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Warframe Concept - Ceptor - The armour frame that scales - Needs Criticism


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Its a commander frame... It can tailor to many different play styles whether it be Tanky, Speed, Stealth, DPS, CC.. Check it out.
The abilities on this warframe scale very well. So the stronger your enemy, the stronger you are.
Depending on your modding or play style - can result in some very interesting scenarios.
In order to gain a proper understanding of how it works, I suggest reading through twice.

This idea is based slightly on a ghost, you know those cheesy moments you see in cartoons where an empty suit of armour is coming for you… as well as other “abilities” a ghost may have.
However, it also puts it into a more military setting, like a Commander who can never leave the battlefield. If this frame were to have a story... it would probably be more somber. -Check *Lore.

What the abilities are based off of:


1 is based off how a ghost tends to always appear in front of you – teleport
A commander can come to the aid of his fellow soldiers.

2 is based on how they can deform/ distort themselves
With their experience they can adapt to a situation.

3 is when they take over your friends and turn them against you – possess
They can fortify their allies and confuse the enemy. Rally.

4 is how the ghost would scream and send everything in the room flying off the walls – wind?
They will overcome great hordes and move any opposition away.




While it is a suit of armour, it will fit a more crusader theme (in appearance), though, I am not the best at drawing helmets. The Frost Harka skin (with his off proportions) took the viking appearance. Going for a damage or war-torn look would be ideal, but may not work too well in-game if there are too many polygons.
Similar to Nidus' form change with stacks or Chroma taking his pelt off with Effigy, the armour on the frame comes off and forms parts of its abilities. - Ideally.

It is quite rounded off... but like anything - It is still a work in progress, so any and all criticism and suggestions is welcome.

'Praeceptorem' (latin) meaning commander/ tutor changed to 'Ceptor' – Ghost + Armour = Windy suit of armour?… bring the undead cavalry (might need a more suitable name)

Health 125 (+200%) 375 at Rank 30 / With maxed Vitality = 925
Shields 75 (+200%) 225 at Rank 30 / With maxed Redirection = 555
Armour 250 / With maxed Steel Fibre = 525
Energy 150 (+45%) 225 at Rank 30
Sprint Speed 1.10 / With maxed Rush = 1.43
Shield Recharge 18
Passive: 10% chance to ragdoll enemies with all attacks. - Force
OR Incoming melee damage will stagger attacking enemy. - Armour Shuffle

Ability 1: Memento Shards

– The Warframe tears off parts of his armour as beacons to travel back to.
Teleport between 4 points.
Plant beacons where you aim by holding the ability, tap to teleport and cycle between each one.
Shards must land on a surface (wall, ceiling, floor) and be in range on landing to be used.
Can be planted on allies, as well as being able to teleport to them, will increase their armour by 10%. (per shard)



Cost - 0 energy and 10% armour for planting a shard. 15 energy for teleportation, reduces to 5 energy when tapped multiple times.

Beacons 1/2/3/4 (unaffected by mods).

Armour loss per beacon dropped 10%/ 20%/ 30%/ 40% (unaffected by mods).

Duration 5/ 10/ 15/ 20.

Range 15/ 18/ 21/ 25.

Affected by duration and range mods.


Additional ability notes:

No energy is drained when planting a beacon, as armour is the cost.
When ability is deactivated, the missing armour stat is returned.
Cannot teleport to shard when it is mid-flight.
Teleporting between the beacons drains energy as per usual.
Cost may be reduced when cycling multiple times similar to Rhinos Charge, Atlas’ Landslide and Valkyrs Rip Line.



Ability 2: Armoured Core

– The Warframe shifts the weight of his armour over to or away from weapons to amplify damage or its stats. Resulting in more weight behind the swing of your sword, chunkier bullets (+) or higher attack speed and fire rate (-).



Cost - 50 energy

Duration 5/7/10/12

Speed Attack Increase 5% per 10% armour lost

Weighted Damage Increase 5% per 10% armour gained

Affected by duration and strength mods.


Additional ability notes:

Increase % is affected by mods.
Speed attack increase = is melee attack speed, fire rate, reload, charge attacks, finishers and weapon change. Does not affect movement speed.
Loss of armour does not result in a negative Weighted Damage stat.
So, 5% animation increase is 10% armour loss. The Armour reduction of 40% from ability 1 will result in a 20% increase. 100% armour loss (see ability 4) will result in a flat 50% speed increase. Faster reload animations, faster melee attacks, higher fire rate, quick charge attacks…

Weighted damage increase works with the base stat of a weapon and will buff damage, multishot and status chance.
Gaining armour does not result in a negative Speed Attack stat.
So, 5% more damage per 10% armour gained. If your armour is doubled (see ability 3) from 250 to 500 – a 100% armour increase, this will result in a flat 50% weight increase. More damage, more multishot and a higher status chance… Damage being 1.5.
If your armour is increased from its base up to 200%, you will gain a 100% weighted damage bonus... damage being 2.0



Ability 3: Aegis Geist

– The Warframe will send wind out with dust bits of armour and latch on to enemies, irradiating them while taking and sharing the enemies health as armour.
This ability scales very well. Maths within the spoiler.



Cost - 30 energy per link.

Enemies affected 2/ 4/ 6/ 8 (unaffected by mods).

Shrapnel/ wind latch range 5/ 6 /7 /8

Armour distribution range 8/ 10/ 13/ 15

***Armour gained per enemy – dependant on enemy health stat. So it can scale.

Enemy decay over time 5% per second

Link Duration 10/13/17/20

Each link has its own duration. Either they die, the timer runs out or you go out of range.

Affected by duration and range mods.


Addition ability notes:

Enemy armour is removed 100%. If it is a boss - 50%?
Or maybe not remove any armour at all.
In the name of balance of course… … or maybe 10%?
Shrapnel wind is not radial and requires a target to be cast at.
Shrapnels are sharp and irradiated, so will slowly drain health and proc radiation.
Enemy under the abilities affect will have a radiation proc and so will take damage from all.
Recasting on the same enemy, or if the enemy dies will remove the armour link in its entirety.
When uncast you will not have the enemies gained armour anymore but the enemy will still have their armour removed.
Armour gained is shared with teammates. Armour value taken is split with allies in range.
E.g If 60 armour is gained from 8 enemies; in solo mode, the player will receive 60 armour.
If one teammate were in range of the player, armour is split 50/ 50. Players receive 30 armour each not 60 armour each. As such, with 4 players, 15 armour is shared.

***Info on armour gained.


99% of infested and corpus units do not have armour.
As such, the ability while removing armour entirely, it will use the enemy health stat to determine the amount of armour received
As it is scalable… if 500 health was gained from the enemies, divided by 4 the armour gained is 125 each. Or… Simply give the team the same number as the player – 500 armour points each.
Depends on what makes for good balance. Math Time.

Warframe: Praeceptorem

Using the formulas on the wiki… if its reliable.
Damage reduction for the frame is 250/(300+250)= 0.45
Effective health for the frame is 375/(1-0.45)= 681

Enemy: Heavy Gunner
More wiki formulas..
Base Level 8 – Health (flesh) 300, Armour (ferrite) 500 so 800 is the effective health
At level 30 – Health is 2478, Armour is 1058 so 10773 is the effective health

They have 15x our health.

Ability cast on this enemy will remove armour by 100%, so effective health to armour conversion will have to occur after rather than before the removal. (Because that’s  a lot of armour).
We will gain a fixed 10% of armour from their health. 2478/10=247 armour. 247/4players=61.75 armour. But that’s just one enemy. 8 of the same enemy will give 494 armour. As the enemies lose health and take damage from their peers and the players, the armour number will go down…
494 armour +250=744=/0.712 damage reduction. Giving the frame 1302 effective health.
This is based on Heavy Gunners, you most likely wont be linking to 8 of them.
Basing the stat off their health will allow for scaling and balancing, rather than a fixed number that stays as long as you are linked.
Other than making the enemies take damage from all sources, balance is also achieved by forcing the enemy to lose health and decay with the ‘sharp’ shrapnel.


***=Armour gained per enemy – 10% of enemy health as a number. Though... 20% might be generous.


Ability 4:

Wrecking Cyclone – Warframe removes all of his armour and creates a radial wind.
Armour removed will reveal an Aura. Aura is Cold (status) and will slow down enemies.
Armour chunks in the wind will strike enemies rag dolling them.
Armour in the air will depend on armour stat. But it will not generate a physical appearance of armour (rendering reasons) So the higher your armour, the greater the retaliation chance.
When an enemy shoots a shard in the air, the damage reflected back to enemy will be returned with greater force - Scales.
Does NOT work like Inaros' Sandstorm of Zephyr's Tornado where the enemies are swept up.



Cost - To cast is All of your armour, Energy drain over time is 10.

Reflected damage increase: 100%/ 130%/ 165%/ 200%

Cold aura radius 2/ 4/ 6/ 8

Cold status chance 15% - affected by strength mods

Cyclone Radius 3/ 5/ 7/ 10

Cooldown duration 20 (unable to go below 20 seconds, but can be increased)

Armour shards: 10 for 100% removed armour – dependant on stat.

Affected by duration, range, efficiency and strength mods.


Additional ability notes:

This ability will remove the warframes armour stat by 100% leaving them semi-vulnerable.
Movement and manoeuvrability speed is doubled as the weight of armour is removed.
However, you will be slowed to a fast-walking pace due to the turbulent winds.
Cannot cast ability 1. However, if ability 1 was already active, it can still be used.
As such, the wind aura stems from the Warframe and so will stay around the player.
If the ability 1 times out while this ability is active, it will not add to the Cyclone, but instead reattach and return to your armour stat.
Cyclone will not swoop up enemies but will allow them to approach and either be struck by shards, proc'ed by cold and/ or take damage from reflected damage.
Armour shards in this ability will rotate around the Warframe (tornado like) and can strike enemies.
Armour shards can deflect or stop incoming bullets/ projectiles.
These projectiles when striking the amour become "Reflected Damage", so a bullet from a bombard striking a shard will be returned with more force.
Enemy projectiles aren't returned 100% of the time, some are reflected, stopped and a few can pass by entirely striking/ missing the warframe.
When one shard strikes an enemy, it is not removed, it remains in the air to re-strike another enemy until energy runs out, or the ability is deactivated.
As the ability will ragdoll enemies away, they won’t get hit again straight away. So room Nuking isn't entirely possible (unless in a closed space) Like a slow DoT.
Ability 3 is still useable but will not buff the Warframe, it will buff this ability instead.
While this ability is active, teammates will still benefit from the armour stat buff from ability 3.
With Ability 3 the number of armour chunks in the air can be increased greatly, or barely.
Amount of shards is affected by ability 1. Where 40% (4 teleport shards on the floor) will reduce the shards in the air to 6. (see below)
*change* For optimization reasons this ability will not generate chunks of armour in the air. As a high stat = lots of armour = lots of rendering = slower machines crashing.
So, from here on, armour shards in the air will = to retaliation chance (%). Retaliation is essentially what the ability does - reflect damage, stop bullets etc...

If 250 armour makes 10 shards. One shard = 25 armour, Which = to 2% Retaliation Chance. (RC)

10% (1 shard) off is 250-25=225 armour and 9 shards.= 18% RC

40% (4 shards) off is 250-100=125 armour and 6 shards. = 12% RC

With Steel Fibre is:

250 x (1+1.10) = 525 = 21 shards = 42% RC

10% (1 shard) off is 525-52.5=472.5 giving 18.9 shards. = 37.8% RC

40% (4 shards) off is 525-210=315 giving 12.6 shards. = 25.2% RC

With the armour stat from ability 3 where highly armoured units are level 30, calculates: 744 armour will give 29 flying shards. = 58% RC

10% (1 shard) off is 744-74.4=669.6 giving 26 shards = 52% RC

40% (4 shards) off is 744-(74.4x4) 447 – 17.8 = 35.6 RC

Note: Different people have different playstyles, some people may not mod armour at all and leave it at base to achieve the other affects.

When the ability is deactivated (in any way), you enter a vulnerable cooldown period for 20 seconds.
Ability can be deactivated after a second of use, or till energy runs out, no matter what, you will always have the cooldown period after.
Armour stat is still 0% if all was used before using ability one. If ability one timed out during use, you have 40% of your armour stat.
Armour from ability 3 during this period is not be added to the frame.
With your armour blown away, your movement speed and manoeuvrability is still doubled.
During these 20 seconds, the frames cold aura will still be active.
Since there is no turbulent wind, you will be free to move around as normal. (at at super fast bullet jumping speeds... because thats what we do)
When the 20 seconds finish your armour regenerates bringing the armour stat back to 100%, but slowing the frame back down and removing the cold aura.
Ability 2 can remain active if this ability was deactivated manually instead of the energy running out.
Armour from ability 3 can then be regained.


The more armour that is lost, the more damage you do and the more nimble you will be. Having a lot of armour may slow you down and make you a tank, but it will lower your potential weapon damage output. Still, preparing for when you become vulnerable can, in some cases be better.

Augments... since people like them so much. "you shouldn't design a frame around an augment" - the person that said it.


1: Agitating shards: Planted shards may coax enemies into attacking it. While they won’t destroy it, they are distracted by it. Over 5m.

2: Radial Core: Allies in range benefit from buffs attained with this ability. Over 10m.

3: Fortified Shields: Armour stat affects the shield stat.

4: Corrupted Cyclone: Cyclone will proc radiation.


Old concept images: I am not the best sketch artist... but these were drawn on my phone. NOTE: All drawings were drawn on a smartphone. WARNING: Lots of images.




Quest/ Lore:


The quest would be something of a sad one, as this is someone who failed his mission resulting in many deaths. Objectives would prompt you to find his scattered armour pieces to unlock parts of a story, you would put it together in a grand hall or on top of a hill. Then a unique boss fight occurs. Because we need more of those. Upon finding the completion the BP is awarded. The parts, Neuroptics in the void, Chassis on the kuva fortress, Systems in the derelict.

Possible Lore: The Warframe… let’s call them ‘Commander’

Arbiters of Hexis:
The commander was in a war started by the orokin (you know, the old war), all his comrades and soldiers were always told to act like and become proud warriors. Living by the rules of the orokin only resulted in the commanders teammates dying. This leaves only the commander standing. The comrades and soldiers were in essence – warriors who lived by rules forced upon them by the orokin kuva hoarders... Haunted by the ghosts of fellow teammates the commander decided to reject the "Tenno as Warrior" mythology, for it is a lie constructed to limit their potential.


Steel Meridian:
A commander who failed to protect those he was in charge of. The Grineer slaves harbor a great resentment for this, it has been generations and these slaves have now formed the Meridian, while they repsect the Tenno, the commander is one they can not forgive for all the lives that were lost. The faction being protectors, still hold logs on this is commander for intel, and for revenge.

OR… why not let Maroo have a frame giving quest. Maybe she found something of interest archived during her time sneaking around.




Change Log:

OR 10% chance to halve enemy armour with all attacks. Armour Leech - Denied.



Ability 2 Extras:

Energy Cost – 25

Duration 5/7/10/12

Damage increase 5% per 10% of armour Lost (damage increase % can be increased with mods)

Status amplifier 5% time per 5% of armour Gained (unaffected by strength mods)

Affected by duration and strength mods.

Damage Increase depends on lower armour stat as you would have less weight holding you back.
Does not affect status amplification.
So, it would be 5% damage increase is 10% of armour loss. The armour reduction from ability one will result 20% damage increase for 40% lost armour. 100% armour loss (see ability 4) will result in a 50% damage increase.
In terms of elemental damage, the status chance is unaffected, but the elemental damage is and so will increase.Damage increase works with solid percentages rather than the amount of armour and so will not scale.
Status Amplifier depends on increased armour stat from base. Armour will shift to equipped weapon.
Does not affect damage increase.
5% more status duration for 5% gained armour. So a 100% increase of armour (250 armour going to 500 from ability 3) will result in a 100% status duration.
If the status duration increases over 20% additional effects will occur.
Impact – Stagger will gain a knockout chance that will leave the enemy ‘sleeping’.
An impact proc will effectively bludgeon and knockout enemies.
Puncture – 30% damage dealt reduction will gain a damage susceptibility chance.A puncture proc will make the enemy defensively weaker and so may die faster.
Slash – 245% Finisher bleedout damage will gain a chance to lower enemy accuracy
A slash proc will make a bleeding enemy panic and shoot in near random directions.
Elemental Status will proc on the enemy twice. Effects are affected by the status duration gain.
Does not affect status chance, only affects status duration.     
Status Amplification works with starting base and so will scale.



Ability 2: Revealing Mist

– The Warframe opens up kinks in its armour and expels mist over a large area.
See through walls and buff damage.
The more armour that is ripped off with ability 1 the more sensitive the frame becomes resulting in how much more visible the enemy becomes through walls/ obstacles.
The less armour you have the higher the critical chance with weapons.
Mist reduces enemy visibility of the squad and is more susceptible to damage.



Energy drain over time is 5.

Range 8 /10/ 13/ 18

Damage multiplier 1.25

Critical chance 2.5% per armour 10% (unaffected by mods)

Affected by duration, range, efficiency and strength mods.


Addition ability notes:

Enemies seen by this ability will not be visible on the minimap like banshee sonar, unless the [enemy radar] type mods pick them up.
Enemies seen will have a tint/ hue on them dependant on energy colour. (Where Simaris scanner makes the enemies orange, Green Warframe energy will make you see them as green).
No armour beacons dropped produces a flash similar to cephalon simaris scanner. All 4 armour beacons dropped results in a constant view of the enemy. (No flash)
Armour critical buff – when you remove armour with ability one critical chance increased 5 percent.
So it would be +2.5% critical chance = 10% of armour. +10% critical chance = 40% armour (all shards)
*see ability 4* +25% critical chance with 100% removed armour. Critical chance only applies to weapons.
Depending on how this works (percentage added to base stat vs percentage increase), the crit chance cap is 25%.
There is a chance that this ability may not be allowed in-game and may change.


2 is based on how they always know where you are – see through walls
With their experience they can predict what will happen and get the jump on their enemies.

Augment - 2: Chaotic Mist: Enemies in the mist have a 20% of being confused and attacking each other.




Ability 4:

Damage per strike 500/ 750/ 1000/ 1250 Impact

Replacement/ Added:
Damage now scales with enemies dealt damage.
If they do not attack, they are merely rag-dolled, if they do attack, damage is reflected back at greater force.


the armour chunks lying around will come back and reattach to the frame;

During the return, if the armour strikes any enemy in its path, it will only ragdoll them and proc radiation - radiation because of warframe energy radiation. (Magnetism might make sense though, since it is metal...)




Edited by INight00
Revised Ability 4
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Halving enemy Armor is overpowered for a passive, considering there are some full-on Warframe abilities that don't do this. Maybe less of an enemy debuff for balance's sake.

Is 3 the only way to get the Armor back?

Since this appears to be a highly position-conscious Warframe, it would be pretty cool if, when the armor snapped back to the Warframe, any enemy caught between it and its armor would be dealt damage or some other effect.


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On 7/13/2017 at 1:49 AM, SenorClipClop said:

Halving enemy Armor is overpowered for a passive, considering there are some full-on Warframe abilities that don't do this. Maybe less of an enemy debuff for balance's sake.

Well, it was a passive option. Enemies that arent grineer typically dont have armour.
10 in 100 hits would cause the armour debuff... but yes, I do agree it is a bit over the top for a passive. Maybe a ragdoll is fine

On 7/13/2017 at 1:49 AM, SenorClipClop said:

Is 3 the only way to get the Armor back?

3 is one of the ways to get armour 'back' but also increase armour. Ability 1 if it times out will also return armour. The idea is to have a vulnerable state after being heaviliy armoured.
Ability 1 and 2 will help with survival.


On 7/13/2017 at 1:49 AM, SenorClipClop said:

it would be pretty cool if ....  any enemy caught between .... would be dealt damage or some other effect.

I quite like this idea, it would have to occur after the cool down period. Initially I imagined it would 'spawn' back onto the frame. This would be a bit like iron man calling his armour pieces to him.

Edited by INight00
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New drawings, revised the damage on ability 4 for scale-ability.
Another revision for optimization reasons on ability 4 incoming.
While ability 4 has been optimized, glass frame has called for a change in function.
Ability 4 overhaul incoming

Overhauled ability 2.

I just realised... I pretty much just drew basic armour on a body. (Yes, that is what its supposed to be) But in warframe the two are the same... - Also related to the ability 4 change that will come.

New art incoming.

Edited by INight00
This one post will always be changing after any revisions... instead of that self-bumping thing.
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