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Hydroid Prime reveal


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His 1 needs to cover more space and scale... and maby have a circle that shows the area it covers when casting like in dragon age: inquisition his 2 is way too situational and ultimately worthless so is his three(an ability used to afk). Idk how I would change his 4 to but his 2 and 3 really need to go.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)i7081277 said:

Idk how I would change his 4 to but his 2 and 3 really need to go.

Why would they need to go? Tidal Surge may not be the most useful ability in game but it's a good "Oh sh*t gotta go" ability. Undertow I agree is pretty useless, but if they combine his 2 and 3 and you'd have a pretty decent CC ability.

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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On 7/9/2017 at 6:01 AM, Navarchus said:

I believe they said they'd be looking into reworking. Really hope they're taking a good look at the feedback section.
I actually disagree with you though, I don't think drastic changes are necessary at all which I addressed here. Improving upon what already exists would work fine.


  • Transparent water texture, not opaque.
  • Aiming should be as clear as Nidus aiming. Currently hydroids aim doesn't exist if there's an equinox in the squad.
  • New stat: Evasion.
  • Deep Tendril spawns tentacles on ground finishers, targeting enemies, not hitting the floor and not targeting the floor.
  • When incapacitated, casts 3 but doesn't deal damage with it.
  • Tempest Barrage gets more damage & duration the more enemies there are in the area and the ability starts when the cast animation starts. Doesn't collide with frosts bubble or other physical entities of other warframes.
  • Tidal Surge can be cancelled, minimum velocity cap*, breaks objects, reduced vertical hitbox* & opens up for finisher on wavebreak.
  • Undertow, click to shoot out tentacles to pull enemies in, cast abilities while in Undertow, move camera normally* & double energy drain to relocate Undertow.
  • Tentacle Swarm targets grineer objects too, not just corpus objects. Doubled energy drop rate for enemies that die from any source whilst taking damage from a tentacle, tentacles relocate when not dealing damage to anything, tentacles turn into small puddles if there are no targets to strike to improve performance. Knocked down enemies are held still & crushed by tentacles rather than swung around. Tentacles have collision with enemy projectiles.

Augment improvements

  • Corroding Barrage changes Deep Tendrils tentacle to salvo.
  • Tidal Impunity applies to all friendly targets, including companions, operatives & rescue targets. Can be cast more than one time*. Stops energy drain from proccing like Inaros status immunity.
  • Curative Undertow allies of any kind also gain +5/7/10 seconds of bleed-out.
  • Curative Undertow is deployable rather than self-cast.
  • Pilfering Swarm makes enemies drop loot when taking damage from tentacles rather than doing so on death, akin to Ivaras pick-pocketing.

He'd still need a few more changes, in my opinion, to work better, but I could agree with this for the most part.

I wouldn't allow Hydroid to use Undertow while he's downed just for fairness reasons, considering the fact that no other Warframe can do that, and since it'd make it far too easy to revive him.

I wouldn't let Hydroid cast his other abilities in Undertow either. Wukong can't do it while he's using Cloud Walk, so I don't see how it'd be fair to allow Hydroid to do so. He also needs a reason to come out of it, and since you'd be giving him the ability to pull enemies into it (which I feel is a little strong, but okay in retrospect), it'd just be too much power and CC while he's basically immortal.

I also wouldn't change his Passive thanks to an Augment, as while I'd prefer the Salvo over a Tentacle, changing his Passive at all is a no-go since it's one of the few things about a Warframe that always stays in place, no matter what. The other buffs you gave to Deep Tentacle make it perfectly fine in my eyes, so I don't see the need for such an upgrade via his Augment.

I'd just add three functions to his Tentacle Swarm. You could hold the ability down to see the radius of the tentacles,to make it a bit easier to pinpoint. Upon cast, the tentacles come up only from the ground, underneath all enemies that have been targeted by it, so the tentacles have an easier time hitting enemies with a far shorter delay, to then proceed to hold them onto the ground and not flail around. Enemies damaged by the tentacles also take large amounts of Finisher Damage, somewhat akin to Ash's Bladestorm, which can scale up akin to your Power Strength. This'd also help with Hydroid's tentacles going all over the place because you gave them too much range, now making his CC range much wider and more reliable overall.

As for Tidal Surge, I just want the camera angle to be fixed. You're drawn in way too close to the wave to make any sense of your surroundings while using the ability.

When using Undertow, enemies don't get fully submerged, and instead sink in almost all of the way, up to their waist I'd say (I would have them sink all the way down to only their heads showing, but since most Infested have their heads on the bottom of their body, that wouldn't work out too well), so Hydroid can't troll as often with the ability while still dealing damage to enemies, keeping them at bay while also allowing allies to hurt them normally, for the most part, since they can hit most of their upper body and head. Enemies should also probably take percentage-based damage while in his pool, dying after a predetermined amount of time, always, at any level, with bigger enemies having a far longer timer, of course. If that'd be too powerful (as I'd imagine it'd be), he should probably deal huge amounts of Finisher Damage again to enemies in the pool over time, with the damage increasing with his Power Strength, the amount of enemies in the pool and how long he's been in Undertow overall.

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