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❈ The Clan & Alliance Emblem Shop ❈ Taking Requests since 2014!


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I have spent 400 plat for the current clan emblem for my clan Silent Shoguns on PS4. Only problem is what will $20 get me for a clan emblem? I am stuck between a japanese noh mask or a samurai mask with two blades. I can give more details just don't want to go over $20.If you need more details for my new clan emblem let me know.


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)DieselBaddAss said:

I have spent 400 plat for the current clan emblem for my clan Silent Shoguns on PS4. Only problem is what will $20 get me for a clan emblem? I am stuck between a japanese noh mask or a samurai mask with two blades. I can give more details just don't want to go over $20.If you need more details for my new clan emblem let me know.


The more details you give me the easier for me it will be to get it done sooner, the usual trend is people keep requesting changes after I provide a draft to a half thought out request so I am compelled to charge more for the extra time spent making changes. Specifics and especially reference images would be perfect and I could do my best to give you an hours work.

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On 4/14/2018 at 1:44 AM, NPetty said:

Alliance: Infinite STARS Alliance

payment: paypal

idea: a gold 10 pointed star in the middle with 5 or six, 5 pointed silver stars around the 10 pointed one

thanks my friend

Something like this?


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On 4/16/2018 at 2:12 PM, DragonDude3010 said:

Hey hey!

  • Clan/Alliance Name: Rise off the Frames
  • Preferred Payment Type: In game sets
  • Design Details: Font: Anything that fits with the emblem
  • Colors, these are in game colors you can copy: Jackal Yellow, Autumn Brown, Glacial Blue and Sand Yellow
  • Shape: I don't really know how to describe it, we want to have a Warframe's hand pop out the ground in front of a gravestone.
  • Style: On the edges of the emblem a metal, preffered dark color.
  • Links to reference images: 
  • Zombie hand coming out of its grave next to a tombstone flat icon for apps and website<- Tombstone
  • Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Metal ring<- Ring but more detailed please.
  • Additional Comments: Please pick a preffered frame to draw, Chroma, Excalibur, Volt or Loki (I mean the hand coming out)

I hope we can get this sorted out and drawn good, any specific sets you want? I'm sure we can gather it in time if we don't already have it.


Good luck Tenno!


Leader of Warframe Clan: Rise off the Frames

I could work on it for the Nami Skyla Prime, Tiberon Prime and Akbolto Prime.

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Dear Jithvan,

Hey it's me, the leader of the Warframe clan: Rise off the Frames.

I'm sorry in advance, but one of my clanmembers after a while said, his relative can draw amazing and would do it for free. So I have to decline my offer of the 3 sets I was saving up for you. I wish you the best of luck drawing other amazing clan emblems.



Leader of: Rise off the Frames

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Clan name: Jewish Bankers

Payment type: Platinum or in-game sets 

Design Details: I want emblem to be medieval pouch but with orokin elements like "Pouch Prime" :D Something like this but more smooth .Instead of gold coins i want Warframe platinum dropping from it. Thread should be laser but transparent like this . On top of the pouch is kuria symbol. 

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7 hours ago, Dawtos said:

Clan name: Jewish Bankers

Payment type: Platinum or in-game sets 

Design Details: I want emblem to be medieval pouch but with orokin elements like "Pouch Prime" :D Something like this but more smooth .Instead of gold coins i want Warframe platinum dropping from it. Thread should be laser but transparent like this . On top of the pouch is kuria symbol. 

I could work on it for the Nami Skyla Prime, Tiberon Prime and Akbolto Prime.

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  • 2 weeks later...


  • Clan/Alliance Name: Forsaken Memories
  • Preferred Payment Type: Platinum
  • Design Details: bold, simple, symmetrical, no alphabet or number and no object, color : red
  • Links to reference images: something like this 

edit : my profile make me look like a troll but i am not! I am just quiet and plays solo all the time :c

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Could you make the whole thing more circular instead of a square?


Edit : try to use only hexagon if that is possible and maintain the circular appearance without having an actual circle if possible and also try to have more detail to it.

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