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Forma Alert = Too Freaking Ridiculous.


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A few more thoughts.


1)  Someone mentioned earlier that they didn't think a lot of newbs would be running this alert.  Well, as I remember it, before Update 9 rolled in Saturn linked directly to Mercury (as did Venus) and Cassini was the first mission - I remember going to Saturn directly after Mercury personally.  That meant that any newbie who had finished Mercury before the update would have access to the alert mission.because that node used to exist.  Pictures of the old layouts exist, take a look - Everything's exactly as I described it.  So yes, it's entirely likely that you would get new players running this alert since they would have access to it without a lot of 'node hopping.'


2)  The frames you'd have access to as a relatively new player are very limited and aren't many of the good defense frames.  Using level 40 mobs as a cutoff, the only mobs a relatively new player might lay hands on before hitting this alert are Rhino, Trinity, Ember, Volt, and Mag.  Of those, two of them are good, and one of them only because it's Infested.  Hope you farmed out a Rhino or Ember and not one of those other loser frames, eh?  :P


3)  The argument about weapons being used is always interesting since I so often see people who comment about the easiness of things using high-Mastery or clan weapons.  Sure, if you've got an Ogris with a high-damage Serration mod and multishot I imagine infested are a little trite.  A lot of things are.  If you've got a Hek or Gorgon with high-ranked damage and multishot mods it's also not that big of a deal.  But how many players have access to that sort of hardware?


4)  I think that DE used this mission to test out their new changes to mobile defense missions.  I'm sure they're getting a lot of interesting numbers from it.  I'd be interested in seeing what they have to say about it once it's all said and done and they've crunched all the data about how much or how little the alerts got buffed.

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So the people saying it is "easy" are people with Lokis (whoa re using an EXPLOIT.....yay, use an Exploit and call it easy, right? *rolls eyes*) and they're doing it SOLO with highly modded weapons.


In fact, there was a guy in here who said it was easy because he went in with an Ogris. Well, derp, of course it was easy with one of THE most overpowered weapons in the game.


Then there's people who were saying "It was easy with Ember!"


......well, derp, I suppose it was. What if you don't have Ember?


And all of these AoE Warframe Powers you're spamming? Lemme give you a clue. No Focus = Warframe powers are WEAK AS HELL. Guess what I don't have, 160 hours into the game. Yup, Focus. Not a single Focus mod has dropped and I even bought 5 mod packs hoping to get one. Still didn't get one.


We had 4 players, 1 of them disconnected so we were 3 players in a match tailored for 4 (why doesn't the game re-calculate the mob spawns if a player disconnects?)


And LOL @ Person who says MK1s will handle 30-40 Level 45+ mobs swarming you at once.


Yeah, ok, sure. Whatever, buddy.


It was a freaking steady stream of 5-8 mobs every 2-3 seconds. Maybe more than that. On the failed mission report (we failed about halfway into defending the cryopod), it said I killed 271 mobs, the #2 guy killed 200+ and the other guy killed 151 mobs alone. Dear God, that's pretty close to a 700 mobs in a ~3 minute time period.


That's just a tad ridiculous.


And LOL @ people saying it was easy with Vauban. Yeah... God-Tier Frame... of course it was easy. And the Novas (probably with Focus and Stretch) saying it was easy. Again, No Focus = Prime doesn't automatically kill everything.


And when I did finally win that map last night, the time I went in with the 3 novas?


Out of all of those mods that dropped.... there were like 3 or so fusion cores amongst 20+ mods. Most of them were all Warframe Powers and stupid junk.

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1) This topic is about the forma alert against infested if you hadn't noticed. If you want to talk about general defense, that's another topic and I have different views on that, some I may agree with you and some I dont, since each faction is different, but we are talking about infested.


2)What's wrong with Loki doing 0 damage? It doesn't have a direct damaging power in the first place, he's support and indirect damage.


3) Corpus high tier, 60-70s, Saryn used her skin but what does that matter, you had Decoy, does the same job and at that level of corpus even saryn's skin gets torn easily. Ash was pretty much running and gunning, sometimes using bladestorm, I think he was low level.

1) Cause this problems affect all defense missions, including this particluar alert vs Infected so I have right to raise it here. I was pointing out that people should understand that telling " I did this easily with X" isn't a valid argument.

2) It's not about Loki dealing 0 damage. It's about radial disarm doing 0 uselful things in that case. Disarm would result in 150 mana spent with 0 direct/indirect dmg and no useful benefit. Invis will result in 50 mana and +50% melee dmg boost (hidden dmg.) That's the point.

3) So, you don't really know level/setup of teammates? Your Mag unpotatoed with lvl 20 unpotatoed weapons?

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I don't know what you're trying to do. Are you trying to create an argument that every person who started Warframe 2 hours ago needs to be able to get the forma without even trying? Your answers to me sound like you think I felt like everything I said was some sort of counter argument to being able to win with our eyes closed.


I already said that I can see how the alert was kind of tough. Stop trying to make arguments. I never said any newb with all unranked gear could beat the alert with ease. You have to have some experience in Warframe, and that's okay for the alert. It's not endless defense weekend hard. It's a mobile defense. If you want to solo it with some starting gear, you're asking for trouble. The OP must be horrible for somehow failing in a group of 4 varied frames (and it seems he is from all the difficulty threads he's created in the past few months I've taken notice). No, you can't take all starting gear and expect to have an easy time. Why should you? But it's also not super hard either.

But it's you who used argument "I did it with low-level frame in low level group just fine"

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3) So, you don't really know level/setup of teammates? Your Mag unpotatoed with lvl 20 unpotatoed weapons?


Livestream Alerts should not require rare potatoes in everything to be reasonable.


And this raises a good question. It could be that my teammates on the first run didn't have potatoes in their stuff and not very many mods. The Fact that I, without Focus, got #1 in kills and like #2 in Damage Done (while spamming Prime and looking for Orbs to prime mobs up again) tells me they didn't have fully modded weapons.


We shouldn't need fully modded weapons, potatoes, etc just to do an alert from Livestream.


The Hardcores have access to all the challenge they want. They can go do T3 Defense and get Forma Blueprints.


Us Non-Hardcores need a little boost to help us get high level. Forma comes up maybe 1 day every 2-3 months form the daily roll.


The Livestream Alerts ought to be that little boost for the rest of us who aren't uber yet, because face it... most of us have no access to Forma. We're not powerful enough to meaningfully contribute to Tower 3 missions other than Exterminate, so our chances of finding Forma in Void are slim (especially when T2 keeps wanting to drop Reaper/Latron Blueprints).


So to make the Livestream Alert tailored for people who have ridiculous stuff on their gear is kinda stupid. The Livestream alert needed to be on Earth, not Saturn and make it Lv20-25 so newer players actually have a chance to participate.

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I don't know what you're trying to do. Are you trying to create an argument that every person who started Warframe 2 hours ago needs to be able to get the forma without even trying? Your answers to me sound like you think I felt like everything I said was some sort of counter argument to being able to win with our eyes closed.


I already said that I can see how the alert was kind of tough. Stop trying to make arguments. I never said any newb with all unranked gear could beat the alert with ease. You have to have some experience in Warframe, and that's okay for the alert. It's not endless defense weekend hard. It's a mobile defense. If you want to solo it with some starting gear, you're asking for trouble. The OP must be horrible for somehow failing in a group of 4 varied frames (and it seems he is from all the difficulty threads he's created in the past few months I've taken notice). No, you can't take all starting gear and expect to have an easy time. Why should you? But it's also not super hard either.


It is called Serial Horrible Luck.


No Focus = Warframe Powers are weak as hell.

Few Fusion Cores = Rank4 Serration (was using a Braton, the best weapon I have that I can really bring to something like this). I barely was able to max Split Chamber before this alert came up.

Our Clan doesn't have Ogris/Acrid unlocked yet (yanno because it takes 6 and a half days minimum from when U9 came and we read all the horror stories about all the bugs with building rooms, we waited 1 day).


I've always hated the mod drop system and how freaking important maxed out mods are (but yet how hard they are to get). Until you get things like Focus maxed out, you can't do anywhere near the damage needed for this Lv40+ crap and I think DE seems to forget this, and loves setting all of these alerts for the heavily modded people who can just walk through this crap because too many elitists whine about not having enough challenge...


Well, excuse me some people have bad luck and are missing some of these "must-have" mods. Some of these people find nothing but Shurikens all day long and it takes hundreds of thousands of credits to get a mod up (not to mention hundreds of mods) with using those instead of Fusion Cores.

Edited by Xylia
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And one more post before I'm off to work...


It is stuff like this that makes me second-guess my decision to become a Grand Master.


I love this game and how it plays, I really do, but I hate feeling like I'm banging my head against a wall when I see nothing but Warframe Powers, Magazine Warp, Quick Draw, Fast Hands, and True Steel dropping again and again and again and again and again whenever I do missions with the occasional Fusion Core thrown in.


160 hours and no Focus is just ridiculous. Especially when Focus is one of those Most-Important Mods.


Then, when I can't handle Lv40+ stuff very well, I get called everything from Lazy, to Unskilled, and worse things.


It really is getting very tiring, and I am really trying to hold out for this supposed Drop Table Rework that was mentioned in Livestream, but to be honest, this lack of actual progression is seriously making me consider quitting the game, because I'm tired of the constant Treadmill Effect where I'm running and not going anywhere because nothing wants to drop. 10, 20 missions later, I might have gotten enough mods to gain 1 level on some mod somewhere in my list. Wooo.


And then they jack the challenge up for everything.... nice. so I'm stuck in a handful of planets, unable to go much higher because I don't like being carried. Potatoes and Forma are among some of the reasons why I'm having trouble progressing... here's a Forma Alert. Oh Wait, they made that ridiculous too. And of course, if I Dare say something like that on the Forums, its "I DID THAT WITH MK1 BRATONS HUR HUR HUR HUR". Seriously?


I'm not sure what is turning me against this game faster -- the Elite Players who think everybody should be able to handle T3 Void with an MK1 and a Skana, or the game's ridiculously horribad mod drop system.


DE, I love you guys, but your community of ridiculously Elitist Players is killing the game. Handing them overpowered equipment seems to make them forget what it was like when they were newbies.

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hmm its hard for alot of geared players to understand how hard content is, and how much mods scale.

I mean, you add 6 mods to your weapons that add 220-90% damage  this means 1 player is doing 600% more damage than the next player.


the % scaling system Jumps up in power too much


For me this alert was a casual slaughterfest, I joined a pug and we sprinted to the objective killing everything in our path, then 3 of us all ran off hunting kills, popping aoe, to make them spawn faster and get more XP / mods.. then the Defense computer took damage!!  Weird.. there was a player there....


Running back I found the 3rd player, totally overwhelmed by 6 standard trash infested, emptying clips into them with little effect.

Its kinda hard to understand...  just how ineffective you are when you only have A Braton or a Strun with only 3 mods in it.



I guess the argument could be, If your doing an Alert for a Forma, an endgame Item you only really need when your at Max mod capacity....  then you have max mods in your gun, and your able to kill a level 45 infested?





Its also alot about practice, and knowing what skills to use, I watched a really funny t3 youtube with 4 players getting murdered, even tho they had a frost,  Every time they used snow globe they Ran at the enemys and use snow glove ON them!.


Simply understanding that Snow globe stops all bullets from entering would have removed any damage the team took, and allowed them to progress.



I agree on focus, I have every warframe leveled to max some multiple times, most weapons maxed, I am pretty sure I have played this game too much, the entire time I have been playing I have only seen 2 Focus mods, as one of the "required mods" it needs a better drop rate.

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Livestream Alerts should not require rare potatoes in everything to be reasonable.


And this raises a good question. It could be that my teammates on the first run didn't have potatoes in their stuff and not very many mods. The Fact that I, without Focus, got #1 in kills and like #2 in Damage Done (while spamming Prime and looking for Orbs to prime mobs up again) tells me they didn't have fully modded weapons.


We shouldn't need fully modded weapons, potatoes, etc just to do an alert from Livestream.


The Hardcores have access to all the challenge they want. They can go do T3 Defense and get Forma Blueprints.


Us Non-Hardcores need a little boost to help us get high level. Forma comes up maybe 1 day every 2-3 months form the daily roll.


The Livestream Alerts ought to be that little boost for the rest of us who aren't uber yet, because face it... most of us have no access to Forma. We're not powerful enough to meaningfully contribute to Tower 3 missions other than Exterminate, so our chances of finding Forma in Void are slim (especially when T2 keeps wanting to drop Reaper/Latron Blueprints).


So to make the Livestream Alert tailored for people who have ridiculous stuff on their gear is kinda stupid. The Livestream alert needed to be on Earth, not Saturn and make it Lv20-25 so newer players actually have a chance to participate.

forma drop for t2 is 12%. you face the same RNG everyone else does.  get over it. and the alert doesnt require forma'd anything. I soloed it, 0 forma in the weapons i was using. my warframe had 3 forma in it but i didn't need any of em because I had 18 energy left over so i could have just as easily run it with my same frame without the forma and still had the same mods. whats more, i had NONE of my "power" mods on. i was running my lootframe setup for farming mats. no continutity, focus, flow, streamline, stretch.


finally, if you cant handle it thats not their problem. play better, get better stuff, improve your accuracy, improve your enemy awareness. you act like you have no ability to choose good weapons, no chance to learn to use them better, and no time to retry the mission with a better setup. sorry but you were given 24 hours to do it which meant you could have taken the time to fail 5 or 6 times (or even more), joined different groups, revised your strategies etc.



No Focus = Warframe Powers are weak as hell.

Few Fusion Cores = Rank4 Serration (was using a Braton, the best weapon I have that I can really bring to something like this). I barely was able to max Split Chamber before this alert came up.

Our Clan doesn't have Ogris/Acrid unlocked yet (yanno because it takes 6 and a half days minimum from when U9 came and we read all the horror stories about all the bugs with building rooms, we waited 1 day).


Contrary to your beliefs, its better to NOT use split chamber before you have a potatoed and forma'd weapon because its too damn expensive. i assume you wasted damage potential by using split chamber, the fact you didnt level up serration instead which is a cheaper and more effieicient source of damage than split chamber also means you wasted resources. its not serial bad luck. its serial mismanagement of resources - your mod points (by wasting them on split chamber instead of a higher level serration), your credits and mods/cores (on leveling up split chamber), and bringing a braton to the fight (i didnt use acrid, ogirs in the fight either) and no i wasn't relying on warframe powers either (read the reply to the quote above). you have your priorities wrong. thats the issue. split chamber is WORTHLESS until you have at least a level 6 or 7 serration PLUS at least 3/4 of the elements (all maxed out) also equipped. do the math and figure it out. first you should have at least gotten your serration up, and paired it with hellfire, and not split chamber, then used the extra points for piercing hit. you can complain about not getting focus all you want. but please dont try to convince me you cant find a single hellfire or piercing hit when you have a split chamber.

Edited by xenapan
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160 hours and no Focus is just ridiculous. Especially when Focus is one of those Most-Important Mods.




Look, I'm not trying to be hostile toward you at all with this post: But you know Focus only drops on Grineer maps? That and by the 160 hour mark you should have found like eight of them. I mean, I see focus now and I just think free fusion core.. and repeatedly. At any rate, the game isn't to hard: you don't need fully maxed mods or catalysts, but you DO need to go in with a team if you hope to accomplish the harder difficulty missions.


Me and my friend survived in half assed attempts plenty of times, as not fully leveled frames, not using our primary gear and yet - these alerts with Formas, Catalysts, Reactors.. these are the best, most coveted resources in the game. They shouldn't be performed 1-2 man, they shouldn't be performed with low level gear, nor should they preformed with non-defense made frames. Some frames were NOT designed to be used in defense,


Ash while he works in them: is not built to directly take out or lure large sums of enemies off the point: He's just not. Nor is mag, or Trinity - a support frame : if your going in unprepared, you should be beaten or struggle to win. If your going in with a Pug and end up in a group that fails, accept it, try again: it's not a one time attempt, make a second, or build a group with friends actually intended to beat these challenges.


If you were to tell me to do a time trial, I sure as hell wouldn't pick Rhino: I'd look at Volt: if it's a jumping course, Ex..  if you were to tell me to perform surgery, I would guess Trinity! I sure as hell wouldn't pick Saryn and grab the scalpel. So obviously if your choosing to go on a Defense mission, you should befriend, build, or hope for a defense-made frame.


It's common sense, if you can do it despite not being built for it: Great. If you can't, well that's not the game's fault. Loki's disarm doesn't work well with infested? Well Volt sure as hell wasn't designed for Infested either, you want to take Ember: their weakness. Now if your going after Corpus.. Frost, Loki and Volt? All hell just broke loose. Stealthing a mission or general all around? Loki or Ash. Ect ect..


Each frame has it's own purpose. I would NOT say the game needs to be made more difficult, but it definitely is not to difficult as it stands now, it requires thought - planning and teamwork (as it should be.) : or high-end top-level gear, not both. You bring one or the other and you'll see it to the reward.

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Our Clan doesn't have Ogris/Acrid unlocked yet (yanno because it takes 6 and a half days minimum from when U9 came and we read all the horror stories about all the bugs with building rooms, we waited 1 day).


If you don't have those two accessible yet, you should try the Hikou... They work wonders against infested.

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Look, I'm not trying to be hostile toward you at all with this post: But you know Focus only drops on Grineer maps? That and by the 160 hour mark you should have found like eight of them. I mean, I see focus now and I just think free fusion core.. and repeatedly. At any rate, the game isn't to hard: you don't need fully maxed mods or catalysts, but you DO need to go in with a team if you hope to accomplish the harder difficulty missions.


Me and my friend survived in half assed attempts plenty of times, as not fully leveled frames, not using our primary gear and yet - these alerts with Formas, Catalysts, Reactors.. these are the best, most coveted resources in the game. They shouldn't be performed 1-2 man, they shouldn't be performed with low level gear, nor should they preformed with non-defense made frames. Some frames were NOT designed to be used in defense,


Ash while he works in them: is not built to directly take out or lure large sums of enemies off the point: He's just not. Nor is mag, or Trinity - a support frame : if your going in unprepared, you should be beaten or struggle to win. If your going in with a Pug and end up in a group that fails, accept it, try again: it's not a one time attempt, make a second, or build a group with friends actually intended to beat these challenges.


If you were to tell me to do a time trial, I sure as hell wouldn't pick Rhino: I'd look at Volt: if it's a jumping course, Ex..  if you were to tell me to perform surgery, I would guess Trinity! I sure as hell wouldn't pick Saryn and grab the scalpel. So obviously if your choosing to go on a Defense mission, you should befriend, build, or hope for a defense-made frame.


It's common sense, if you can do it despite not being built for it: Great. If you can't, well that's not the game's fault. Loki's disarm doesn't work well with infested? Well Volt sure as hell wasn't designed for Infested either, you want to take Ember: their weakness. Now if your going after Corpus.. Frost, Loki and Volt? All hell just broke loose. Stealthing a mission or general all around? Loki or Ash. Ect ect..


Each frame has it's own purpose. I would NOT say the game needs to be made more difficult, but it definitely is not to difficult as it stands now, it requires thought - planning and teamwork (as it should be.) : or high-end top-level gear, not both. You bring one or the other and you'll see it to the reward.

Good points but .. you say it yourself: to do mission you either need to have a proper frame or be in team with one. Problem is, currently disparity is too great. While for one frame it's walk in a park, for another - death struggle. From making it more effective it's turning to must have. And that problem shows itself best in defense missions.

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Trust me, it's not about the frame. Every frame can suck in these alerts if it simply does not have the right mods / high enough level'd + the wrong weapons wrongly modded or with too low mods.


A friend of mine, who I tried to get the Forma BP also for, had a Rhino with 0-level'd Rhino Charge, maxed Iron Skin, 0-lvl'd Roar & Rhino Stomp, 200% Redirection, crappy vitality, and a bunch of other low-level mods (the best being level-3 Focus).

Also he used a Vulkar with max-Point Strike, non-lvl'd elemental mods and Lvl4-Serration, max'd Mag-Warp and Ammo Drum. Twin Vipers totally modded in the wrong direction (Point Strike on Twin Vipers? You gotta be kiddin me ..) and a Gram with tons of low-level mods.


I tried it, made it halfways to the first terminal, then the data-mass got stuck under the map (the smart guy carrying it jumped into the lava and exited in the same second making it impossible to reach the data-mass).


And then i was like 'f**k it, i am NOT playing this account anymore for him until he finally starts to rank up mods he already has and starts throwing Point Strike out of weapons with <5% Crit Chance.

And I was always wondering why I did 90% of the damage with my Gorgon (not as many mods in my primary as him, but at least all except for Serration max'd) while he did 10%. He also always complains about me having Sprint Mods in my Rhino (despite the fact I told him dozens of times I don't) because I'm always faster than him. He simply ignores the fact that he NEVER sprints and I am bored to death because I have to wait every 10 meters for him. And he keeps saying "I love my Gram" .. I mean every hit out of my Brokk Hammer is dealing twice, nearly three times the damage he does with his Gram, but hey. If you only played the Skana for ages before, again with totally ridiculous mods put in, you'll feel like even the Machete is a godlike weapon.


Might be Off-Topic, but to cut a long story short: You can make ANY mission impossible for you, if you f**k up your warframe and weapons with putting senseless mods or weapons in it. But the other way around, you can also make ANY mission easily doable for you solo, if you have some decent weaponry and your frame and weapons modded according to how they play (e.g. a Latron does NOT need Ammo Drum).




Rhino with a Sniper .. never seen any Rhino with a Vulkar apart from him, guess why ..

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Might be Off-Topic, but to cut a long story short: You can make ANY mission impossible for you, if you f**k up your warframe and weapons with putting senseless mods or weapons in it. But the other way around, you can also make ANY mission easily doable for you solo, if you have some decent weaponry and your frame and weapons modded according to how they play (e.g. a Latron does NOT need Ammo Drum).


Big lie. There are high level missions types you can't solo with given Warframe, no matter how cool your gear is.

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but to cut a long story short: You can make ANY mission impossible for you, if you f**k up your warframe and weapons with putting senseless mods or weapons in it. But the other way around, you can also make ANY mission easily doable for you solo, if you have some decent weaponry and your frame and weapons modded according to how they play (e.g. a Latron does NOT need Ammo Drum).


I wrote a pretty long post on warframe strength's and weaknesses and .. frankly after refreshing this pretty much sums it up. So for those who don't want a long read, I'm basically saying the above. 


>> To 



But what I also say in my post, is that it isn't a must have.  You can accomplish it, not alone to start with (later maybe.) and not without frames at least with some minor of specialty in crowd control (at least until you've really maxed out on the less-crowd control frames I suppose.)


My Volt was level 26, and could almost - alllmooost have solo'd that Infested mission. He's not at all designed for Infested, but at least he has good crowd control in his Ult which is the frame itself's only saving grace in Defense missions, and wasn't even taking the fight seriously at the time.

My Frost would have solo'd it with ease, regardless of the weapon selection out of sheer power, but let me revert him back to a meager level that just has Frost globe and 125 energy and a good fast paced sidearm like Viper or Afurus to wipe the light opponents would stand a solid chance of winning all by himself, much less in a team where it'd be a breeze. 

My (now deleted Ex) would have solo'd it with a good struggle and alot of risk but doable, in the same setup as Frost from Radical blind and blaring clips with some well timed melee jump-attack stuns. I'd probably have lost a couple, but eventually nailed it down, proper gear would certainly be a big factor and I'm not even refering to maxed mods so much as just what I can fit in the frame and weapons to deal enough damage and survive.

A Sayrn isn't my specialty, but I hear she's really a volatile weapon that could manage as well as Volt anyway. Great crowd control, even without Focus.

A Ember is a given.

A Vauban we all know...

A Nyx who knows what she's doing is a given.. god that frame is powerful!

A good Banshee? Hell yes, my girl played one for ages and was constantly wiping out hordes off the point: Infested slaughter.

A Mag & Loki .. well these weren't designed for these challenges solo : you'll hear some who do and succeed, but they certainly are designed for it.

My Ash might could manage it, but not without some pretty spec'd gear so no, he wasn't designed for defense, and succeeding with him alone would be a real accomplishment : But it should be, he wasn't made for that S#&amp;&#036;. 


 But the point is..


The majority are good at Defense missions with proper planning, can even solo them with relative ease (even the late game level 70 ones. Once geared for it when it comes to the infested, now Grineer and Corpus less so, you really need a Frost to keep them from nailing the point from afar will give THAT, Frost is truly invaluable against ranged enemies in Defense, no doubt, no argument.) but given that EVERY frame was designed with a purpose if you deviate from that purpose you are at fault when it fails.. best example I'll ever be able to make is Ash, since he is so clearly and absolutely not designed in any way for massive crowd control or even distraction abilities beyond self-survival, not pod survival.

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Big lie. There are high level missions types you can't solo with given Warframe, no matter how cool your gear is.


Tier III Void Defense Mission? - Only a Frost could do it, top caliber at that. But doable. At least for 10 waves, 20 waves.. no.. no no .. that .. no. Well maybe.. but I doubt it.. really.. it.. maybe.. it's iffy.. damn now I'm tempted to try.


Besides that though, can't really think of anything that's not doable solo. Could you give me a hint? I'd love to try.

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30+ mobs at once, at Lv45?


Without certain Warframes... you just don't stand a chance.


Not to mention the ridiculous FPS drops when there's just too much crap on the screen at once.


EDIT: I can see why there's like zero people doing the alert right now...

I can understand where the OP is coming from, even though I completed it first try with group of 4 that had 3 disconnects during the mission and such horrible lag that I not only had to wait ~1-2 mins to pick up energy balls and mods, but I was also getting disrupted with no enemies nearby (no knockdown/knockback effect during entire mission).

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Tier III Void Defense Mission? - Only a Frost could do it, top caliber at that. But doable. At least for 10 waves, 20 waves.. no.. no no .. that .. no. Well maybe.. but I doubt it.. really.. it.. maybe.. it's iffy.. damn now I'm tempted to try.


Besides that though, can't really think of anything that's not doable solo. Could you give me a hint? I'd love to try.

Try doing Endgame Corpus Defense solo with Ember. Or Ash.


P.S. On your previous post. I did not said it is must have now. But it's going that direction. The whole point is how defense is childs play if you have frost /nyx/vauban that know what to do and how it's hard without them. Difference is too much.

Edited by Aedwynn
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Try doing Endgame Corpus Defense solo with Ember. Or Ash.


P.S. On your previous post. I did not said it is must have now. But it's going that direction. The whole point is how defense is childs play if you have frost /nyx/vauban that know what to do and how it's hard without them. Difference is too much.


We're doing some runs to give it a shot, know it's going to be brutal as all hell .. but it's a level 70 defense we're doing it on :3 At any rate, will report on how it goes. Should be a fun occupation of spare time. Going to try to get a fraps recording alibet the last time I tried it went bonkers, so who knows. At any rate, if Ash is successful I'll infact be a little shocked given he has absolutely no defense ability for the point, and no crowd control, he's literally the weakest Frame for defense in my mind.


By "We're" I mean my girl is doing Ember Solo runs, I'm doing Ash Solo runs.  Outer Terminus. 

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With Ortos in right hand and Nova's ult in left hand, i had so freaking much fun with this alert, srsly, guys, its 35lvl infested, mostly can be killed with 1 charge attack of any heavy weapon, and a LOT of abilities(thx to tons of dead corpses, problem with energy drop is 0) that sound, when in tons of throats blood boils(as if the're drowning in it), is most lovely sound in WF.

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We're doing some runs to give it a shot, know it's going to be brutal as all hell .. but it's a level 70 defense we're doing it on :3 At any rate, will report on how it goes. Should be a fun occupation of spare time. Going to try to get a fraps recording alibet the last time I tried it went bonkers, so who knows. At any rate, if Ash is successful I'll infact be a little shocked given he has absolutely no defense ability for the point, and no crowd control, he's literally the weakest Frame for defense in my mind.


By "We're" I mean my girl is doing Ember Solo runs, I'm doing Ash Solo runs.  Outer Terminus. 

That was first thing coming to mind. Better test them vs endgame Grineer aswell. And Ash vs Infested. Ember got a huge advantage vs zombies )

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Big lie. There are high level missions types you can't solo with given Warframe, no matter how cool your gear is.


Rescue missions. On Ceres i have failed rescues way too often when a smart &amp;#&#33; Grineer commander swaps me out then leaves the hostage facing 6 elite grineer lancers and a heavy gunner alone.... 


While he fought me by himself which he died with a handful of despairs.

Edited by fatpig84
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