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Sawmen Really Didn't Need Shields.


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I'm gonna preface this by saying I am not opposed to elite sawmen or something for higher levelled areas.

But I'm farming Mprime tonight, with low levelled frames, weapons all that jazz because that's what I do when I need ferrite. I farm Mprime with Mprime level gear so the exp doesn't go to waste.


at least until I notice I'm being murdered. Sawmen have shields now. They didn't before. They used to have no armor, no health but they did a ton of damage and could get behind you really easily. I felt this was rather fair on their part. Now they have rather large shields and my weak weapons couldn't burn them down before they killed my weak frame.

DE, what is up with this?

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I noticed the shields too.


On Newbie frames, this can be rough as those sawmen really do a lot of damage.


But once you get past Mercury it isn't too bad.


I'm wondering if maybe they could make it <Lv10 sawmen have no shields and Lv10+ ones do? By then, nearly any weapon should be able to take em down in one hit with or without the shields.

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Taking out three sawmen rushing at you used to be 'tactical', because they swarm around, hit hard, and block your sight from the other Grineer closing in.


Now it's an absolute imperative to take them down, because THEY WILL EFF YOU UP.

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Use it as a motivation to find a way to kill them!



If you're a newbie on M Prime with an unmodded MK1, Lato, and Skana........ that might be a little hard.


I just took a Lv0 Saryn in and tested one out with my unmodded Vasto.


Took 3 headshots to kill one, with a 50 damage weapon. Well, I think the 2nd shot might not have been a headshot, but still. 150 damage to kill something on M Prime? Something that likes to swarm you and does High Damage?


That's a little much for someone in a Lv0-1 Mag or Loki with no Redirection or Vitality....

Edited by Xylia
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Use it as a motivation to find a way to kill them!

Except it isn't really. New players are just going to find it frustrating the nth time they get slaughtered by one coming behind them and there's nothing they can do because their rank 2 lato can't do nearly enough damage to take it down.

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it encourages players to learn early on that they have to remain mobile and gives a greater penalty for sitting behind cover at range.


Previously without the shields, even early game on my first time playing I learned that I could just stay in place and remove Sawmen from ever being a threat by shooting them 1-2 times with my pistol. And if one did manage to get close I just spammed melee button and was OK.

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it encourages players to learn early on that they have to remain mobile and gives a greater penalty for sitting behind cover at range.


Previously without the shields, even early game on my first time playing I learned that I could just stay in place and remove Sawmen from ever being a threat by shooting them 1-2 times with my pistol. And if one did manage to get close I just spammed melee button and was OK.


There's a difference between being taught to be mobile and then being chopped to bits in 3 seconds because there were 2-3 of them charging you (while you're taking Grakata fire at the same time) and they take 5-6 Lato Shots (or a whole clip from an MK1) to take down. And there's 2-3 of them.


And while you're killing those, more are spawning nearby.


I'm all for buffing these guys from how they were originally, but I think this is a little too much. If anything, they could have given them some light armor or something instead of shields.


With Shields.... you can't really sneak attack them anymore (you don't get the damage bonus Because they have shields), and the shields are a bit too strong IMO.


Once you get to Earth and have access to more stuff, well, that's different. You got cold mods, you've got weapons that'll still one-shot them, you have access to more stuff to help you.


On Mercury though...... yeah current Sawmen are a little much for someone who's only got unmodded MK1 and Lato.


EDIT: Oh, and OP, have fun getting into ~Lv4-5 areas where Shield Lancers start spawning. WHAM, get knocked down by a Shield Lancer. Then 2-3 Sawmen chop you to bits while you stand up. At least before you could get rid of them with a quick melee attack or two.....not now.

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There different types of sawmen.


Regular sawmen who shouldn't have shields if your talking about. Seems like DE added it.


Powerfist who does have shield and teleport with a prova trying to smack you.

Flameblade who even more bigger and stronger. Teleport as well with shields.


Guessing the light units are getting a boost abit. Putting some cyro rounds will eat it alive. ;)

Edited by M4sterofp4in
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There different types of sawmen.


Regular sawmen who shouldn't have shields if your talking about. Seems like DE added it.


Powerfist who does have shield and teleport with a prova trying to smack you.

Flameblade who even more bigger and stronger. Teleport as well with shields.


Guessing the light units are getting a boost abit. Putting some cyro rounds will eat it alive. ;)


How many newbies who freshly finished the Tutorial do you think have Cryo Rounds in their Rank0-2 MK1s?


I'm just curious here.


Lv2 Sawman on M Prime took 3 shots (two of them headshots) from a Vasto to kill. Vasto is a 50 damage weapon which is pretty powerful compared to most newbie guns. The Lato only does 24 (half of that) and MK1-Braton only does 16.


All three guns have very close to the same fire rate.


Vasto kills a Lv2 Sawman in 3 hits, which means it would take a Lato 6 hits (for ONE mob), and the MK1 would take 10+ shots.


For ONE mob that runs straight up to you and starts hacking away while other grineer are shooting at you.


Let's not forget Loki starts with 75 health and 75 shields. That's like.......3 hits from a sawman. Maybe 4, 5 if you were lucky not counting any grakata bullets you took in that time.


And don't go on about how Loki has awesome stuff to survive this, because.......at Rank0........ he has.....absolutely nothing.

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I noticed the new shields on sawmen while doing Fomorian on Venus just now. My heatsword can slice through a LANCER in one slash, but sawmen with their new shields at least take two slices. They essentially made the sawman, who is supposed to be a light melee unit, TANKIER than medium unit Lancers. Seriously, first they took away the SAWS of sawmen and then gave them cleavers while the Flameblades still have stunsticks, and now they give them shields that let them tank better than normal Lancers? Seriously, DE?

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