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July 19Th: Community Hot Topics


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T1 and T2 keys are pretty rare considering.... Some items only come from those and they are hard to find.

Asking a maxed out, potatoed/forma'd hero to farm Kiliken level 10 defense is not a nice way to encourage us to play :)

It's sooooo boring!

IMO if you have a T3 Exterminate key, you should be able to voluntarily lower the level to 2 or 1 to suit your fancy.

Edited by JadsiaDax
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5. General Mod Pool


Resistances? Handsprings? We're seeing a lot of continued feedback on what people consider to be useless mods, or mods that should not be mods at all. This is a continued discussion here on what kinds of things we want to be customizable with our mod system.


I like the idea of being able to salvage some mods I do not need for store credit if possible.


Otherwise, I love this game and will continue to support it.

Edited by GlamGrave
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6. Clan Emblems sans preview?


I think people have a good point that they would like to see what their emblem will look like before it is uploaded. Will make this request known on our end, stay tuned for developments in this area. In the meantime, we will work on putting up an image of "what your emblem will look like" so we can assist in our players getting the desired emblem. For example, what it will look like if you upload a 128 x 128 .png that is photo-realistic vs. black and white symbol. Workin' on this right now!

Tada: 99WSa1u.png

Both of the images uploaded are 128 x 128 .png with a transparent background. This is how they render in game.


but how do you upload a clan emblem?

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Many friends have been grinding for blueprints and each of them has ones the other wants.

Something to allow inner clan tradeing at the very least.






Pretty Please With A Cherry On Top!

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V polarities on the Frame mods are in short supply, Frame mods tend to be ALOT of Bars or Defense polarities, yet the V polarity is a pretty prolific default.
 Stretch for example, is classified as Bar yet... It's a pretty offensive style buff, increasing your attack range.
I think that's the real problem is So many Frame mods are just getting lumped into the Bar/Defense catergories
and those of you wondering
15 = Defense mods
11 = Bar Mods
3 = V mods
That's a spilt of
52% Defense
38% Bar
10% V


That's a glaring inconsistency on mod types... I mean a couple of the Bar could be changed to V, and few of the defenses could be switched to Bar and vice versa but the V field in frame mods is low for no real reason.

Edited by FrostWolf
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Many friends have been grinding for blueprints and each of them has ones the other wants.

Something to allow inner clan tradeing at the very least.






Pretty Please With A Cherry On Top!

I believe Vor's consignment store is their answer (or at least Steve's answer) to trading. Where you can put things up for "sale" and others can come in and purchase it, plus you may be able to business with the store owner as well. though i'm not sure it'll be Vor himself...lol...but in essence, it'll be like the old guy from resident evil 4, except with global exchanges between players also being available.

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feel like adding trading would ruin this game,if there was trading then mods bp and alot stuff would be common and eventually a big surplus thus need get rid of this   which might lead to repair system were u  gotta repair guns frames   and  may be even mods    they would have max dura then   each repair takes away little bit that max dura till gone. trading would ruin need to collect stuff..... cause then there be to much of everything that would need be looked at    

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4 some reason in the obstacle course no 1 can wall run and wall climb i've been told it was a glitch and its just annoying when will they fix the glitch?



also y  do we have 2 buy platnium with real money i mean thats not really fair because then u have 2 get the stuff 4 blueprints and it takes 4ever y cant we not use real money 2 buy platnium then non founders (like me) have a chance at getting more stuff 

Edited by coolguydj1
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Please try fixing problems with joining alerts/groups and even missions in general as a priority update. It gets very old very quick having to log in/log out constantly to try reset everything and hope that one of the times you try it, the game just might let you join a group.

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I would give anything for another Frost prime BP event... those T3 Exterminates hate me. On top of that, everyone wants to do the new keys, and I cant seem to get a T3 Exterm to drop at defense misions any more. 

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NIghtmare mode definitely still needs tweaking. The new mode that just removes all sheilds makes a lot of the missions borderline impossible. 

I play a lot of solo and find every time i get nightmare mode i have no sheilds making it pretty much impossible for me to complete the missions. 


I quite enjoyed the previous iteration of nightmare mode except the difficulty just needed to be increased slightly.


Also the no minimap nightmare mode makes it almost impossible to navigate some missions.

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1, Nightmare mode

Yup, having it mandatory is pretty annoying - especially when you need that mission for something, like farming the last 3 salvage on Io. I love to park my frame and weapons I'm leveling because it's only strong enough for that particular map on normal, not on nightmare, pack a ton of mods left and right, spending 10 minutes before the map to prepare then when I get the resource in one go, 10 minutes after it... staying with Io as an example, a 5wave round itself is barely longer than 10 minutes even if I open every container and locker, so the preparations effectively double the time used.


Of course this could be solved with the feature to store mod setup for a weapon/frame so I can switch back and forth fast without the tedious work of finding the high level mods that are randomly packed among their "kin" (like I have one highest level Vitality with 3 pages of rank 1 Vitality around it and the maxed is rarely at the end or the beginning of the row...).


2. After Update 9.

Well, the list Steve provided is certainly nice - and if you want some ideas, you can always check the fan concepts :) The guys there are good, I'm impressed by not few of 'em...

Oh, also: I would REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY like to see the Necromancer style frame that in the end didn't win the Design Council poll... whom do I have to kill and resurrect for that? It would be nice to be in that council... someone buy me a membership, I'm broke! Just jesting (partially, I'm pretty low on money, really) but we could really do with some info on that matter, right? Or is it only me being immersed in the dark arts from within the Horn Tower?


3. UI

Wanna be able to click into that evil field on login so I can correct my typos with ease, instead of arrowing back all the way - it's a pretty basic function, even windows knows it :)

Also my copy/paste function sometimes seems to be disabled completely while in Warframe even alttabbed but of that I don't know if it's a bug or intended.

The new UI style looks good - you might want to do something about the foundry part though:fkpz.jpg

Thanks to the strong white at the lower part of an icon a contrasted boundary with the black part under it is born and makes that black part seemingly belong to the icon under as that gently fades to black on the upper part making the boundary between them invisible. I know it's a minor issue, but can be easily solved and actually forces people to stop to make sure they read the right info to the needed resource especially when doing it fast.


4. Sounds good. Helps against advertiser bots (which I haven't see any of yet here, thankfully) but overall sounds reasonable.


5. Resistances and Handspring could be useful - don't throw anything out :) Of course there are things to be tweaked but this is why we are here - to test the beta :).

If I go into details I would say the percentages are too low and are needed too few times (I have never been attacked by frost damage yet for example - maybe once during an early boss fight) - that's the problem with most resistances. Making opportunities to use them might prove them useful (though not on 2% base... even for fire that's pretty useless, yes, especially if you rarely meet grineer flamers... but even if you run into a room of them, 12% max resistance is pathetic and for 9 points... robbery). Flamer wielding grineers are great, the toxic ancients are great too (though a more common enemy with toxic attack could be nice :) sorry fellow Tenno, but seriously, the only dangerous thing about ancients is a lagging/bugged/suddenly appearing disruptor eating all your energy and shields) but the line practically ends. Some coprus uses melee weapons(prova? shouldn't that couse lightning damage? I mean I'm mostly on fire after being hit by them... oh well) but I for one rarely encounter them.

The line practically ends - making new enemies using elements could make our lives more miserable without the use of resistances. Like corpus minelayers using frost mines, grineer soldiers lobbing electric grenades (they fought against corpus a lot, right, so they should know their weaknesses), etc. and a Necromancer frame to top it... oh well, you can't blame me for trying :)


6. Too expensive. For uploading a tiny pic, 150 plat from a single tenno is a lot - if you could provide the option to collect the plat from clan members hmm like this:

Clan Dojo, clan hall, console somewhere, perhaps the one already in - you enter that, UI pops up as usual, and you can see the already uploaded logo if there is one and you can see the new one the clan's warlord provided. They can put platinum in and when there is enough the clan emblem will switch to the new one and the system drops the old one. If the warlord uploads a new logo while the last one is still being paid for, the paid platinum is refunded, the whole thing starts over (and the previous candidate is deleted os it doesn't take precious resources from the servers).

Of course this needs the ability to upload the logo without paying first - so we would pay for the logo to appear in game not to upload it, this way countering the "pressure" many feels when uploading their logo, fearing it might be marked inappropiate, making them lose their 150 plat. Again, that might raise the workload on those tasked with evaluating the uploaded logos... hmm.

I would like the idea if there was a placable decoration in dojo with clan logo (of course that needs the clan logo to be way bigger than now) like a flag or something.


7. Oh wait, no seventh... well, grenades, mines, sentry guns, pink shorts when? This pretty much turned into a query and idea post...

____________  _ _  ____________



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It would be quite nice if the new ammo mutation mods worked on ClanTech-researched weapons. I think the Gorgon and sniper rifles are the only weapons liable to actually run out of ammunition in normal situations, excluding clan weapons - the Supra and Flux Rifle chew through bullets like crazy but don't get to use the mods. Except they're still rifles. Also, you're probably about to get a ton of hate mail about those not being compatible, so I'm trying to be polite. Please?

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