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Razorback event salt


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Well due to the fact my other thread was deleted and I wasn't even informed as to the reason why or even informed that it was moved to an exsisting thread I'm putting this here to show that you can't kick the little guys around, if not here then someone can easily voice their opinions on open social media or even reddit where moderation barely exsists, I only wanted to express my distaste in the current razorback event and Ive seen other forums that were posted that had not even been touched, if this is a form of bullying because I was pointing out facts about the razorback event then I can easily post elsewhere cause frankly having a thread suddenly vanish without no reason shouldn't be permitted.

Edited by Knight_Ex
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Did your threads meet the rules of the section? If they were just rants and theories about how DE is evil or whatever, then you can take off the tinfoil , the mods weren't harassing you, they were simply acting in accordance to the rules. 

Edited by aligatorno
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Just now, aligatorno said:

Did your threads meet the rules of the section? If they were just rants and theories about how DE is evil or whatever, then you can take off the tinfoil , the mods weren't harassing you, they were simply acting in accordance to the rules. 

posts and threads can still get deleted regardless if it follows the rule section or not. this isn't new so don't try to cover it up. This is why people will post stuff like this on reddit to get an actual response rather than wasting time on the forums.

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Hi Knight_Ex,

Nothing has been deleted. Your Razorback Event feedback was moved to the following thread: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/839201-razorback-auto-health-decay-concerns-over-des-implementation-of-the-event/

It’s important that we keep the forums organized so player feedback isn’t lost. Concerns about the Razorback Event are being tracked in the master thread that includes your post. Please continue your discussion there.

Thank you,


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