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Solo Is Now Dull , And Not Rewarding Enough . Get A Squad For A Far More Easy Game.


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Yep. Then stop rushing through levels and actually play them, fight for your life. We're at war with the Grineer and Corpus.

I'm sorry, rushing? You don't rush as VOLT. You'd pick Loki. That was just pointing out the fact that having the fastest possible runspeed in the game has ZERO effect on the Grineer and Corpus troops' accuracy. Activating speed so far has only been to mimic Han Solo on the Death Star. Open door, S#&$ ton of Elite Lancers, turn tail and run the other direction as gunfire drains my HP bar.




One good thing, however, is that mobs now leave your sentinels relatively alone. No further "He's got a pet! KILL IT!" tactics. So it at least is possible to "hide in the shade to cool down" during a firefight.

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While I don't particularly mind increasing the difficulty, increasing the difficulty of existing content is a rather stupid move. I did an alert this morning which gave 3.7k credits. Pre-U9, this would be on the low-level end of the scale. I was wondering why my Excalibur was dying in 2-3 bursts before I realised the guys were level 72. That's right, enemies that used to be level 20-30 (which I estimate was the range for 3.7k alerts pre-U9) are now level 70+. I wouldn't mind as much if they'd kept the old scaling and added new areas/alerts. And if it shuts you up, I completed the mission fine, so I'm not complaining purely because I failed a mission.


A considerable amount of people wanted a more challenging game.

And here it is.

Now a bunch of you are going to cry again cause it's too hard?

can't solo? don't and join a team or get better gear.

I seriously don't get you noobies, Sobek is a guaranteed 20 kills per clip with a few mods on level 30+ mobs.


for F*** sake. grow up and get your priorities straight.

A considerable amount of people wanted a game that wasn't too hard. If you're gonna argue that the entire game was objectively too easy because you're a quake pro, save your breath. Other people might find things different, and they got used to the balance between challenging and playable that may be a different balance to the one you're used to. There's absolutely no reason why they should forfeit their comfort zone so you guys can get yours. In fact, since theirs was present first, there's even less reason to take it away from them to give to you.


As I recall, quite a few people asking for increased difficulty were "crying" in the same manner as many people here, seeing as you've defined "crying" as giving complaints that cite reasons, in the feedback section of the forums.


Some people can't play online, perhaps due to connection problems, or maybe they just wanted to solo. That's right, they wanted to. Why should they be forced out of being able to solo because some people viewed the game was objectively easy and asked for all content to be made harder?


Of course, all people who have less skill are noobies. Right.


While I agree that the game probably did need harder content, there was no reason to overwrite other content for that. They could have simply added new planets (sorry, DE, but I'm pretty sure that adding a new planet is the simple matter of making a simple texture for a sphere, choosing a name (there's quite a few dwarf planets left), choosing a bunch of names for missions, and choosing a level range. It's not a whole lot of effort, it's definitely less effort than a lot of other things you've done.), or done something that doesn't involve screwing over less skilled players because seriously, they're all noobies and should just quit the game because they're not accepted. Yeah.

Edited by PaperAlien
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Joining parties is fairly easy to get these mods, I did not finished more then 30 nightmare runs for those.

Timed nightmare? Easy.

Vampire mod? Meh for newbs no one dies because of health now. doesn't even make sense now in that mode.


Anyway, I don't need multishot in that gun to 1 shot level 30 dudes.

Game is about farming and grinding for warframes and weapons, if people do not like to farm they can buy platinum and save themselves that work.

A mastery rank 2 player must have already at least 2 planets unlocked completely. Witch is the Sobek's requirement to build.

So my best guess is to a new player to buy a Braton on the market and upgrade it with a few mods, serration AP and cryo rounds with clip size and ammo maximum fell free to add the rest does pretty well if the player can aim at the heads.a few slash dashes from excalibur witch is the warframe everyone starts with...

And GG .

Am i a genius now? stop this already you have no reasons to cry and no reasons to nerf the difficulty even more.

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Yup, Hell's Chamber.


Do you have any idea how many players put more than ONE-HUNDRED STINKING HOURS into Warframe and still don't have one, despite doing lots of high-level content, mid-level content, anything?


I didn't get mine until about 90 hours in.


Accelerated Blast... oh yes, Nightmare Mods. I bet a LOT of Newbies have those!


Blaze. The 1% Nightmare Mode Drop. Yup, I bet everybody and their grandma has those too.


You have ridiculously awesome mods on your gun and then proceed to say that anybody who can't oneshot a Lv40+ grineer with the Sobek is a "noob".




Nothing to see here, move along.

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A considerable amount of people wanted a more challenging game.

And here it is.

Now a bunch of you are going to cry again cause it's too hard?

can't solo? don't and join a team or get better gear.

I seriously don't get you noobies, Sobek is a guaranteed 20 kills per clip with a few mods on level 30+ mobs.


for F*** sake. grow up and get your priorities straight.

Who are these 'people'?  I wanna smack them.  U8 was perfect in terms of solo balance for me.  And I'm not a young man anymore.  OK, maybe mentally I am, but anyway...  Reflexes were never that good.  But I want to play this game.


If I wanted frustration and jerks, I'd go back to League of Legends.



I haven't seen half those mods, and my Steam counter says I have about a hundred and twenty hours spent on this game.  I actually got to  Neptune on U8 too.

*rolls eyes*


Just another Elitist who thinks everybody starts Warframe with a bunch of maxed mods and awesome weapons.




In case you didn't notice, Sobek requires....


5 Neurodes (have fun farming a week+ for those)

Salvage (Have fun with those Lv20-25 enemies if you're new to the game)


You're talking like any Newbie should have a Sobek "with the right mods". What right Mods? Hell's Chamber? People who have played 100+ hours don't even have a Hell's Chamber. Maxed out Elemental Damage mods? I don't think I even have a Shotgun Cold Damage mod. I Think I have an Electric one, not sure. I know I have like 1-2 Fire ones. They are fairly rare, Rifle seems to drop way more often and even they're rare. Point Blank? lol. Yeah, not exactly the most common thing either.


We're trying to discuss ways to make the game better for the people who have been playing <50 Hours, so that they don't say "F this" and stop playing (which is harmful to the game itself).


If you can't look past the end of your own nose to see that Warframe needs to keep newbies playing by NOT stringing them up on a rope and strangling them with ridiculously overpowered enemies/situations, then perhaps you need to just stop posting until you understand what the thread is actually about.


We, the Vets, aren't complaining that we can't solo things. At least myself and a lot of us aren't.


I can solo Lv30-40 just fine. But I'm sitting here going "How the hell is a newbie supposed to do this?" and that guy earlier said "omg this is Hell on a Newbie" when he took his Ember, MK1, Lato, and Kogake through Mercury.


That guy doing that? He was one of those "Come on it ain't that hard!" now he's going "eh yeah I bet newbies are going to get trashed regularly trying this..."


And what about ridiculous lag in random online games?


What about times when you look at your star chart and you see nobody in the mission you need (because you're a newbie and haven't unlocked your planets yet)? What do you do then? wait until someone else starts a mission there?

I'm one of those who are over 100 hours, and I haven't seen a Hell's Chamber ever.  Honest question, is it a fire mod for Sniper?  Rifle or Shotty?  Or does it apply to all three?

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Who are these 'people'?  I wanna smack them.  U8 was perfect in terms of solo balance for me.  And I'm not a young man anymore.  OK, maybe mentally I am, but anyway...  Reflexes were never that good.  But I want to play this game.


If I wanted frustration and jerks, I'd go back to League of Legends.


I haven't seen half those mods, and my Steam counter says I have about a hundred and twenty hours spent on this game.  I actually got to  Neptune on U8 too.

I'm one of those who are over 100 hours, and I haven't seen a Hell's Chamber ever.  Honest question, is it a fire mod for Sniper?  Rifle or Shotty?  Or does it apply to all three?


Shotty only.


Hell's Chamber = Multishot for Shotgun.

Split Chamber = Multishot for Rifles and Snipers.

Barrel Diffusion = Multishot for Pistols.

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One or two Burstons will do "Shield Rending Damage" and then nothing for a few seconds...


But when levels replace all the Lancers with Elite Lancers and you find yourself in a room with 6 of them... which by the way, Burstons are QUITE accurate guns, a burst will rip into your health before you can duck behind a crate.


And again...


How many players in that other thread asked for less "Duck and Cover" and more "Run and Gun?"


These Burstons on the Elite Lancers make us hide behind crates MORE than we ever did before!


Warframe is supposed to be a game where you run and gun. You're not going to run into a room with 6 Elite Lancers and expect to run and gun. You'll get shot to death in seconds. The Grakatas miss frequently if you're running. You get hit with 1-2 shots out of a 5-6 shot burst that they fire and the Grakata Bullets do a lot less damage than a Burston's bullet.

I'm aware that burstons are accurate, the thing is that the previous lancers would fire continuously for a ridiculous period of time without losing accuracy, doing more damage per second and more damage over an extended period. The only way to avoid that before was to take cover, now I find myself taking cover less frequently around the 25-40 level range.

If people want a more run and gun game, the level 20-40 content will play the same as it always did, the early game 1-20 will play the same as it always did, all they did is give people the option to play higher level missions. To get to each varying stage of difficulty, you still have to put the same time and effort in as always, maybe even less now that the mod tables are getting fixed, we have access to nightmare mods and auras effectively grant level boosts.

Pretty much, to clarify where I stand, I think that spreading out the difficulty across the planets more evenly rather than having a massive clump of six planets being in the 15-25 level range was a good choice.

I think upping spawn levels and proximity (if that's actually a change they made and not people just noticing it now it's been brought up) is a bad thing for pretty much everyone involved. The exception is the big 3 planets, if they want to make those filled to the rafters with enemies, I can't see an issue, those planets are meant to be played by the "Elitists" that keep being mentioned, so it's not a big deal.

I think making defense missions more difficult is a bad thing, they were hard enough solo I don't see why they needed to be made harder.

I think nightmare mode shouldn't lock you out of the regular version of that node.

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I do enjoy the new difficulty, but I have to agree with a few point:


-> improve AI to work together against us, specially against squads (shield lancers should work as a phalanx not just one behind the other);

-> better aggro definitions (Damage and healing abilities should draw attention more often;

-> Stalker is just a pool o hp to shoot it up, he's in no shape to offer any kind o real challenge;

-> Captain Vor is a great improvement in AI and overall challenge, although I miss him in level 102. Still he is by far the best entertainment this game can offer to me (and yet I love this game, as a fellow programmer. I wish I could work for DE to make this game even more awesome).

-> I do hope some day, Hyenas are really coming into packs, as Lotus suggests in her dialog.

-> since the update, the infested are getting way dumber (if that could be even possible). I've seen a lot of them just running in circles for no good reason,.

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Joining parties is fairly easy to get these mods, I did not finished more then 30 nightmare runs for those.

Timed nightmare? Easy.

Vampire mod? Meh for newbs no one dies because of health now. doesn't even make sense now in that mode.


Anyway, I don't need multishot in that gun to 1 shot level 30 dudes.

Game is about farming and grinding for warframes and weapons, if people do not like to farm they can buy platinum and save themselves that work.

A mastery rank 2 player must have already at least 2 planets unlocked completely. Witch is the Sobek's requirement to build.

So my best guess is to a new player to buy a Braton on the market and upgrade it with a few mods, serration AP and cryo rounds with clip size and ammo maximum fell free to add the rest does pretty well if the player can aim at the heads.a few slash dashes from excalibur witch is the warframe everyone starts with...

And GG .

Am i a genius now? stop this already you have no reasons to cry and no reasons to nerf the difficulty even more.

Timed nightmare mode? Easy for you. Easy for me, I guess. But not for everyone. Ditto for vampire mode. They fixed a rather iffy design oversight where you'd die while taking an elevator. So now it doesn't make sense. Really miss the days where it just magically drained your health and gave you health for killing people. That made sense.

Hmmm, let's see. Maxed multishot. Easy. Maxed all the other mods. Easy. I've been playing since April, clocked about 100+ hours, I would estimate. I must be pretty bad at this game seeing as how I still don't even have Hells Chamber. Maybe I should stop crying and uninstall...

Everyone starts with Excalibur. Everyone? Or just 1/3 of people which probably includes you?

Nerf the difficulty even more? Last time I checked, they'd just increased the enemy levels by about 10-30 for most of the game, especially alerts. I'd definitely call that a nerf. But perhaps we should nerf it "again". Then maybe you'll realise how annoying it is to get kicked out of your comfort zone like some other play- sorry, noobies, have been.

Edited by PaperAlien
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Multishot mods are some of the most wanted and rarest of all weapon mods. I still hate myself for when I started the game and got 3 Split Chambers, and sold them because the tooltip wasn't clear enough. the MK-1 was emptying clips left and right, and wasting an extra bullet seemed pointless. It NEVER DROPPED AGAIN. And I got  330+ hours of playtime.

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Shotty only.


Hell's Chamber = Multishot for Shotgun.

Split Chamber = Multishot for Rifles and Snipers.

Barrel Diffusion = Multishot for Pistols.

OH!  I thought it was a fire elemental mod.  My bad.  And thank you.  What does multishot do?

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Multishot mods are some of the most wanted and rarest of all weapon mods. I still hate myself for when I started the game and got 3 Split Chambers, and sold them because the tooltip wasn't clear enough. the MK-1 was emptying clips left and right, and wasting an extra bullet seemed pointless. It NEVER DROPPED AGAIN. And I got  330+ hours of playtime.


Someday you might be able to buy it for plat from some player like that guy above who claims they find tons of the things.

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OH!  I thought it was a fire elemental mod.  My bad.  And thank you.  What does multishot do?


% Chance that the gun will fire 2 shots with one trigger press/ammo use.


Shoot Gun Once. 1 Ammo used. 2 Bullets.


Some multishot can go above 100% (max 120%) which means:


Shoot Gun Once, 1 Ammo Used. 2 Bullets + 20% chance of a third.


It is extremely overpowered compared to other mods, hence why everybody wants it.


A 100%  Multishot on your gun basically doubles your DPS and your Ammo Efficiency.


EDIT: Multishot for Broncos/Shotguns works differently. The % is bonus number of pellets fired with 1 shot. A 100% Hell's Chamber on a Hek means that it fires 28 pellets instead of 14, each pellet doing its normal damage.


EDIT2: Basically, a Hell's Chamber on a Sobek means that it fires 8x25 (200) per shot, not counting all the other damage mods he's got on it. Which is kinda ridiculous before adding on Blaze AND Point Blank, which is 150% damage combined.


So, uh, his Sobek is doing 500 a shot assuming all pellets hit. And he has Armor Pierce on top of that.


A bit overpowered IMO.


It is people with stupidly OP crap like this (and Ogris/Torid) who are whining to DE to make the game harder, so that those of us who don't have awesome stuff like that are having serious trouble killing stuff.

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Someday you might be able to buy it for plat from some player like that guy above who claims they find tons of the things.

They only have a tolerable drop rate on grineer, no other faction has a reliable chance(other than defense rewards). If you not killing grineer as your primary faction you might never seen one in 300+ hours, if your luck is bad.

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Timed nightmare mode? Easy for you. Easy for me, I guess. But not for everyone. Ditto for vampire mode. They fixed a rather iffy design oversight where you'd die while taking an elevator. So now it doesn't make sense. Really miss the days where it just magically drained your health and gave you health for killing people. That made sense.

Hmmm, let's see. Maxed multishot. Easy. Maxed all the other mods. Easy. I've been playing since April, clocked about 100+ hours, I would estimate. I must be pretty bad at this game seeing as how I still don't even have Hells Chamber. Maybe I should stop crying and uninstall...

Everyone starts with Excalibur. Everyone? Or just 1/3 of people which probably includes you?

Nerf the difficulty even more? Last time I checked, they'd just increased the enemy levels by about 10-30 for most of the game, especially alerts. I'd definitely call that a nerf. But perhaps we should nerf it "again". Then maybe you'll realise how annoying it is to get kicked out of your comfort zone like some other play- sorry, noobies, have been.



ahah. i started with old school Mag.


Then yes i think you're pretty bad at this game.

Now what are you all going to claim? that I'm a no lifer? Ahahaha 

Working 8hrs a day and when is needed 9hrs so. invalid argument before you claim such things.

OP and all these.. things around here just want to play the game rushing etc etc witch does not work anymore, guess your all going to have to suit yourselves like this. A bit more hard.

Start grinding in team like i did when i started. Always 4 people parties and we had no problems whatsoever. 

In nightmare runs the most people that join are players with mastery ranks 5 and above. level's 2 and 3 aren't just playing or i get some really OP parties. If my guns weren't enough already :D

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ahah. i started with old school Mag.


Then yes i think you're pretty bad at this game.

Now what are you all going to claim? that I'm a no lifer? Ahahaha 

Working 8hrs a day and when is needed 9hrs so. invalid argument before you claim such things.

OP and all these.. things around here just want to play the game rushing etc etc witch does not work anymore, guess your all going to have to suit yourselves like this. A bit more hard.

Start grinding in team like i did when i started. Always 4 people parties and we had no problems whatsoever. 

In nightmare runs the most people that join are players with mastery ranks 5 and above. level's 2 and 3 aren't just playing or i get some really OP parties. If my guns weren't enough already :D


You know what?


I wouldn't want to be in a group with you.


I don't like people who turn their Seattle Space Needle noses up in their air at everybody else for daring to ask that the earlier parts of the game be brought down to a level that newbies can actually handle without these awesomely overpowered guns like you have. You played Oldschool Mag and you went up through teams and crap back when everybody was new and everybody was forming together.


Nowadays I can open up a planet's star chart in Online Mode and see 0 people at most of the nodes.


How, again, am I supposed to find random groups when there's nobody doing those planets?


There were a few times I logged on, got my "real" stuff on and said "OK, Let's do Xini!" ........0 people at Xini.


Well.....guess I ain't doing that.


OK, let's do some other non-Grineer Defense! *start checking anything Lv50+... 0, 0, 0, 0, 0....oh wait there's a mission with 1 group. Click on it.... meh. They're full (the Play Now button is pulsing)."


.....well guess I ain't doing Defense. back to soloing Lv20-30 crap and getting nothing for it.

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% Chance that the gun will fire 2 shots with one trigger press/ammo use.


Shoot Gun Once. 1 Ammo used. 2 Bullets.


Some multishot can go above 100% (max 120%) which means:


Shoot Gun Once, 1 Ammo Used. 2 Bullets + 20% chance of a third.


It is extremely overpowered compared to other mods, hence why everybody wants it.


A 100%  Multishot on your gun basically doubles your DPS and your Ammo Efficiency.


EDIT: Multishot for Broncos/Shotguns works differently. The % is bonus number of pellets fired with 1 shot. A 100% Hell's Chamber on a Hek means that it fires 28 pellets instead of 14, each pellet doing its normal damage.


EDIT2: Basically, a Hell's Chamber on a Sobek means that it fires 8x25 (200) per shot, not counting all the other damage mods he's got on it. Which is kinda ridiculous before adding on Blaze AND Point Blank, which is 150% damage combined.


So, uh, his Sobek is doing 500 a shot assuming all pellets hit. And he has Armor Pierce on top of that.


A bit overpowered IMO.


It is people with stupidly OP crap like this (and Ogris/Torid) who are whining to DE to make the game harder, so that those of us who don't have awesome stuff like that are having serious trouble killing stuff.



I just saw you're pretty good at maths.

So Sobek's initial damage before 2 consecutive buffs was 40, then it was increased to 65.

And now it's on 100 damage.

My Sobek has 160% Armor Piercing damage and all that stuff that you just described there.

And there is still people claiming that it is an useless weapon bla bla bla.

Lets suppose that my Sobek does 500 damage per shell. So 500x20 = 10 000 damage per clip.

Put some Reload speed into it and we've got???

Edited by Mr.Pava
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You know what?


I wouldn't want to be in a group with you.


I don't like people who turn their Seattle Space Needle noses up in their air at everybody else for daring to ask that the earlier parts of the game be brought down to a level that newbies can actually handle without these awesomely overpowered guns like you have. You played Oldschool Mag and you went up through teams and crap back when everybody was new and everybody was forming together.


Nowadays I can open up a planet's star chart in Online Mode and see 0 people at most of the nodes.


How, again, am I supposed to find random groups when there's nobody doing those planets?


There were a few times I logged on, got my "real" stuff on and said "OK, Let's do Xini!" ........0 people at Xini.


Well.....guess I ain't doing that.


OK, let's do some other non-Grineer Defense! *start checking anything Lv50+... 0, 0, 0, 0, 0....oh wait there's a mission with 1 group. Click on it.... meh. They're full (the Play Now button is pulsing)."


.....well guess I ain't doing Defense. back to soloing Lv20-30 crap and getting nothing for it.


Where are you from?

I'm really curious now.

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hello, i am a veteran , telling you that this post has no sense since i can level a frame from 0 to 30 with cheap weapons (potatoed) and rare mods and experience. hey im awesome and everyone has the same advantages like me.

Edited by Gem145
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I just saw you're pretty good at maths.

So Sobek's initial damage before 2 consecutive buffs was 40, then it was increased to 65.

And now it's on 100 damage.

My Sobek has 160% Armor Piercing damage and all that stuff that you just described there.

And there is still people claiming that it is an useless weapon bla bla bla.

Lets suppose that my Sobek does 500 damage per shell. So 500x20 = 10 000 damage per clip.

Put some Reload speed into it and we've got???


Dude, you fail at math. Sorry, just saying.


Sobek does 100 (25x4).


Hell's Chamber = 25x8, which is 200.


Point Blank = 90% Increased Damage.

Blaze = 60% Increased Damage.


Point Blank + Blaze = 150% Increased Damage.


200 + 150% (which is 300) = 500 TOTAL.


That is, 62.5x8. Not 10,000.


EDIT: Okay, so I misread. Per Entire Clip? Okay, sure. Assuming all pellets hit, sure. Other guns will do similar.


I never said Sobek was a bad gun, I'm saying that you're using ridiculously overpowered combinations and then saying the game is so easy is stupid.


EDIT2: http://cdn.meme.li/instances/300x300/39709961.jpg


In this case, replace Ogris with Sobek+Nightmare Mods+Hell's Chamber.

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hello, i am a veteran , telling you that this post has no sense since i can level a frame from 0 to 30 with cheap weapons (potatoed) and rare mods and experience. hey im awesome and everyone has the same advantages like me.


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Dude, you fail at math. Sorry, just saying.


Sobek does 100 (25x4).


Hell's Chamber = 25x8, which is 200.


Point Blank = 90% Increased Damage.

Blaze = 60% Increased Damage.


Point Blank + Blaze = 150% Increased Damage.


200 + 150% (which is 300) = 500 TOTAL.


That is, 62.5x8. Not 10,000.

per shell. a shell holds 500 damage so a full clip has a 10 000 damage potential or even more.

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