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I'm Rushing? You're Just Slow.


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I see all of these threads bashing on people who speed through the missions. Why is that?

Is it really all that bad if I don't want to spend 45 minutes on a 10-minute mission just because you wanna kill everything that moves, open every locker, and break every box? What's wrong with spending your time efficiently? Did you really need those extra 200 credits from all of those lockers so bad that it was worth wasting enough time to run an entire other mission?

I'm not rushing. I'm a Rhino with the Thrak helmet. You're just wasting time.

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Some people are fast, some likes to take their time. And both are just fine. They just need to make it easier to team up with the type of players that suits you the best. Appearntly that's what they are working on.

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No, the 200 credits werent worth it, but the 200 Rubedo sure helped, sorry you missed it.

If I needed rubedo, I'd go farm for rubedo. I just want to get this mission over with so I can move on with my life.

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If I needed rubedo, I'd go farm for rubedo. I just want to get this mission over with so I can move on with my life.


Then play the mission solo, or with friends, if you play online, then you should be going at the same pace as the others that you joined up with.  Thats what I do, and let me tell you, im loving how many things im able to build with the amount of resources that I can pick up.

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I see all of these threads bashing on people who speed through the missions. Why is that?

Is it really all that bad if I don't want to spend 45 minutes on a 10-minute mission just because you wanna kill everything that moves, open every locker, and break every box? What's wrong with spending your time efficiently? Did you really need those extra 200 credits from all of those lockers so bad that it was worth wasting enough time to run an entire other mission?

I'm not rushing. I'm a Rhino with the Thrak helmet. You're just wasting time.

I level up my Braton mk1

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Complaints about complaints!


These threads contribute nothing at all, nobody cares and may be annoying.



inb4 lock

Because the general discussion forums are just bursting with meaty contribution and riveting mental stimulation. Right?

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Im not flaming but why dont you just solo the mission then?

Some of the higher missions just aren't easy to solo. I need the other guys so the enemies have other stuff to shoot at.

I don't FLY through the mission and leave everyone behind to fight the stuff without me. I just kill stuff on route to the objective, complete the objective, then kill stuff on route to extraction. Apparently that is too fast-paced for most of the random people I get paired with, though

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Some of the higher missions just aren't easy to solo. I need the other guys so the enemies have other stuff to shoot at.

I don't FLY through the mission and leave everyone behind to fight the stuff without me. I just kill stuff on route to the objective, complete the objective, then kill stuff on route to extraction. Apparently that is too fast-paced for most of the random people I get paired with, though

it is PLEASE do not press shift when u do mission with pugs also please check every corner and dead-end in the mission there might be another 15 rubedo :) you never know right.

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it is PLEASE do not press shift when u do mission with pugs also please check every corner and dead-end in the mission there might be another 15 rubedo :) you never know right.

That's how it feels. I'll be sitting at extraction for a good 5 minutes before even the second person shows up sometimes. We finished the objective like 8 minutes ago, what the hell are they even doing?

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If I needed rubedo, I'd go farm for rubedo. I just want to get this mission over with so I can move on with my life.

did it occur to you that they were farming? maybe you're the one doing it wrong. most missions arent rushed except for boss levels etc. Why? because most people have already completed the mission,those that go back are probably farming.


sounds like pansy rhino is at fault

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Impressive how the same posts about the same things appear on the forum again and again and again. I had completely forgot about the whole rushers vs explorers debate. But, hey, I can always count on the forum to remind me of these topics from time to time.

Just let it go people, DE is aware of this situation. Enough. No need to repeat the same discussions once more.

Edited by J.C.Santos
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