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Solo Is Now Dull , And Not Rewarding Enough . Get A Squad For A Far More Easy Game.


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Problem.  I have an Ember I'd like to build.  I can't do Neptune, not even the easiest of missions, the Exterminate ones, because I have not been lucky enough with the mods to actually get the damage output I need.  I have been upping my Excalibur's defensive options like crazy, and I still die.  And I've charged with the Orokin Reactor.


I solo, and the difficulty is a little nuts.


You pretty much need Boltor or Braton with Split Chamber, Serration, and some elemental damage mods (Ammo Drum helps too) with at least halfway charged (maxing Split Chamber too if you can).


Otherwise, eh no. you're not going to really get anywhere on Neptune because someone decided "LOL LET'S MAKE IT Lv50 EVEN THOUGH IT WAS Lv15-20!!"


And it is like


"Sorry for you poor suckers who didn't get that Warframe from Neptune's boss during U8 when it was much easier! Just buy platinum if you want it!"

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FYI the OP must suck really hard if he cant even solo simple missions anymore. As for the rewards, they are fine. The game is not difficult enough to say that its impossible to solo missions anymore nor should we change the rewards for missions to please the noobs. I have had no problem solo'ing standard missions even with newly unranked warframe and unranked weapons equipped. You should not be queuing by yourself for defense and boss missions anyways.


Yeah, because getting the same rewards from a Level 1 mission as you do a Level 20 mission is OK, huh?


*rolls eyes*


Do a Level 1 Capture.... you get either Quickdraw, Large Health Restore (wooo what, 100 health?), Fast Hands,and... I think very small chance of Banshee Chassis that I've gotten 10 of).


Do a Level 20 Capture. You get either Quickdraw, Large Health Restore, Fast Hands, and the small chance at Banshee Chassis.


This makes no farking sense whatsoever, as a Lv20 mission is a hell of a lot harder than a Lv1 mission. But you get the very same reward. Pretty much same mods. Except Fusion cores, you get Rank1 fusion cores instead of Rank3. Woo.

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IMO: Put all the Elitist Players in Nightmare, and let us casuals have normal.


If they think it is "OMG TOO EASY" when they have maxed out *bleeep*, then just shove em all into Nightmare so they can stop whining already. Let them fight Level 150 stuff if they so want.

I second this opinion. Whining about YOUR (hardcore elitist) lack of challenge doesn't mean that everyone else should have to suffer for the sakes of your enjoyment. In fact, you should be made to suffer even more on nightmare than it is now. After all, you did want a REAL challenge, no?


Live up to your own statements of bravado, and petition DE to make more enemies spawn with higher levels on co-op, scaling with numbers of players, while the soloers and casuals can actually enjoy mobile defense (and the rest of the game too).


I'm sure DE would be happy to oblige you.

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Honestly, the problem with satisfying online players is the way defense missions scale right now. I played with a great pub group yesterday for the forma alert, everyone was decent, no trolling, did their bit etc etc.


We wiped the mobs out so easily it was ridiculous. We ground them into the floor. 


When I was doing the mission solo, I couldn't even kill a charger with one headshot.


As you say, co-op difficulty is non-existent and will continue to be that way if co-op hardcore players are allowed to get away with saying 'why should my enemy mobs be too hard to beat in co-op? But let the solo players have a harder time.'


The way it worked in U8 was fine. More players, higher level enemies, harder to beat. It's a reasonable expectation that the game will feed you a higher quantity and quality of enemies if you're working in a group, regardless if you are prepared for them.


Imo, co-op difficulty already existed before U9. You'd just have to endless defense Pluto.

The mobs in Co-op should not be "harder" because they are put up 15 levels, the mobs should have an AI that let them fight 4 players. That is what i think is the problem here. As a singleplayer they will always at all times, go after you. As 4 players this pressure is spread upon 4 different targets. Meaning people will naturally survive easier.

We need enemies that attack us in a way that make us work together when playing co-operative, because right now, the difficulty is only stat based. It's like a rollercoaster with a height limit. You need to be this badass to complete this map. If you are less by 25% you need a group. But if only one person is that badass, he just rips away the fun from others (U8 Vor).

That is what i think is the problem, because right now, it's like our difficulty is either restricting us in what we can do (Weapon restrictions anyone?) and just putting more stats on enemies. ofcourse the enemies will become impossible to kill past a certain point because every enemy is so much stronger, statistically then you that you cannot win.

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Yeah, because getting the same rewards from a Level 1 mission as you do a Level 20 mission is OK, huh?


*rolls eyes*


Do a Level 1 Capture.... you get either Quickdraw, Large Health Restore (wooo what, 100 health?), Fast Hands,and... I think very small chance of Banshee Chassis that I've gotten 10 of).


Do a Level 20 Capture. You get either Quickdraw, Large Health Restore, Fast Hands, and the small chance at Banshee Chassis.


This makes no farking sense whatsoever, as a Lv20 mission is a hell of a lot harder than a Lv1 mission. But you get the very same reward. Pretty much same mods. Except Fusion cores, you get Rank1 fusion cores instead of Rank3. Woo.

The game is not challenging enough to change the mission rewards. Go do boss missions or void runs if you want better mission rewards, but I will NOT have you "noobs" crying and having the game catered to your liking. It doesnt work like that and nor should it.

Edited by Tresskzilla
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You guys need to slow down, when it get's harder you need to pay more attention to what is happening.

That is the point of difficulty, you have start from the beginning and learn new tactics.

The issue is not speed.  I'm slow.  I'm incredibly slow compared to most people.  I clean out a room, make sure nothing's wrong, then move on.


But the game has this relatively quick respawn rate which makes me HAVE to rush, or get swamped.  And getting swamped with say...  Infested usually means I end up dead FAST.

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The game is not challenging enough to change the mission rewards. Go do boss missions or void runs if you want better mission rewards, but I will NOT have you "noobs" crying and having the game catered to your liking. It doesnt work like that and nor should it.


I don't know of any other game out there that gives Lv1 content the same rewards as Lv20 content.


I seriously, seriously don't.


I can't name a single one.


I'm not asking for Split Chambers, Hell's Chambers, and Barrel Diffusions to fall out of the sky from Lv20 Raid/Capture, but could we please move past the Quickdraw/Fast Hands mods? Large Health Restores? Are you Kidding me? 100 health won't last you 3 seconds once your shield goes down at that level.


I'm sure there are other, slightly better mods to get from Lv15-30 content that's better than Fast Hands and Quickdraw. Or even if it was DIFFERENT mods. Seeing those same two (oh, and I forget, Magazine Warp/Trick Mag) gets old. "Gee, why did I slog my way through a Lv20 mission when I could get the same damn thing from Mercury with not even a 10th of the effort?"


Even the XP acquired isn't even proportional -- you get like 65xp from killing a lancer at Lv1. You get, what, 69 from killing a Lv20 lancer that does 3x as much damage and has 3x as much health? lol?

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Alright...here's some things I want to touch on.


It was said that there was content that existed that the casual crowd could not solo and that it was "wrong". That statement itself is wrong, the pro community needs a way to stand out from the rest, beyond just dueling in the dojos. In fact, this kind of needs to be taken further, to the point that casual squads can not complete certain content. Not because of too many numbers or not enough numbers, but due to sheer skill requirements.


Another thing that was touched on was that there was "no reward" for doing "harder" content. Problem with this, is that there is. Not only do enemies give better exp, but their drop rates, and drop amounts change as you fight higher level enemies. Feel free to test this. Pay attention to however often x resource drops and how much of it you get on average on a lower level planet, and compare it to a higher level planet.


On the touch of difficulty should come from more intelligent AI instead of just throwing large numbers of enemies at you...I only agree partially. They both have their place, they both should exist in the game.


Now when it comes to mission types, there are certain ones that exist that are just flatout harder and/or designed for certain frames. These are defense and mobile defense missions. Unless you're that special frame, I suggest you find friends or at least go online. You may call this a problem, but honestly, the frames specialize in certain aspects for a reason. I really don't want to see it all become &*$$genized.


As to you, yourself OP. From what you've said it would appear to me that you have not taken the time to level your basic mods up. Having additional ammo is great and all, but you need less ammo if mods like Serration and Hornet Strike are leveled up. The next step is making sure you're nailing weakpoints, this also greatly reduces your ammo dependency. Now if you're complaining that you're running out of ammo while using something like twin vipers, I'm going to hit you. You mentioned a bow at one point, snipers are another known type for running out of ammo, for a couple reasons: low ammo cap and rare-ish drop rate on additional ammo. Though since you're using a sniper, you should be 1-2 shotting your enemies, if you're not, you need higher level mods, otherwise ammo will indeed be a problem. Also, refusing to melee in this game is kind of a problem if you're having ammo issues. You may prefer to use guns(like I do), but sometimes you just need to use it to get through the mission, ideally before you're forced to only using melee. To prevent this altogether, your weapon must simply be better equipped. You don't need level 10 serration to be at this point either, hell level 5 might even be overkill, I personally only run with level 2(though my elemental mods are typically 3-5).


If you're still deadset on claiming the game is impossible to solo with frames other than the top 3-5...give me a mission(i refuse to do defense/mobile) and I'll record the run for you as a Mag that's not using rank 30 weapons.


On the offnote of Dark Souls....if my cousin whom I consider mentally handicapped at games can beat that game, I have trouble calling it a difficult game. He brought it over once and in the 15 minutes I actually got to play it(instead of watching him fail), I was able to pretty much dismiss it as overrated. Feel free to hate on me about it, but it only seems to not hold your hand, as opposed to actually being difficult. Most games these days hold your hand, some even pull you in tight and mostly play it for you...both of these are easy, and just because a game doesn't do these things doesn't make it "hard"...there's another difficulty level between easy and hard in most games ;p

its your right to say what you want about a game that i mentioned. im not going to bring up older games so dark souls was a good example for my post. and this game has flaws too. Dark souls is rather easy because you can pretty much look for a guide on internet and get help from there. Warframe is also the same thing. just get to the internet, look for a guide with a dude stating that has a Frost and its more easy to get through the game with it and you are all done. IM PLAYING THIS GAME WITH FROST BECAUSE PROS PLAY IT AND IT WILL BE MORE USEFUL LATE GAME.

just think about it. im not saying make it easier , just make a fair challenge. make it hard . make it painful , but in a smart way. not making it like a serious sam rip-off. 


So, let me try to understand this. You want to solo a team game, basically not playing it how it is supposed to be played... BUT you are not good enough to manage the "high level" content, therefor it needs to be easier? Enjoy the challenge and get better.

oh , that is so hardcore . let me add it to the list of $&*&*#(%& comments.

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The new aura system allows you to get 11 max mods on a frame with no forma or potato.


Yup, this patch definitely hurt 'casuals'.../sarcasm


Yeah, too bad anything other than Rush, Marathon and Quick Rest are rare as hell and hard to get, eh?


Well, ok Steel Fiber (which is useless on many frames due to it being a % bonus) Vitality and Redirection drop......sometimes. Once you get them up to Rank4 or so... it starts taking dozens, then hundreds of mods to rank it up a single time. And they don't cost a lot (until you rank them up highly, which most newbies/casuals can't do).


Most Newbies and Casuals didn't need extra slots. They needed freaking Mods, not Slots.


EDIT: Just to give you an idea of what it is like to be a newbie since you guys don't seem to remember: For the longest time I didn't even need a Potato in my Warframe, because It was Lv30, and it had mod slots left over because I had nothing to stick in those except for Marathon/Rush/Quick Rest. That's with Redirection, Vitality and Steel Fiber equipped.


But then that was back when a couple of Rhino's Skills were considered "meh" before they updated him. Still.

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You pretty much need Boltor or Braton with Split Chamber, Serration, and some elemental damage mods (Ammo Drum helps too) with at least halfway charged (maxing Split Chamber too if you can).


Otherwise, eh no. you're not going to really get anywhere on Neptune because someone decided "LOL LET'S MAKE IT Lv50 EVEN THOUGH IT WAS Lv15-20!!"


And it is like


"Sorry for you poor suckers who didn't get that Warframe from Neptune's boss during U8 when it was much easier! Just buy platinum if you want it!"

I've got Serration, but nothing else has ever dropped for me, because the other missions I've tried pre-9 Update, I kept dying on.  I admit it, I'm not very good.

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You pretty much need Boltor or Braton with Split Chamber, Serration, and some elemental damage mods (Ammo Drum helps too) with at least halfway charged (maxing Split Chamber too if you can).


Otherwise, eh no. you're not going to really get anywhere on Neptune because someone decided "LOL LET'S MAKE IT Lv50 EVEN THOUGH IT WAS Lv15-20!!"


And it is like


"Sorry for you poor suckers who didn't get that Warframe from Neptune's boss during U8 when it was much easier! Just buy platinum if you want it!"


i should add that to the list of problems. a lof of useless weapons in the game now.

and i dont want to start with the platinum topic , that is way too deep into the S#&$storm

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You can please one group or the other it is impossible to please both.


Personally I have zero problem soloing most content including pluto and the like but I do have a maxed out and completely polarized rhino. I understand not everyone has what I have in terms of mods and frame but I am still a little partial to how it is now (post-update 9). Update 8 felt more like a chore than a challenge to me. It had gotten to the point where I was making stupid restrictions on myself to liven it up a bit when I solo'ed. I would personally like it to get more difficult but that would probably anger some people quite a bit, and I can understand why. I am trying to be as calm and reasonable as possible about this but I really do not want difficulty nerfed. Nightmare mode right now is not all that challenging either (its not all they chalked it up to be at least for me).


I am just worried about if they nerf the difficulty once it becomes a slippery slope where anyone can face roll anything. Power creep becomes a real issue when that happens as DE than has to pump out more content and than nerf it so that everyone can experience it. There has to be a dividing line somewhere. Not everyone can do all the content. Accept your limits and please do not try and have the content brought to a lower level but instead try to reach that content through a bit more effort than you had to put in before.

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You can please one group or the other it is impossible to please both.


Personally I have zero problem soloing most content including pluto and the like but I do have a maxed out and completely polarized rhino. I understand not everyone has what I have in terms of mods and frame but I am still a little partial to how it is now (post-update 9). Update 8 felt more like a chore than a challenge to me. It had gotten to the point where I was making stupid restrictions on myself to liven it up a bit when I solo'ed. I would personally like it to get more difficult but that would probably anger some people quite a bit, and I can understand why. I am trying to be as calm and reasonable as possible about this but I really do not want difficulty nerfed. Nightmare mode right now is not all that challenging either (its not all they chalked it up to be at least for me).


I am just worried about if they nerf the difficulty once it becomes a slippery slope where anyone can face roll anything. Power creep becomes a real issue when that happens as DE than has to pump out more content and than nerf it so that everyone can experience it. There has to be a dividing line somewhere. Not everyone can do all the content. Accept your limits and please do not try and have the content brought to a lower level but instead try to reach that content through a bit more effort than you had to put in before.

You put in the work, so you deserve the reward.


Even if they don't nerf the current difficulty, soloing defense/mobile is really hard compared to all the other missions where you have a lot more freedom to move around. I support making nightmare mode scaling harder, but with a toggle switch, not the randomized way they have it now.


It's hard to please everyone, but not impossible with a proper scaling system.

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You put in the work, so you deserve the reward.


Even if they don't nerf the current difficulty, soloing defense/mobile is really hard compared to all the other missions where you have a lot more freedom to move around. I support making nightmare mode scaling harder, but with a toggle switch, not the randomized way they have it now.


I logged thinking "I'll do a Vor run or two maybe get one of the Seer parts!"


*Sees Skull on Tolstoj*




Guess I'll do a run of E Prime instead......


In that E Prime run, I got a Rare Mod.


What was it?


Vital Sense. *rolls eyes*


Got two Uncommon Mods. What were they? Target Cracker and I forget the other one, it was kinda stupid.


What is the game's OBSESSION with +Critical Hit/Damage Mods, when they are useless on 90% of the weapons?

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I've been soloing just fine with my Saryn, Mag, Ash, Nova, Frost, Loki, and Ember since the update.  Haven't gotten around to playing with my Trinity or Vauban yet, but I can't imagine having issues playing with either of them...


Currently solo farming Xini with my Nova to rank her up and try to get a banshee helmet.


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You put in the work, so you deserve the reward.


Even if they don't nerf the current difficulty, soloing defense/mobile is really hard compared to all the other missions where you have a lot more freedom to move around. I support making nightmare mode scaling harder, but with a toggle switch, not the randomized way they have it now.


It's hard to please everyone, but not impossible without a proper scaling system.

I would be down for the ability to toggle nightmare mode on/off for all missions. It would make it so that Mercury would not destroy fresh players (tbh I have found myself going straight to nightmare on mercury to try and help herd them through). Toggle for the modes would help quite a bit for me as well because some missions are extremely boring on nightmare as it seems the RNG favors particular planets, especially Tol.

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This happens after like every update. It's a matter of selfishness, not lack of Co-op. I've been playing with people far more now in my clan. I keep using my void keys so they can get parts they need and I can get mods I want.


You are saying it like its easy to find a squad or everyone has the time to follow you on the mission you want. 

i dont mind getting dragged into impossible missions with a squad. i even lend a hand to new members of the clan if they need help with AGAIN, TOO DIFFICULT MISSIONS TO BE HANDLE BY THEMSELVES.

im just saying that solo is stupidly hard and making it like serious sam is going to make it worse. damn it people , read the post before commenting 


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oh my jeebus that is a long post. if i wasnt heavily medicated i would read it O_O my support goes for the snippet about tactical grineer groups! too freaking easy to kill when they go "DERP LEMEE GO HIDE BEHIND THAT THERE WALL FOR COV-GRRRktbleh*cut in half*" no idea if the ai can handle tactics and what not. but whatever LETS DO ITTTT

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just think about it. im not saying make it easier , just make a fair challenge. make it hard . make it painful , but in a smart way. not making it like a serious sam rip-off.

Never played serious sam so I'm not sure of the frame of reference. Though I have a few questions, what makes it not a fair challenge? I mean I understand that you're looking for intelligent enemies, but rather than completely redoing the entire system, why don't we just add the missing piece? Or do you think that cannon fodder has no place in difficulty? Because I assure you, it does.

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oh my jeebus that is a long post. if i wasnt heavily medicated i would read it O_O my support goes for the snippet about tactical grineer groups! too freaking easy to kill when they go "DERP LEMEE GO HIDE BEHIND THAT THERE WALL FOR COV-GRRRktbleh*cut in half*" no idea if the ai can handle tactics and what not. but whatever LETS DO ITTTT


Oh jesus , you should come back later and read it, because you are too drunk to stay in this post. haha


Never played serious sam so I'm not sure of the frame of reference. Though I have a few questions, what makes it not a fair challenge? I mean I understand that you're looking for intelligent enemies, but rather than completely redoing the entire system, why don't we just add the missing piece? Or do you think that cannon fodder has no place in difficulty? Because I assure you, it does.


Read the post.

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 Or do you think that cannon fodder has no place in difficulty? Because I assure you, it does.

In all fairness, they're not that bad. They're not stormtroopers.


But I do laugh when a lancer can start shooting at me before his gun is even aimed at me. It's like he's thinking 'Oh no, Tenno! Better shoot before I even aim because it's likely I'll miss anyway!'

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Hmm, I didn't notice any change in enemy numbers, 150-300 kills per mission on account of massive spawns was the norm for me back in early update 8. As fo the ability to do the big 3; Eris, Ceres, Pluto, that's not a bad thing. The enemy level is effectively the difficulty slider in this game so attempting to do the highest level missions in the game and complaining about finding them too difficult is like starting up Halo, playing on legendary and complaining that it's too difficult and legendary difficulty should be easier. The only things that those high level planets offer are specific bosses and increased difficulty. Everything else is the same on the lower levels so just play at a level you're comfortable with.

Also as a side-note, since update 9 I started a new suit and weapon set from scratch using only mods I picked up along the way, I haven't encountered anything super difficult and I just finished Jupiter which goes up to 30-35 on it's toughest mission.

Short Version: The early game difficulty is fine and the endgame 3 planets are for experienced players. If you do not count yourself an experienced player, don't play them. It's the equivelant of turning a game to the highest difficulty and wondering why it's not suited for beginners.

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