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Buff Charged Chamber Or Give Us Primed!


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God this is just like the old braton Vandal vs Braton topic. Players who missed out get jealous that the players that earned their special snowflake item and they didn't. Let them have their shine, it's not even like the charged version sucks >_> just being greedy at this point and it couldn't be anymore obvious. This thread is made by a jealous person that didn't get the hot new thing. They'll probably release it in a future event some day. but threads like these need to stop cause this is NOT going to help the game grow.

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So, being impatient = having a social life?

Do I have no social life when I'm being patient?

I did not have 30 hours to spend killing informers.

I had a fourth of july to spend with a family. I got my 20 kills and left.


But, because I have a life, I cannot get this exclusive mod that changes gameplay?

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Cosmetic rewards would have been better, and the mod should be in the pool, (They nolifed/nosleep'd/bug exploited their way to victory, the average player can't compete with that if it remains event exclusive.)


FTFY (like hayden said /shamelessly stolen)

When you attack people with wild claims of exploiting and personal attacks you really devalue any point you're trying to make. Just because you won't set aside a weekend to compete in an event does not mean that the event is unfair or that the people who won are lesser than you.
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No, quit whining. You don't have to use Charged Chamber.

It IS fair that the top scorers in the event get a better mod. They did better, they spent more time on it. It's not your fault or theirs that they had/have more free time, though it was on a weekend, so many people can't say they were working.

Regardless, DE has said it'll be event exclusive. I doubt it'll be available in the same TYPE of event. Next time they have an event, it might be distributed to a larger number of people, or under different circumstances. Be patient and don't be greedy.


You want Primed Chamber? When the next event comes up where it's a reward, you do what the top100 did and earn it.

When an event with rewards comes around in WoW/Rift/Aion/Etc, do you see them handing those rewards at any other time besides the intended event? No.

Do you get new years sales on days other than new year? No.

Does whining like a brat change anything? Certainly not.

TL;DR DealWithIt.GIF

Why put a PvP form of rewarding (who makes the top 100) into a PvE game? (should be something like who killed 100, and top 100 get some cool cosmetic effect)

"When an event with rewards comes around in WoW/Rift/Aion/Etc, do you see them handing those rewards at any other time besides the intended event? No."

But if you participate in the event, you don't have to no life it (i.e. spending 60+hrs nonstop nearly)

How is it greedy to want a TERRIBLE mod, to be slightly less terrible, or have the same mod as others? They "worked for it", kinda sorta, but you  can't expect everyone who wants it to:

Not sleep

Not have a life interfering with a game

Or exploit bugs




God this is just like the old braton Vandal vs Braton topic. Players who missed out get jealous that the players that earned their special snowflake item and they didn't. Let them have their shine, it's not even like the charged version sucks >_> just being greedy at this point and it couldn't be anymore obvious. This thread is made by a jealous person that didn't get the hot new thing. They'll probably release it in a future event some day. but threads like these need to stop cause this is NOT going to help the game grow.

No, it's not. Everyone knew the brandal would be exclusive, EVERYONE. Also, everyone who was playing during the time had a chance to get it, it's not like only 100 people could grab it. COMPLETELY different situations here.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I did not have 30 hours to spend killing informers.

I had a fourth of july to spend with a family. I got my 20 kills and left.


But, because I have a life, I cannot get this exclusive mod that changes gameplay?

Exactly! That's how the logic was regarding this event. And that's why people such as myself, are pretty pissed about it. What REALLY does it, is the reward is exclusive.

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It's a giant kick in the crotch that they give us a 40% for 9 slots after the 100 people that had every second of the weekend to play gets 100% for 7 slots.

Why? Forget the event mod. What you have is a mod that gives 40% extra damage on the first shot of a magazine, with arguably high costs.


I will admit, that those 100 players deserves something good for going through what they did.

Good, they really do.

but as it is right now, it feels more like the DE are mocking the rest of us by throwing such a useless mod in our face to silence us, and stop us from complaining about exclusive mods.

If it's useless, don't use it, equip some elemental mod instead which deals more DPS in general and move on with your life.


Edit: And yes, I am fustrated about this. I'm highly against exclusive items overall.

And I am highly in favor of exclusive items. If I had the time to be at the weekend event and get an item that was distributed to the top 100 best players and you got the same item in a mission because RNG was feeling generous, what worth was my time? Why did I spend the whole weekend killing informers? (I didn't actually, killed like 30 and got bored, but anyways)

My direct replies in bold in the quote.


You being frustrated about something doesn't mean you're right. It means your point of view causes this frustration, many people agree with you, many disagree, DE disagrees and has chosen to keep the mod event exclusive.

Edited by Gregio
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Why put a PvP form of rewarding (who makes the top 100) into a PvE game? (should be something like who killed 100, and top 100 get some cool cosmetic effect)

"When an event with rewards comes around in WoW/Rift/Aion/Etc, do you see them handing those rewards at any other time besides the intended event? No."

But if you participate in the event, you don't have to no life it (i.e. spending 60+hrs nonstop nearly)

How is it greedy to want a TERRIBLE mod, to be slightly less terrible, or have the same mod as others? They "worked for it", kinda sorta, but you  can't expect everyone who wants it to:

Not sleep

Not have a life interfering with a game

Or exploit bugs




No, it's not. Everyone knew the brandal would be exclusive, EVERYONE. Also, everyone who was playing during the time had a chance to get it, it's not like only 100 people could grab it. COMPLETELY different situations here.


To be honest.. they're right. I am greedy.. but that does not change the fact that i'm also right ;)

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I can't believe everyone doesn't understand. It will be in future tiered events. They stated that the top 100 doesn't work as stated by the community, and they now agree. Expect this to be a reward that is achievable with effort in a future event that not only 100 players get it, but everyone who achieves X goal.

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I can't believe everyone doesn't understand. It will be in future tiered events. They stated that the top 100 doesn't work as stated by the community, and they now agree. Expect this to be a reward that is achievable with effort in a future event that not only 100 players get it, but everyone who achieves X goal.

No, they said it'll be in future events, not that they'll be tiered/etc (or quote a post please) (although they really should be)

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My direct replies in bold in the quote.


You being frustrated about something doesn't mean you're right. It means your point of view causes this frustration, many people agree with you, many disagree, DE disagrees and has chosen to keep the mod event exclusive.

I'm really sorry if this offends you, but this has got to be the worst reply I've gotten all day. You just stated the obvious lol. Obviously, being fustrated doesn't mean being right..


But as was stated above by someone else. Some of us had to spend the weekend with our family, friends or doing other social events. 100 people (or more) were able to get the ENTIRE weekend off to farm this mod. The rest of us who happened to be busy, didn't have a chance to obtain this (I wont say overpowered) but hella awesome mod. I assume, that the DE thought they could compensate for the exclusive mod, by giving us a weaker one, and props for that. But it's useless. It'll make your warframe weaker just thinking about using it on a weapon.


So, in essence.. The reward was exclusive, only 100 people got to get one, the event didnt allow everyone to participate, which is outragerous considering what was at stake, and the weaker version that should make us less butthurt, felt like a giant spit in the face considering how bad it was.


Am I right? Yes, I'm stating facts here, those above, is EXACTLY how it is. Does that mean the DE has to do anything about it? Hmm no, we don't decide, they do. Does it mean I get to be fustrated? Yes it does.


Edit: I don't want to seem ungrateful to the DE for throwing us that event. In my opinion they executed it wrong, and it was unfair overall. I completely understand that no one is perfect. I just have something against exclusive items in general.

Edited by Zareek
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I did not have 30 hours to spend killing informers.

I had a fourth of july to spend with a family. I got my 20 kills and left.


But, because I have a life, I cannot get this exclusive mod that changes gameplay?

Changes gameplay?

The only thing it gives you is more overkill damage.

If I have this mod, I'd keep it in my mod collection.


Maybe it's good if you want to deal more damage to a boss, but you can certainly just replace that mod with a Wildfire, Fire rate or anything else.


Also, giving it out that early would be unfair for those people who worked hard for it.

There are many people who didn't exploit, and still managed to get into the top 100.

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Why put a PvP form of rewarding (who makes the top 100) into a PvE game? (should be something like who killed 100, and top 100 get some cool cosmetic effect)

"When an event with rewards comes around in WoW/Rift/Aion/Etc, do you see them handing those rewards at any other time besides the intended event? No."

But if you participate in the event, you don't have to no life it (i.e. spending 60+hrs nonstop nearly)

How is it greedy to want a TERRIBLE mod, to be slightly less terrible, or have the same mod as others? They "worked for it", kinda sorta, but you  can't expect everyone who wants it to:

Not sleep

Not have a life interfering with a game

Or exploit bugs




No, it's not. Everyone knew the brandal would be exclusive, EVERYONE. Also, everyone who was playing during the time had a chance to get it, it's not like only 100 people could grab it. COMPLETELY different situations here.

Just like how everyone knew Frost prime would be exclusive right? To be honest, the situations aren't all that different. Special event item came out, everyone had their chance to put their work in to get the item. The ones that worked the hardest to get it, got it. They earned it. Now all the people that didn't get it are either asking de to release it, nerf it or buff the lesser version. (sounds VERY similar to me) You should honestly be happy to get anything at all, they didn't have to release a lesser version. They probably called it saying "we better put in a similar but weaker mod to the players that didn't qualify so they don't feel too left out" and here we are. Probably also made it  weaker so the players that REALLY tried for it, feel like they really earned something special. I'm almost certain they will release it again. 

Edited by TheDoctah
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I'm really sorry if this offends you, but this has got to be the worst reply I've gotten all day. You just stated the obvious lol. Obviously, being fustrated doesn't mean being right..


But as was stated above by someone else. Some of us had to spend the weekend with our family, friends or doing other social events. 100 people (or more) were able to get the ENTIRE weekend off to farm this mod. The rest of us who happened to be busy, didn't have a chance to obtain this (I wont say overpowered) but hella awesome mod. I assume, that the DE thought they could compensate for the exclusive mod, by giving us a weaker one, and props for that. But it's useless. It'll make your warframe weaker just thinking about using it on a weapon.


So, in essence.. The reward was exclusive, only 100 people got to get one, the event didnt allow everyone to participate, which is outragerous considering what was at stake, and the weaker version that should make us less butthurt, felt like a giant spit in the face considering how bad it was.


Am I right? Yes, I'm stating facts here, those above, is EXACTLY how it is. Does that mean the DE has to do anything about it? Hmm no, we don't decide, they do. Does it mean I get to be fustrated? Yes it does.

I didn't get the mod either and I'm not frustrated, so all your worries are not FACTS, except for you being frustrated.

The mod isn't overpowered or even useful for most people. It is currently a fad because the Snipetron Vandal is a great weapon. DE gave you a mod which does the same so you can get a feel for it. 40% extra damage on my snipetron means a LOT of extra damage, so if I like the mod, I will simply try to be one of the top 100 in the next event, or whatever the requirements for the next event are.

The mod is not useless, 40% of the approximately 500dmg my Snipetron does on non-crits is 200 dmg. That's a lot. The event mod is just better.

Yes, in essence the reward was exclusive, only 100 people got it. However, the event was for the Snipetron Vandal. Primed Chamber was an extra, not the main event reward, everyone who could spend 2 hours in the event during the weekend got the actual reward.

It boils down to you considering Charged Chamber useless. It isn't. It's just weaker than Primed Chamber. Being weaker than a special item doesn't make something weak, just less strong when compared to that item.

There's no facts here, other than your frustration, everything else is your opinion.

Edited by Gregio
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Changes gameplay?

The only thing it gives you is more overkill damage.

If I have this mod, I'd keep it in my mod collection.


Maybe it's good if you want to deal more damage to a boss, but you can certainly just replace that mod with a Wildfire, Fire rate or anything else.


Also, giving it out that early would be unfair for those people who worked hard for it.

There are many people who didn't exploit, and still managed to get into the top 100.

You totally missed his point.




I didn't get the mod either and I'm not frustrated, so all your worries are not FACTS, except for you being frustrated.

The mod isn't overpowered or even useful for most people. It is currently a fad because the Snipetron Vandal is a great weapon. DE gave you a mod which does the same so you can get a feel for it. 40% extra damage on my snipetron means a LOT of extra damage, so if I like the mod, I will simply try to be one of the top 100 in the next event, or whatever the requirements for the next event are.

The mod is not useless, 40% of the approximately 500dmg my Snipetron does on non-crits is 200 dmg. That's a lot. The event mod is just better.

Yes, in essence the reward was exclusive, only 100 people got it. However, the event was for the Snipetron Vandal. Primed Chamber was an extra, not the main event reward, everyone who could spend 2 hours in the event during the weekend got the actual reward.

It boils down to you considering Charged Chamber useless. It isn't. It's just weaker than Primed Chamber. Being weaker than a special item doesn't make something weak, just less strong when compared to that item.

There's no facts here, other than your frustration, everything else is your opinion.

You aren't fustrated? That's weird I thought because I personally, got fustrated about something specific, everyone had to feel the same way. What a dumb argument.


It boils down to the fact that the compensation mod, was way too weak compared to the mod that only 100 people got to get. And primed wasnt the main reward? "MAIN REWARD" ? Okay, when reading the rewards on the event notes, how many people do YOU think was looking MAINLY at the Primed mod describtion?


Snipetron vandal was a great reward, but Primed was as "main" as that was. The only difference is, not everyone had the chance to go the extra 500.000 miles to get the best of the rewards at stake.


And to add to my statement about Charged being useless. I'm sure it has it's usage, even the element resist mods does, but it's not enough. To put it blunt. Also, Obviously not everything I said was fact, some of it is as you said, opinion. Nor did I want to make it seem that every word was meant to sound like a fact. You simply misunderstood what I said.

Edited by Zareek
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You totally missed his point.

If you mean the fact that he had to spend time with his family.. I simply ignored it.

Why? Because DE doesn't have to hand over the mod just because some people didn't have the time for it.


It was a competition. Some people may or may not be qualified for a competition. Take it as a man and have patience, I'd say.

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If you mean the fact that he had to spend time with his family.. I simply ignored it.

Why? Because DE doesn't have to hand over the mod just because some people didn't have the time for it.


It was a competition. Some people may or may not be qualified for a competition. Take it as a man and have patience, I'd say.

I can agree to that to a certain extend, but 100 people, during 1 weekend? That's even lower than "unfair" It should have been more than just 1 weekend so more people had the chance, even a small chance to get that reward. It almost sounded like they wanted as few people as possible to obtain it. Then perhaps it would make sense to make it only 1 weekend for 100 players, but considering the on going critics about exclusive items, that would have been just like mocking us.


And take it as a man? A man doesn't give up what he believes in. If you believe in something, then you stand up and fight for it. Perhaps you are the kind of guy that just lets people step on him? (smart &#! comment, smart &#! reply)

Edited by Zareek
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Just like how everyone knew Frost prime would be exclusive right? To be honest, the situations aren't all that different. Special event item came out, everyone had their chance to put their work in to get the item. The ones that worked the hardest to get it, got it. They earned it. Now all the people that didn't get it are either asking de to release it, nerf it or buff the lesser version. (sounds VERY similar to me) You should honestly be happy to get anything at all, they didn't have to release a lesser version. They probably called it saying "we better put in a similar but weaker mod to the players that didn't qualify so they don't feel too left out" and here we are. Probably also made it  weaker so the players that REALLY tried for it, feel like they really earned something special. I'm almost certain they will release it again. 

No, they're VERY different, the way the BP gathering worked, FP as an exclusive was a BAD idea, and harmed no one by allowing everyone to get it. Primed chamber is the polar opposite, it wasn't stated to be exclusive, but then is.

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All I can think of is DE making this event exclusive, by being the next 100 people to get top kills.


It's all grindfest from here folks!


 I think at this point - considering all the feedback from the Informer Event - it is likely they are already exploring better options then a Top 100.

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No, they're VERY different, the way the BP gathering worked, FP as an exclusive was a BAD idea, and harmed no one by allowing everyone to get it. Primed chamber is the polar opposite, it wasn't stated to be exclusive, but then is.

..and it's still a bad idea ;)

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If you mean the fact that he had to spend time with his family.. I simply ignored it.

Why? Because DE doesn't have to hand over the mod just because some people didn't have the time for it.


It was a competition. Some people may or may not be qualified for a competition. Take it as a man and have patience, I'd say.

"Take it as a man and be weaker"


No. Take it like a man and do something to make yourself stronger. Not just let it slide.


Men demand their food to be taken back in resturaunts. Women are the ones who say nothing.


You are telling me to do the exact opposite of what a man would do. *In essence*

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 I think at this point - considering all the feedback from the Informer Event - it is likely they are already exploring better options then a Top 100.

Would be weird if they didn't. They have improved the game quite a lot already, according to the feedback they've gotten from the players.

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