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Can we talk about lights for a moment (this is a personal matter)


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Dear DE,

Here I write this post asking for possibly the smallest, most unnecessary, probably won't be used by 99.99% of the playerbase kind of change. I only wish to simply be allowed to turn off my flashlight.

''But why?'' Well a few reasons that could be summed up with, it just doesn't make any logical sence.

  • Where does it come from?
  • How does it light up our warframe when we look back, shouldn't it be attached to the front of it?
  • Why does it move in the direction the camera is facing and not the direction the frame is facing?

So many questions without any answear besides that it is good for gameplay in dark areas (which are moustly just infested missions, you know the ones that are supposed to be dark and scary). Well personaly I like my dark areas dark and would much rather have no flashlight at all.

I know that preaty much no one will agree with me, but please. It isn't much to ask of is it?

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I have exactly opposite problem.I don't like dark tilesets because I can't see s*** and I don't see it as fun or scary, but very distracting and annoying.Flashlight is a very bad solution.With this I agree.

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I'd rather see an Ordis-like mini cube to fly above our shoulder to produce light for us :3

Ofc it works like flashlight , light moves in the direction the camera is facing.

Edited by Aeon94
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