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Color Months!


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Alright all you Tenno out there I got a idea for you! Every month there is some sort of celebration or holiday or special time, and we are gonna show our support to that time by colors! Now this is not mandatory but let's say it's a new idea for our FashionFrame Players.

Every month is a new color celebration. This idea was brought on in a relay when we all joked and turned our Warframes Black and Pink. What goes with Pink? Breast Cancer Awareness. 

So Here are some ideas for month color groups as of right now.

if you got any suggestion let me know and I'll add them. Let's see if we can all participate in this at some point!

January: Nno active Colors

February: Reds and Pinks, let's get some love.

March: Wear your green or get pinched!

April: No active Colors

May: No active Colors

June: How bout some cool Blues and Greens for summer time.

July: Red, White, and Blues for our July.

August: Blacks and greys for that time of Dread, school starts back up.

September: how bout some Orange, Reds, and Yellows for fall.

October: Orange for our Halloween Spirt!/Pinks for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

November: How bought some Brown and Greens for that colorful turkey?

December: Reds and Green cause CHRISTMAS

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