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A few humble views on grind, login and rewards in general


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Lately while reading the forums, I've noticed a trend, it's a lot of complaining about having to wait for things or put some effort in to getting good things and I figured I would air my voice on the opinion.

Daily login rewards. Complaining about this, to me it's just being spoiled and being ungreatful, imagine you could be playing a game with no daily login reward at all and no benefits for sticking with the game. Just stop and appreciate you're getting a daily login reward, honestly it's just crying for the sake of crying to complaint about it. I read suggestions on how to make Zenistar and Zenith available to newer players, and while I do believe the ideas themselves is good, I also believe making the login rewards available like that is a horrible idea. They're weapons for veterans, people who've stuck with the game, even if they've just done a daily login between content, they're still doing an active effort to get those weapons.

Rewards in general. I've spotted a few posts complaining about the twitch rewards and other rewards in general. Did anyone actually expect their rewards to be exclusively prime content and grind reducing rewards? Of course there's going to be a lot of pointless junk in there and of couse there's going to be rewards that doesn't matter at all, it's free stuff for doing basically nothing. Stop complaining and be happy about the things you got, for free! I see this as the voices of spoiled children expecting to be treated like royalty, sure it isn't very exciting getting 20 packages of fireworks, but you get Nitain Extract, color pallets, weapon blueprints and even prime gear, imagine veterans sitting here with a vaulted Vectis Prime and that thing is now dropping to some ungreatful player. Imagine those same players actually having to do anything to get anything, it must be horrible. I think that's as nice as I can put it, the only words I have for that kind of players isn't allowed due to guidelines for the forums. Just be ashamed of yourself.

The grind. While I agree on some of the items having either a too low drop chance (anything below 0.2% really) or some items just being flat out insanity (rivens), for the most part I do believe warframe is very well balanced in regards to drops. I've already made posts on rivens and drop chances, so I'll attempt not to make this post in to yet another balancing post, but it would be nice to have some sense of progression when it comes to rivens.

Mastery rank and mod leveling. While reading the forums I've also seen the occational post about how mastery rank is stupid and how mods shouldn't be something to be leveled. My response to this is: Master rank doesn't offer enough to be worth the time and mod leveling is bang on the money. If you take a game like warframe and remove the mod leveling, you end up with a game like Destiny 2, that within the month you got everything and any following drops doesn't matter and serve no purpose. If you don't like to grind and make progression with your items, warframe isn't for you and I'd suggest heading over to another game. I hear tic tac toe is great. Mastery Ranking is a nice way of showing how much progression you've made in the game, but I don't think it offers enough benefits or limits enough content in the game. I haven't seen any rivens above mr16 and I haven't seen any content locked higher than mr14. What does it matter getting to mr24 then? I see another oppotunity to reward players for grinding out the content, a way of making mastery matter. I'm not entirely sure what the rewards would be, color schemes or skins perhaps? Open to suggestions on this one.

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I totally agree with you. The one thing that bothers me the most is when people complain about not getting the mastery points for a couple weapons. (Like founder or login reward stuff) I'd rather them complain about not getting something fun like the new melee from login rewards than something that barely impacts them in any way. I even saw someone who said not being able to get these couple weapons was a progression stopper. Just... aghhhhhhhhhh. Where's the playing game for fun? Dx

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Agree. But this is also part of a larger issue in general i think. It's Modern life now, people want the world, but don't want to work for it. People expect a life to be given to them. Granted,to live this life is a god given right. But to have a life worth living, that's work that's down to us. But sadly this has transferred to the Modern gamer, not all, but a good percentage of it.

Besides, doesn't it feel good when you've worked your butt off for something. Knowing that you actually earned it!. But then there's the other side of the coin, the Elitists, who think just because they worked for something, why should someone else get it..and worse, for free. My answer is, I don't care. I still worked for mine. I didn't do it to show off or to brag, i did it for me. So good luck to those who got something free. They'll still have to work for other things and grind, put in the time...or quit.

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I really don't mind having to log in for 700 days to get all the milestone rewards tbh...and that's coming from someone with only ~55ish log-ins... If DE does their work right, the game will still be as interesting to me in 500 days as it is now, which will make me coming back and logging in...

The only thing I dislike tbh is that we can't choose the reward from the milestones ourselves... As a new player the primed mods would have a MUCH greater value / impact on me, so I'd definitely get them first. There's enough weapons in game that I haven't crafted yet or can't even use, because I'm only MR8...so they aren't THAT appealing to me currently...

By the time I reach 400-700 log-ins however, the weapons will seem much more appealing, since by that time you'd probably be at around MR 20 and would need tons of weapons for mastery alone...

So in short: To me it's not the time / log-ins needed to get the rewards that is a little off-putting, but rather the fact that the rewards aren't structured in a way that would help newer players out better...hope that makes sense...

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I don't understand why this conversation needs to become a condemnation of others "life philosophy". It's a login reward system and its merits can be discussed quite neatly without all this other nonsense. 

I simply believe that the system runs counter to the open design and freedom that helped to engender the strong feelings that see veterans consistently returning to the game. I'd prefer to see a switch to a seasonal login system so that a few missed days won't carry with you for the life of the game. 

Edited by JuicyPop
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rewards in general..

Credits - why do you get 5k credit reward from "end game" content when you get 20K just from killed enemies and you have alerts for 50K .. not even talking about that everyone has millions of credits and upgrading mod to max will cost you 2M anyway .. getting 30K+- wouldnt be such unbalanced boost and would look in the reward tab much better

Resources - why is "end game" content giving you resources from old world, why are you getting kuva, its not rare and you need some 14K to get every kuva item, it has its own farming system and alerts so why is there 1K kuva reward when its basically 1 kuva flood run ... there is some 30+- new resources (not counting stuff from fishing and metals from ore) and as a bonus there is Breath which you can get only from bounties in bundles of 5 .. why you cant get end game rewards from end game content, would it be that much problem to give, instead of useless morphics or 3k credits bundle, bundle of PoE resources, some ores, chance for 1 breath, gems some intestines so you dont have to spend time on boring fishing etc ..

Mods - I have 268 pressure points and I dont even know how many I trashed during my whole time in warframe, why am I getting bronze mod as a reward? Before you are even able to access PoE you will have this mod 50 times and use only 1 ... why is super hardcore rare boss Stalker/Shadow stalker dropping trash like Heavy impact, seriously noone is even using that, I have 198 of them ... yea I know, you cant put 5 primed mods into every loot table ..how many people here know about Apothic Specters or Antitoxins? those things are such trash aside from completionists noone is using them, and they are dropping mods, would it be that problem to make those mods, most of them are trash anyway, more accessible? who would mind stalker dropping Pistol Amp aura instead of heavy impact ...

Mastery - MR is one of the best warframe things .. you know like hunting eidolons so you can hunt eidolons ... you farm mastery only so you can increase your mastery rank .. only thing it serves is creating bunch of elitists who think they play better than you just because they have higher MR ... I agree with locking some progress on map with MR levels, so players have to learn some stuff before they are dropped into harder location, but aside from that you can be MR1 and have better gear and play better than someone with MR 30 .. this isnt WoW where ILvLs matter, this is warframe where you can get "end game" stuff like prime frames and weapons in first 2 days and thats basically where game ends .. I remember not having even MR 10 and I hade more prime weapons and frames than the regular ones ..


token system, was it completely forgotten or trashed? few years back when I stopped playing there were promises everywhere that the next after next season of sorties rewards we will get tokens .. well ..

Edited by meristu
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2 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

for the most part I do believe warframe is very well balanced in regards to drops

Rivens. Could have just stopped here.


Prime vault.


Ivara, equinox, mesa, nidus, harrow, gara.

Fishing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/79cirt/the_process_for_high_tier_fishing_doubledips_into/

What exactly do you feel 'is very well balanced in regards to drops', nano spores?

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9 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

Lately while reading the forums, I've noticed a trend, it's a lot of complaining about having to wait for things or put some effort in to getting good things and I figured I would air my voice on the opinion.

Daily login rewards. Complaining about this, to me it's just being spoiled and being ungreatful, imagine you could be playing a game with no daily login reward at all and no benefits for sticking with the game. Just stop and appreciate you're getting a daily login reward, honestly it's just crying for the sake of crying to complaint about it. I read suggestions on how to make Zenistar and Zenith available to newer players, and while I do believe the ideas themselves is good, I also believe making the login rewards available like that is a horrible idea. They're weapons for veterans, people who've stuck with the game, even if they've just done a daily login between content, they're still doing an active effort to get those weapons.

Rewards in general. I've spotted a few posts complaining about the twitch rewards and other rewards in general. Did anyone actually expect their rewards to be exclusively prime content and grind reducing rewards? Of course there's going to be a lot of pointless junk in there and of couse there's going to be rewards that doesn't matter at all, it's free stuff for doing basically nothing. Stop complaining and be happy about the things you got, for free! I see this as the voices of spoiled children expecting to be treated like royalty, sure it isn't very exciting getting 20 packages of fireworks, but you get Nitain Extract, color pallets, weapon blueprints and even prime gear, imagine veterans sitting here with a vaulted Vectis Prime and that thing is now dropping to some ungreatful player. Imagine those same players actually having to do anything to get anything, it must be horrible. I think that's as nice as I can put it, the only words I have for that kind of players isn't allowed due to guidelines for the forums. Just be ashamed of yourself.

The grind. While I agree on some of the items having either a too low drop chance (anything below 0.2% really) or some items just being flat out insanity (rivens), for the most part I do believe warframe is very well balanced in regards to drops. I've already made posts on rivens and drop chances, so I'll attempt not to make this post in to yet another balancing post, but it would be nice to have some sense of progression when it comes to rivens.

Mastery rank and mod leveling. While reading the forums I've also seen the occational post about how mastery rank is stupid and how mods shouldn't be something to be leveled. My response to this is: Master rank doesn't offer enough to be worth the time and mod leveling is bang on the money. If you take a game like warframe and remove the mod leveling, you end up with a game like Destiny 2, that within the month you got everything and any following drops doesn't matter and serve no purpose. If you don't like to grind and make progression with your items, warframe isn't for you and I'd suggest heading over to another game. I hear tic tac toe is great. Mastery Ranking is a nice way of showing how much progression you've made in the game, but I don't think it offers enough benefits or limits enough content in the game. I haven't seen any rivens above mr16 and I haven't seen any content locked higher than mr14. What does it matter getting to mr24 then? I see another oppotunity to reward players for grinding out the content, a way of making mastery matter. I'm not entirely sure what the rewards would be, color schemes or skins perhaps? Open to suggestions on this one.

You "noticed" some trends that weren't really there, then.

People aren't complaining about having to wait, they're complaining about an ever-increasing gap that is physically impossible to bridge.

People aren't complaining about having to put in effort to earn things, they're complaining that they WANT to be able to put in effort to earn things (but can't because of arbitrary barriers).


The people being spoiled are the people saying "I have it so the system is good how it is"


Honestly I think a lot of players would be happier without the login system.  The daily resources are junk nobody cares about, and the milestone count serves only as a reminder of how large the gap is which, again, physically cannot be bridged by any amount of effort.


These things aren't "veteran" rewards.  Real veterans are the people who were here before the system was introduced, and continue coming back to the game from time to time to check out the new updates and maybe drop some cash.  And these actual veterans WANT to put in an effort to earn these items.  People are just asking for a way to make that actually possible instead of "lolnope, you're stuck 2+ years behind on content forever."


I have no opinion on the Twitch thing, and haven't really seen the complaint posts you're talking about, just tons of screenshots of 500+ messages from people who expoited the system early in the event.  All I can say is I have an old Vectis Prime (is it really vaulted?) and do not mind at all seeing it used here.


Grind-related posts can vary in quality, yes.  But some of them make good points on the sheer insanity of certain time requirements.  We haven't forgotten the Hema and would still like to see that resolved (because it is still a problem).  We complained about the credit grind for maxing mods and they added The Index.  Pointing out holes where the grind is bigger than it should be is an important point of feedback, and adjustments can be made so that the whole game enters that well-balanced state you notice on many things.


Mastery functions mostly as a goalpost (tho it does make formaing weapons a lot more bearable).  It doesn't need insane benefits for players to strive for it.  As for leveling mods, the only complaint I've ever seen is about how high the cost of 10 rank mods is.  Which is not an unreasonable complaint, but again, sorties and Index have come in since then to help.  Now you can argue that leaving the costs so insane and catering towards them trivializes normal mod leveling, and I agree with that.  I remember collecting dupes and cores to level 3 or 5-rank mods and having a lot of fun watching my collection grow in power.  It's 10-rank mods that were always the outlier.  I'm glad to have them within the realm of possibility now, but between the introduction of the endo system and the rebalancing around making these possible, it really does feel like a big piece of the game was cut out and replaced with a more monotonous grind.

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On November 1, 2017 at 11:22 AM, Nyaa314 said:

Rivens. Could have just stopped here.


Prime vault.


Ivara, equinox, mesa, nidus, harrow, gara.

Fishing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/79cirt/the_process_for_high_tier_fishing_doubledips_into/

What exactly do you feel 'is very well balanced in regards to drops', nano spores?

The answer to that is in what you quoted me on in the first place: "For the most part". There's obviously some items that need tweaking, but in the majority of the cases, you're not lacking resources or items and they aren't too hard to get.

On November 1, 2017 at 10:49 AM, JuicyPop said:

I don't understand why this conversation needs to become a condemnation of others "life philosophy". It's a login reward system and its merits can be discussed quite neatly without all this other nonsense. 

I simply believe that the system runs counter to the open design and freedom that helped to engender the strong feelings that see veterans consistently returning to the game. I'd prefer to see a switch to a seasonal login system so that a few missed days won't carry with you for the life of the game. 

You get a login reward, be happy that you get one, you might not have. Why start crying about it and wanting to change it, just because someone else have a weapon and have logged in enough to get it, while you haven't? I am one of the players who would benefit from the new system, I don't care much for getting Zenith, I'd much rather have Primed Shred and I still think the change they're making is just because of crybabies and is completely out of order. If I had been DE I would have removed the login reward system and replied "It appears the login rewards aren't making our players happy, thus we're removing them. As they where intended to reward loyal players who return to this game often, they have never been up for changes and will never change, leaving us only the option to remove them. Any mods and weapons obtained from this system will not be introduced to the game in any other location". It's nothing but a bunch of impatient people crying about having to do some logging in to a game to get items, completely for free with an absolutely minimal amount of effort and now DE have to allocate resources to change that system instead of changing some of the drops that's a bit off.

On November 1, 2017 at 11:19 AM, meristu said:

rewards in general..

Credits - why do you get 5k credit reward from "end game" content when you get 20K just from killed enemies and you have alerts for 50K .. not even talking about that everyone has millions of credits and upgrading mod to max will cost you 2M anyway .. getting 30K+- wouldnt be such unbalanced boost and would look in the reward tab much better

Resources - why is "end game" content giving you resources from old world, why are you getting kuva, its not rare and you need some 14K to get every kuva item, it has its own farming system and alerts so why is there 1K kuva reward when its basically 1 kuva flood run ... there is some 30+- new resources (not counting stuff from fishing and metals from ore) and as a bonus there is Breath which you can get only from bounties in bundles of 5 .. why you cant get end game rewards from end game content, would it be that much problem to give, instead of useless morphics or 3k credits bundle, bundle of PoE resources, some ores, chance for 1 breath, gems some intestines so you dont have to spend time on boring fishing etc ..

Mods - I have 268 pressure points and I dont even know how many I trashed during my whole time in warframe, why am I getting bronze mod as a reward? Before you are even able to access PoE you will have this mod 50 times and use only 1 ... why is super hardcore rare boss Stalker/Shadow stalker dropping trash like Heavy impact, seriously noone is even using that, I have 198 of them ... yea I know, you cant put 5 primed mods into every loot table ..how many people here know about Apothic Specters or Antitoxins? those things are such trash aside from completionists noone is using them, and they are dropping mods, would it be that problem to make those mods, most of them are trash anyway, more accessible? who would mind stalker dropping Pistol Amp aura instead of heavy impact ...

Mastery - MR is one of the best warframe things .. you know like hunting eidolons so you can hunt eidolons ... you farm mastery only so you can increase your mastery rank .. only thing it serves is creating bunch of elitists who think they play better than you just because they have higher MR ... I agree with locking some progress on map with MR levels, so players have to learn some stuff before they are dropped into harder location, but aside from that you can be MR1 and have better gear and play better than someone with MR 30 .. this isnt WoW where ILvLs matter, this is warframe where you can get "end game" stuff like prime frames and weapons in first 2 days and thats basically where game ends .. I remember not having even MR 10 and I hade more prime weapons and frames than the regular ones ..


token system, was it completely forgotten or trashed? few years back when I stopped playing there were promises everywhere that the next after next season of sorties rewards we will get tokens .. well ..

In regards to Stalker/Shadow Stalker being a super hardcore rare boss, what does that make sortie? Mission impossible? In regards to your points about MR, yes it does have some unfortunate side effects in it's current system, but having no real benefit from mr other than a few more void traces, max daily syndicate standing and more mods available when leveling something up, there's no point to it. I welcome the changes to focus school about mr mattering and the soft cap, but I think there could be other things tied to it, not actually having to exclude lower mr from the powerhouse weapons, but still something that would make it really worth going for max mr rank. As for the tokens, I would love to have them, but with the introduction of the broken system of rivens, it's not going to happen because everyone would pick a riven, thus flooding the market with rivens and the forums with cries for more endo. Don't we already have the last or is it credits?

My point to this entire thread is: Yes there's aspects of the game that really sucks, but why do we as a community keep crying about the same thing and basically end up looking like a bunch of 3 year old children sitting and chanting "We want more free stuff, We want easier stuff", is warframe really too hard? Is there really no veteran in the game that's put in the grind and gotten the harder items? I'd say fix what's actually broken to the point of idiocracy (rivens, hema, mods with >0.1% drop chance which I could swear remember DE saying was a thing of the past, then going and adding more mods with a 0.02 drop chance).

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On 11/1/2017 at 2:18 AM, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

I also believe making the login rewards available like that is a horrible idea. They're weapons for veterans, people who've stuck with the game, even if they've just done a daily login between content, they're still doing an active effort to get those weapons.

You could complete the tutorial and never play another mission, log in every day, and get all of the login weapons. To use all 4 of the weapons only takes MR 6, certainly nowhere even close to "Vet" status. They aren't something for vets at all, they are toys for people that press a button every day. "Vets" complaining about this are being pathetic elitists. It will still take at least 100 days for a new player to get a one of the login weapons.

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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3 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

You could complete the tutorial and never play another mission, log in every day, and get all of the login weapons. They aren't something for vets at all, they are toys for people that press a button every day. "Vets" complaining about this are being pathetic elitists. It will still take at least 100 days for a new player to get a one of the login weapons.

The bigger issues that people ignore are


say a year from now, we get primed streamline, and then a new weapon that’s really good.


for the average person, they can login 3 times a week, so 150 times a year.


to get to a 1000 login item they would need nearly 10 years.....


thats quite literially making some items be unobtainable for most players, the login system was designed to be carrot on a stick, but it’s now moved so far along that it has the opposite effect and turns people away, to be an effective carrot on a stick element it needs to be reasonably obtainable.


i could delete my account and get to mr24 10 times over before I get the new sword and shield, there’s no incentive to login for most of us, which in turn defeats the system DE has put in place.


end of the day DE needs to encourage NEW players to want to do daily logins, sorry to say by vets are cared about the least as new players bring in more money for DE.

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1 minute ago, zornyan said:

The bigger issues that people ignore are


No one is ignoring that. Making the new items accessible in a reasonable amount of time is why this login system was changed in the first place, as DE specifically said. This gives players some choice, but the total time to get everything is still the same from what we know so far. Vets still loging in every day will be getting all their toys at the exact same rate, while new players have choice. If vets want choice then DE either need to add several new items to the tree when they swap over to the new system with each being their own path, or vets would just need to wait to log in for what adds up to a month and presto, they now have choices.

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2 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

No one is ignoring that. Making the new items accessible in a reasonable amount of time is why this login system was changed in the first place, as DE specifically said. This gives players some choice, but the total time to get everything is still the same from what we know so far. Vets still loging in every day will be getting all their toys at the exact same rate, while new players have choice. If vets want choice then DE either need to add several new items to the tree when they swap over to the new system with each being their own path, or vets would just need to wait to log in for what adds up to a month and presto, they now have choices.

Oh I agree on the new system, hopefully it means you can do say


day 150 zenith, day 200zenistar day 250 primed Vigor and so on


this would mean the “essentials” would be 300 days away instead of 700, leaving sigils etc till last.

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1 hour ago, zornyan said:

Oh I agree on the new system, hopefully it means you can do say


day 150 zenith, day 200zenistar day 250 primed Vigor and so on


this would mean the “essentials” would be 300 days away instead of 700, leaving sigils etc till last.

Sorry to burst your bubble, I went 400 days just fine without Primed Vigor, 300 days just fine without Zenistar, I'll go 600 days just fine without Primed Shred, they aren't essential at all, they're at best a quality of life improvement or a handy toy to have.

Another concern is how is the drop table going to evolve? Is it gonna be "poo, we're behind, which mod are we making primed? We gotta ship something" or is it going to have some thought? Primed Streamline to me seems like a bad choice to make, yes I would love to have it, but having any concerns about efficiency is going straight out the window then. How's the new weapons going to be made? As well made as Zenistar or is it going to be more Azima?

I still just see it as a bunch of crying spoiled children whining about the toys other people have and being ungreateful about having a login reward in the first place, if it's a huge problem getting 5 minutes to do your daily login, then perhaps it's a reflection of how full up your personal life is and perhaps a stress factor you need to work on. 5 minutes, seriously, if the game is important enough to cry about a login reward, then surely it's important enough to turn on your ps to get!

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

Sorry to burst your bubble, I went 400 days just fine without Primed Vigor, 300 days just fine without Zenistar, I'll go 600 days just fine without Primed Shred, they aren't essential at all, they're at best a quality of life improvement or a handy toy to have.

Another concern is how is the drop table going to evolve? Is it gonna be "poo, we're behind, which mod are we making primed? We gotta ship something" or is it going to have some thought? Primed Streamline to me seems like a bad choice to make, yes I would love to have it, but having any concerns about efficiency is going straight out the window then. How's the new weapons going to be made? As well made as Zenistar or is it going to be more Azima?

I still just see it as a bunch of crying spoiled children whining about the toys other people have and being ungreateful about having a login reward in the first place, if it's a huge problem getting 5 minutes to do your daily login, then perhaps it's a reflection of how full up your personal life is and perhaps a stress factor you need to work on. 5 minutes, seriously, if the game is important enough to cry about a login reward, then surely it's important enough to turn on your ps to get!

I was talking essentials as in physical items to collect and use as opposed to catalysts/sigil/Forma packs.


like has been said, the system from the start was flawed, what happens when we get 1000? Or 1400 day items? 


the “hardcore” players are the minority, DE needs to be able to attract casuals, who will play 2/3 days a week, a 700 day reward then turns into 6/7 years away and it only gets worse.


ive played for years, but because I have a job/family and generally a life I get 2/3 days to play Warframe, I’m currently at day 115 with the new login system (since everything got reset) , I’m mr24 and have a S#&amp;&#036; ton of play hours, but login rewards that are that many days away are literially unobtainable, the game will probably be gone before I can reach that.


but if with this new system I can get an item I want every 50 days instead of years apart, it makes a difference to me, and to any new player that’s getting into the game.


btw my life isn’t “stressful “ but when I go out with my wife for an evening after work I’m not sat there figuring out when I can turn my pc on for a login reward, if you’re that addicted to the game that it’s on your mind all the time then I suggest you seek some kind of councilling for your underlying issues

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12 hours ago, zornyan said:

I was talking essentials as in physical items to collect and use as opposed to catalysts/sigil/Forma packs.


like has been said, the system from the start was flawed, what happens when we get 1000? Or 1400 day items? 


the “hardcore” players are the minority, DE needs to be able to attract casuals, who will play 2/3 days a week, a 700 day reward then turns into 6/7 years away and it only gets worse.


ive played for years, but because I have a job/family and generally a life I get 2/3 days to play Warframe, I’m currently at day 115 with the new login system (since everything got reset) , I’m mr24 and have a S#&amp;&#036; ton of play hours, but login rewards that are that many days away are literially unobtainable, the game will probably be gone before I can reach that.


but if with this new system I can get an item I want every 50 days instead of years apart, it makes a difference to me, and to any new player that’s getting into the game.


btw my life isn’t “stressful “ but when I go out with my wife for an evening after work I’m not sat there figuring out when I can turn my pc on for a login reward, if you’re that addicted to the game that it’s on your mind all the time then I suggest you seek some kind of councilling for your underlying issues

The same thing happens as now, they add a weapon/mod for people who have gone that far and newer players know what's in store later on. 

And as for me seeking counciling, I don't think that's in any way appropriate to write in a, what's supposed to be, healthy debate. Go have fun with your wife by all means, but if the game is important enough to you to sit here and cry about, perhaps you should seek the counciling yourself if you feel you're being punished. It's a reward system specifically designed for logins, because believe it or not, those log ins help out DE. You're bumping the game up in the stats over daily unique players, possibly attracting more new players who see there's a lot of people playing this game every day, DE is rewarding you with this effort. You're making a choice of not turning on your pc, getting your daily login and turning it back off, something easily done before going to bed, if it's important enough to you. Stop crying about choices and accept it's on you to not take those 5 minutes for something clearly important to you.

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

The same thing happens as now, they add a weapon/mod for people who have gone that far and newer players know what's in store later on. 

And as for me seeking counciling, I don't think that's in any way appropriate to write in a, what's supposed to be, healthy debate. Go have fun with your wife by all means, but if the game is important enough to you to sit here and cry about, perhaps you should seek the counciling yourself if you feel you're being punished. It's a reward system specifically designed for logins, because believe it or not, those log ins help out DE. You're bumping the game up in the stats over daily unique players, possibly attracting more new players who see there's a lot of people playing this game every day, DE is rewarding you with this effort. You're making a choice of not turning on your pc, getting your daily login and turning it back off, something easily done before going to bed, if it's important enough to you. Stop crying about choices and accept it's on you to not take those 5 minutes for something clearly important to you.

I’m not the one crying, the system is being changed. It’s a handful of pissy vets that want their “status symbols”.


regardless I’m thankful for the new system as it will encourage new players even more.

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1 hour ago, zornyan said:

I’m not the one crying, the system is being changed. It’s a handful of pissy vets that want their “status symbols”.


regardless I’m thankful for the new system as it will encourage new players even more.

I don't really care about the status symbols, if some do that's another problem to deal with, but how about even further down the line, when casuals have no reason to log in between content, because they have what they want, the number of unique daily players is going to drop even further than it have been so far. How's that good for DE and Warframe?

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14 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

Sorry to burst your bubble, I went 400 days just fine without Primed Vigor, 300 days just fine without Zenistar, I'll go 600 days just fine without Primed Shred, they aren't essential at all, they're at best a quality of life improvement or a handy toy to have.

Another concern is how is the drop table going to evolve? Is it gonna be "poo, we're behind, which mod are we making primed? We gotta ship something" or is it going to have some thought? Primed Streamline to me seems like a bad choice to make, yes I would love to have it, but having any concerns about efficiency is going straight out the window then. How's the new weapons going to be made? As well made as Zenistar or is it going to be more Azima?

I still just see it as a bunch of crying spoiled children whining about the toys other people have and being ungreateful about having a login reward in the first place, if it's a huge problem getting 5 minutes to do your daily login, then perhaps it's a reflection of how full up your personal life is and perhaps a stress factor you need to work on. 5 minutes, seriously, if the game is important enough to cry about a login reward, then surely it's important enough to turn on your ps to get!

I really tire of the "crying spoiled children" moniker that keeps coming out of you. If you are unable to approach an opinion respectfully then you can't claim to be any better than your own labels. 

That being said, under the new system all players will still have to log in to claim rewards so I don't really see what your issue is with a simple QoL change? It's not as if the items in queue were set in terms of power or importance, it's practically random given the position of the Zenistar relative to the others. 

Edited by JuicyPop
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Just now, JuicyPop said:

I really tire of the "crying spoiled children" moniker that keeps coming out of you. If you are unable to approach an opinion respectfully then you can't claim to be any better than your own labels. 

That being said, under the new system all players will still have to log in to claim rewards so I don't really see what your issue is with a simple QoL change? It's not as if the items in queue were set in terms of power or importance, it's practically random given the position of the Zenistar relative to the others. 

It's the fact that we're getting stuff completely for free, useful stuff aswell, that developers now have to allocate development time to cater to impatient players who doesn't seem to understand that if they just play, they'll get it eventually and nothing in the reward list is going to make a significant change to the way you play. Instead of having the developers work on actual issues and bugs, they now have to sit and spend time changing a completely fine system, to suit players who just want to get everything now with minimal effort and no care for what the consequenses towards the game might be. DE is only 170-ish people strong, they don't have EA or Bungie resources to pour in to a game, so how about we let them focus on fixing things properly instead of bandaiding it (Corrosive Projection).

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

I don't really care about the status symbols, if some do that's another problem to deal with, but how about even further down the line, when casuals have no reason to log in between content, because they have what they want, the number of unique daily players is going to drop even further than it have been so far. How's that good for DE and Warframe?

Implying a daily played figure effects Warframe...what DE care about is ££££, new and casual players bringing their friends is what brings ££££.



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1 hour ago, zornyan said:

Implying a daily played figure effects Warframe...what DE care about is ££££, new and casual players bringing their friends is what brings ££££.



And if the play ratings drop to the bottom, do you think it's going to bring in a lot of new players and their "££££" (which should be $$$$ as Canada have dollars).

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