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DE -Please help new players not feel overwhelmed, and want to leave game after just a few hours of play. They are missing out on one of the best Gaming Experiences EVER!


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5 hours ago, NavyElk said:

Yes even in first year Warframe had over 7million Registered users.  And I am sure Millions have left do to this.

here is link from DE site even with nubmers on Warframe for Frist year:


March 18th 2013,  332,631 Registered Tenno
March 18th 2014, 7,818,888 Registered Tenno

So yes MILLIONS have been lost!

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On 10/13/2017 at 2:52 AM, (PS4)fullblast35 said:

What about the vets of the game, how did they make it to now?  

People with statements like this are missing the point here.

Yes did Vets make it past it? YES  They PUSHED through as did I the 2nd time back to game.  Again I had 100+ hours in game 4 years ago when I left and was completely lost.  Had friend that just power rushed me through stuff and never had a clue if they were not on I did not know what to do.  Why would you want new players to feel like this?

Do the Vets Love the game? YES probably

It's hand holding and todays gamers want everything so easy.  That is not the case, and  I am just saying there needs to be more taught to NEW PEOPLE in the beginging.  There is so much to take in, and its overwhelming and turns millions of registered players away from the game within a day of game play! and its SAD!  It does not need to happen.  DE could be such a bigger game if they just fix this. Which in the end is better for everyone, the Player base and DE money wise and reconition for what they are capable of doing for furture projects WARFRAME or NOT!

Why make people suffer through it just cause past Vets did.  Making the game more understandable in the begining changes nothing to the current Vets and will hurt them in no way!  It will not change anything for them except having more people to play with in future.

You watch even with all the new MEMBERs coming in for the PoE release this weekend, many will leave because of this very same issue I have posted about. The numbers will go way up which they have, on Thursday before release Steam Charts had Warframe listed with an all time high of 69k.  As of this morning all time high logged on is 121,377.  Of corse these are just Steam numbers. But even though Millions will downlaod and try over the next week or so with all the Hype from ads and Twitch, the numbers will fall off because many of them will LEAVE because they dont understand what to do.  If they have friends to help them through it they have a much higher chance of survival but if they dont, MOST NEW PLAYERS WILL LEAVE. again SAD!

The Streamers are saying that this is an amazing time to get into the game, and they are not wrong but new players will feel even more lost now than they did before PoE, you have now added even more Factions, add another set of missions Bounties, Mining, Fishing which is all great, but again THEY (the NEW PLAYER) will be Overwhelmed and not get past first few hours of play because they do not understand what is going on or where to go next.

BUT... POINT IS... How many more Vets would you have if people didnt leave after less then a days worth of play because of them feeling overwhelmed or lost?  How many people have missed this amazing gaming experienced because of the lack of direction in the begining of game?  Sure you cant keep them all, but to loose millions registered users like that, there is something wrong, and a huge part of that is stated here in this POST and could be corrected to help lessen that loss.

Edited by NavyElk
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I disagree with the notion that it's too much of stuff and that you get overwhelmed. To me as a new player, who just completed about 50 days, I don't think it's too much. You're looking at the perspective from midway back instead of from the beginning. If you've ever learnt how to play music then treating warframe as that makes it easier to understand. 


You see, in the beginning everything seems to be too hard and difficult. Chord arrangements, finger positioning, articulation,tuning your guitar. Every single thing feels daunting. Then some time has passed and you start to realize that those chords aren't hard, tuning your guitar is a piece of cake, you begin to appreciate your instrument and then it becomes easy. So then you start to take on new challenges, different chords, understanding the relationship between chords and how they can be harmonized. You may start finger tapping or maybe new tunings on the guitar,  you start your first steps in soloing. Eventually,  after enough time you're rocking out to metallica playing along instead of just imaging how to get there. 


That's warframe to me, you start and you progress your knowledge. You learn how to appreciate the game. Everything in the beginning doesn't make any sense but then it starts to click because you followed through with your curiosity. Then before you know it, you're rocking out with the "vets" instead of imaging how to get there. 

So why do I disagree? Warframe rewards perseverance, yes you could buy every single thing with platinum but what do you do? It's such a unique game because it didn't make it easier in the beginning, that's not how music works. You could go and buy yourself a les paul but what could you do with it? It's the reason why I keep playing and it's so addictive it's because it consistently rewards you for staying. I mean I'm only now beginning to understand the different elements within damage. I could only understand that from playing the game and understanding this "music". 


Sorry about any incorrect spelling or poor wording, typing on a phone and my fingers are a bit big.  So it's just annoying 

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On 10/12/2017 at 1:30 PM, AperoBeltaTwo said:

The problem is that the game is a huge pile of disjointed elements and mechanics that don't add app into a singular expierience. You have void here, index and rathuum there, conclave, raids, starchart, sorties, kuva and in front of this all THE GREAT WALL of the Solar Rails that halt your progression and force you to fulfill weird unintuitive goals that were randomly generated by (i assume) a bot. The game would be practically unplayable without Wiki and Youtube and DE don't seem to have any clue how to solve this problem. Well, it is a hard one, I'll give em that. I don't have a clear solution myself - I guess I'll think about it, if that offers you any solace. But I doubt anything will be done at this point. DE seem to be in the process of remaking the whole game AGAIN. So we're probably moving in the direction of only having the big maps like PoE away from the current Starchart system. 

DE need a lead designer with experience making games.

DE Excel at animation, mechanics...all the underlying systems and ideas, they've got those.

What they need, is someone to give it all coherence. Because their current team clearly cannot.

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)thec0median23 said:

I disagree with the notion that it's too much of stuff and that you get overwhelmed. To me as a new player, who just completed about 50 days, I don't think it's too much. You're looking at the perspective from midway back instead of from the beginning. If you've ever learnt how to play music then treating warframe as that makes it easier to understand. 


You see, in the beginning everything seems to be too hard and difficult. Chord arrangements, finger positioning, articulation,tuning your guitar. Every single thing feels daunting. Then some time has passed and you start to realize that those chords aren't hard, tuning your guitar is a piece of cake, you begin to appreciate your instrument and then it becomes easy. So then you start to take on new challenges, different chords, understanding the relationship between chords and how they can be harmonized. You may start finger tapping or maybe new tunings on the guitar,  you start your first steps in soloing. Eventually,  after enough time you're rocking out to metallica playing along instead of just imaging how to get there. 


That's warframe to me, you start and you progress your knowledge. You learn how to appreciate the game. Everything in the beginning doesn't make any sense but then it starts to click because you followed through with your curiosity. Then before you know it, you're rocking out with the "vets" instead of imaging how to get there. 

So why do I disagree? Warframe rewards perseverance, yes you could buy every single thing with platinum but what do you do? It's such a unique game because it didn't make it easier in the beginning, that's not how music works. You could go and buy yourself a les paul but what could you do with it? It's the reason why I keep playing and it's so addictive it's because it consistently rewards you for staying. I mean I'm only now beginning to understand the different elements within damage. I could only understand that from playing the game and understanding this "music". 


Sorry about any incorrect spelling or poor wording, typing on a phone and my fingers are a bit big.  So it's just annoying 

So I have to say I like your analogy.  But let me ask you this….

When learning to play your guitar did you learn it on your own?  Without ZERO GUIDANCE?
Did you take lessons? 
Did you buy a beginners book?
Did you watch videos? Purchased or on YouTube?
Did you have guidance on how to tune your guitar? You didn’t just figure it out on your own? 

So let’s go back to the beginning with a guitar…. Very first time you picked up your fiddle  if it was out of tune and you started messing with it and strummed along had a little fun and had ZERO GUIDANCE on how to do anything, from strumming, picking, cords, tuning, what notes are supposed to be on what strings? WOULD YOU STILL BE PLAYING?

Will some push through and figure it out or research on their own? Sure

Warframe’s beginning guidance is like here’s a Guitar, this one has 6 Strings, and those strings have notes to them. GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN!

Will some push through and figure it out or research on their own? Sure

BUT WHY make it so difficult for so many?  Don’t we want more people to play and experience the 2nd Dream and War Within which takes like 60-70hours of playing to get to? 
I am just saying there needs to be more guidance for new players. 

You know what no there doesn’t just leave it and watch millions of more Registered users come and go from the game! SAD.  Seems pointless to me to not help the new people understand more so they will want to stay and experience the game at its full potential and also making DE make more money.  Even if you never spend a dime on the Warframe personally, you will still need Platinum to purchase more frame slots or weapons slots and you can farm for items and trade with players to get your Plat but someone had to purchase it.( HELPS DE )

Anyways yes some will push through it, but it’s such a low percentage and I do not understand why people argue with the point that there is not enough guidance for the new player.  Not saying hold their hand all the way through the game just saying in the beginning there has to be more guidance, yes there are some tuturials (even though they are horrible for the most part) but no new player knows they exist in the Codex. 

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12 hours ago, NavyElk said:

So I have to say I like your analogy.  But let me ask you this….

When learning to play your guitar did you learn it on your own?  Without ZERO GUIDANCE?
Did you take lessons? 
Did you buy a beginners book?
Did you watch videos? Purchased or on YouTube?
Did you have guidance on how to tune your guitar? You didn’t just figure it out on your own? 

So let’s go back to the beginning with a guitar…. Very first time you picked up your fiddle  if it was out of tune and you started messing with it and strummed along had a little fun and had ZERO GUIDANCE on how to do anything, from strumming, picking, cords, tuning, what notes are supposed to be on what strings? WOULD YOU STILL BE PLAYING?

Will some push through and figure it out or research on their own? Sure

Warframe’s beginning guidance is like here’s a Guitar, this one has 6 Strings, and those strings have notes to them. GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN!

Will some push through and figure it out or research on their own? Sure

BUT WHY make it so difficult for so many?  Don’t we want more people to play and experience the 2nd Dream and War Within which takes like 60-70hours of playing to get to? 
I am just saying there needs to be more guidance for new players. 

You know what no there doesn’t just leave it and watch millions of more Registered users come and go from the game! SAD.  Seems pointless to me to not help the new people understand more so they will want to stay and experience the game at its full potential and also making DE make more money.  Even if you never spend a dime on the Warframe personally, you will still need Platinum to purchase more frame slots or weapons slots and you can farm for items and trade with players to get your Plat but someone had to purchase it.( HELPS DE )

Anyways yes some will push through it, but it’s such a low percentage and I do not understand why people argue with the point that there is not enough guidance for the new player.  Not saying hold their hand all the way through the game just saying in the beginning there has to be more guidance, yes there are some tuturials (even though they are horrible for the most part) but no new player knows they exist in the Codex. 

Well I did have guidance, I had a friend who taught me. I watched videos about music, I played with other people. The better I got the more I wanted to know. In the start everything seemed way too much but I had friends, I watched videos that explained something like scales, I read books and I practiced what I had learnt. Only once I put something into practice did I learn. I got to a point where I had to learn for myself and not, someone teach me every step of the way. It hindered my progress and hindered my knowledge. I could only play as well as someone taught me and I never made it my own.


The point about warframes guidance isn't terrible. It's why I said music. See, in music you can only go as far as you're willing to learn. If you're willing to learn then you reap the rewards. I had a few students a couple of years back and they didn't put in time and effort to learning and understanding their instrument. A big part of warframe is being curios and exploring. As I said before that I'm a new player, so the whole learning thing was something I experienced recently. So the tutorial is their and the first quest gives you a breakdown of what's what. After that you're good to go and free to make your own experience's. What I appericiate about this approach is that to understand the mechanics of the game and what to do is that you have to play the game. The game in my opionion has shown me enough that I can actually play the game and learn.



Just like in music, it takes time and dedication to getting to a point like the second dream and the war within. To reach a point of reward. I feel like the game rewards you for being active. The longer you play the greater the rewards are and to achieve that it's about learning. I think that part of why the game works so well with the second dream is that there is this underlying notion that you are growing and learning as the in game characters but thats a whole other discussion.



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