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Mine just finished building. Is it that bad?


It's not bad. I found a way of it dealing more damage: Just spam left-click, basically make it a semi-automatic flamethrower and it deals more damage.

Don't know why damage drops over-time but overall, it's only a good weapon against weak infested.

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Well, if you use autofire scripts/bind fire to mouse wheel, there's a bug that let's you instantly dump the entire mag into the target.


EDIT: for clarification, I'm not recommending actually doing this.  It's a bug and you shouldn't be exploiting it.  Even though I don't see it getting expressly banned by the EULA (I could have missed it), it isn't uncommon for companies to ban for exploiting bugs.


The Ignis is a generally worthless weapon and needs love and to have this bug fixed.

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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Use an autofire script on it..  There's no limit to its fire rate so you can dump all 100 rounds into a boss instantly.  It's a bug, but at least it's something :P

thats a 3rd party program, breaks the ToS, and is bannable. Never do that.

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Use an autofire script on it..  There's no limit to its fire rate so you can dump all 100 rounds into a boss instantly.  It's a bug, but at least it's something :P


And if you don't it is probably the worst primary weapon in the whole game... only Vulkar can compete with that.


The damage wouldn't be so bad if it was actually a flamethrower instead of a different (crappy) kind of Flux Rifle.

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thats a 3rd party program, breaks the ToS, and is bannable. Never do that.

I edited my previous post to reflect that one shouldn't exploit the bug.  Using a macro shouldn't get you banned, or at least, it hasn't for me, but then, I use them to find bugs like that one with the Ignis (which I reported several patches ago) or to properly diagnose just how badly semi-auto rate is tied to frame rate so it could be that I just got whitelisted or something.


But calling an autofire script something that is straight-up bannable when you can just make a slip-fire by binding fire to the mouse wheel is just harsh.  The only way a macro might be banned in the EULA is this line:


"use cheats, automation software (bots), hacks, mods or any other unauthorized third-party software, tools or content designed to modify the Software, the Service or the Game experience;"


Automation software is clarified to be bots rather than macros.  Obviously a macro doesn't modify the software, but it might fall under modifying the Game experience.


In my case, I only use two macros: one to make slide-dashing more convenient (which I would be fine to stop using if a dev ever told me not to) and an autofire macro which I don't use in normal play and only ever use to test and find bugs which I then report.



my god, that would make it the highest dps weapon in the game so long as you had a cybernetic arm

Modded out, I was able to drop Hyena in around 2 seconds when I first came across this bug.  Haven't tested it since, but enemy level increases probably mean that you'd have to at least go for 4 seconds :P



is that even allowed?

Macros? Probably.  

Binding fire to mouse wheel (which does more or less exactly the same thing)?  

Yes.  Exploiting bugs?  Bad.  I'm not entirely sure what DE's stance on bug exploitation is, but many companies will ban you for exploiting bugs.  I didn't see anything that would get you banned in the EULA, but still.  Exploiting a bug is just not a good idea ever.

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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Ignis needs to be made to behave like a flamethrower. It should light up everything within its 8 ft range and cone of effect (which I read is merely only what is in the reticle sight). The ignis should fire a cone of flame...8 ft long & X ft wide. It should also place a fire damage dot on whatever it hits. Right now it plays like a sucky short range rifle with a flamethrower skin.

I applaud those that have modded the ignis to a point where it is a feasible weapon, but my beef is that it behaves like a rifle and only looks like a flamethrower.

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Ignis has no AoE, unlike most flamethrowers in video games.  Also its list damage is NOT its damage per-shot, but damage per second (the same is true with the similar Flux Rifle).

So you effectively have a Fire Grakata.  It shoots SINGLE TARGET, low damage, fire bullets that also have no innate puncture or AoE.  It isn't even good in high end infested defense.  

Low damage and BAD MECHANICS are what is wrong with the Ignis, and we know they can do proper AoE because the Ogris exists.




I talk about this more in my thread here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/59613-ignis-isnt-a-flamethrower/

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