fold in on themselves, making very sharp corners, etc. it makes them look bad at times when that happens.



all in all though, Squidwards look cool!

Corpus do have giant 8 foot soldier variants they are the heavy machine gunners forgot name i think its called engineer.

Edited by ForumSmurf
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somebody should look up the cthulhu mythos.

i think they function great for their role. plus you can still shoot it in the head you know. i consider the other parts bonus damage.

and we dont need to pigeonhole everything just cause its been done that way before. just cause YOU cant deal with it being rather thin looking doesnt mean the rest of us cant.

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Corpus do have giant 8 foot soldier variants they are the heavy machine gunners forgot name i think its called engineer.

im hoping thats a placeholder.

old ancients were said to be a place holder and got replaced. the tech's are the same way, just bigger models of something else.

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somebody should look up the cthulhu mythos.

i think they function great for their role. plus you can still shoot it in the head you know. i consider the other parts bonus damage.

and we dont need to pigeonhole everything just cause its been done that way before. just cause YOU cant deal with it being rather thin looking doesnt mean the rest of us cant.

I actually really like the design and would want it kept in the game but when something is anchient, you expect it to look old, with crustation and fungal growth from thousands of years of not doing anything, covering the entire surface. These things look like fresh hatch-lings still wet from egg juice in an Alien movie.

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In my opinion they need to have their size scaled up. Right now it's nigh impossible to distinguish an Ancient from all the Runners and Leapers because they're just as tall and way thinner. They don't feel like priority targets, and their thinness contradicts their tankiness.

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Honestly, I hope the current Ancients evolve into Ancients stage 2 and look more humanoid and scary. Kinda like an infested protoss with a mouth, sharp teeth and tentacles, and pointy claw like fingers. XD

Edited by Stygi
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In my opinion they need to have their size scaled up. Right now it's nigh impossible to distinguish an Ancient from all the Runners and Leapers because they're just as tall and way thinner. They don't feel like priority targets, and their thinness contradicts their tankiness.

Yes this. They are SOOO small. At least twice their current size.

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somebody should look up the cthulhu mythos.

Except infested aren't related to Lovecraft's great old ones in any way.  It's a 'technocyte', some kind of weaponized nanotech disease.  They should be a hybrid of mechanical and biological forms, not purely biological squid monsters.


But hell, even Blizzard doesn't care about lore, why should DE?

Edited by IcarusNine
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