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Free Primes


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As most of you know, you can currently get Frost Prime, Some Prime, and Scindo prime absolutely free just by doing a few things online with twitch. Now I completely understand why DE may be doing this, but I do think it creates some problems in game. For example earlier today I saw a few players who hadn't even progressed past the MK-1 weapons, and yet they were sporting top of the line prime gear. I feel like giving players one of the best weapons in the game for free is a mistake because at that point there is a lot less incentive to progress far into the game, but I'm curious as to all of your opinions about it. How do you guys feel about the free primes? 

(Also idk how to link pictures so I just put it below)



Edited by cocoapebbles10
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Mods >>>> weapons. Bad weapons can be good with good mods and good weapons are bad with bad mods. Sure they have good weapons, but they have bad mods so it evens out. Besides, why does it matter? What's the difference between someone buying a prime access to get a prime and someone buying twitch prime to get a prime? 

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15 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

Mods >>>> weapons. Bad weapons can be good with good mods and good weapons are bad with bad mods. Sure they have good weapons, but they have bad mods so it evens out. Besides, why does it matter? What's the difference between someone buying a prime access to get a prime and someone buying twitch prime to get a prime? 

If you think about it though, it is a lot easier to get some decent mods than it is to get the Soma or Scindo primes. Also, I think buying prime access supports the game a bit more than linking your account with twitch.

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21 minutes ago, cocoapebbles10 said:

If you think about it though, it is a lot easier to get some decent mods than it is to get the Soma or Scindo primes.

It's really not.

For buying: Weapon sets are conveniently packaged together for sale by other players, and cost less overall than a set of good mods. If new and buying unranked mods, you need endo and credits to rank them up while building a weapon or two generally requires a fairly low amount of resources (with the exception of some newer weapons requiring alert-based material).

For farming: Some of the core mods only drop from alerts (time constraint) and challenge rooms (game knowledge/skill/teamwork requirement), and require a decent amount of endo and credits to level while weapon parts (assuming you have the relics) can be mindlessly farmed and generally require a low amount of resources. Secondary upside is that along the way you get other parts to be turned into plat or ducats making either buying relics or outright buying the weapon set easy.

Ranking up weapons can be done dirt poor and unoptimized in 1-2 runs, getting the credits and endo to level up a set of mods can't be done anywhere near as fast, and in almost all situations the mods are what give our gear it's power.

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I don't care that low MRs get good stuff early on. It means less carrying for me and I don't have to put in their work for them. 
Also Miser_able has a point, 

5 hours ago, Miser_able said:

Bad weapons can be good with good mods and good weapons are bad with bad mods. Sure they have good weapons, but they have bad mods so it evens out.

As a new player I never really wanted to leave my MK1-BO when starting because it did more damage than anything, but with new players they never have to leave their new weapons. 

"What about the people who spent plat on these things?!?!"

I understand why people would be mad about this. I spent 350 plat on frost prime then they released him LITERALLY the next week & I spent 60 on the soma. I learned 
not to care because if the low mastery ranks can carry their own weight then it's less work for me. 

It's not a bad idea. It'll keep players into the game and enjoy the plains without much work. 

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Getting Frost Prime probably kept me in the game because I had a frame to move to once I maxed Excal while I was grinding away at The Jackal. It's an excellent offer to aid player retention.

I don't think the Weapon bundle is as valuable, players need to level a bunch of weapons for mastery rank. Without good mods Soma Prime is just a high capacity bullet hose, but it's still a pretty good sweetener for newer players. Scindo Prime is, well, a heavy melee so the less said the better.

As said above though, better equipped newbies carry their weight better. This benefits everyone. It's unfortunate some lost out on their steady platinum income streams, but them's the breaks.

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I started playing warframe 100 days ago and got Frost prime for free. And i got the Soma Prime and Scindo Prime free this week. But i only use Frost to farm credits on Heiracon. He's great for defending, but apart from that i dont find him fun to use, and i tend to use other frames that ive unlocked. Nidus is probably my current fave.
I already have the Galatine prime, so im barely even gonna use the Scindo prime. Soma Prime is great though. I was surprised to see that as a Prime reward. Maybe the Braton Prime would have been a better option. Plus its the mods that make weapons and frame great, so they will still have to get the best mods to have the best versions of the rewards.
You have to remember these people are paying for Amazon Prime, so in a way they have also had to pay money to get those rewards.

Edited by (XB1)Deadly Moves
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I would not have as much of an issue with this if the items they gave out were not vaulted. 2ish years ago I had to pay out the a$$ for Frost, because you could not get it, and now that I have its parts farmed and ready to sell, it may as well be worth nothing... I Know those were my choices, but it just feels super lame. I would have less of an issue if it were something like Vauban Prime, who is still available to grind for, same goes for the weapons, why vaulted items?

And on top of that, it seems lame to allow new players prime stuff, theoretically Primes should be the end game items you can unlock after passing the Mastery of the standard game, the bling bling you need to put some time into. Saryn Prime is the obvious example here, it seems easy as to get her prime, but regular forces you through the Kela De Thaym BS for hours...

It'd be all in favour of a higher Mastery Lock for Prime items in general.

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