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Getting Rid Of Forma Level Reset


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I've forma'd a whole heap'o'guns, I'm ok with the reset.

But why are you okay with it? Wasn't each time you formaed a difficult decision, weighing the pros and cons of having to level the gun again?

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I'd say the reset is annoying, but eh, I just treat it as a fact of Warframe. I mostly just see it as a process that sort of "takes apart and restrengthens" my weapon in the same way someone would rebuild something like a Lego model, with it becoming stronger sooner every time.

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If find Forma to be a bit pointless on anything other than Primed weapons.


I mean, I appreciate that we don't know for sure if certain weapons will be Primed or not, but the idea of investing Forma into one, just to have a prime version come out, doesn't sound fun.

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My Current Forma List:


Ash 4

Frost Prime 2

Volt 1 (awaiting 1)

Nyx 0 (awaiting a potential 2 if I like her abilities.)


Paris 2

Dread 2

Kunai 2

Despair 2

Glaive 2

Hate 1 (awaiting 3 more.)


Boltor 0 (awaiting 2)

Akbolto 0 (awaiting 2)


Hard to press the button to forma? Yes. 

Worth it? Yes.


It's a time consuming but valuable process, and pretty well balanced for what it is - just as it is.


Also.. a big middle finger to my almost complete dojo for eating up all the forma's I'd have used on these weapons >:|


and yeah, I've been screwed by the Prime thing enough : Kunai ended up needing upgrading to Despair, same with Paris which I now sold -  but will NEVER get Paris Prime, .. ugly &#! piece of .... so got Dread.. Glaive was fun, and useful: but had to choose between my Hate or Reaper Prime and.. frankly I prefer the one that gives me more customization options, so there ya go, even if Reaper Prime & Latron Prime look semi-decent on Frost Prime: Just couldn't get behind the idea. I hate the Primes, all of them, if it wasn't such a pain I'd sell Frost Prime and revert to normal Frost.


But I still think Forma's are a good thing: just not the Prime thing.. that can roll in a ditch and die.

Edited by Azraill
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No. People can get a massive quantity of Forma for free - login rewards give it relatively commonly, and Void missions drop it like candy in both blueprint and regular form. The reset is the only thing that makes people even consider before using it. Potatoes, meanwhile, are like gold-dust.


Yea forma is very common from login rewards I've gotten it either 0 or 1 time (can't really remember) since forma was added to the game.

Edited by Mikki79
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I think I understand the OP... it is silly to reset if... WE GET ABSOLUTELY NO EXP TOWARDS MASTERY RANK!!! I mean it is pretty pointless... Which is why when I max a weapon out I usually stop using it. However recently I decided to use my best gear and only leveling melee weapons. Right now I am working prova, and may end up going back to reaper prime later on, but yeah forma should just change polarization resesting the level seems pointless as a whole.

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Yea forma is very common from login rewards I've gotten it either 0 or 1 time (can't really remember) since forma was added to the game.

Login rewards.. no..


Void missions? 


In the span of somewhere between 80-100 void missions, have obtained around 30. Common enough.

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But why are you okay with it? Wasn't each time you formaed a difficult decision, weighing the pros and cons of having to level the gun again?


It takes about 3 hours to level a gun to 30, it's seriously not that much of a deal. There needs to be some way to slow down the rate at which you Forma items. If you could just Forma them instantly, it'd be a bit stupid. 


To be honest I'm surprised that the amount of XP required to get to 30 doesn't increase every time you re-forma.

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