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Sick Of Rushers?


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courtesy is dead.

rushers don't even kill stuff, just left a blob of mess behind for the others to deal with.

in a co-op game, i'm sticking to where the majority is. when people want to do it fast i follow suit, but most of the time it's not the case.

if rushers can just stroll through the mission, there's no need to join an online session and fart over the 3 others. playing alone gets you the same result, really.

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I tried looking for a clan on there, after I found the 5th topic where I might've actually considered joining and found they were ALSO full like the previous 4 I decided not to even bother with it. So I joined some random clan in the game, dojo's pretty big, there's a good 5 to 10 people online most of the time and yet outside of the leader so far I've managed to get one reply to the countless messages I've typed in that chat.


I don't see why anybody would want to join a clan for anything except the research.

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I tried looking for a clan on there, after I found the 5th topic where I might've actually considered joining and found they were ALSO full like the previous 4 I decided not to even bother with it. So I joined some random clan in the game, dojo's pretty big, there's a good 5 to 10 people online most of the time and yet outside of the leader so far I've managed to get one reply to the countless messages I've typed in that chat.


I don't see why anybody would want to join a clan for anything except the research.

Clans tend to be that way

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A fix for people not being able to fight the boss as a group and all recieving the prize is to make the bosses like the jackal. YOU CAN NOT FIGHT THE BOSS UNTIL EVERYONE IS THERE. Of course have the boss start when one person is there when you are doing it solo.

There would really be no point in rushing then if it was like that.

If everyone was able to cooperate and be ok to wait a little in the fossa mission... Why can't it be done on all bosses?

Again. Make it so bosses will not start fighting until everyone is present.

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While this is true, DE is on the side of rushing = bad. They don't want people to sprint through the missions, however it is up to DE to find a way to give an incentive to not rush.


Well yea, they put hours and hours. Correction - Days and days into making those gorgeous tile sets.


They ofcourse wants you to enjoy it, sight see it. Instead of just flashing through it and be like. Whuuuut?

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Also if people want to rush back to extraction they should have a choice at the end to leave without waiting for others.


The way it is now. Rusher(s) rush to the boss, kills it, rushes back to extraction, and either starts the clock, or tells everyone to hurry up you're too slow. blah blah blah.

The way it would be after my suggestions.

Rusher(s) rush to the boss. Has to wait to fight it. Other players get to the boss. Fight begins, boss dies, everyone's happy. Rusher(s) rushes back to extraction. Has an option to leave finished mission, chooses yes, and leaves without forcing others out who want to kill everything on the way back. Everyone's happy.

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Well yea, they put hours and hours. Correction - Days and days into making those gorgeous tile sets.


They ofcourse wants you to enjoy it, sight see it. Instead of just flashing through it and be like. Whuuuut?

No, that's part of it, but they also want people to fight enemies, not just sprint past them, and keep on going. It's nice they make good looking tile sets, but it's a practical problem, not one where they want to make you look at their art.

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One, do stop insulting people for a different playstyle than yours, and two DE sides with the "slugs" on this matter. They're working (hopefully) to make it worth it to not rush. Not sure how they're gonna do this with bosses and BPs, but hopefully they will figure something out.

-1, if you can kill a boss and rush it, why not go solo and NOT ruin other people's experience?


Wiki says BP drops are reduced in Solo.  My attempts at farming them solo would appear to corroborate this.

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It's simple. Both extremes need to pull their heads out of their asses.

"Rushers" need to kill crap they encounter *AND SHOOT THE DAMN CAMERAS. Leaving behind alerted cameras only slows down your team even further when they are forced to glitch thru the lasers because you set off a camera a room ahead of everybody. "Explorers" need to stay on path as they do their exploring. Don't run past mobs leaving massive groups for your team mate to encounter. Don't run the opposite way searching every nook and cranny. If your in a fast frame you can afford to hit side-rooms. If your in a slow frame - make some sacrifices. Open boxes on route, but keep moving.

Again - this goes to the extreme. There are fast, efficient players - who clear the rooms & open boxes as they go. Of course these guys usually aren't too far ahead & the rest of the team can typically keep up. Same w the efficient explorers - using fast frames so they can get as much loot as they can catch up for the next fight.

Sadly, there are still far too many on the extreme ends. When I see somebody go down far ahead or behind us - I won't rush to go revive them. They aren't offering team work, so why give it to them? I expect he same for myself - tho honestly this is how i operate so only time I really fall behind is when I get stuck or lost in a new tile. I clear rooms as I go so if I manage to get ahead of my team it's never more than a room and ill wait before moving forward.

All these rushers must be kids who've never gotten laid! First couple times they "rush" to finish without considation they'll find their girls will be going elsewhere for somebody who is interested in team work.

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I rush and explore depending on what I'm after, rush for BP's explore for materials xp and credits. I also exclusively play pugs and often end up hosting, my solution .... I let people know when they join what I'm doing they can decide to participate or not, The majority of the time im thanked for letting them know and they stick around and rush or explore with me. In conclusion with a little communication you can have the game experience your after without a clan :)  

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There's: rushing - fast paced - slow paced - dawdling around


I'm equally sick of guys who rush ahead with a max speed loadout (great idea on mobile defence),

AND people who fall back a few miles when I'm clearing rooms with rhino at walking speed.


I usually check mastery levels/hp of my team to estimate what's going to happen in the next few minutes.

If i end up with new players i'll take a slow approach, they most likely don't know their way around the tilesets and might need a revive.

In the end it'll speed things up and it's just a better gaming experience for everyone.

I even encourage them to look for stuff (you'll want that ferrite when a bp asks you for 5k).


If i happen to do a boss run I'm prepared to get there as fast as i can (with likeminded players) but i'll still take my time to check lockers/containers when they're just a few inches away.


I can understand why people rush bosses, it took me almost 50 runs to complete rhino and i was always happy when it took only a few minutes to be done with it. But there's no reason to do it all the time.

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It really as simple as finding a group that plays like you do!
I think small clans tend to support a much more comfortable gaming atmosphere in this regard.
Super-huge clans may as well be a public lobby.

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There really shouldn't be any expectations for precedent to be set, as far as playstyle is concerned. That's the game designers job.


And these things even happen in defense. You have people that go into hallways and 4-key-prime everything to death..away from the pod.. And one guy complains "ERMAGERD! KEEL DEM NERXT TEW DER PERD!"


Expect anything when you go into a pub. And don't expect people to play like you. If you're that dead-set into those expectations, one might need to join a clan of like minded individuals.


DE doesn't seem to be capable of compelling people to play in one universally understood way..and their efforts to do so are just crippling us from moving faster. Maybe that's why they made some resources even more scarce..to compel people into going slower.

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I think the definition of rusher need to be discussed. 


Rushers are those that kill everything in their way without waiting for others (be it they open box or not).


Those that don't even bother to kill anything are considered Leechers. Well they don't contribute do they?


Explorer on the other hand also have a different. Some Explorer don't even bother to kill enemies, they expect other players to do cover fight for them. 

Another type of Explorer is also a side grade of Leecher, they do nothing to help in completing the mission. All they do is opening boxes, crashing crates and well complain that you guys are rushing. 

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Honestly, if I'm going to explore that thoroughly, I go solo.


After all, if I'm making an effort to explore every nook and cranny, I'm going to do so and feel like a ninja doing it; without getting caught.

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