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Should Nightmare Mode Be Yolo?


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Alright, seriously guys, this is a serious topic. YOLO is there so the title isn't so long. But, really now? Come on that's two of those in a row. It would add more challenge to the game if you only had one life.


EDIT: 4 in a row.

Edited by CoreyAK47
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I say it as mockery to those that say it seriously. Am I in the idiot group? :c


“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.”




But I think you're doing it right ;)

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And the thread idea is? xD

Well, it WAS to discuss the possibility of an added difficulty to nightmare mode where you only have one life meaning you cannot use revives, increasing the difficulty exponentially as you struggle with Vampire mode or just lack of health.


Apparently now it's about the acronym.

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Nightmare mode is a bit buggy right now.

It seems like grineer lancers can oneshot people from across the map and a lot of unfair deaths happen because of elevators or long runs with no enemies. 

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Nightmare mode as Permadeath? I already destroyed one of these threads today.

A single mission should not decide whether or not you lose your character.

If we have the option to start a Hardcore character(Dies once/no team revives) it should be on its own separate 'account', where it starts on Mercury, and works its way up. Upon death, it either 1) gets taken out of the game completely, 2) you get compensated in Normal mode for your achievements, or 3) That character's mods, and in some cases weapons get added to your Normal mode account.

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Nightmare mode as Permadeath? I already destroyed one of these threads today.

A single mission should not decide whether or not you lose your character.

If we have the option to start a Hardcore character(Dies once/no team revives) it should be on its own separate 'account', where it starts on Mercury, and works its way up. Upon death, it either 1) gets taken out of the game completely, 2) you get compensated in Normal mode for your achievements, or 3) That character's mods, and in some cases weapons get added to your Normal mode account.

I wasn't speaking about losing a character. I was talking about dying once then Mission Failed as if you had no revives. Obviously the theme of this thread went downhill at the time of posting anyway, at least you kept on topic.. 


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stop being asshats... so what if he coined "Yolo." It's not going to kill you to ignore it.


As for OP Nightmare shifts like alerts, so that would be unfair if one wanted to run a mission but it had nightmare on it and they didn't want to die once and be done. If there were Tiered difficulties, a "one life" function would be part of a higher difficulty.


As we cant really rank up past 60 (unless you've forma'd the hell out of your gear and maxed auras), everything is based in one level based difficulty, plus random alerts and Nightmare mode.


In short, no.

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Well, it WAS to discuss the possibility of an added difficulty to nightmare mode where you only have one life meaning you cannot use revives, increasing the difficulty exponentially as you struggle with Vampire mode or just lack of health.


Apparently now it's about the acronym.

Pretty sure Scott or Steve said in the livestream to PM them with new ideas for additional factors in nightmare mode. I imagine they will implementing a few additional ways for it to function, besides what they already stated how they were going to change it in the future.


Anyone who uses the acronym YOLO gets what they deserve.

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