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Symbiotic Link - An Augment For Nidus (Warning: Cheesy OP-ness ahead)


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Sounds incredibly OP, but hear me out because it sounds awesome!

Symbiotic Link

  • If linked enemy has any aura-based abilities, their aura will become yours but their effects would be on a smaller scale for balancing (lol) purposes. (Example: Linking with Arson Eximus will give you their fire debuff aura that affect enemies. Linking with Guardian Eximus will periodically restores shields, Parasitic will prevent units from using special powers, Leech will give lifesteal, etc.)
  • If allowed, by holding down the key which Parasitic Link is assigned to, you can expend 5 mutation stacks to trigger that Eximus' units special ability (Example: If linked with Arson, Nidus will unleash the fire wave from himself. If linked with Arctic, create snow globe around Nidus, etc)
  • If linked with a teammate, they gain Nidus' health regen alongside with the power strength increment.

That'll be all, bai.

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Neat idea. I'd like to get auras from Eximi.

But for balance purposes , I'd limit them as ;

- Arson : Heat Resistance 

- Arctic : Cold Resistance

- Shock : Electric Resistance

- Venomous : Toxin Resistance

- Leech / Sanguine : Health Regen 

- Energy Leech / Parasitic : Energy Regen

- Guardian : Shield Regen

- Blitz : Knockdown Resistance

( All affects allies )

Nidus already has too much power , guess these auras could turn him to a good support too :D



Edited by Aeon94
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54 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

Neat idea. I'd like to get auras from Eximi.

But for balance purposes , I'd limit them as ;

- Arson : Heat Resistance 

- Arctic : Cold Resistance

- Shock : Electric Resistance

- Venomous : Toxin Resistance

- Leech / Sanguine : Health Regen 

- Energy Leech / Parasitic : Energy Regen

- Guardian : Shield Regen

- Blitz : Knockdown Resistance

( All affects allies )

Nidus already has too much power , guess these auras could turn him to a good support too :D



It'd be great if you can use their abilities in exchange for Mutation Stacks, I miss using that Radial Smash (Rhino's old ability before Roar)

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