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Explosive Weapons / Self Damage


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In my opinion Warframe is a Game where you bash a lot of Enemy Npcs in Group or Solo (Conclave is something diffrent and im not going to talk about it here)

in other Words you want to have fun that means you want to go in there and bam bam a lot and ofc you want a Challenge too no Daubt

but making your own Weapons a Struggle of Life and Death specialy when playing solo (yeah there are Players wanting to play solo) is a nogo

in PVP where it is all about Skill (to the guys in wonderland PVP is always about Skill means who has the Biggest Everyone saying not for me is lying) i understand selfdamaging Explosives

in PVE Selfdamage makes no Sense cause Noone is loling about killing his Self while shooting at a dangerous Enemy NPC (the NPC doesnt care you know hes not a Human Being)

and the Explosive gets blocked by what ever (other player other Enemy invisible environment)

for the Players talking about Balance (these guys make more kills with there Tonkor :( im always last in the Ranks) you can do this with every Weapon (yeah i mean every Weapon i did it

and when me Nub can do this the you 2

also are you guys not always saying its not about Kills? its about Fun

but when you say the Tonkor guy is killing everything makes no fun for me then it is about the Kills right or not?

in a PVE Misson when there is a none selfdamaging Ogris, Penta or Tonkor what do you care with your Rifle , Sniper or Shotgun

are you really going to tell me when there is an Explosive User you find no Targets? then you do something wrong sorry

and at least about the Tonkor yeah right i dont give up on That

when you go to a Shop and buy a Grenade Launcher and the Owner tells you with this Weapon you cant hurt your Self

then this is a Promise you cant break

the Buyer relys on this Promise and start to play with this Weapon level it put Formas on it invest Time and Money for it

and when he comes back after a Break ( it doesnt matter how long to the smart guys) and the Weapon hurt him or even kills him

then the Promise is broken and all the Time Formas and Money he has put into this Weapon (he buyed because of this Promise) is wasted

YOU DE broke a Promise

its your turn DE







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aoe abilities have energy cost to use

and explosives have self damage to balance the fact they can wipe groups of enemies for no energy cost

now imagine if explosives had no self dmg u could just blow ogirs missiles on your feet with no skill and no balance whatsoever <_>

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Entering a zone of explosion and not getting any damage... even if its a PVE game it doesnt make any sense (its like saying ''its a PVE game put a press to win key in case of danger'')

It was fun to use the ''bouncing tonkor'' but it didnt make any sense since every explosive weapon dealt damage to self if used wrongly

It is a depiction of reality if you blow urself up you die -> the end

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2 hours ago, ingrimmsche said:

when you go to a Shop and buy a Grenade Launcher and the Owner tells you with this Weapon you cant hurt your Self

then this is a Promise you cant break

First of all, they did not promise anything. Secondly, developers can try to promise things but change their minds. Thirdly, it is not their job to cater to you if you pay for or use their services.

No idea what kind of world you live in where imaginary Pinky Promises are contracts.

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All i want from explosive self damage :

1. Splash fall off

2. Damage by percentage (e.g. 30-60% of maximum health)

3. No instant kill, cap it so it doesn't damage you on let's say maybe 50 hp like old tonkor (no invincibility phase though, enemies can still kill you here)


Or! Or they could make them fair, like the lenz.

Edited by (PS4)watt4hem
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Half of the explosives in this game doesn't do enough damage to deserve self-damage.

Lenz, Zarr, Kulstar and Tonkor are good, and IMO having self-damage on those is okay. Still, I'd remove Kulstar's cluster bomb self-damage to make it more in line with the Zarr. Ogris, Prisma/Angstrum and Secura/Penta though, they're complete trash against anything with armor.

Well, okay, Ogris is workable with Nightwatch Napalm as long as you have some kind of CC to hold your target(s) in place. I actually remember someone 2-shotting a level 100 Napalm with Bastille + Ogris + augment + Multishot Riven but then again it's with Rivens...

Shield gating could fix this, and it seriously can't come soon enough. I'm somewhat disappointed that PoE won't come with shield gating because that Teralyst meteor attack looks pretty ridiculous.

Edited by TotallyLagging
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i tryed to play tonkor again but its impossible not because of dying it the feeling

now you always have to think is it safe to shoot now

and noone is playing it anymore

its always the same when de nerf stuff noone plays it anymore

pls de do somethint about it

ik i raged a lot now and was only talking about bad things

so here is something good

warframe is in my opinion the greatest game ever because

i have never seen a game evolving in such an invoative creative and diversified way

but pls be bit more gentle with your nerfs


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The Sonicor doesn't have self-damage. Use it with a Hall of Malevolence Mirage and you'll have the same fun. Adding self-damage to the Tonkor was the right thing to do. It was too powerful. It had earned its name as the Noob Tube. Now it's a fun weapon that doesn't make you seem like an absolute noob when you're using it. It's a good change.

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20 hours ago, QuietBiro said:

The Sonicor doesn't have self-damage. Use it with a Hall of Malevolence Mirage and you'll have the same fun. Adding self-damage to the Tonkor was the right thing to do. It was too powerful. It had earned its name as the Noob Tube. Now it's a fun weapon that doesn't make you seem like an absolute noob when you're using it. It's a good change.

Funny you mention sonicor because it's nerf only lasted one day before the DE fun police gave it back.

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