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Warframe Idea: Agilaz


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Name: Agilaz (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agilaz)


Origin: Agilaz is the proto-germanic name of William Tell, the famous archer who shot an apple from his son's head.


Frame Description:  Agilaz is a master sharpshooter, specializing in keeping enemies at a distance to effectively pick them off with impressive accuracy.  Agilaz's skill set specializes in setting traps to hurt and slow enemies down, preparing them for the killing shot.  Agilaz can also enter a state known as "The Calm" in which Agilaz's extreme focus and discipline allows them to easily target and fire at enemies as if they were moving in slow motion.  Pinning shots allow Agilaz to stop enemies in their tracks, dealing minimal, yet useful, damage.  Pinning shot is fantastic in combination with Caltrops, allowing damage to stack high on a single target for the cost of both abilities.  Finally, the Agilaz's specialty talent: Vector Arrow.  An arrow that targets and hunts down multiple enemies, changing its target, and angle of attack, after each enemy is hit.  One Vector Arrow is scary, multiple arrows are devastating.


Shields: 75

Armor: 10

Health: 100

Energy: 125

Sprint Speed: 1.2

4x =

1x --

1x Y

Aura Polarity: --



Caltrops: 25 Energy

-- Set a poisonous trap on the ground.  Any enemy that walks through it is hurt and slowed down.  Has a radius of 4 at all levels. Radius can be increased with Power Range (Stretch).  Damage is 25/50/75/100 (poison type) per each second the enemy is standing on the trap.  Damage can be increased with Power Strength (Focus).  Caltrops sits for 30 seconds, but can be increased by Power Duration (Continuity and Constitution).  Slow effect stacks with The Calm.  Multiple Caltrops can be dropped at any given time.


Pinned Shot: 25 Energy

-- Fires an arrow that pins the target in place for 2/2/4/4 seconds. Damage is 100/100/150/250 armor piercing.  Can be improved with Power Duration (Continuity and Constitution) and Power Strength (Focus).


The Calm: 50 Energy

-- All enemies are slowed significantly within a radius of 5/7/9/11 around Agilaz for 30 seconds at all levels.  Duration can be increased by Power Duration (Continuity and Constitution).  Radius can be increased by Power Range (Stretch).  Slow effects stack with Caltrops.


Vector Arrow: 100 Energy

-- Fire an arrow that deals armor piercing damage at a target.  Then, the arrow locates the nearest target within 4/6/8/8 metres  from the original target, dealing damage to them.  The arrow then locates the nearest enemy to that target, so on so forth (It is like a ranged Blade Storm that locates it's next enemy according to the last enemy's distance as opposed to the original target).  Damage is 500/600/700/800 and is affected by Power Strength (Focus).  The radius around each enemy from which the next target is selected from is affected by Power Range (Stretch).  The animation is much shorter than Blade Storm, allowing multiple Vector Arrows to be fired in succession, or Agilaz can start attacking with primary/secondary/melee weapons again while Vector Arrow continues to hunt down new targets.  Vector Arrow can hit a maximum of 5 targets at all levels, and can hit the same target multiple times, assuming there is a 2nd target to hit first (cannot hit the same target consecutively).


Example gameplay of Agilaz:

You are running a mobile defense mission and are guarding the artifact.  There are four total entry points for enemies, and two main open spaces on either side of the cryo.  You drop 2x Caltrops on top of each other to stack damage (2x Caltrops does not stack slow effect) on either side of the cryo.  Enemies run down and are slowed upon approaching the cryo, and you fire at the two spots.  The crowd becomes dense, but you have extra energy orbs now.  Launching two consecutive Vector Arrows, you help your team clear up any excess enemies approaching the cryo.  Rinse repeat.... uh oh!  A high level heavy has approached!  You quickly activate The Calm to slow it down, allowing you to take the time you need to empty a full clip into the heavy to help your team whittle it's health down.

Agilaz is the ninja that finds itself a vantage point and manipulates the battlefield from a distance  With a solid balance of DPS and utility.  Just remember it can get squishy in close quarters!  It's ideal melee weapons will also be distance for that reason, using Glaive and Kestrel frequently.


Recent Edits: Damage of Caltrops dropped significantly, and damage type changed to poison.  Slow effects from powers now stack.  Armor dropped to 10.

Edited by Ithloniel
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It's cool but how do the arrows come out??? Do they pop out of a wrist gun or the chest??? And 30 seconds for slow might be too much (OP). But the whole thing is a great idea, just some editing- I'd like to see what this warframe would look like If you have time :3

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This thread belongs in Fan Concepts.



I like a lot of this Warframe, but Caltrops will most likely not work out well at all with how the enemy AI is right now.


Yea, sorry.  Saw some other frame ideas posted in Warframe Feedback and didn't think it through beyond that.

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Idea is good, but I was thinking about Warframe EnergyShooter.

first skill caltrops can make too mutch damage 325 per seconds, you didn't mind how long this trap works if it's works for 4 second it will make 1300 damage o_O. It should be like throw 3 traps max 10 metres radius, forward, forward left side and forward right side. if any enemy will stay on the trap it will make enemy stop moving for 7 seconds (can shot) and deal 325 armor piercing damage. then it's ok.

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Caltrops doesn't have a time limit, so I assume you can only have so many active at once?


It is slightly too strong, IMO. Some sort of cap could be added to limit its power, such as damage instances per unit (only deals 4 instances per unit remaining inside, for example), overall damage instances (explained by caltrops breaking when enemy steps) or something like that.


Also, there is so little to be gained from maxing vector arrow that it would hardly be worth it. When increasing it to rank 1 and 2, you gain extra range and damage. By maxing it to 3, you only gain 100 extra damage, no extra range, and that costs an extra (polarized) mod point.


Beyond that, yeah, I guess it's a good idea. Strong warframe, solid and scaleable-ish skills, some synergy between them.

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Seems the biggest flaw was that caltrops was a bit rediculous. It now functions more like Tesla, and deals less damage.  Also, it's damage type has been changed to poison, so it can bypass shields.  Slow effects from the powers also stack, giving further power synergy.  I felt the armor was also too high, so I dropped it to 10.  This frame is not meant to be in the fray.


Example gameplay of Agilaz:

You are running a mobile defense mission and are guarding the artifact.  There are four total entry points for enemies, and two main open spaces on either side of the cryo.  You drop 2x Caltrops on top of each other to stack damage (2x Caltrops does not stack slow effect) on either side of the cryo.  Enemies run down and are slowed upon approaching the cryo, and you fire at the two spots.  The crowd becomes dense, but you have extra energy orbs now.  Launching two consecutive Vector Arrows, you help your team clear up any excess enemies approaching the cryo.  Rinse repeat.... uh oh!  A high level heavy has approached!  You quickly activate The Calm to slow it down, allowing you to take the time you need to empty a full clip into the heavy to help your team whittle it's health down.

Agilaz is the ninja that finds itself a vantage point and manipulates the battlefield from a distance  With a solid balance of DPS and utility.  Just remember it can get squishy in close quarters!  It's ideal melee weapons will also be distance for that reason, using Glaive and Kestrel frequently.

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If I would be someone of the DE-Team, being able to build a warframe... I would take notes or just copy & paste this.


Sounds like a fun warframe to play. I hope your idea gets preserved until the time when they consider to realize "community"-warframes (although I know that nova was already a big and right step into working out a warframe with the community).


Good job on thinking this trough.



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