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Question For The F2P'ers, From A Grandmaster


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The suits powered by AM - look at the frame - those things on her back?  The thing on her head from her alt helmet? Their is a tiny piece of suspended AM in each.  They are reactors.  The powers aren't exactly manifestations of AM itself and even if it were Gordan Freeman Jr. - its a game get over it.  Frost? lulz wats thermo dynamics?! Ember? hahaha wats entropy? -__- The whole community got its butt hurt over Nova bc they're caught up on trying to out nerd each other on their minuscule knowledge of antimatter. 


Also, look into Non-orientable wormholes.  Need a way to make AM for your gens yeah?  Well what if a frame could do that....well the same frame could also likely make a regular worm hole via space magic.  Because its a video game.  


Trying to say DC doesn't exist bc you think that if everybody got to vote you'd get better results is flawed - DC has literally thousands of members which vote on each poll now.  I get tired of getting flack from people without decent reason to do so.

Funny thing about Thermodynamics is that it doesn't even hold up when you look at the Sun. It burns white hot, just a bit under 10,000 degrees Faren...whatever. Yet the solar flares that crop up and become millions of degrees, making them thousands of times hotter than the source that created them. Our knowledge of physics is hardly absolute, it's only based off what little we've observed of our own planet and what's around us. We've only recently discovered galaxies so large that physics says they shouldn't exist, blackholes larger than our entire solar system and whatnot. Hell, even VY Canis Majoris, the largest known star in our galaxy is... what is, big enough to fit 8 septillion Earths inside of it? Something like that. That's the largest known star in our Galaxy, and our Galaxy is pretty dang small compared to others.
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No... and No... and defintily No....


300 plus rep no....


If anything it should be 1000-1500 post

Must have started 5 topics that had at least 5 post from 5 other players minimum.

Have approval of community Moderator

Must have their account IP address compared to other accounts and only one with the same IP may be allowed to vote.

Must have an ingame Mastery rank of 6


That is what they should have.

You are crazy paranoid dude.

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Funny thing about Thermodynamics is that it doesn't even hold up when you look at the Sun. It burns white hot, just a bit under 10,000 degrees Faren...whatever. Yet the solar flares that crop up and become millions of degrees, making them thousands of times hotter than the source that created them. Our knowledge of physics is hardly absolute, it's only based off what little we've observed of our own planet and what's around us. We've only recently discovered galaxies so large that physics says they shouldn't exist, blackholes larger than our entire solar system and whatnot. Hell, even VY Canis Majoris, the largest known star in our galaxy is... what is, big enough to fit 8 septillion Earths inside of it? Something like that. That's the largest known star in our Galaxy, and our Galaxy is pretty dang small compared to others.

Finish reading the thread, see my other post.  You're merely reaffirming my points.  Thank you. 

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Funny thing about Thermodynamics is that it doesn't even hold up when you look at the Sun. It burns white hot, just a bit under 10,000 degrees Faren...whatever. Yet the solar flares that crop up and become millions of degrees, making them thousands of times hotter than the source that created them. Our knowledge of physics is hardly absolute, it's only based off what little we've observed of our own planet and what's around us. We've only recently discovered galaxies so large that physics says they shouldn't exist, blackholes larger than our entire solar system and whatnot. Hell, even VY Canis Majoris, the largest known star in our galaxy is... what is, big enough to fit 8 septillion Earths inside of it? Something like that. That's the largest known star in our Galaxy, and our Galaxy is pretty dang small compared to others.

Well I imagine dev coucil has less random thread derails like this one.

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If I'm going to be honest, the design council is just a lazy way to try and get "good feedback" while also garnering payments.


The problem being, a $100 fee does not mean the person paying it will in any shape or form provide good feedback, as I said in one of my previous threads which had a whooping 5 replies because it was quite long, and we all know the ADHD generation can only read text in the form of cat pictures with size 48 impact font text, it actually means their feedback is potentially worse. (and no it does not have anything to do with "rich kiddies" or having too much disposable income. I say this before anyone strawmans it into "you hate rich people")


If DE wanted to have a little group of people who give feedback, they should pin-point these people themselves, and/or ask their moderators, that's the only way they will have a "secret feedback club" that is worth a damn.

Edited by SetAbominae
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I'm fine with letting the council be viewed by everyone, if nothing else it will stop the miss information about what the council actually has control over.


I do agree voting should be restricted.


Keep in mind that not all council members have a prefrence of input or ideas themselves (I chose not to vote in a few of the Nova polls because no argumests realy sold me and I had no personal prefrence).  Make a good coherant idea or argument and we may feel your idea has merit and post it instead of our own (assuming we even have one). This way you can get a say too at a point it can make a difference.


Having the base information open can only help in getting the ideas out there without having an infinite number of them when it comes for DE to choose or round up the results.  Limited access keeps these kinds of things manageable for DE.

Edited by Loswaith
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There's honestly no point in having early access information, I generally find out about design council information outside of it, they might as well just put the early access stuff in news since it's going to pop up in general discussion 30 mins later anyway.


However, seeing how big and derailed some of the idea threads get in the design council it's probably not a bad idea to keep it master/grandmaster only especially of how many bad ideas and recycled ideas are constantly used, it probably helps keep the traffic down when they sift through the feedback (you'd be surprised how many times the same name was suggested for the antimatter frame and how many abilities were simply rehashes of what somebody posted before).

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My thought is Dev Council is ok by me, i mean if you payed you should have an opinion in the game as far as new content coming and stuff, but they should not keep it secret


What i dont understand is why they havent made Council forum public as far as view/reading wise, you can do that, you can set a specific forum to be view by everyone but to post on that forum you need to be a specific rank (and yes you can do that, and you can set different rank, and group privileges, ect)

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like democracy?


masters/grandmasters = the representatives


f2p dudes = the people in which the reps should be in favor of?


I mean not a complete 100% democracy, but when f2p players can at least know about what the options are, the masters and grandmasters can (if they want to) form their vote based on more than just because they have the ability to.


For example the masters/grandmasters can sacrifice their vote for the f2p majority/minority in a sense :/


tonights insomnie is makin me feel philosophical, so ignore this post if its not making any sense whatsoever

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I still believe that those who gave their money to the game should have a higher priority in choosing/selecting/suggesting game content, after all, they want the game to succeed otherwise they loosed money.


I don't really care about not being able to see the new features or having the chance to select them. why? Quite simple. The Glaive was suggested by me and a bunch of other NON-FOUNDER/council members in the first place, then, a council member decided to post it on the council forum, and now, we have the glaive, a 99% non-council member suggestion.


Ii think you got my point.


Council is just a quicker "decision" forum.

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The whole "early info" thing needs to be abolished, ALL players should have the right to know what's being developed. Only the voting such as for a new Frame's name or ability set should be kept behind the paywall of Design Council.

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the guys that support the game need to have more exclusive  things!

Ouch. Not the point of my thread. Dev Council needs to have LESS exclusive things. Let the gaming community as a whole get the Early Information, and maybe a few polls for themselves.

Edited by LeucienWeaver
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dont be that guy people


Ive put 40$ into warframe and countless into tf2


I lovem to death


but really need to stop the whole F2P'er crap vs elitist rich and english


its anoying


thats all i have to say. Money doesnt = player value

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Um, we can all agreed that the Masters/Grand Masters are very serious about this game, and wanted it to be something awesome in the future. Based on what you have done to this game (supported it with $100 or more, which is still a lot of money for a game), you will seriously vote on your most honest opinion of what you think about this game. This is how DE determined which group of players are truly serious about Warframe.

This is by no means saying that F2P-ers are less important, but it will be more complicated for DE since this group is less likely to be serious about the outcome of this game's future. As a Master I won't quit this game anytime soon, and will continue to support this game. The Founders are the representative of the players, and I don't see why not, we did pay quite a sum of money that I worked hard for to earn this right?

Edited by LastToDie
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dont be that guy people


Ive put 40$ into warframe and countless into tf2


I lovem to death


but really need to stop the whole F2P'er crap vs elitist rich and english


its anoying


thats all i have to say. Money doesnt = player value

My use of the phrase 'free to play' has upset a few people, and know that it was not my intent. I had tried to think of a way to address the non-council players as a whole without being abrasive, and I had failed. As for the rest of your your post, especially your last line, I agree wholeheartedly, and you'd see that should you look through the rest of the thread and see the conversations that were about your exact ideal.

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I don't get it. If all the information is being leaked already, what does it matter? If people want to find out what's going on with the development of future updates, they'll find it.


Also, I wouldn't mind if they included F2P players in the polls, but I think it would just be too hard to manage. Like you said, people could just make alts or find some other way to tilt the scales. Plus, when founders signed up, they payed for the ability to shape the games future. Passing that out for free after these purchases have been made could be seen as quite an unfair move to a large portion of the paying customers; and the last thing you want to do as a developer is make your source of funding angry.

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Cryous, it matters because it forces the non-council community to ask their friends, their clanmates, or look online for leaked information, outside of the Warframe forums usually. Why should they have to do that? Let them see right here, where the council does, so that they can look at the polls, look at the sandboxes, and voice their opinions in a forum devoted to their own opinions on the dev council votes/polls.

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Hmm, I'll be honest, I didn't realise the council forum was hidden, it really shouldn't be. DE, I suspect, uses a certain level of account in polls as these accounts are more likely to be owned by "serious" players, rather than accounts started purely to change poll results. Can't think of any reason not to open important polls to everyone, but it's DE's toy, not mine.


Also to the guy complaining about rich kids, I bought my own account purely because I enjoy the game and I had spare cash sitting about. I'm likely at least 10 years older than you too (33 ftw !)

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I wouldn't object to all Warframe players being able to view what it is the Design Council are discussing and voting on for implementation, and I've put a fair amount of money into the game, mind. It can be argued that people who aren't part of the Council can see what's forthcoming via leaks from its own members, but if people are so concerned about the game's future, distant or near, I don't see a reason why they can't access that material from the game site.


On that note, it's not as though the leaked material is shoved in one's face, and I don't think efforts are made to conceal the content on the various sites it's uploaded to. Titles to pages, or links written as "New/Upcoming/Concept: (insert item/character name here)" come to mind. So I guess what I'm saying, OP, is I agree.

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