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Buff Charged Chamber Or Give Us Primed!


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Blatant i understand what a tier system is and how it works. Yes it makes mod like the Primed Chamber more accessible if u need for example 250 kills for it. But then it makes a top 100 list redundant, because there is no incentive to go past a certain point. And that would take the competitive aspect out of the event. If the bar is set much higher like for example 2000 the mod would be still inaccessible for people who don't have enough time.


 The 100 list is still the 100 best players in the event.


 The Top Clans are still the most successful organizations of each type.



  If it is competition you crave you don't need a Mod card reward to find it.



But I understand what you are saying - I guess I just disagree.

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 If it is competition you crave you don't need a Mod card reward to find it.

True there still will be people who are motivated enough to do it only for getting into the leaderboard.


As one of the persons who was one of the top 100. I think i wouldn't have done it for only that reason, because it was extremely time consuming. If a majority of people think like me, it will have a negative impact on the leaderboard due to much lower competition.


But from my point of view the problem is a reward that can only be obtained by getting a lot of kills in a limited amount of time. The event caters to 15-25 year old people with a lot of free time. While for example a father of 3 young kids has no option to even compete.


In the fusion moa event i can't remember people complaining that the top 100 got Retribution, Thunderbolt and Handspring. Thus i think the best reward in an event(doesn't matter if it is top 100 or with tiers) would be early access to Weapons/Mods/Warframes.

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impatient and greedy


I killed around 70ish, no biggy. But I was fully aware of that I'd never get my hands on this, so what? This is not pre-school, where everything is rainbow pony greengrass "fair", and everybody gets a trophy for just sitting there, dull and dumb.


What is everybody's issue? The top 250 spent literally DAYS of grinding, well, it paid off for at least 100 I hope.


No obligation to participate, rules were crystal clear at beginning, now the kiddies are QQing all over the kindergarten playground, *ueeeh ueeeh*...





Edited by Chronodroid
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So u propose a tier system for more rewards overall? How does that solve the accessibility problem of the Primed Chamber?

It allows anyone who wants to achieve the biggest prize without limiting how many can.


impatient and greedy


I killed around 70ish, no biggy. But I was fully aware of that I'd never get my hands on this, so what? This is not pre-school, where everything is rainbow pony greengrass "fair", and everybody gets a trophy for just sitting there, dull and dumb.


What is everybody's issue? The top 250 spent literally DAYS of grinding, well, it paid off for at least 100 I hope.


No obligation to participate, rules were crystal clear at beginning, now the kiddies are QQing all over the kindergarten playground, *ueeeh ueeeh*...





right. greedy because charged chamber sucks compared to be a better mod. Man, that is so greedy.

And it was the top 100, not top 250. And there's more to it than "WAAAH we didn't get the mod" as you seem to think.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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right. greedy because charged chamber sucks compared to be a better mod. Man, that is so greedy.

And it was the top 100, not top 250. And there's more to it than "WAAAH we didn't get the mod" as you seem to think.


Use the thing between your ears, PLEASE.


Do you think that only 100 ppl grinded their &#! off? Exactly 100 guys and not one more did a grind? Yes? Good, go sit there in the corner, thx.


And yes, greedy and impatient, those are two words, you just use one. You want everything for free, wait 'till you return to real-life perhaps.

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So what would have happened if DE never released Charged Chamber?

Pretty legit question seeing as the OP is asking for either Charged Chamber to be buffed or for Primed Chamber to be released to the masses.

I don't care that Primed Chamber got given out as a reward for the top 100. I do like the idea mentioned earlier in the thread about an event reward being given out and then 2-3 weeks later it being given out to the public.

That way people can still compete for early access to a prize (Cosmetic or Mods/Weapons) and then the masses can have it later down the line.

Also you have to remember that DE is still new at the Event system and this is only their 2nd event (with the Kokage being a video contest more than anything).

They are still learning what is a good thing and what is a bad thing, Frost Prime was a screw-up, everyone complained about him being given out for free after the event. Now people are complaining because They aren't giving out something after the event.

I read all 10 pages of this thread and the only solution i can see that would keep the majority of people happy is to have more tier based reward scheme and for the people on the leaderboards to have a "early access" to whatever said reward might be.

I was unable to recieve my Snipetron Vandal because of some account issues during the event but without the players in the top 100. you might not have had one either.........

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I was unable to recieve my Snipetron Vandal because of some account issues during the event but without the players in the top 100. you might not have had one either.........

I am 99.9% sure that we would have gotten the reward even without those 100. 100 of a million don't turn the tides in such an event.. and you never know how DE works in the background and if they tweak it so we win.


If there had not been the Charged Chamber then the community would have asked to release the Primed for public farme nonetheless. But since thre is a Charged Chamber that suxx bad another good option is to buff it to 80% so it is inferior to the Primed Chamber but still available for everyone and the Primed will still remein the special cookie for those 100.

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I am 99.9% sure that we would have gotten the reward even without those 100. 100 of a million don't turn the tides in such an event.. and you never know how DE works in the background and if they tweak it so we win.


If there had not been the Charged Chamber then the community would have asked to release the Primed for public farme nonetheless. But since thre is a Charged Chamber that suxx bad another good option is to buff it to 80% so it is inferior to the Primed Chamber but still available for everyone and the Primed will still remein the special cookie for those 100.


No, 100 players usually would not but the 10's of thousands they killed might have. we don't know what the total number was and you presuming that DE may have tweaked it for us to win in the end pretty much demonstrates the entire argument in this thread.


You don't know what DE are planning and you don't know if they plan to buff CC or release Primed Chamber after the next event or even before.


I don't think that CC should be 80%........50% seems fair enough. The top 100 deserve to have something better than what we get.

As for you calling Primed Chamber a "special cookie" pretty much sums up how you really feel about this.

You didn't get the Ferrari so you want your Toyota with a turbo on it.

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I don't think that CC should be 80%........50% seems fair enough. The top 100 deserve to have something better than what we get.

As for you calling Primed Chamber a "special cookie" pretty much sums up how you really feel about this.

You didn't get the Ferrari so you want your Toyota with a turbo on it.

And how is a Charged Chamber with 80% for 9 Energy not worse than 100% for 7 Energy? Please tell me so i understand your thinking because if you buff Charged Chamber to 50% it is still not really worth a Mod slot.


Primed Chamber will still be superior by a good chunk, it will still remain the special cookie you, the Top 100 and others so desperately defend even after we pointed out on several occasions that giving Power as a special and semi-exclusive reward is a really bad thing. Even you should be able to see that 40% vs. 100% of TOTAL damage increase is a big gap.


If you really base my reason to make this Thread solely on me calling Primed a "special cookie" then i'm sorry because you totally missed the point of this discussion and you should try again.


Tbh i don't care much about Primed chamber.. i made my decision to not compete for the Top 100 because i knew there were players out there that share accounts, exploit, don't sleep for 3 days and do only one thing: Killing Drones. I did not want to do that because competing against hundrets of thounds of players to be under the Top 100 stands in no relation to one another. If it had been the Top 5000 ok.. but 100? No thanks. Another thing was my believe that DE will release the mod weeks later for everyone to farm like they always did so far and that was a good thing. Sadly that did not happen so far...and here i am.


What i do care about is DE's attembt to give the community something like the Primed Chamber that is so bad in comparison that discussions like this still thrive where people want the Primed Chamber because Charged Chamber is total crap... where people like me would like to see a Buff by 100% for Charged Chamber so it goes anywhere near the potential of a Primed chamber instead of being a joke.


There are people who want to use the mechanics behind the Chamber mods but they won't with Charged Chamber.. again.. because of it's crappyness and Primed Chamber is out of reach until maybe the next Event.


Yes we did not get the Ferrari but we definitely don't want to drive Go-cart with training wheels.

Edited by Namacyst
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Use the thing between your ears, PLEASE.

Says the guy arguing everyone here is impatient and greedy... without any facts or reasoning.


Do you think that only 100 ppl grinded their &#! off? Exactly 100 guys and not one more did a grind? Yes? Good, go sit there in the corner, thx.

Wow, where did you get this nonsense from? I never said the top 100 only grinded. Please, go put on your dunce cap, and go home. I NEVER said only the top 100 grinded. EVER because that's untrue. The event only reward the top 100 most grindy


And yes, greedy and impatient, those are two words, you just use one. You want everything for free, wait 'till you return to real-life perhaps.

No, I don't want it "for free" I want it in the drop pool so I can farm for it. And "wait for real life?" Please, grow up a bit. You're calling people names here without reasoning to back up WHY you're calling people greedy/impatient. I want primed in the drop pool, so I can grind for it. Not just given out to everyone automatically.

So, as for real life, people use facts and stuff there. But I guess this isn't "real life" so that makes it ok hm?


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Tbh i don't care much about Primed chamber.. i made my decision to not compete for the Top 100 because i knew there were players out there that share accounts, exploit, don't sleep for 3 days and do only one thing: Killing Drones. I did not want to do that because competing against hundrets of thounds of players to be under the Top 100 stands in no relation to one another. If it had been the Top 5000 ok.. but 100? No thanks. Another thing was my believe that DE will release the mod weeks later for everyone to farm like they always did so far and that was a good thing. Sadly that did not happen so far...and here i am.


So basically you realized that you'd have to work harder than some people and you decided you'd rather wait and get your reward the easy way. Only it turned out you can't get the mod the easy way, you actually have to try really hard for it. So instead of waiting for another chance to try for your mod you come here and complain about how unfair it is that you didn't even try for it? Do you feel validated when you claim that everyone in the top 100 does not deserve their hard earned prize?

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So basically you realized that you'd have to work harder than some people and you decided you'd rather wait and get your reward the easy way. Only it turned out you can't get the mod the easy way, you actually have to try really hard for it. So instead of waiting for another chance to try for your mod you come here and complain about how unfair it is that you didn't even try for it? Do you feel validated when you claim that everyone in the top 100 does not deserve their hard earned prize?

No, most people had guessed it would be in the mod pool like thunderbolt/handspring/rage/etc, and we could just farm for it over a longer period of time, instead of wasting our weekend on a video game.

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No, most people had guessed it would be in the mod pool like thunderbolt/handspring/rage/etc, and we could just farm for it over a longer period of time, instead of wasting our weekend on a video game.

I'm sure everyone has at least one friend who plays some sort of sport. If they go away for a weekend to play in a tournament is that a weekend wasted or a weekend spent doing an activity they love?

Edited by Excitonex
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I'm sure everyone has at least one friend who plays some sort of sport. If they go away for a weekend to play in a tournament is that a weekend wasted or a weekend spent doing an activity they love?

Not sure how that entirely relates, it's a different story really. They ENJOY playing the game. I'm not saying warframe isn't fun, but it's a lot less fun when you're forced to farm endlessly for hours on end.

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They are still learning what is a good thing and what is a bad thing, Frost Prime was a screw-up, everyone complained about him being given out for free after the event. Now people are complaining because They aren't giving out something after the event.

This. There are two groups with opposing goals here. There are players who need to have better stuff than everyone else, and they hate the other players, the ones who need to have every item to chill their obsessive-compulsive tendencies.

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So basically you realized that you'd have to work harder than some people and you decided you'd rather wait and get your reward the easy way. Only it turned out you can't get the mod the easy way, you actually have to try really hard for it. Out-of-context interpretation leaving out the fact that i wagered the crowd i have to compete with against the amount of rewards handed out (100) and therefor calculated the probability of grinding harder than thousands and grinding less than 99 other people...and just then i relalized that DE always made the mod public after a few weeks for everyone to farm so i chose to not compete for an early access. The correct assumption would be that i forfeited the reward  due to lack of information from DE's end, probably unfairness of competition and to make a choice: have fun playing or grinding for a mod. But.. you know.. you can always twist my words and try to make me look bad. Won't change anything


So instead of waiting for another chance to try for your mod you come here and complain about how unfair it is that you didn't even try for it? DE never actually said "Primed Chamber will be definitely 100% a reward in the next event". It may come back or it may not, that's all they said and i wonder how long it will be until the next Event. A Month? Or two? The Event WAS unfair so yeah, complaints are in order.


Do you feel validated when you claim that everyone in the top 100 does not deserve their hard earned prize? Read the whole thread and everything that was said in that matter... not only my posts.. and your question will have an answer.


Truth in bold. Cheers

Edited by Namacyst
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Can a mod close this thread or something?
There's no more intelligent arguments going on, just Namacyst whining despite moderators and players confirming the most likely courses of action of primed chamber being more accessible in the future events and charged chamber being unlikely to get a buff.

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The only people opposed to this idea are elitists, which makes it hard to imagine how there are so many of them, since there were only a hundred slots for them to exploit their way into in the first place. Sadly, Warframe is rife with narcissists who bathe in perceived exclusivity and throw tantrums rivaling those of toddlers going through their 'terrible twos.'

Edited by Naples
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Can a mod close this thread or something?

There's no more intelligent arguments going on, just Namacyst whining despite moderators and players confirming the most likely courses of action of primed chamber being more accessible in the future events and charged chamber being unlikely to get a buff.

Just because you can't bring up any intelligent arguments does not mean other people can't. I'm just glad that you have nothing to say here whatsoever because if you had just a little bit of say it would end badly. Your statement about future Primed Chamber and Charged Chamber not receiving a buff just prooves that you neither read the important parts (or atleast understood them) nor are you entitled to make any predictions sound like theiy're set in stone. Now.. let's try that again: Anything intelligent to add to this Thread?

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